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code, drawn up by Harold M. tlons were recast, but the final Advisers New York zoning THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. Draft Lewis. con- draft met with agreement by Tuesday, arm, *g, sultant. ins* A-23 the whole group. Absent Casals Honored 51 Zone The advisory group's executive Questions Thomas J. Groom, president Fifty-one searching questions committee went over the ques- tions which of the Bank of Commerce and about the proposed new District: were presented by George W. Lipscomb, chairman chairman of the advisory com- By 2,000 at Music Fete Zoning Code were agreed upon of the l committee on liaison with mittee, explained that the Zon-‘ | SAN JUAN. Puerto Rico, April The audience yesterday by included Oov. the Commissioners' the technical staff of the Dis- ing Commission had asked that' (IP). cheering, Luis Munoz, San Juan’s Zoning ,23 —A capacity 1 woman Zoning Advisory Committee. trict Commission. The the questions be framed. The' mayor, Fellsa and other questions had been purpose audience of 2,000 persons last' Rancon. The questions are intended to submitted is to stimulate public | officials, Latin-American musi- earlier by subcommittee chair- interest in the subject and in the: | night heard the concert opening | be raised at the hearings begin- men. cians and composers and many hearings, and to serve as a guide Puerto Rico's first two-week ; from ning May 27 on the proposed Some of the music lovers the United proposed ques- for citizens. music festival honoring Pablo i States. Your Capital Investment Does Not Casals. Mr. Schneider, a disciple of ** The podium where the famed Mr. Casals, launched the festi- \ Fluctuate Where You Get Safety— ft cellist would have stood was • vals seven years ago at Prades, CfflJ empty. American Violinist Alex- France, where Mr. Casals was ln \ M* Convenience and Liberal Dividends Paid ander Schneider conducted the \ self-imposed political exile from NEIGHBORHOOD 47-man orchestra from the con- hisj native Spain and retirement ¦ Semi-Annually On Your Monthly Balance. 150 cert master's chair in the violin from public appearances. Films of More Than section. Routine Merit Dedicating "ANASTASIA”—Ingrid Bergman, Hayes WINELAND THEATRES Mr. Casals suffered a at- the festival to Mr. M Accoynts Insured Up to SIO,OOO m Helen and Yul Bryn- heart Casals, a spokesman said the ner in the legend of the heiress to the csar's fortune. ABC DRIVE-IN tack last week during rehearsals.: 25*2rfSi He was resting;under sedation! artists participating “have ex- "CABALLERO A LA MEDIA”—An unevaluated'' Spanish- O»en ti.:!o p M Kiddles Free. pressed repeat Accounts May Be With Amounts From language film, I last night and did not even hear their desire to ft Opened ft but its star is Cantinflas. FIRST WASHINGTON this festival here or anywhere “FRIENDLY SHOWING ;the broadcast of the concert. 45.00 Vp—Lump Sum Savings Are Also PERSUASION”;—Gary Cooper in a heart-warming At the start of the program else at any time ifMaestro Casals Accepted K tale of life among the peace-loving SKIP HOMEIER KRISTINE MILLER 1 so Quakers. to "THUNDER OVER ARIZONA jit was announced from the stage- wishes in the future.” "THE Cinemascope, Technicolor, at 7:15. HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME”—Areal museum piece tn "DANIEL the University of Puerto Rico BOONE, BBNNETT lin this, the silent Aim starring Lon Chane?, sr., with a pianist TRAIL BLAZER." et 8:57. theater that the entire festival Welty1 April Tk IS / adding the original musical score. is being dedicated the 80- Talk Is 30 V to HILLSIDE DRIVE-IN | Eudora Welty. author of the “THE KING AND I”—Sumptuous Aim of the delight, 6266 Marlboro Pike. Md. JO. 8-7366 year-old Spanish-born musician. J-ETROPOL musical Open 6:30 P M Kiddles Free FIRST recently dramatized novel, “The winnlngly played by Deborah Kerr and Yul Brynner. t n BHOWINQ BRUCE He now makes his winter home feagl Building Association m b£?iset? £ ln Puerto Rico, Ponder Heart,” will lecture at “MEN IN WAR”—Robert Ryan and Aldo Ray in an authentic his mother's p.m. April 30 in Cor- r BOONE, birthplace. 8:45 the *“ Avc- and highly dramatic slice of combat in Korea. “DANIEL Gallery. In the fc2ol Penno S E . 3-1647 m TRAIL BLAZER” The crowd to its feet \ coran Sunday Ll “THE RAINMAKER”—First-rate came Star, Welty’s appearance, movie version of the play, to applaud after the closing Miss \XMSBMgI ORGANIZED IN 1866 M with the added luster Hbpburn's !®SSSSi sponsoredj by of Katharine sparkle. OVER ARI ZO N A." Cinem»acop«. number, Sym- the Institute of Color, Schubert’s Fifth Contemporary A CceJ flats to Borrow “WEE GEORDlE”—Alastair Sim in a rollicking comedy at JLS7. phony. J Arts, was Incor- about To the surprise of the rectly listed. A Good Plato to Sara a young Scotsman who becomes a muscle man. mcosTu if-fr*cheering throng, Mr. Schneider Matinee Dally 1:00 O'clock FIRST led the repeat WASHINGTON SHOW 1N O. BKIP orchestra in a of Sludgy Warner Theaters SIDNEY LOST THEATRES HOMEIER. KRISTINE MILLER In the Bach C Major Suite which Thunder Over Arizona” had opened the program. 6<i, PtH ferllei Cinemascope. Color, at 1:00. 3:50. moSafn 09a Slot* wlfk ¦ AMBASSADOR r&TTST. n. 6-33*3. Pianist Rudolph Serkin was MACHINI SHOfIHAND 9a M ALLER the soloist in the other number plac4L M you warn H mak, “THE SPIRIT OF me.4 /non,, .n.«».#ai» ioJot ! ;an the program, the Mozart D Iln FIRST WASHINGTON i 2313 *« »* ST. LOUIS” wnnwaip ¦ HIGHLAND Junes Sttwxrt. 1:25. 4:Q». g;«s. SHOWING 4.7,1 , ! Minor Concerto. The listeners 0:30 in *° i Two Color Hits "THUNDER OVER INORID BEROMAN. MELFERRER called him back five times with fivniiwnAVALON «--«oo ' ARIZONA." at 1. 3:60. 6:40. 9:30: "PARIS DOES BTRANOE THINOS." 56 „ C.BB Are N W i Plus BRUCE BENNETT LON Technicolor at 6:26. 9:30; LARAXNE their applause. Daily Matinees 2 P.M. : CHANEY "DANIEL BOONE. TRAII DAY in 'THREE FOR JAMIE at : BLAZER." at 2:35, 5 20, 8:10 DAWN." at 7:60. 'FOUR GIRLS IN TOWN." Julie Bou*h Capitol 4 Atlantic Ad»n» George Neder. 4:15. 6:10*. Dally Matinees Easter Week. P.M. HILARATI AKTIPlit, »¦»&, Show Onlr: "tHX | 1 | S|i s w |D , 4)00 LABT HUNT. Robert Teylor. free Parkin# _ ° •(•••'868." Academy - L dThj Story. u 3 3a *"***• RETdrcne Award Winner Best BEVERLYHbViiuai mg.- spec - DLiDUUA Matinees 1 P.M. cant. "THE BRAVE ONE." Cinemascope. lei Mstlnee. 1 JOHN "TO“A- ” I WAYNE. MAUREEN O'HARA. PM 'POUR GIRLS IN TOWN Julie WINOS OP EAOLES." Color, at ; 1:16. 7 ” 3:26. 5:25, “ or THE LONESOME PINE Henry 30. 9:30. Ponds, ills. 4:30. 7:50. Tomorrow: m 4 #‘- CONGRESS SDcetol Mstlnee. CHEVERLY JOHN WAYNE, MAUREEN O'HARA , - in "THE WINOS OF EAGLES." Tech- n' MM PreePsrk. ! FIRST nicolor. rttnSTVIIbVMIlng. WASHINGTON aMI:SO. 9:16. Doors Open 12:30 4703 P.M "MISTER CORY." Tony CurtU. SHOWING rfilial Marlboro ffke Md ” VVUUt 3:20. 6:35. 9:55 ' BUFFALO BILL i Two Color Hits THUNDER OVER |0 iJ)3 , Parkin# Joel MeCren. 1. 4:50. 8 10. Plus C»r- j ARIZONA." at 2:40. 5:30. 8:20; Plus JOHN WAYNE MAUREEN O'HARA toon Snow. 2:40 P.M. Tomorrow BRUCE BENNETT LON CHANEY In "THE WINOS OF EAGLES." Tech- Special Matinee "DANIEL BOONE. TRAIL BLAZER " nlcolor. nt 6:45. 9:05. I at 1:10. 4. 6:4.V 9:35 ' ME 8-**4l. Near Park- | laurel, Md frea Parkin# LUIIIIAIimrraai ItAUnbl,AIIRTI Parkway in( IfJ W AR.” Dally Matinees Easter Week. 1 PM 5 2113 Robert Ryan. 11. | RAY MILLAND, ANTHONY QUINN, 2:25. 5:55. 9:20 In "THE “GUN FOR A COWARD." Pred Mar- DEBRA'• PAOET RIVER'S Murray 12:55. 4:25 750 w EDGE Cinemascope Technicolor,. HYATTSVILLE jo al 8:06 9:46. *5- o-0000 Special Hf J/25 _ _ nutnuilireiPHT Matinee Open op Capitol Heiqbt, Md Doors PAPITDI«*« " r ltWli P.M, "FOUR c?«; j |t 3K 44 12 30 GIRLS IN TOWN ?-*#**> Julie Adams. 3. 6:15. 9:45 "PRINCE : KAVWDIIIIMIMUUU WA wait ; 2 Cinemascope Technicolor Hits VALIANT." James Mason. 1:20. 4:35. Disney's ‘SONG OF i TONY CUP.TIS MARTHA HYER lo 9 At 1 P.M. Show Only: Cartoon THE SOUTH.” Technicolor, at 2. i "MISTER CORY" at H:»0. 9 25: Show Tomorrow: Spec lal Matinee. i f o'.'lQ FRFD MacMURRAY. JEFFREY Parking. HUNTER In "OUN FOR A COWARD " U. 7-5*90. Free Dally Matinees Week. Prim*“nn "THE WINOS OP EAGLES.” Easter IPM. John Wayne. 2:40. 6:05. 9:30 "SEV- ENTH CAVALRY," Randolph Scott. WH 1:25 4:50 8:15. VIERS MILL DBIYE-IN THEATERS Cim* CO. 5-4968 Special Mati- FIRST WASHINGTON nee Walt DUney's "THE MHMBT or.Ts,' UTTLEST OUTLAW." 2:45. 6:10. SHOWING Opens at 9:30. PILLARS OP THE SKY." Jeff lor Hlt« 'THUNDER OVER 6:30 PM "MEN IN WAR" TS?„S'?, ALDO RAY. ROBERT RYAN at 7:20 Chandler. 1. 4:20. 7:40. Tomorrow ARIZONA " at 1:10. 3:35. « 40. 9:30, end 11 Bpeclal Matinee. 1 P ! c E , jlus "KEY LAROO. HUM- VAIUESIN M Plus BRU BENNETT LON PHREY BOGART LAUREN BACALL. drY UA. 6-2106 Special ! CHANEY "DANIEL BOONE TRAIL Cartoon. JULIIIUIIfIt!drain AM at 2:40. 5.25. 8. I et 9:30 Located In Ar- non.