NEMUNAS DELTA NatURE Conservation Perspective Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania NEMUNAS DELTA NaturE CoNsErvatioN PErspectivE text by Jurate sendzikaite Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania Vilnius, 2013 Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania Nemunas Delta. Nature conservation perspective text by Jurate sendzikaite Design by ruta Didzbaliene translated by vaida Pilibaityte translated from všĮ Baltijos aplinkos forumas „Nemuno delta gamtininko akimis“ Consultants: Kestutis Navickas, Liutautas soskus, Petras Lengvinas, radvile Kutorgaite, ramunas Lydis, romas Pakalnis, vaida Pilibaityte, Zydrunas Preiksa, Zymantas Morkvenas Cover photo by Zymantas Morkvenas Protected species photographed with special permit from Lithuanian Environment Protection agency this publication has been produced with the contribution of the LiFE financial instrument of the European Community. the content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the authors and should in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European union. the project “securing sustainable farming to ensure conservation of globally threatened bird species in agrarian landscape” (LiFE09 NAT/Lt/000233) is co-financed by the Eu LiFE+ Programme, republic of Lithuania, republic of Latvia and the project partners. Project website Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania uzupio str. 9/2-17, Lt-01202 vilnius E-mail
[email protected], © Baltic Environmental Forum Lithuania, 2013 isBN 978-609-8041-12-5 2 INTRODUCTION the aquatic Warbler (Acropcephalus paludicola) is peda region in 2012. all this work aims to restore habi- one of the migratory songbirds not only in Lithuania, tats (nearly 850 ha) that are important breeding areas but also in Europe. the threat of extinction for this for the aquatic Warbler as well as other meadow birds species is real today more than ever before.