Villanova's 1965 Who's Who I #1 «- 0Iiaii
Page 4 • THE VILLANOVAN • Dectmber 1, 1965 Villanova's 1965 Who's Who I #1 «- 0iiaii ^j I Vol. 41, No. 10 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY, VILLANOVA. PA. DECEMBER 6, 1965 'Cots Eye Big Sights in Hoop City Walter F. Spath Joseph S. Vetrano Dion W. Vondorlioth Morguorito J. Walsh / 3 Rumford St., West Hartford, 11 Hilicrest Drive, Pelham Manor, N.Y. 1143 80th St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 508 Prospect Ave., Ridgefield, N.J. Coon. Bachelor of Science in Bachelor of Science in Econoinics, Bachelor of Science in Biology Bachelor of /jts in English Nursing Marketing Women's Glee Club 2, President 3, 4 Delta Pi Mu 1, 2, Vice-President 3, Bosebdl 1, 2, 3, 4 Haveners 2, 3, 4 Gamma Phi 2, 3, Secretary 4 President 4 Basketball 1 Inter-fraternity Council 3, 4 Pi Sigma Epsilon 3, 4 Inter- Fraternity Boll Committee 3, 4 intramurol Sports 1, 2, 3, 4 Pi Theta Chi 1, 2, 3, 4 Sanctuary Society 1, 2, 3, 4 Spanish Club 2, 3 Nurses* Pinning Cojnmittee 2, 3 International Relations Society 2, Vice- Sophomore Spring Outing Committee President 3, President 4 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Marketing Society 1, 2, 3, 4 1, Society for the Aidvancement of Manage- WWVU Radio Stotion 1 ment 2 Intramural Sports 2, 3, 4 Nick Basca Committee 1 Who^s Who Additions Editor's Note: Duo to a mixup with the studio which tokos tho pictures for the BELLE AIR, not oil of the members of Who's Who could hove their pictures in* eluded in this special edition* We regret this unfortunate situation and opologixe* to those concerned.
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