Improving Trigram Language Modeling with the World Wide Web

Xiaojin Zhu Ronald Rosenfeld November 2000 CMU-CS-00-171

School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213


We propose a novel method for using the World Wide Web to acquire trigram estimates for statistical lan- guage modeling. We submit an N-gram as a phrase query to web search engines. The search engines return the number of web pages containing the phrase, from which the N-gram count is estimated. The N-gram counts are then used to form web-based trigram probability estimates. We discuss the properties of such estimates, and methods to interpolate them with traditional corpus based trigram estimates. We show that the interpolated models improve word error rate significantly over a small test set. Keywords: Language models, Speech recognition and synthesis, Web-based services 1 Introduction

A language model is a critical component for many applications, including speech recognition. Enormous effort has been spent on building and improving language models. Broadly speaking, this effort develops along two orthogonal directions: The first direction is to apply increasingly sophisticated estimation methods to a fixed training data set (corpus) to achieve better estimation. Examples include various interpolation and backoff schemes for smoothing, variable length N-grams, vocabulary clustering, decision trees, probabilistic context free grammar, maximum entropy models, etc [1]. We can view these methods as trying to “squeeze out” more benefit from a fixed corpus. The second direction is to acquire more training data. However, automatically collecting and incorporating new training data is non-trivial, and there has been relatively little research in this direction. Adaptive models are examples of the second direction. For instance, a cache language model uses recent utterances as additional training data to create better N-gram estimates. The recent rapid development of the World Wide Web (WWW) makes it an extremely large and valuable data source. Just-in-time language modeling [2] submits previous user utterances as queries to WWW search engines, and uses the retrieved web pages as unigram adaptation data. In this paper, we propose a novel method for using the WWW and its search engines to derive additional training data for N-gram language modeling, and show significant improvements in terms of speech recognition word error rate. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives the outline of our method, and discusses the relevant properties of the WWW and search engines. Section 3 investigates the problem of combining a traditional corpus with data from the web. Section 4 presents our experimental results. Finally Section 5 discusses both the potential and the limitations of our proposed method, and lists some possible extensions.

2 The WWW as trigram training data

pw jw w

  The basic problem in trigram language modeling is to estimate , i.e. the probability of a word

given the two words preceding it. This is typically done by smoothing the maximum likelihood estimate

cw w w


p w jw w


cw w


cw w w cw w w w w w w


with various methods, where  and are the counts of and in some

w w w

training data respectively. The main idea behind our method is to obtain the counts of  and

w w 

 as they appear on the WWW, to estimate

c w w w


p w jw w


c w w


p c w w


and combine web with the estimates from a traditional corpus (here and elsewhere, when ,

p w jw w

  we regard web as unavailable). Essentially, we are using the searchable web as additional training data for trigram language modeling. There are several questions to be addressed. First, how to obtain the counts from the web? What is the quality of these web estimates? How could they be used to improve language modeling? We will examine these questions in the following sections, in the context of N-best list rescoring for speech recognition.

2.1 Obtaining N-gram counts from the WWW

w w n

To obtain the count of an N-gram  from the web, we use the ‘exact phrase search’ function

w w n of web search engines. That is, we send  as a single quoted phrase query to a search engine. Ideally, we would like the search engine to report the phrase count, i.e. the total number of occurrences of

1 the phrase in all its indexed web pages. However in practice, most search engines only report the web page count, i.e. the number of web pages containing the phrase. Since one web page may contain one or more occurrence of the phrase, we need to estimate the phrase count from the web page count. Many web search engines claim they can perform exact phrase search. However, most of them seem to use an internal list to remove common words from a query phrase. An interesting test phrase is “to be or not to be”: Some search engines return totally irrelevant web pages for this query, since most, if not all, words are ignored. In addition, a few search engines perform so the query “she say” will return some web pages only containing “she says” or “she said”. Furthermore, some search engines report neither phrase counts nor web page counts. We experimented with a dozen popular search engines, and found three that meet our criteria: AltaVista [3] advanced search mode, Lycos [4], and FAST [5]  . They all report web page counts. One brute force method to get the phrase counts is to actually download all the web pages the search engine finds. However, queries of common words typically result in tens of thousands of web pages, and this method is clearly infeasible. Fortunately at the time of our experiment AltaVista had a simple search mode, which reported both the phrase count and the web page count for a query. Figure 1 shows the phrase count vs. web page count for 1200 queries. Trigram queries (phrases consisting of three consecutive words), queries and unigram queries are plotted separately. There are horizontal branches in the bigram and trigram plots that don’t make sense (more web pages than total phrase counts). We regard these as outliers due to idiosyncrasies of the search engine, and exclude them from further consideration. The three plots are largely log-linear. This prompted us to perform the following log-linear regression separately for trigrams,

, and unigrams:

c pg

 pg where c is the phrase count, and the web page count. Table 1 lists the coefficients. The three regression functions are also plotted in Figure 1. We assume these functions apply to other search engines as well. In the rest of the paper, all web N-gram counts are estimated by applying the corresponding regression function to the web page counts reported by search engines.

10 10 10 10 10 10 Unigram Bigram Trigram

5 5 5 10 10 10 phrase count

0 0 0 10 10 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 webpage number returned by search engines

Figure 1: Web phrase count vs. web page count

Our selection is admittedly incomplete. In addition, since search engines develop and change rapidly, all our comments are only valid during the period of this experiment.


  Unigram 2.427 1.019 Bigram 1.209 1.014 Trigram 1.174 1.025

Table 1: Coefficients of log-linear regression for estimating Web N-gram counts from Web page counts reported by search engines.

2.2 The quality of web estimates To investigate the quality of web estimates, we needed a baseline corpus for comparison. The baseline we used is a 103 million word Broadcast News corpus.

2.2.1 Web N-gram coverage The first experiment we ran was N-gram coverage test on unseen text. That is, we wanted to see how many N-grams in the test text are not on the web, and/or not in the baseline corpus. We were hoping to show that the web covers many more N-grams than the baseline corpus. Note that by ‘the web’ we mean the searchable portion of the web as indexed by the search engines we chose. The unseen news test text consisted of 24 randomly chosen sentences from 4 web news sources (CNN, ABC, Fox, BBC) and 6 categories (world, domestic, technology, health, entertainment, politics). All the sentences were selected from the day’s news stories, on the day the experiment was carried out. This was to make sure that the search engines hadn’t had the time to index the web pages containing these sentences. After the experiment was completed, we checked each sentence, and indeed none of them were found by the search engines yet. Therefore the test text is truly unseen to both the web search engines and the baseline corpus. (The test text is of written news style, which might be slightly different from the broadcast news style in the baseline corpus.) There are 327 unigram types (i.e. unique words), 462 bigram types and 453 trigram types in the test text. Table 2 lists the number of N-gram types not covered by the different search engines and the baseline corpus, respectively.

Unique Types Not Covered By AltaVista Lycos FAST Corpus Unigram 327 0 0 0 8 Bigram 462 4 5 5 68 Trigram 453 46 46 46 189

Table 2: Novel N-gram types in 24 news sentences

Clearly, the web’s coverage, under any of the search engines, is much better than that of the baseline corpus. It is also worth noting that for this test text, any N-gram not covered by the web was also not covered by the baseline corpus. In the next experiment, we focused on the trigrams in the test text to answer the question “if one ran-

domly picks a trigram from the test text, what’s the chance the trigram has appeared c times in the training data?” Figure 2 shows the comparison, with the training data being the baseline corpus and the web through

3 0.45

baseline corpus 0.4 AltaVista Lycos FAST





0.15 frequency−frequency



0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 frequency c

Figure 2: Empirical frequency-frequency plot the different search engines, respectively. This figure is also known as a “frequency-of-frequency” plot. Ac- cording to this figure, a trigram from the test text has more than 40% chance of being absent in the baseline corpus, and the chance goes down to about 10% on the web, regardless of the search engine. This is consis- tent with Table 2. Moreover, the trigram has a much larger chance in having a small count in the baseline corpus than on the web. Since small counts usually mean unreliable estimates, resorting to the web could be beneficial.

2.2.2 The effective size of the web Recently, Fienberg et al. [6] estimated the size of the indexable web as of 1997 to be close to 1 billion pages. The web grows exponentially, and as of this writing some search engines claim they have indexed more than 1 billion pages. We would like to estimate the effective size of the web as a language model training corpus. Let’s assume that the web and the baseline corpus are homogeneous (which is patently false, since the web has much more than news, but we will ignore this for the time being). Then the probability of a

particular N-gram appearing in the baseline corpus is the same as the probability that it appears on the web:

p p web cor pus N-gram N-gram

Since the probabilities can be approximated by their respective frequencies, we have

c c cor pus

N-gram web N-gram

j j j

jcorpus web j , from which we can estimate jweb , the size of the web in words. Note that it doesn’t matter if the N-gram is

a unigram, bigram or trigram, though N-grams with small counts are unreliable and should be excluded. In


our experiment, we considered all unigrams, bigrams and trigrams in the test text with cor pus . Each such N-gram will gave us an estimate, and we took the median of all these estimates for robustness. Table 3 gives our estimates of the size with different search engines. Some points to notice:

1. The ’effective web size’ estimates we obtained are very rough at best. Moreover, they are defined relative to the specific baseline corpus and specific test set we happened to choose. Therefore, Table 3 should not be used to rank the performance of individual search engines.

4 Effective size of the web AltaVista 108 billion words Lycos 79 billion words FAST 83 billion words

Table 3: The effective size of the web for language model training

2. This method tends to underestimate the web size. We assumed homogeneity, which in actuality does not hold. The test text comes from a news domain, and so does the baseline corpus. We used N- grams from the test text to estimate the web size, which gives rise to a selectional bias. Intuitively,

only “news terms” are in the test text. And since the corpus is in news domain, as a whole we have

p p web cor pus news terms news terms . This is what leads to underestimation.

2.2.3 Normalization of the web counts

An interesting sanity check is to see whether


c w w c w w w

web   web  



w w p w jw w

 web   holds for any bigram  . If this is true, the relative frequency estimation would

already be normalized, i.e.


p w jw w w w




w w w

Of course there are too many  combinations to verify this directly. Instead, we randomly

w w w

chose six  pairs from the baseline corpus. For each pair, we chose 2000 ’s according to the fol-

w w w w

  lowing heuristic: First, we selected words from a list of all ’s such that the trigram appeared

in the baseline corpus, sorted by decreasing frequency; If fewer than 2000 words were chosen that way, we

w w w

added words from a list of all ’s such that the bigram appeared in the baseline corpus, in decreas- w

ing frequency order; If this was still not enough, we added ’s according to their unigram frequencies. We w

expected this heuristic to give us a list of ’s that covers the majority of the conditional probability mass

w w  given history  . Table 4 shows web bigram count estimates obtained with FAST search, together with their respective cumulative web trigram count estimates as described above. Ideally, the ratio should be close to, but less than, 100%. It is evident from the table that the web counts are not perfectly normalized. The reasons are not entirely clear to us, but the fact that the N-gram counts are estimated from page counts is an obvious candidate. The web N-gram count estimates should therefore be used with caution.

2.2.4 The variance and bias of web trigram estimates As stated earlier, we are interested in estimating conditional trigram probabilities based on their relative

frequency on the web:

c w w w


p w jw w


c w w


p w jw w

  It would be informative to compare web to a traditional (corpus derived) trigram probability estimate.



w w c w w c w w w

 web   web  

 ratio w

2000 ’s about seventy 16498.3 14807.7 90% and there’s 662697.0 724870.0 109% group being 20248.4 16246.5 80% lewinsky after 1431.9 1631.7 114% two hundred 389949.0 457656.0 117% willy b. 1334.6 607.2 45%

Table 4: Sanity check: are web counts normalized?

8 10 AltaVista Lycos FAST 6 10

) 4 2 10 w 1 |w 3

2 (w

0 10 ) / p 2

w 0 1 10 |w 3 (w −2 10 web p

−4 10

−6 10 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 count of w w w in baseline corpus 1 2 3

Figure 3: Ratio of web trigram estimates to corpus trigram estimates LM

To this end, we created a baseline trigram language model  from the 103 million word baseline cor-

pus. We used modified Kneser-Ney smoothing [7] [8] which, according to [8], is one of the best smoothing LM

methods available. In building  , we discarded all singleton trigrams in the baseline corpus, a common

LM p 

practice to reduce language model size. We denote  ’s probability estimates by .

LM p w jw w p w jw w r


With  , we were able to compare with . We computed the ratio :

p w jw w


r w w w


p w jw w


r c w w w


between these two estimates. We expected to be more spread out (having larger variance) when cor pus

p w jw w


is small, since in this case  tends to be unreliable.

r w w w c w w


We computed  for every trigram in the test text, excluding those with .

r w w w c w w w

 cor pus  

We plot  vs. in Figure 3. We found that:

c w w w r


1. For trigrams with large cor pus , averages to about 1. Thus the web estimates are consistent LM

with  in this case.

r c w w w

  2. As we expected, the variance of is largest when cor pus =0, and decreases when it gets

large. Hence the ‘funnel’ shape.

c w w w r

  3. When cor pus is small, especially 0 and 1, is biased upward. This is of course good news, as it suggests that this is where the web estimates tend to improve on the corpus estimates.

6 4. All the search engines give similar results.

3 Combining web estimates with existing language model

In the previous section, we saw the potential of the web: it is huge, it has better trigram coverage, and its trigram estimates are largely consistent with the corpus-based estimates. Nevertheless, to query each and every N-gram on the web is infeasible. This prevents us from building a full fledged language model from the web via search engines. More over, Table 4 indicates that web estimates are not well normalized. In addition, the content of the web is heterogeneous and usually doesn’t coincide with our domain of interest.

Based on these considerations, we decided not to try to build an entire language model from the web. Rather, LM

we will start from a traditional language model  , and interpolate its least reliable trigram estimates with the appropriate estimates from the web. Unreliable trigram estimates, especially those involving backing off to lower order N-grams, have been shown to be correlated with increased speech recognition errors [9] [10]. By going to the much larger web

for reliable estimates, Our hope was to alleviate this problem. We used the trigram counts in the baseline

LM p w jw w

   corpus as a heuristic to decide the reliability of trigram estimates in  . A trigram estimate

is deemed unreliable, if

c w w w

cor pus  

where , the ‘reliability threshold’, is a predetermined small positive integer, e.g. 1. Admittedly this defini- tion of unreliable estimates is biased. Even with this definition, there are still too many unreliable trigram estimates to query the web for. Since we were interested in N-best list rescoring, we further restricted the queries to those unreliable trigrams that

appeared in the particular N-best list being processed. This greatly reduces the number of web queries at the

U w

price of some further bias. Let w be the set of words that have unreliable trigram estimates with history

w w 

 in the current N-best list, i.e.

w w c w w


 N-best (1)

U fw jw w w c w w w g

w   cor pus  

w N-best

c w w uu U c w w p ujw w

  w w web   web  

We obtain web and via search engines, and compute ,

the web relative frequency estimates, from these web counts.

p ujw w p ujw w p ujw w


Let  denote the final interpolated estimates, which combine and .

p ujw w p ujw w


We would like to have a tunable parameter so that on one extreme  , while on

p ujw w p ujw w

 web   the other extreme  . We now present three different methods for doing this.

3.1 Exponential Models with Gaussian Priors

We define a set of binary functions, or ‘features’, as follows:

u w


f w

w w u


w w u U w w

 w w  

for all  in the N-best list. Next, for any given , we define a conditional exponential

model p with these features:


p w jw w





p w jw w exp f w

   u w w u


Z w w

w w


p LM Z

 w w

where  is the estimate provided by , ’s are parameters to be optimized, and is a normalization

 factor. This model has exactly the same form as a conventional Maximum Entropy / Minimum Discrim-

inative Information (ME/MDI) model [11] [12]. Let denote the set of parameters. If we maximize the

likelihood of the web counts:


c w w w


L p w jw w



w w w

  with the standard Generalized Iterative Scaling algorithm (GIS) [13], we get the ME/MDI solution that

satisfies the following constraints:

p ujw w p ujw w




c w w u


w wu U

w w

c w w


This corresponds to one extreme of the interpolation. But since we want to control the degree of interpola-

tion, we introduce a Gaussian prior with mean 0 and variance over :




p exp


And instead of seeking the maximum likelihood solution, we seek the maximum a posteriori (MAP) solution

that maximizes

L p

This can be done by slightly modifying the GIS algorithm, as described in [14].

With this Gaussian prior, we can control the degree of interpolation by choosing the value of


. acts as a tuning parameter: If , the Gaussian prior is flat and has virtually no


restriction on the values of the ’s. Thus the ’s can reach their ME/MDI solutions, and hence reaches


one extreme as in (3). On the other hand if , the Gaussian prior forces ’s to be close to the

p p

mean, which is 0. From (2) we know in this case  . This corresponds to the other extreme of the



interpolation. A between 0 and results in an intermediate distribution. E For the purpose of comparison, we experimented with two other interpolation methods, which are easy to implement but may be theoretically less well motivated: linear interpolation and geometric interpolation.

3.2 Linear Interpolation

In linear interpolation, we have

p w jw w




p w jw w p w jw w


w U

w w



 p ujw w 



w w


p w jw w


p ujw w  



w w

, otherwise

p p p

In this case, is the tuning parameter. If ,  .If , satisfies (3). An in


between results in an intermediate p . L

8 3.3 Geometric Interpolation

In geometric interpolation, we have

p w jw w




c w w w 



p w jw w


c w w jV j


w U

w w



 p ujw w 



w w


p w jw w


 p ujw w 



w w

 , otherwise

Note that here we have to smooth the web estimates to avoid zeros (which is not a problem in the previous

two methods). To do this, we simply add a small positive value to the web counts. This is known as

additive smoothing [8]. The value of is determined to minimize the perplexity with . Once is

p p p

chosen it is fixed, and we tune . is the interpolation parameter. If ,  .If ,



satisfies the smoothed web estimates. A in between results in an intermediate . G

4 Experimental Result

We randomly selected 200 utterance segments from the TREC-7 Spoken Document Retrieval track data [15]

as our test set for this experiment. For each utterance we have its correct transcript and an N-best list with N , i.e. 1000 decoding hypotheses. We performed N-best list rescoring to measure the word error

rate (WER) improvement, and computed the perplexity of the transcript. Note that the test set is relatively small and N is not very deep, since we wanted to limit the number of web queries to within a practical range.

4.1 Word Error Rate LM

If we rescore the N-best lists with  and pick the top hypotheses, the WER is 33.45%. This is our baseline WER. The oracle WER, i.e. if we were able to pick the least errorful hypothesis among the 1000

for each N-best list, is 25.26%. Of course we cannot achieve the oracle WER, but it indicates there is room LM

for improvement over  . Since each utterance has 1000 hypotheses in the N-best list, the total number of trigrams is very large. Table 5 lists the number of trigram tokens (occurrences) and types (unique ones) in all the N-best lists com- bined, together with the percentage of unreliable trigram types and tokens as determined by the reliability

threshold . Note that trigrams containing start-of-sentence or end-of-sentence (commonly designated by s

s and ) are excluded from the table, since they can’t be queried from the web. For each N-best

list, we queried the unreliable trigrams (and associated bigrams) in the list, from which we computed p with the three different interpolation methods. We then used p to rescore the N-best list, and calculated the

WER of the top hypothesis after rescoring. First, we set the reliability threshold , i.e. we regard only those trigrams that never occur in the baseline corpus as unreliable. Figure 4(a) shows the WER with exponential models and Gaussian priors.

The three curves stand for different search engines, which turn out to be very similar. The horizontal dashed

line is the baseline WER. As predicted, when the variance of the Gaussian prior (the left side

p p

of the figure), converges to  and the WER converges to the baseline WER. On the other hand when


, the estimates of the unreliable trigrams come solely from the web. Such estimates seem inferior

9 trigram total reliability threshold 0 1 2 3 4 5 tokens 5,311,303 2,002,530 2,310,416 2,496,312 2,650,340 2,772,500 2,889,348 37.7% 43.5% 47.0% 49.9% 52.2% 54.4% types 57,107 36,190 39,059 40,893 42,158 43,110 43,863 63.4% 68.4% 71.6% 73.8% 75.5% 76.8%

Table 5: Number of unreliable trigrams in the N-best lists

(a) Exponential Models (b) Linear Interpolation 0.336 0.336

0.334 0.334

0.332 0.332

0.33 0.33 WER WER 0.328 0.328

0.326 AltaVista 0.326 Lycos

0.324 FAST 0.324

−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 σ2 α

(c) Geometric Interpolation (d) Reliability Threshold 0.336 0.336

0.334 0.334

0.332 0.332

0.33 0.33 WER WER 0.328 0.328

0.326 0.326

0.324 0.324

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 β τ

Figure 4: Word Error Rates of web-improved language models as function of the smoothing parameter for several different interpolation schemes, based on N-best rescoring


and the model has higher WER than the baseline. Between these two extremes, WER reaches minimum

 (32.53% with AltaVista) around .

Figure 4(b) is the WER with linear interpolation. Again, the minimum WER 32.56% is reached between

the two extremes at by AltaVista.

To use geometric interpolation, we needed to choose a value for first. We chose because this

minimized the perplexity when . Next we vary while keeping fixed, and plotted the WER of the

interpolated model in Figure 4(c). As with the previous interpolation methods, the WER reaches minimum

when the interpolation factor is near the middle. The minimum is 32.69% when with FAST.

Next, we adjusted the reliability threshold and observe its effect on WER. The interpolation method

used here is the exponential model with Gaussian prior and . We varied from 0 to 5. With larger threshold, more trigrams are regarded as unreliable, and hence more web queries had to be issued. As

shown in Figure 4(d), there is a slight but definite improvement in WER when we increase from 0 to 1.

For example, The WER with and AltaVista is 32.45%. Further increment results in about the same LM

WER, averaged over search engines. Note that  , the language model we are incorporating web estimate

into, was built after excluding all singleton trigrams in the corpus. This may explain why is better LM

since trigrams with counts 0 or 1 in the corpus are indeed unreliable: in  they must backoff to bigram or unigram.

To analyze the source of improvement, we broke down the WER according to the trigram backoff modes

LM w i

in  . First, we marked each word in the transcript with one of several labels, using the following rules:

w w w w w w LM w

 i i i i i  i

Let i and be the two words preceding . If the trigram exists in , label

LM w w w

i i i

as ‘3’. Otherwise if the trigram doesn’t exist in  , but the bigram does, label as ’3-2’,

LM w LM w

i  i

meaning  has to backoff to the bigram for . If the bigram doesn’t exist in either, label as LM

’3-2-1’ since  has to backoff to the unigram. In the second step, we compared the transcript with the p

top hypotheses after rescoring the N-best lists with  . Each word in the transcript obtains a second label of either “correct” or “wrong” depending on whether the word is correct in the corresponding top hypothesis. We then collect the percentage of correct words within categories ‘3’, ‘3-2’ and ‘3-2-1’ respectively. In the

third step we repeated the second step, except that the top hypotheses are now obtained by rescoring the

N-best lists with p , where , , and the search engine is AltaVista. We compare the percentage E

of errors in step 2 and step 3 in Table 6. Note that insertion errors are not counted in our error break down.

p p

Not surprisingly, the ‘3-2-1’ category has the highest error rate for both  and , since the words in this E

category are the hardest from the language model’s point of view. The ‘3-2’ category has lower error rate,

and ‘3’ has the lowest. The interpolated language model p improves error rate for all three categories,


p LM  compared to  . The largest improvement is in the ‘3-2-1’ category, which suggests the web helps most with the hardest cases. It is not clear though why the ‘3-2’ category is not improved as much.

error rate

p p

category words  E 3 3480 23.3% 22.8% 3-2 2236 30.7% 30.1%

3-2-1 479 50.1% 46.1% LM

Table 6: Error break down by  backoff mode


4.2 Approximate Perplexity LM

There are 6195 words in the transcript. The baseline perplexity of the transcript with  is 196.7. We

wanted to compute the perplexity of the transcript with different interpolated language models. We define

U w

w in (1) based on the transcript. However this introduces a subtle bias: the interpolated models now

 depend on the transcript. In other words, we are dynamically choosing models according to the words we will be predicting. The resulting scores are therefore not strictly interpretable as probabilities. For this reason we consider the perplexities we get on the transcript to be approximate only. We still report these values in this section because we believe that the distortion is not too severe, and the approximation still provides useful insight into the true perplexity of web-improved language models. Note that, although the same kind of bias exists in WER computation, it doesn’t diminish the validity of the WER improvement we

get there, since in classification it is not the particular probability value but the ranking that matters. Figure 5(aÐc) compares different interpolation methods when the reliability threshold . There are

2274 unique unreliable trigrams in the transcript. We submitted them (and the corresponding bigrams) as

queries to the search engines, and computed p with the three different interpolation methods described in the last sections respectively. From p we computed the approximate perplexities.

Figure 5(a) shows the approximate perplexity with the exponential model and a Gaussian prior. Like the

WER in Figure 4(a), the approximate perplexity converges to the baseline when the Gaussian prior .

The approximate perplexity worsens when . The best value 156.9 is achieved by FAST also

 between these two extremes at . Again, different search engines are similar.

Figure 5(b) is the approximate perplexity with linear interpolation. It is also similar to the WER in

Figure 4(b). The minimum 156.2 is reached by FAST at .

Figure 5(c) shows the approximate perplexity with geometric interpolation and . As with the

previous interpolation methods, the approximate perplexity converges to the baseline when and is

worse when . But unlike the other methods, approximate perplexity seems to be always worse than

the baseline, and increases monotonically with .

Figure 5(d) compares the effect of the reliability threshold on the approximate perplexity. As in

 Figure 4(d), the interpolation method used is exponential model with Gaussian prior and . Again we

see improvement when we increase from 0 to 1. For example, FAST’s approximate perplexity goes down to 147.5. We believed this can be explained similarly to Figure 4(d).

5 Discussions

In this paper, we demonstrated that trigram estimates obtained from the web can significantly improve WER relative to pure corpus-based estimates, even though the web estimates are noisy, and the web and the test set are not in the same domain. We believe the improvement largely comes from better trigram coverage due to the sheer size of the web, which acts as a ‘general English’ knowledge source. Interestingly, which search engine is used doesn’t make much difference. Furthermore, which interpolation method is used doesn’t make much difference either (at least for WER), as long as an appropriate interpolation parameter is chosen. Our method has certain advantages. Besides having better N-gram coverage, the content of the web is constantly changing. Our method would enable automatic up-to-date language modeling. However, there are also several disadvantages. The most severe one is the large number of web queries. In our experiment, we needed to submit an average of 340 queries to the web for each utterance. This results in heavy web traffic and workload on the search engines, and very slow rescoring process. Another concern is privacy: one may be sending fragments of potentially sensitive utterances to the web. Both problems, however, can be partly solved by using a web-in-a-box setting, i.e. if we have a snapshot of the text content of the whole WWW on local storage. Yet another problem is the lack of focus on domain specific language. This might

12 (a) Exponential Models (b) Linear Interpolation 320 320 AltaVista AltaVista Lycos Lycos FAST 300 300 FAST

280 280

260 260

240 240 perplexity 220 perplexity 220

200 200

180 180

160 160

140 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 140 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 σ2 α

(c) Geometric Interpolation (d) Reliability Threshold 320 320 AltaVista AltaVista Lycos Lycos 300 FAST 300 FAST

280 280

260 260

240 240

perplexity 220 perplexity 220

200 200

180 180

160 160

140 140 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 β τ

Figure 5: Approximate perplexity of web-improved language models as function of the smoothing parameter for several different interpolation schemes.

13 be solved by querying specific domain hosts instead of the whole web, although by doing so the N-gram coverage may deteriorate. The method proposed in this paper is only one crude way of exploiting the web as a knowledge source for language modeling. Instead of focusing on trigrams, one could look for more complex phenomena, e.g. semantic coherence [16] among the content words in a hypothesis. Intuitively, if a hypothesis has content words that ‘go with each other’, it is more likely than one whose content words seldom appear together in a large training text set. The web + search engine approach seems well suited for this purpose. We are currently pursing this direction.


The authors are grateful to Stanley Chen, Matthew Siegler, Chris Paciorek and Kevin Lenzo for their help. The first author has been supported in part by NSF LIS under grant REC-9720374.


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