(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Environment and Neighbourhood
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LONDON BOROUGH OF SUTTON ENVIRONMENT AND NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMITTEE THURSDAY, 15TH JANUARY, 2015 efg 7.30 pm at the Civic Offices, St Nicholas Way, Sutton SM1 1EA To all members of the Environment and Neighbourhood Committee:- Chair: Councillor Jill Whitehead Vice-Chair Councillor Nighat Piracha Councillors: Kevin Burke, Colin Hall, Patrick McManus, Steve Penneck, Hamish Pollock, Tony Shields, Paul Wingfield and Hanna Zuchowska Ex Officio Councillor Ruth Dombey Substitutes: Councillors Manuel Abellan, Tim Crowley, Neil Garratt, Miguel Javelot and Ed Joyce Note This is a Council meeting held in public. Additional representations are at the invitation of the Chair of the Committee. If you are a relevant organisation and you wish to submit representations on a proposal contained within the reports to this agenda please submit a request via Committee Services three working days before the meeting date. This meeting will be recorded and made available on the Council’s web site. Niall Bolger Chief Executive Civic Offices St Nicholas Way SUTTON SM1 1EA 6 January 2015 Enquiries to: Victoria Lower, Senior Business Support Officer (Democratic Services). tel: 020 8770 4640 Email: [email protected] Copies of reports are available in large print on request PLEASE NOTE: Any decision taken at this meeting does not become definitive until 10am on the third working day after the day of the meeting. Any four members of the Council may notify the Chief Executive by then if they require a decision to be reviewed by the full Council at its next meeting on 2 March 2015. Please contact the Committee Manager named on the Agenda frontsheet for further information. AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND NOTIFICATIONS OF SUBSTITUTES 2. MINUTES (Pages 3 - 10) To approve the minutes of the meeting on 6 November 2014. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS 4. LIBRARY STRATEGY (Pages 11 - 24) The report asks Members to endorse a new Library Strategy which outlines the challenge facing the Library Service over the period 2015 to 2019: to continue to deliver services that reflect national and Council priorities with reducing budgets, and to deliver quality services through a library network which is sustainable. The continuing and rapid development of digital services underpins the changes required to create a service which is robust, relevant and resilient for the future. 5. WHITEHALL HERITAGE LOTTERY FUND (Pages 25 - 32) This report provides an update on the progress of the project including benefits for the community, London Borough of Sutton and the result of stakeholder consultation. 6. ANNUAL REVIEW OF FEES & CHARGES REPORT (Pages 33 - 54) This report seeks to gain approval for the increases in fees and charges for the listed services. The report provides details of the existing charges and proposed increases for these services with the rationale for the increases where it is above inflation. 7. PAY & DISPLAY MACHINE REPLACEMENT PROGRAMME (Pages 55 - 60) As part of a programme of rationalisation and modernising the Parking Service, linking with other activities such as the re-commissioning of the Parking Enforcement contract and refresh and improvement of CCTV infrastructure, the Pay and Display machine network is to be refreshed. 2 8. LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FUNDING 2015/2016 (Pages 61 - 80) The report outlines Transport for London’s (TfL’s) allocation to the Council of Local Implementation Plan (LIP) funding for 2015/16. A description of TfL’s transport related programmes is given and how schemes were selected to be put forward for funding. 9. PROPOSAL TO EXTEND THE HIGHWAYS AND STREET LIGHTING CONTRACTS AND AN UPDATE ON SHARED SERVICES This report seeks agreement to extend the Highways and Street lighting contracts for up to two single years and to update the Committee on the progress with regards to Shared Services. To follow 10. THE FUTURE OF CULTURAL SERVICES IN SUTTON: EVALUATION OF SUBMISSIONS FOR THE FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF SUTTON'S THEATRES (Pages 81 - 86) This report details the process by which the four bids have been assessed and makes a recommendation to appoint the new service provider. 11. SUTTON LIFE CENTRE REVIEW (Pages 87 - 92) This report summarises the work undertaken through the Smarter Council programme to review the operations of Sutton Life Centre. This includes long listed and shortlisted options for the future. 12. ANY URGENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD AT THE DIRECTION OF THE CHAIR 13. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC The following motion should be moved, seconded and approved if the committee wishes to exclude the press and public to deal with reports revealing exempt information: “That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.” 3 This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 Agenda Annex CIVIC OFFICES, SUTTON GROUND FLOOR MEETING ROOMS FIRE PRECAUTIONS If there is a FIRE in the building the fire alarm will sound. Leave the building immediately by the most direct route, either back through reception or the fire exit into Lower Square. Take your coat and any bags with you. Assemble in the car park in front of the Holiday Inn. Toilet Toilet Room 1 Toilet Toilet Reception Fire Room Room Room Exit Room 5 4 3 2 Entrance Lower Square Exit Holiday Inn Car Park Agenda Annex Page 2 Reminder – Declarations of Interests Members should consider the following interests and whether they have any they should declare. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests Where you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any business of the Authority at this meeting and you have either declared it beforehand in the Register of Members’ Interests or to the Monitoring Officer for entry in the Register you must state at this meeting that you have such an interest and then withdraw from the room or chamber where the meeting is being held whilst that business is considered. Where you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any business of the Authority at this meeting and have not previously declared it you must declare the nature of that interest at this meeting and then withdraw from the room or chamber where the meeting is being held whilst that business is considered. Other Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests Where you have any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in any business at this meeting you must declare that interest, but may continue to speak and vote on the matter. However, if the interest is one which a member of the public, with knowledge of the relevant facts, would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest then you should declare the interest and withdraw from the room or chamber where the meeting is being held whilst that business is considered. Further information on these matters can be found in the Council's Code of Conduct and Constitution. If you are in any doubt as to whether you have an interest you should seek advice before the committee meeting from Alexa Coates. If, during the course of the committee meeting, you consider you may have an interest you should always declare it. Page 3 Agenda Item 2 Environment and Neighbourhood Committee 6 November 2014 ENVIRONMENT AND NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMITTEE 6 November 2014 at 7.30 pm MEMBERS: Councillor Jill Whitehead (Chair), Councillor Nighat Piracha (Vice (*Absent) Chair) and Councillors Kevin Burke, Colin Hall, Patrick McManus, Steve Penneck, Hamish Pollock, Tony Shields, *Paul Wingfield and Hanna Zuchowska. 10. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND NOTIFICATIONS OF SUBSTITUTES Apologies were received from Councillor Paul Wingfield. 11. MINUTES Minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2014 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 12. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS Councillor Steve Penneck declared an interest in Item 9 (Commissioning of Waste Collection Service) as his daughter works for the South London Waste Partnership. 13. MUSEUMS COLLECTION POLICY The Committee considered a report on the Sutton Heritage Service Collections Management Policy. Formal policies for the management of collections are required by all museums which are accredited by the Arts Council England and adhere to the Museums’ Association Code of Ethics. The policy was last agreed in 2009 and was reviewed in June 2014 to incorporate recent changes to collection management policy. Members queried whether it would be possible to display more of the collection in exhibitions and were informed that the collection in Sutton was not large and often was not in a good condition. Furthermore there were difficulties with displaying some art pieces as it was necessary that they were maintained in a temperature and light controlled environment. However the best items were often on display at local museums and in exhibitions. The Committee was advised that the Borough Archive Service was not covered by the policy as it came under different regulations overseen by The National Archives. The collection was mostly stored at the Old Mortuary in the Sutton cemetery, though some of the collection was stored across council buildings. Human remains were part of the collection, though these were mostly ancient cremation material from the Bandon Hill Cemetery. Resolved: To agree the formal adoption of the Collections Management Policy. 1 Agenda Item 2 Page 4 Environment and Neighbourhood Committee 6 November 2014 14. PETITIONS The Chair informed the Committee that a petition to “Stop the proposed closure of Wallington Public Hall” had been received at the start of the meeting and would be considered at the next relevant meeting. However, the decision to close Wallington Public Hall had been taken at the Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee on 4th September 2014, and ratified by Full Council on 3rd November 2014.