EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION REPORT ON HIGHER EDUCATION 2014/15 A.D. SYSTEM (2071/72 B.S.) NEPAL Published in 2016 by: UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISION Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal Post Box : 10796 Telephone : (977-1) 6638548, 6638549, 6638550 Fax : 977-1-6638552 E-mail :
[email protected] Website : Design : Surya Budhathoki (9841190718)
[email protected] Print at : Jugal Printers & Traders Anamnagar, Kathmandu Ph. : 01-4246729 Email :
[email protected] EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM / Report on Higher Education 2014/15 A.D. (2071/72 B.S.) FOREWORD igher Education Management Information System (H-EMIS) remains an important part for strengthening the capacity of higher education system. University Grants Commission has been pursuing the H-EMIS since 2007. HUGC has prepared and adopted a systematic framework for data collection. Managing data and publishing annual report is a regular activity of UGC. It is the eighth year of publication. Credible system of data/information management is one of the crucial activities for higher education reform and development. Since UGC initiated development and implementation of performance based public funding in higher education, it has become imperative to have the data reliable and verifiable. The government of Nepal has recently endorsed and started to implement the national higher education policy that has emphasized on its need for the development of better higher education management system (HEMIS). In addressing the needs, the Higher Education Reform Project (HERP 2015-2020), a national priority project for supporting implementation of the higher education policy aims to build a comprehensive and coordinated HEMIS extending from UGC to the universities and to their respective campuses that is open and accessible to all stakeholders including educational planers, researchers, critiques, faculties, and students.