’s National Newspaper i since 1918 wednesday MARCH 25, 2020 I Volume - 102 - No 73 I Rs. 30.00 I Registered as a Newspaper in Sri Lanka I special edition

Most of our proposals Pharmacies open implemented – GMOA Prime Minister chairs All Party Meeting during curfew Nadira Gunatilleke The majority of proposals presented by The Government Medical Offic- The Health and Indigenous Medi- ers’ Association (GMOA) to prevent cine Services Ministry announced that COVID-19 had been implemented by pharmacies will be kept open during President and the curfew period. Government authorities and as a result Political unity to Issuing a press release, the ministry COVID-19 has been controlled in Sri said this decision was taken as the Lanka to the current level, GMOA patients, who go to clinics and pur- Secretary Dr. Haritha Aluthge said. chase medicine daily, have been incon- Issuing a statement to Media he said venienced due to the curfew. that more proposals to prevent further The Ministry said the diagnosis spread of COVID-19 have already been card and the prescription would serve presented to the Government. combat COVID-19 as a pass during the curfew period. According to Dr. Aluthge, decision It stated that the IGP has been making should not be delayed and tak- informed of these measures. ing prompt decisions immediately is The police have also been requested required to control the disease. Long Party leaders commend Government for swift action to allow the workers of pharmacies term plans should be made using the and vehicles transporting pharmaceu- current experiences. Chaminda Perera in this regard in the future.Health Services program and requested the Government to tical drugs during the curfew. A self-sufficient food culture should Steps will be taken to obtain the assistance Director General Dr Anil Jasinghe apprised put in place a mechanism for the people to be established in Sri Lanka and the of political party leaders and their representa- the party leaders and their representatives purchase essential commodities without any people should be encouraged to go for tives who represented the last Parliament for on the present situation in the country. The inconvenience. a traditional eating pattern in order the Government’s program for preventing the Party leaders also focused on the impact The Party leaders pointed out that fishing to improve their natural immunity, he Covid-19 spread in the country, Prime Minis- caused by the outbreak on country’s econo- communities are facing inconvenience as added. ter stated yesterday. my and measures that need to be taken to their produce are not allowed to be transport- Relief for minor Prime Minister Rajapaksa arrived at this mitigate its impact on economy. ed during the curfew. The Prime Minister decision at a meeting with the Party leaders They also stressed the importance of in turn instructed the Acting IGP to make offenders explored and their representatives who represented continuing the present program to provide arrangements to ensure that fishermen can Camelia Nathaniel the last Parliament, at Temple Trees yester- essential commodities to the public. transport their produce without any hassle. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has directed day. The Prime Minister made this decision Prime Minister Rajapaksa said that Several Party leaders were of the view that the relevant authorities to consider the possibil- after taking into the views expressed by the arrangements have been made for the people Parliament should be reconvened. However ity of granting relief measures to those in prison Cabinet to discuss party leaders and their representatives into to buy essential commodities through Coop- the majority was of the view that they should for being unable to fulfil their bail conditions consideration. eratives and Lak Sathosa outlets and this extend their full support to the present over minor offences. current situation The opinions of the party leaders and program will be further streamlined in the national programme aiming at preventing the The President made this observation at the their representatives will also be taken into future.The participants also discussed about outbreak of Covid-19 instead of re-convening Presidential Secretariat when he met with the A special cabinet briefing is to be consideration in the prevention of Covid-19 the opening of tea factories and plucking of the parliament. Special Committee appointed by him to look held today at the Presidential Secre- in the future. tea leaves and keeping the wholesale shops UNP Leader , For- into the possibility of providing legal relief tariat under the patronage of Presi- A comprehensive program is under way open to provide relief to the people. mer President , Former to those imprisoned for minor offences. The dent Gotabaya Rajapaksa to discuss centering the National Operation Centre for UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe while Minister Basil Rajapaksa, Ministers Dinesh President took the decision to grant relief to the current situation in the country the Prevention of Covid-19 outbreak in the commending the measures taken by the gov- Gunawardene, Bandula Gunawardena, these prisoners based on a request they made over COVID-19 epidemic. country on the directive of the Government. ernment said the curfew should be imposed , , from him when he visited the prison premises The Cabinet meeting is scheduled Party leaders commended the measures to prevent the congregation of people. former Speaker Karu Jayasuriya, and SLMC recently. to be held at the Presidential Secre- taken by the Government to prevent the He also proposed to continue the leave leader , former Parliamentar- The special committee appointed by the pres- tariat this morning at 10.30 am. spread of Covid-19 in the country and also granted to the employees who are not in the ians S Sumanthiran, and ident is expected to meet again on March 26th Meanwhile, the President has also assured their fullest cooperation towards the compulsory services. Former Speaker Karu several other political representatives were to receive recommendations regarding legal summoned all District Secretaries to measures to be taken by the Government Jayasuriya also commended the government’s present. relief measures for prisoners who are unable to the Presidential Secretariat for a spe- pay their fines or bail. The Legal Committee cial discussion later this afternoon. consists of officials of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) and the Department of Prisons. COVID-19 count now at 101 Rukshana Rizwie even during the hours when curfew is Speaking at the National operation lifted,” he said. Centre to Combat Covid-19 Dr Anil Jas- He said that it was commendable to inghe, Director General of Health Ser- note that many people had paid heed vices said that as of today 101 COVID- to the request by the Government and 19 cases have been confirmed in Sri health officials by maintaining a dis- Lanka. tance of one metre earlier today when “As of today four new cases of COVID- curfew was lifted and individuals were 19 have been recorded, three of them out purchasing essentials. are returnees from Italy while the other He however noted that while this is a returnee from the USA, “ he said. “ was evident at supermarkets people It is clear to us that most of the COVID- congregated in large numbers at smaller 19 cases confirmed in Sri Lanka have grocery stores. “Regardless of the size been from returnees who had arrived in of I humbly request store owners and the country.” shopkeepers to assist and request shop- He said that Colombo, Gampaha and pers to ensure that this distance is Kalutara have been identified as high- maintained.” risk zones because the majority of cases He added that when curfew is lifted are from these three districts. and when people have to return to work “There are 10 individuals are from to follow this rule as much as possible. Gampaha, 21 from Colombo and 13 “COVID-19 spreads through individu- from Kalutara,” he added. als who serve as vectors, hence if we Dr Jasinghe requests the public to can maintain this distance it would be assist the government’s efforts to con- useful in containing its spread,” he said. tain the spread of the global pandemic. Dr. Jasinghe speaking at the con- “One of the most effective measures ference confirmed that a community to contain the spread of COVID-19 is health physician at IDH had contracted to maintain social distancing hence we COVID-19. However the said physician Returnees who were subject to quarantine left the quarantine centres after the mandatory 14-day period yesterday. Here they board a bus at the request the public to ensure that a dis- does not check up on patients but main- Kandakadu quarantine centre. (Army Media) tance of at least one metre is maintained tains a dispensary at the IDH.

First batch of Returnees at India in 21-day E-Thaksalawa accessible Quarantine Centres head home lockdown without data charges A group of 311 returnees who under- Galle, Colombo, Kandy and Matara areas. India will begin the world’s largest Amali Mallawaarachchi went the two-week long quarantine process In addition, troops supplied them with lockdown, Prime Minister Narendra E-Thaksalawa is available in the following at Punani (203) and Kandakadu (108) left snacks, water and lunch packets on their Modi announced in a TV address E-Thaksalawa the official E-learning portal link http://e-thaksalawa.moe.gov.lk those Quarantine Centers after comple- way with special focus on infants and chil- Tuesday night, warning that anyone for schools with learning content from grade Meanwhile TRCSL also provided support tion of medical procedures and receipt of dren.Commander, Security Forces East, going outside risked inviting the 1 to grade 13 is now accessible without data contact numbers from relevant universities to Quarantine Certificates yesterday morning Major General Rasika Fernando, General coronavirus inside their homes, and charges with the support of all operators ena- seek further information on utilizing the uni- (24). Officer Commanding, 23 Division, Senior pledging US$ 2 billion to bolster bling school children to study from home, the versity e-learning system access without data The groups, segregated according to Officers and Other Ranks were there to the country’s beleaguered health care Telecommunication Regulatory Commission of consumption which is available through all their residential towns were provided with see them off upon successful completion of system. Sri Lanka announced. main stream telecom service providers. transport facilities for their destinations in their quarantine period. “To save India and every Indian, there will be a total ban on venturing out of your homes,” Modi said, add- ing that if the country failed to man- age the next 21 days, it could be set back by 21 years. India’s stay-at-home Olympics postponed to 2021 order puts nearly one-fifth of the Home delivery of essential commodities world’s population under lockdown. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and “I proposed to postpone for about a year Indian health officials have report- The Presidential Secre- Secretaries and other offi- ted to travel during curfew the International Olympic Committee have and president Bach responded with 100% ed 469 active cases of COVID-19, tariat has issued a circular cials. A special mechanism hours. agreed that the upcoming Tokyo Games agreement,” Abe told reporters in Tokyo the disease caused by the virus, and starting that a special task of home delivering essential Accordingly, the Govern- “will be held by the summer of 2021,” the Tuesday, referring to Thomas Bach, head 10 deaths. Officials have repeatedly force has been established commodities to consum- ment has advised the whole- prime minister’s office announced Tuesday. of the International Olympic Committee. insisted there is no evidence yet of headed by Basil Rajapaksa ers including essential food sale establishments which The 2020 Summer Olympics were origi- Abe -- who pushed hard for Tokyo’s communal spread but have conducted to efficiently conduct the items, medicines, gas and home deliver essential com- nally slated to kick off in Japan’s capital on selection as the host city -- and Bach both relatively scant testing for the dis- mechanism of distributing other essentials without any modities to commence their July 24, but there has been mounting pres- agreed that the Games “must be resched- ease. In recent days, India has been essential commodities to the hindrance will commence services from tomorrow. sure for organizers to postpone or cancel uled to a date beyond 2020 but not later gradually expanding stay-at-home homes of consumers. from today (25). Sathosa, Keells, Laughs, the Games due to an ongoing pandemic than summer 2021,” according to a joint orders and has banned international The rest of the members All delivery vehicles Arpico, Food City, Araliya, of the novel coronavirus, which the World statement from the International Olympic and domestic flights and suspended in this task force are the including lorries, vans, Nipuna and other wholesale Health Organization warned Monday is Committee and the Tokyo 2020 Organ- passenger service on its extensive rail ministerial secretaries, Gov- trishaws, and other trans- traders will be engaged in “accelerating.” izing Committee. system. (CNBC) ernment Agents, Divisional port vehicles will be permit- this endeavour. news wednesday,march 25, 2020 President pledges relief and concessions package for public, economy

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa all payments on income and VAT 5. The March trainee allowance of Trust Fund to jointly invest in ents and Samurdhi card holders with the powers vested in him taxes, driving license renewal Rs 20,000 of all graduates select- the treasury bonds and bills to through all Samurdhi Bank Asso- directed a number of relief meas- fees; all bills on water and elec- ed for employment will be depos- stabilize the money market at 7% ciations. ures to people undergoing various tricity, assessment taxes, and ited into their respective bank interest rate. 13. To exempt Lanka Sathosa and hardships due to the prevailing sit- bank cheques valued less than Rs accounts. 9. A 15% interest rate of credit Co-operative shops from VAT uation brought on by the Coronavi- 15,000; and repayment of all 6. To double the Agrahara Insur- cards for domestic transactions and other local taxes and charg- rus. All these concessions will credit cards below the limit Rs. ance benefits for all health, of value up to Rs. 50,000.00 and es. come into effect with immediate 50,000. police, civil defense and all gov- the minimum monthly charge to 14. Samurdhi Authority to issue effect. 2. A six month moratorium on the ernment servants engaged in be reduced by 50%. title certificates to Samurdhi and The President has directed the leasing loan installments of all controlling the spread of the 10. All bank branches to provide low income families immediately Governor of Central Bank of Sri three-wheelers. COVID19. their full services to customers for issuing nutritional food items Lanka, the secretaries of all minis- 3. A moratorium on loan install- 7. A six month debit moratorium when curfew is not in effect. to low income families. They tries, chief secretaries of all provin- ments until 30 May, 2020 from on tourism, garment and small & 11. Sri Lanka Ports, Customs and should be provided with rice, len- cial councils and the heads of all salaries of all public and private medium industries and for Cen- other related institutions to tils, onions and food cards on banks, financial institutions and (except board of directors) sec- tral Bank of Sri Lanka to re-eval- release without any interruption weekly basis. leasing companies to take the tor employees. uate the finances. to relevant entities food and On the orders of the President, appropriate steps accordingly. 4. A three month moratorium on all 8. Bank of Ceylon, People’s Bank, essentials such as fertilizers, the Secretary to the President These relief measures are as personal bank and leasing loan National Savings Bank, Sri Lanka medicines and fuel. directed all relevant officials to following: installments of value less than Insurance Corporation, Employee 12. To provide interest free loans of implement these decisions with 1. To extend until 30 April, 2020 Rs. 1 million. Provident Fund, Employee’s Rs. 10,000 to Samurdhi recipi- immediate effect. Stay at home to prevent COVID-19: Donation by Temasek Foundation, Singapore COVID-19 spread In light of the rapidly (A* Star) to detect the evolving COVID-19 situa- SARS-CoV-2 virus. The kit Nadira Gunatilleke the used tissue immediately. Wash uDo not spit here and there tion, Temasek Foundation, comes complete with all At the moment Sri Lanka is fighting handkerchiefs with soap and water Singapore has offered to the materials required for to prevent COVID-19 spreading into before re-use. According to the WHO provide 5000 numbers of the RT-PCR reaction, the community. The health authori- uKeeping a distance of one metre or uBefore putting on a mask, clean Fortitude Kit 2.0 (COVID- which includes the primer ties, security forces and the Govern- more with another person hands with alcohol-based hand rub 19 test kits) to the Minis- probes mix, the enzyme ment are working hard to prevent uWash hands with soap once in every or soap and water. try of Health, Sri Lanka. mix, the positive control, COVID-19 spreading into the commu- 30 minutes if possible. u Cover mouth and nose with mask The donation was hand- negative control and inter- nity, Epidemiology Unit sources said. u Wash for at least 20 seconds or and make sure there are no gaps ed over by Benedict nal control template, and The public can call and inform 119, more. between your face and the mask. Cheong, Chief Executive would be able to give 0718591864, 0112444480, u Keep things bought from shops / uAvoid touching the mask while of Temasek Foundation results in less than three 0112444481 about any individual who received from others outside home using it; if you do, clean your hands International to High hours. returned from aboard and hiding for few hours before taking into the- with alcohol-based hand rub or soap Commissioner Sashikala At the handing over, the inside his/her home or in a relative’s home. and water. Premawardhane on 20th High Commission on home without getting registered for u Replace the mask with a new one March 2020 at the High behalf of the Ministry of home quarantine process. What people should not do as soon as it is damp and do not re- Commission premises. Health of Sri Lanka What the people can do to sup- uDo not go out of home use single-use masks. The High Commission expressed sincere grati- port the process uDo not touch the mask while wear- uTo remove the mask: remove it from has promptly made tude to Temasek Founda- uStay at home ing it behind (do not touch the front of arrangements to deliver tion for this kind support, uWear masks when going out uDo not go close to a person more mask); discard immediately in a the test kits to Sri Lanka, which will be immensely uCover your mouth and nose with than one metre closed bin; clean hands with alco- which have been received useful in Sri Lanka’s your bent elbow or tissue when you u Do not touch face (mouth, nose, hol-based hand rub or soap and by the Health authorities efforts in dealing with the cough or sneeze. Then dispose of eyes etc) water. in Colombo on Sunday, 22 COVID-19 situation.This March 2020. Fortitude Kit donation is also a testimo- 2.0 is designed by Singa- ny to the longstanding pore’s Agency for Science, friendly relations between Technology and Research Singapore and Sri Lanka. SLAF Constructs Isolation Wards at IDH

With increasing numbers of patients being reported to be infected In order to extend a helping hand to those who come from the poorer strata of the society in the villages of Ampara with COVID-19 the requirements of District aftermath the enforcement of continuous curfew by the Government due to the spread of Corona Virus – Covid 19, Several Voluntary Organizations within the areas have come forward to assist them with their basic require- enhanced isolation facilities at the ments. A Voluntary group called “Ontrineintha Anpukkarangal” (Loving hands joined together) in Alayadivembu DS National Institute of Infectious Dis- 18th of March under the direct super- the SLAF Directorate of Civil Engi- Division has been distributing dry rations to the needy. Here, the Volunteers of the group distributing their gifts of love eases better known as IDH is a top vision of the Commander of the Air neering, it is expected to complete to an old lady at her house. who are very badly affected by the continuous curfew which curtails their daily routine priority of the nation. Force, Air Marshal Sumangala Dias. the project well in advance before the coolie works. It may be noted that thousands of people whose income from their daily coolie works are affected and In order to cater for this pressing Due to the continuous construction previously planned two week period. confined to their houses without any source of income. (Picture by M.A.Phakurdeen - Addalaichenai Group Correspondent) need the construction of two Pre-Fab- which is being done on a 24 hour The new isolation facility is expected ricated buildings commenced on the basis by the engineering team from to have 16 isolation rooms. Disinfection progamme at Medical Faculty hospital in KDU As a measure of controlling the spreading of Medical Faculty hospital in Kotalawala new coronavirus in the country, Sri Lanka Defence University and Teaching Hospital- Navy conducted a disinfection programme at Kalubowila premises were sterilized by the the Medical Faculty hospital in Kotalawala Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Defence University and Teaching Hospital- (CBRN) Unit attached to the Western Naval Kalubowila. Under the directives of Com- Command, today. Considering the control of mander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Piyal De the spreading new coronavirus in these hospi- Silva, Navy is conducting lot of sterilization tal premises where large number of patients programmes in the public places. Accordingly, are treated daily, all wards and locations were under the guidance of Commander Western sterilized following the standard operational Fisheries Minister inspects the situation at the Dickow- Naval Area Rear Admiral Sumith Weerasinghe, procedures. ita fisheries harbour yesterday. Picture by Chinthaka Kumarasinghe New Western Province Governor

Former Air Force Com- mander, Marshal of the Air Force Roshan Goonetileke has been appointed as the Governor of the Western Province. He was sworn in before President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the Presiden- People rushed to buy fuel, medicines and provisions as soon as the curfew was lifted in many parts of the country including Colombo. While some were seen adhering to the social distancing measures, others tial Secretariat. tried to ignore those in their hurry to get provisions. Our photographers captured some of these scenes in the Colombo District. WEDNESDAY,MARCH 25, 2020 FEATURES/NEWS RUWINI JAYAWARDANA With hundreds of deaths reported on a Music has provided daily basis and thousands of new Corona Virus cases surging each passing day, Italy unity in times of and Spain are the worst-hit countries division throughout besides China by the Coronavirus epidemic. history. Now these However, even during a nationwide lock- down, Italians and Spaniards lean on music music enthusiasts are as a form of therapy to keep their stress at showing the world bay. that, if only for a True to virtuosic opera composer Gio- moment, it can also achino Rossini’s words, the world has prov- en that the language of music is common to help them transcend all generations and nations and that it is the anxiety brought understood by everybody, since it is under- by a pandemic. stood with the heart. In recent weeks, we witnessed Italians embracing the language of music as a In recent weeks, more means to communicate with their neigh- and more artistes in bors and endure the ravages of covid-19 as a collective. At a time when the most other countries badly important music halls in the country, from affected by the virus La Scala to La Fenice, have closed their outbreak - including doors to the public, citizens of all ages have Spain, China and used their own instruments, and their voic- es, to fill the silence of seclusion. South Korea - have A flash mob with pots and pans in Italy, also turned to virtual virtual concerts and singing police officers concerts to connect in Spain help soften the blow of the devas- tation to many souls facing deepening isola- with fans and keep tion and economic pain. A part of a grow- their spirits up. ing trend to boost the morale of the penned-in citizens, Italians have been tak- A melody ing to balconies, courtyards and open win- dows as part of the “Sound Flash Mob,” a call to music meant to alleviate the frustra- tions of a country-wide concert ban and subsequent lockdown on movement by citi- for a malady zens. According to a flash mob organizer the event “helped break the eerie silence that had begun to creep over the cities and it gram on March 27, featuring music by inde- ditional therapies, positive psycholo- helped fight other viruses, such as loneli- pendent artistes. gy, and even as a stand-alone inter- ness.” Music has provided unity in times of divi- vention, music therapy offers a The flash mob seemed to light a fire. The sion throughout history. Now these music variety of advantages. following day at noon, people from all over enthusiasts are showing the world that, if Music therapy reduces anxie- Italy gathered on their balconies to clap only for a moment, it can also help them ty and the physical effects of their hands for five minutes to show their transcend the anxiety brought by a pan- stress. It improves healing, appreciation for the nation’s beleaguered demic. reduces depression and other doctors and nurses. Then at 6 pm that In recent weeks, more and more artistes symptoms in the elderly. Music evening they came out again to sing in other countries badly affected by the therapy also improves self- “Azzurro,” the 1968 hit by Adriano Celen- virus outbreak - including Spain, China and expression by expressing emo- tano, then a teen heartthrob. Italians South Korea - have also turned to virtual tions verbally and communica- recently belted out their national anthem to concerts to connect with fans and keep tion. lift the spirits of the people as well as to their spirits up. With schools and offices show the world that - despite the worst out- In February, as the virus was surging in closed, less well-known musicians break of the coronavirus outside of China - China, DJ-producer CORSAK hosted a too got an opportunity to shine dur- they remain strong. 40-minute livestream show on his TikTok ing this era. Music student Marta In Spain, another country that is reeling page from his bedroom in Shanghai, where Cinelli, 15, stood at a window in the Celebrities who are either in quarantine from the impact of the epidemic - Franchejo he played keyboards and sung. That same Alpine village of Campodolcino, Italy, and or in self-isolation at home are giving social Blázquez, an artist manager and promoter month the DJ joined a group of more than played a selection of pieces on her viola media updates to fans these days. From set- who works for management agency Must 20 artistes of different genres from China, which went viral. In Cisternino, a small ting examples like taking part in the 20 Productions - organized #YoMeQuedoenCa- Hong Kong and Taiwan for a “sofa concert” town in southern Italy, 3D graphic artist seconds hand washing challenge to singing sa (“I’m Staying Home”). The virtual festi- on TikTok, with most performing live from Alfonso Miceli and his five-year-old daugh- sion show host John Oliver dancing along songs based on CROVID-19, these public val featured some 40 artistes playing live their homes. ter Nina banged pots and pans from their to it in a recent episode of his HBO show. figures create awareness as well as use sets on Instagram, including Rozalén, In South Korea, 13-year-old Dongwon balcony. Thailand has a song too, a track named social media as a means of coping with iso- David Otero and Diana Navarro. An hour Jeong, a finalist on a popular audition pro- More countries are turning to song to “COVID-19: Dance Against The Virus.” lation. after it kicked off, some 60,000 people had gramme, ‘Mr. Trot’ uploaded a video of him fight Coronavirus. Vietnam’s “Ghen Co Singapore has a music video titled “Wash Idris Elba, who wears another hat as a logged on. The artists, some of whom had singing a medley of songs, which he dedi- Vy,” based on the melody of a V-pop hit, Yo Hands” by comedian Gurmit Singh, who world-famous DJ, is the latest celebrity to been forced to cancel concerts at major ven- cated to "those in self-isolation and getting was written by Vietnamese record producer famously released “The Sar-vivor Rap” dur- join the scene with a song/ music video ues, performed for free. Another virtual treatment" for COVID-19. Khac Hung in collaboration with the coun- ing the 2003 SARS epidemic. Mexican called “The Long Road 2”. The lyric con- event, Cuarentenafest (Quarantine Fest), According to experts, music as a form of try’s National Institute of Occupational and singer Mister Cumbia released a song “La tent is about his diagnosis and the fact that dubbed a “streaming music festival in diffi- therapy has far-reaching benefits in a varie- Environmental Health. The song has since Cumbia Del Coronavirus” in late January, his illness is very real compared to his act- cult times,” is also offering sets on Insta- ty of settings. Used in conjunction with tra- become a global hit, with late night televi- during the peak of the disease in Wuhan. ing day job.

People rushed out to buy fuel, medicine and provisions and also engage in banking activities after the curfew was lifted in Colombo and several other areas yesterday. Most people adhered to the social distancing measure of keeping one metre apart from each other but at some places this was observed in the breach, posing a health risk. Ample goods were available for the public, though queues were seen at most places and police were also on hand. The Government has since announced several measures to enable people to buy essential commodities during curfew hours, including home delivery. Pictures by Sulochana Gamage FEATURES WEDNESDAY,MARCH 25, 2020 LIMIT THE SPREAD OF GERMS ISOLATION VS QUARANTINE It is important to point out that Isolation and Quarantine are two very different things. Isolation is used to separate ill persons who have a communicable disease from those who AND PREVENT INFECTION are healthy. Isolation restricts the movement of ill persons to help stop the spread of certain diseases. For example, hospitals use isolation for patients with infectious tuberculosis. Stay at home if you can and avoid gatherings as much as possible. Quarantine is used to separate and restrict the movement of healthy persons who may have If you must go out in public, if it is unavoidable, been exposed to a communicable disease to see if they become ill. These people may have been exposed to a disease and do not know it, or they may have the disease but do not then keep a distance of about six feet from others. show symptoms. Quarantine can also help limit the spread of communicable disease. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public place. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer. ALL ABOUT SELF-MONITORING, Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands. SELF- QUARANTINE, ISOLATION Avoid contact with people who are sick. If you are sick, stay at home unless AND QUARANTINE you need to get medical care. 14 days is the considered the incubation period of Think about others and cover your nose and mouth with a tissue COVID-19, although symptoms can appear when coughing and sneezing and throw used tissues in the trash. within a few days of exposure. If a tissue is not available, cough or sneeze into KEEP YOUR your elbow or sleeve and not your hands. Self-monitoring might include regularly checking your temperature and watching for signs of a respiratory illness, Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, according to Wear a face mask if you are sick – you should wear a facemask the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It also when you are around other people and before DISTANCE! involves limiting interaction with others. you enter a healthcare provider’s office. Say you attended a large conference and the person Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure. SOCIAL DISTANCING KEY TO CONTAINING COVID-19 speaking at the podium was later diagnosed with the Call your doctor for medical advice if you think virus. Those people may want to strictly Self-monitor. you have been exposed to COVID-19. ISHARA JAYAWARDANE ment considering the fact that in But if you had a long conversation with that person f you take the any given school the school commu- and that person coughed or sneezed on you, you would COVID-19 or the nity may number over 500. then Self-quarantine.Canadian Prime Minister Justin Corona Virus dis- “There are simple steps that can ease, 80 percent of be taken to prevent infection. Trudeau, for example, is Self-Quarantining people recover with- Avoiding crowds is one step. Giving because his wife tested positive for the virus after out complication and priority to hygiene is another step. returning from a trip to Great Britain. the mortality rate is Soap and water may seem trivial high‘I for only 3 percent’ says Direc- but they can help in preventing Self -Quarantining means staying home and away from tor Quarantine, Dr.S.M. Arnold. infection. Also, there are people However, if you have symptoms who are at a higher risk. They can other people as much as possible for that 14-day period. seek medical care. You are not Director Quarantine be people who are 65 years or People in this circumstance who don't live alone should do invincible and the COVID-19 Coro- Ministry of Health older. People with medical condi- Dr. S.M. Arnold their best to retreat to their room or find a separate area in na Virus is not a respecter of per- tions like heart disease, diabetes their home, and they shouldn't go out shopping, eating or sons. Do not in anyway, take your and lung disease are at a higher STOCK ON SUPPLIES chances with this disease. risk. These people need to be very careful. In socializing. Don't sleep in the same bedroom and try to use Social distancing is important because their case I would say social distancing can a separate toilet. They should also be careful with dishes. Contact your healthcare provider to ask about obtaining Corona Virus spreads when an infected per- save lives,” said Dr. Arnold. It should go right from you into the dishwasher. extra necessary medications to have on hand in case there is son coughs small droplets packed with the Common symptoms of COVID-19 include an outbreak of COVID-19 in your community and if you need virus into the air. These can be breathed in, fever, cough and shortness of breath. or can cause an infection if you touch a sur- Muscle pain, diarrhea and sore throat are If you are under a self-quarantine because of possible to stay at home for a prolonged period of time. If you cannot face they have landed on, and then touch less common. While the majority of cases exposure and then develop a fever, a cough or get extra medications, consider using a mail order option. your face with unwashed hands. The less result in mild symptoms, some progress to shortness of breath, call your doctor, local hospital or time people spend together, the less chance severe pneumonia and multi- public health department to find out what to do. For there is of this happening. organ failure. Curfew was imposed by the government mild cases, physicians may direct you to stay home and Be sure you have over the counter medicines and medical and Dr. Arnold pointed out that the tendency treat your symptoms with over-the-counter fever supplies (tissues) to treat fever and other symptoms. is for the public to go out of their houses the reducers and other treatments. Those with more Have enough household items and groceries on hand, so moment it is lifted. Stay inside your house, serious symptoms and people in higher-risk groups that you will be prepared to stay at home for a period of curfew or no curfew insists Arnold. Social distancing is of paramount importance if we may be directed to where to seek medical care. time. are to eradicate this disease completely. Arnold pointed out that closing schools for A Diagnosis of COVID-19 triggers Isolation. five weeks was a wise step by the Govern- Infectious disease precautions are then much more rigid than in self-quarantine. Medical staff, for example, wear gear that is more protective. In addition, the person in isolation would be asked to wear a mask when leaving their room or traveling from home to a medical facility to try to prevent spreading droplets that might contain the virus. Quarantine is when under state or federal law individuals or groups are essentially on lockdown.

ISHARA JAYAWARDANE and accidents), Shastra prabhavaja (wars– urrently there is no vaccine nuclear weapons, missiles and advanced weap- for COVID 19. But perhaps FIGHTING COVID 19 ons), Abhisyangaja (effects of pathogens, evil ancient knowledge can help. forces and unhygienic condition), and When a communicable dis- Abhishapaja (curse). Besides affecting the indi- ease manifests itself there viduals, these factors also affect the entire are certain factors that con- community resulting in widespread disease tribute to it. These factors Ayurvedic secrets causation known as Janapadodhwansa Rogas. whichC are common to the entire popu- In addition, many of the classical treatises of lation are air, water, place, habitat Ayurveda have also described the host factor and the time period. This has to keep you healthy in the form erratic human behavior responsible been clearly explained in for disease causation. Ayurveda. The Daily News speaks to Institute of Indig- REJUVENATION THERAPY enous Medicine, Depart- Institute of Indigenous Medicine, Rejuvenation Therapy (Rasayana Chikitsa) ment of Dravyaguna Vig- Department of Dravyaguna Vignana, in Ayurveda aids in toning up the skin and nana, Senior Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, strengthening body tissues so as to facilitate Dr. S.D. Hapuarachchi on Dr. S.D. Hapuarachchi longevity. The overall resistance of the body how Ayurveda can help increases as well, due to the optimisation of manage this epidemic. the 'Ojas' (primary vitality) and the 'Sattva' Ayurveda is the science WHAT KIND OF (mental clarity). The therapy also includes of life, the most ancient body and face massages using special herbal medical doctrine of human HERBAL DECOCTIONS oils and creams that are tailor made as per the civilization, that has evolved needs of the patient. Other treatment methods gradually from Gurukula edu- AND JUICES NEED TO include special medicines as per the constitu- cation to college- based educa- tion of the patient along with medicinal steam tion system. BE CONSUMED baths. When it comes to Ayurveda, this “The utility of Rasayana Chikitsa is vast and ancient system of medicine can help in the Coriander (slightly roasted) with ginger very effective in the prevention as well as man- fight against disease. There are some explana- to the onset of diseas- Rasakinda with Nelli agement of communicable diseases. By main- tions in the ancient texts mainly Susruta Smh- es in that particular area. Coriander (slightly roasted) with heen taining the optimum level of tissues, it helps to ita and Caraka Samhita that supports this. Throughout history certain tors to Ayurveda, a system of medi- madurutala or venwalgata, adathoda pas provide good immunity to a healthy person. The communicable diseases concept is principles described in Ayurve- cine and lifestyle developed in Ancient panguwa (all parts), The administering of Rasayana in day to day explained in Ayurvedic classics under Janapa- da have remained intact and are still India. He is known for authoring the medical Ranavara and belimal clinical practice provides an effective tool for dodhwamsa. the same as today’s medical science. Popula- treatise, the Charaka Samhita. Charak, Steam inhalation of the above hot vapor the management of communicable diseases. Panchakarma is a Sanskrit word that means tions, as with individuals, have unique pat- describes the causation of disease and epidem- also facilitated for heaviness of head and Administration of Rasayana Aushadies along ‘five actions’ or ‘five treatments’. This is a pro- terns of disease. Populations’ disease patterns ics. sore throat. cinnamon tea and all herbal tea with Vyadhi Hara (disease curing) medication cess used to clean the body of toxic materials derive from differences in the type of individu- “Individuals are different when it comes to Herbal porridge (gotukola, hatavariya, proves to be very effective in curing as well as left by disease, poor nutrition and environ- als, in the mode of interaction of individuals, physical constitution, food habits, suitability, yakinarang, elabatu, heenbovitya, beli ) preventing the recurrence of the disease to the mental toxins. Normally the body has the and in the environment in which the popula- strength, immunity and age. They do get But hot drinks are preferred for this illness. same individual,” explained Hapuarachchi. innate ability to efficiently process and remove tion lives,” explained Hapuarachchi. affected with disease owing to vitiation of  Drink king coconut, young coconut these waste materials. However, due to one’s However, Hapuarachchi pointed out that these factors that are common to all those in (kurumba) water FIGHTING COVID 19 repeated dietary indiscretions, poor exercise science of epidemiology, which straddles biol- that community. These factors lead to the Drink more water (hot), herbal drinks, fresh In the fight against COVID 19, Dr.Hapuar- patterns, lifestyle, and genetic predisposition, ogy, clinical medicine, social sciences, and simultaneous manifestation of disease having fruits achchi recommends the use of plants, plant the digestive enzymes, metabolic co-factors, ecology, seeks to describe, understand, and the same set of symptoms among all the Gargle with saltwater (hot) and curcumin based formulations and animal products. hormones, and agnis which regulate the utilize these patterns to improve health. How- inhabitants leading to widespread manifesta- (kaha), weniwalgata, “The textual components of Samhita body’s internal homeostasis become disorgan- ever, she admits that it would be over ambi- tion in the community,” pointed out Hapuar- Steam inhalation – above herbs, citrus described that killing of pathogenic organisms ized. This can lead to the accumulation and tious to expect such concepts of epidemiology achchi. leaves, heen madurutala leaves, beli leaves, using herbal medications which possess anti- spread of toxins throughout the physiology from the treatises of Ayurveda as the concepts The factors that are common to all the indi- citronella, neem oil microbial activity to help manage an epidemic resulting in disease. This waste matter is are limited and very few are comparable. As viduals in a community include air, water, of communicable disease,” said Hapuarachchi. called ama in Ayurveda. Ama is a foul-smell- said earlier, Ayurveda, the ancient medical land, and season. Again, Acharya Charaka has Hapuarachchi recommends the following ing, sticky, harmful substance that needs to be doctrine, does not really have minute special- divided the etiological factors (causing or con- fruits, Vegetables and juices (decoctions) that completely evacuated from the body. Pancha- ized tributaries as compared with the modern tributing to the development of a disease or are best to eat and drink in order for the body karma will remove the excess doshas and cor- medicine, but many concepts described in condition) into two different categories, such to resist the Virus. rect imbalances in them, as well as eliminate those days are comparable with the concepts as Niyata Hetu and Aniyata Hetu. Fruit- oranges and citrus fruits (Narang the harmful ama out of your system. Pancha- of modern medicine and holds equal impor- “The Niyata Hetu are a category of factors etc.), Papaya, Banana, Mango, Pomegranate, karma purifies the tissues at a very deep level. tance in this age. There are many concepts that commonly affect all individuals in a par- Grapes, Water melon, Jamson, Nelli, Wood “Administration of Panchakarma and proper described in modern epidemiology which can ticular community and include the harmful apple, and Fresh Fruits (with high vitamin C) administration of Rasayana therapies is not necessarily be compared with the con- effects of sun, moon, stars, and planets such Vegetable- Fresh Leafy Vegetables for Fresh advised in the effective management of com- cepts of Ayurveda, but a few concepts are rele- as floods, cyclones, landslides, earthquakes, Salads, Sambola, Mallum and Curry, Gotukola, municable diseases. The herbs used for the vant to the present era. and tsunami. Aniyata Hetu is the disastrous Mukunuvanna, Nivithy, Elabatu, Murunga, medicine preparation should be collected prior Charaka was one of the principal contribu- factors that include Prajnaparadha (terrorism Watakolu, Pathola, Cucumber and Pumpkin. EDITORIAL wednesday,march 25, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 Unity is the key n a timely move, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa convened a meeting of all leaders of political parties Irepresented in the last Parliament in order to brief them on measures being taken by the Government against the COVID-19 pandemic and obtain their co- operation to successfully fight the disease. At a moment of major national crisis, it is not enough for the Government of the day and the executive State leadership to lead the way. When the co-oper- ation of every single Sri Lankan is urgently needed to save lives and protect our socio-economic way of life, then all our political leaders must step forward. After all, it is the claim of Parliamentarians that they are the directly elected representatives of the peo- ple. If so, then these politicians are empowered (and privileged) people who, by their electioneering and stewardship of their constituency, are supposedly in close touch with the mass of people. Thus, it is they The meeting of the COVID-19 Task Force who can best motivate and mobilise the constituen- cies for public action on a mass scale. The COVID-19 epidemic is currently the worst crisis to hit Sri Lanka since the Indian Ocean Tsunami disaster. Our first experience of defending our whole island community against a dangerous, new, viral epidemic over the past several weeks is now reveal- Leaving politics ing weak points in our collective and multi-tracked response to this threat. With the public administra- tion now fully mobilised, the Armed Forces already undertaking a multitude of tasks in supporting the administration, the business community already con- tributing resources, the political class needs to get its act together. aside to fight Pushed by the Prime Minister into meeting together and sharing concerns and ideas, the party leaders must quickly get fully on track in meeting the crisis by contributing their principal resource: political leader- ship. The Government, clearly realising the gravity of the situation, has rightly adopted a transparent approach. Despite the value of competitive electoral politics in normal governance and political management, there can be moments when such competition is more an COVID-19 obstacle to much-needed collaboration between political parties. efensive measures against Campaigns on hold The Opposition must normally stand by to question the novel Coronavirus the Government’s actions and oppose or criticise if ‘COVID-19’ reached a peak The political landscape was in a lull as all needed. And this will and should be done especially D this week with an island- trained their guns on the Coronavirus deter- wide curfew and the Government mined to win the battle against it. Sanity pre- if the Government is reticent about its plans and taking swift decisions pulling togeth- vailed as National Election Commission Chair- actions and, worse, is performing inadequately to er its apparatus in the face of uniquely man Mahinda Deshapriya announced the indef- meet national needs. challenging times. inite postponement of the General Election By bringing every stakeholder on board and, while True to the saying ‘desperate times call for previously scheduled for April 25. He made the keeping them informed, drawing them into a collec- desperate measures’, the order of the day was to announcement soon after he received that tive effort, it is possible to build a kind of shared arrest the spread of Coronavirus, so that nor- Constitution that gave him the authority to authority after the nominations were closed on accountability by the parties. It is by building such a mality can be restored, and nothing really mat- approve necessary funds when Parliament is March 19. tered than that. dissolved, warranted obtaining required funds The Chairman said in no uncertain terms national ‘crisis unity’ that the Government can hope As social distancing was the golden rule to from the Consolidated Fund for the above meas- that holding the election would solely depend to avoid the disruptions and delays that can occur if prevent the spread of the disease, the Govern- ures and paying out the previous government’s on how effectively the country would fight ‘COVID- party rivalry prompts hostile posturing and inter- ment heeding the advice of health specialists, unsettled bills. 19’. The Commission on Saturday issued a Gazette party animosity that distracts the people from their imposed a curfew over the weekend, then These measures were despite the fact that the stating that the election would be re-fixed to a date immediate challenge. extended it, and declared the country’s first- country’s economy was melting down and Sri coming after May 14. What is needed is not a ‘blame game’ but a powerful ever ‘work from home’ week. Lankan Rupee was fast depreciating against US In a Facebook post, Deshapriya said that the The Special Task Force of professionals, dollar, a common plight faced by many econo- preferential vote (Manapey) numbers of the candi- demonstration of unconditional participation in what headed by former Western Province Governor mies including developed ones around the dates would not be issued until a new date is fixed must be a joint effort. Only such a vigorous collabo- Dr. Seetha Arambepola, and the National Oper- world amidst the Coronavirus outbreak. for the election. ration will inspire the citizens to, themselves, rise to ation Centre, headed by Army Commander President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime “We can think about fixing a new date only after the occasion. Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva, were in Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, making special April 20. That is after the Sinhala and Tamil New full swing mobilizing Security Forces, health statements, emphasized that the Government Year season, and about one month since the post- officials and other stakeholders at the ground had paid great attention to the people’s lives ponement of the election. Therefore I request all Unsung heroes level to prevent the COVID-19 contagion in Sri and was trying to minimize discomfort for the political parties, candidates, their supporters and Lanka. people. political activists to suspend all political campaigns he curfew clamped down island-wide was It was encouraging to see how people disci- Responding to the calls to convene an ‘All and help combat our common enemy ‘COVID-19’. I lifted yesterday in most parts of the country plined themselves to maintain one-metre dis- Party Conference’ to discuss the situation, the also request them not to engage in any indirect Tand people rushed out to quickly complete tance at many supermarkets in the areas where PM yesterday convened a Party Leaders’ Meet- propaganda during this period by way of distribut- various urgent chores before the curfew was re- the curfew was temporarily lifted on Monday ing at Temple Trees. ing freebies. They are also requested to halt propa- introduced. Supermarkets, public sector food and yesterday. This was in stark contrast to ganda through the media,” Deshapriya said. how people behaved last Friday. The amazing Nit-pickers Many candidates, except few callous individ- stuffs retailers, pharmacies were all open and public cooperation shows that the people have uals, had put their campaigns on hold even functioning. These readily functioning services started acting more responsibly when they got At a time many politicians, irrespective of prior to this announcement mindful of their and the available stocks of food and other house- the message right. party lines, admired and extended their support social responsibility. hold supplies are the result of the hard work and At the same time, the Government had to unreservedly to the Government’s efforts, dedication of all the workers fulfilling their duties make sure that all essential services and the UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe and its Over 7,400 candidates despite the risk to themselves. supply chain of food and Fast Moving Consum- break-away group ‘Samagi Jana Balavegaya’ er Goods (FMCG) continue with limited man- (SJB) Leader were seen Meanwhile, according to the Election Com- Even as we, in civil society, thankfully cleared the power. Lagging behind in technology, many nit-picking. mission, a total of 7,452 candidates are contest- shelves in supermarkets, yet other workers made state and private firms were not in a position to Wickremesinghe argued that no expendi- ing this year’s General Election, an increase of sure the streets are kept clean. City workers in cope with a novel concept of ‘work from home’, ture could be incurred from the Consolidat- 1,301 candidates compared to the last General our crowded metro areas still nightly collect the but the attempt says that it is not impossible for ed Fund after the Vote of Account lapses on Election. Out of them, 3,652 candidates are garbage. Electricity and water supplies are the country’s workforce to get there. April 30. He contended that Parliament contesting from political parties and the rest maintained at normal levels in these abnormal should be re-summoned to get the funds from independent groups. times. Telecommunications run smoothly, strain- Swift measures approved. In the 2015 General Election, a total of 6,151 PM Mahinda Rajapaksa locked horns candidates contested from 21 political parties ing, no doubt, at the systems overload as millions Those in the informal sector, who depend on with Wickremesinghe over the above claim and 201 independent groups. A record number now work from home and millions more anxiously daily wages, were badly affected due to the stating that it was “a dastardly attempt to of 7,680 candidates entered the fray in the 2010 ask after each other and share contagion survival unprecedented obstacles and risks posed by the use legal arguments to block Government General Election from 36 political parties and tips. epidemic. Understanding the need to lessen the finances and sabotage the anti-Coronavirus 366 independent groups. All these systems are maintained by the hard work burden on them, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa campaign”. He reminded that it was the Accordingly, the total number of candidates of skeleton staff on duty at operational installa- announced a host of relief measures, while also same Opposition that blocked the Govern- in the forthcoming election has exceeded the tions across the country. setting up a special fund named “COVID-19 ment’s attempt to pass the necessary funds 2015 number and has come close to the record Healthcare and Social Security Fund” with an in Parliament on February 20. in 2010. Only 196 electorally successful candi- Meanwhile, much of the import and export of goods initial capital of Rs. 100 million from the Presi- He pointed out that former Opposition dates will get the opportunity to represent the continues just as much as supply systems within dent’s Fund. Leader Premadasa was also repeating simi- country’s Legislature together with another 29 the country are maintained ensuring, for example, The relief measures include extended grace lar claims via the social media. “It can be appointees from the National List. that we had fresh veggies available when the cur- periods for payment of utility bills, taxes, credit seen that the two factions in the UNP are Like in the last Presidential Polls, where a few lifted. They are further supported by other cards, loan instalments and lease on three- vying with one another to make political record number of 35 candidates vied for the logistical staff like vehicle drivers, loaders, con- wheelers. Samurdhi beneficiaries will be pro- capital out of the Coronavirus epidemic. country’s highest office, the large number of vided an interest free advance of Rs 10,000 and The public should not entertain any fears candidates at the upcoming polls will spiral the tainer gantry operators, mechanics, all around the they together with other low-income families about the availability of funds for the anti- cost of election, which will have to be obtained country and working night and day as usual, but will receive essential food items weekly through Coronavirus campaign and to maintain from the public purse. The Cabinet last week under the added stress of an epidemic threat. ‘Food Cards’. other Government services,” the Premier approved Rs 8 billion to the Election Commis- Even as millions of Sri Lankans, in cities and vil- The Cabinet last week approved Rs. 500 mil- said. sion for the expenses of holding the General lages, stay at home to prevent the virus spread, lion to be immediately utilized for the purpose Premadasa, who was posting videos one Election. This money is being forked out by the their daily lives are facilitated by the labours of a of combating Coronavirus, while rolling out a after the other to social media, recently Treasury when there is an economic downturn million others still labouring in agriculture and in stimulus package for those involved in the tour- added a bizarre video where he thought fit owing to COVID-19. Also, the higher the num- ism, garment and Information Technology (IT) to “advise” the Government on the medica- ber of candidates, the higher the burden on the many services. industries and migrant workers, and small scale tion that needs to be prescribed for Covid-19 Election Commission to coordinate the elec- It is up to all of us to be inspired by their disciplined industrialists and entrepreneurs, who have been patients in Sri Lanka. Later, medical profes- tion-related activities. But now is the time to commitment to duty and to observe our own civic dealt a severe blow due to the global pandemic. sionals pointed out that those claims were focus solely on containing COVID-19, leaving duties to meet the enormous challenge of a con- The President, using the provisions in the misleading and unproven. politics aside. tagion almost out of control. WEDNESDAY,MARCH 25, 2020 OPINION Lessons from the 1918-1920 Pandemic JEEVAN THIAGARAJAH he spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) has led to stock- 1920; the sum of these death rates is what to do with the stressful new situa- “But the good news is that when you Tmarket crashes, surging 2.0%. tion. Many people die and the rest sur- look at the electromagnetic spectrum, Applying that death rate to the cur- vive, but with an excited biology,” there is ionizing and non-ionizing radia- financial volatility, rent world population (about 7.5 bil- Cowan said. tion. decreases in nominal lion) generates staggering mortality This happened in 1918 with the “The ionizing is like X-rays and interest rates, and numbers: 150 million worldwide deaths Spanish flu, which occurred with the gamma rays – these are the ones which contractions of real and 6.5 million US deaths. However, worldwide introduction of radio traffic. are dangerous to health, which can pro- economic activity. At this these numbers likely represent the Cowan says when they asked duce cancer. But 5G is deployed in non- point, there is substantial worst-case scenario today, particularly renowned anthropologist Rudolf Stein- ionizing frequencies.” uncertainty around the because health procedures are more er about the millions of victims of the The 5G claims were also debunked by eventual scale of the advanced than in 1918-20, although Spanish flu in 1918, he replied: “Viruses FullFact, a UK fact checker. pandemic and its other factors like greater international have nothing to do with it. Viruses are “As we’ve written about before, there economic implications, travel work in the opposite direction. In reactions of the poisoned cell that, in is no evidence that 5G is harmful to addition, those worst-case scenarios do defence against the poison itself, humans. 5G is the next generation of especially in terms of not account for differences in demo- secretes the viruses to allow the cell to wireless network technology, following how a worst-case graphic profiles of the Great Influenza survive. on from 4G. scenario could look like. Pandemic and COVID-19. “Viruses are therefore waste products “Like 4G, 3G and 2G before it, 5G To do that, we can go Mortality rates are sometimes of the human cells and therefore do mobile data is transmitted over radio back to the Spanish Flu expressed as shares of numbers infect- nothing themselves.” waves – a small part of the whole elec- of 100 years ago (there ed, but these are much less reliable Considering the numerous ways in tromagnetic spectrum (which includes are only two survivors because they depend on inaccurately which people are poisoned by antibiot- microwaves, visible light and X-rays). living today). measured counts of infections. For the ics, radiation, insecticides, radioactivi- “These radio waves are non-ionizing, Great Influenza Pandemic, a commonly ty, medicines, junk food, polluted water meaning they don’t damage the DNA quoted figure is that roughly one-third and air, and other harmful substances, inside cells. “Public Health England has of the world’s population was infected Cohen says their resistance and their said that there’s no ‘convincing evi- The pandemic arose in three main by the H1N1 virus. If this number were cells are destroyed. The cells them- dence’ that exposure below the Interna- waves, the first in spring 1918, the accurate, a mortality rate of 2.0% for the selves secrete the viruses as a defence tional Commission on Non-Ionizing second and most deadly from Sep- overall population as we estimated response. Radiation guidelines can cause adverse tember 1918 to January 1919, and would translate into a mortality rate of One version of 5G, called millimeter health effects. the third from February 1919 through 6% of for the infected population. But wave, runs on very high-frequency radio “These guidelines go up to 300GHz, the remainder of the year (with some the latter has to be regarded as highly waves. Those signals can’t travel long whereas the maximum for 5G will prob- countries having a fourth wave in speculative, because it is based on sur- distances, which requires towers to be ably only be in the tens of GHz. 1920). The two initial waves coin- veys done in a few places in the US (as placed close together and installed in “And regardless, the claimed symp- cided with the final year of World described by Frost 1920). more locations. toms of 5G exposure shown don’t match War I (1918), which helped to spread That has reignited worries that the the symptoms of the new coronavirus. the infection across countries. An Implications for 5G radio waves – emanating from land “The post claims that symptoms of unusual feature of the pandemic was the COVID-19 pandemic and in space – could produce harmful 5G exposure include nausea, hair loss the high mortality among young Great Influenza Pandemic seems try to have more than 100 000 5G tow- radiation, causing brain cancer, reduced and bone marrow damage but the symp- adults without pre-existing medical The Great Influenza Pandemic of remote, given epidemiological differ- ers, with Wuhan being the first to con- fertility, headaches and other illnesses. toms of Covid-19 include fever and conditions. 1918-1920 represents a plausible worst- ences, advances in public health, and tract the new coronavirus. It has been However, these claims have not been coughing. Other symptoms include case scenario for disease outbreaks with mitigating policies at play. In any event, claimed that Wuhan was the first city to proved conclusively. The new technolo- shortness of breath, aches and pains, Mortality and morbidity global reach like COVID-19. The for- the large potential losses in lives and introduce blanketed 5G, with Iran, gy will supposedly be 600 times faster nasal congestion, runny nose, sore mer’s death rate of 2% of the total popu- economic activity justify substantial cruise ships and Italy being among than the current speed of 4G mobile throat or diarrhoea.” Adding up the estimates by country lation translates into 150 million deaths expenditure of resources to attempt to other places where 5G was introduced. networks, and 10 times faster than the The Food and Drug Administration and inflating to the world’s population today. Further, that death rate corre- limit the damage. In effect, countries In a video recorded at the Health and fastest fibre-optic connections. and Federal Communication Commis- (assuming comparable flu death rates in sponds to estimated declines in GDP have been pursuing policies of lowering Human Rights Summit in Tucson, Ari- However, Professor Antoine Bagula, sion in the US insist there is nothing to the uncovered places) yields a total and consumption in the typical country real GDP as ways to curb the spread of zona, on March 12, doctor and anthro- head of the Department of Computer be worried about. Most studies haven’t number of flu deaths of 26.4 million in by 6% and 8%, respectively. In addition, the disease. There is clearly a difficult posophist Thomas Cowan says every Science at the University of the Western found a link between radio frequency 1918, 9.4 million in 1919, and 3.1 mil- the pandemic was associated with siza- trade-off here concerning lives versus time a fundamentally new electrical Cape, told the Weekend Argus in signals from cellphones or cell towers lion in 1920, for a world total of 39 ble declines in real rates of return on material goods, with little ongoing dis- technology is introduced, we see a pan- November last year: “What is different and disease, the agencies say. million over 1918-1920. As shares of the stocks and short-term bills. cussion about how this tradeoff should demic. with 5G compared to other technology But because 5G is so new, there’s no population, the figures are 1.38% for At this point, the probability that be assessed and acted upon “A biological shock wave occurs, is that it’s using high frequencies. It will definitive way to know if it will cause 1918, 0.49% for 1919, and 0.16% for COVID-19 reaches anything close to the China was reportedly the first coun- because our organism does not know be much more powerful radiation. long-term health problems. Coronavirus: Sociology of a pandemic

DARIM AL-BASAM three types of psycho-social epidemics that and might pass it on to me. As the number of his article sheds some light on what will us to analyse the sociology of the corona- confirmed cases of illness started to spike, so sociology in general and epidemics virus pandemic. (a) the epidemic of fear. (b) did public anxiety which is largely fuelled by a sociology in particular (which inter- the epidemic of stigmatisation and moralisa- feeling of powerlessness and vulnerability. T acts with the sociology of knowledge tion, and (c) the epidemic of action, and adap- A second characteristic of fear from this and social epistemology ) has to say about pan- tive reaction. The particular features of all novel epidemic disease seems to be the obses- demics and emerging infectious diseases, like three psycho-social epidemics need closer sion with new habits of frequent washing the Corona Virus, at a time when some would examination in studying the coronavirus reac- hands and keeping the distance from others to claim this topic to be the increasingly exclusive tions. avoid sneezing and coughing. There is also the terrain of microbiologists, virologists and practi- It is worth elaborating that the three epi- sudden interruption in social empathy that usu- tioners in public health. demics of fear, stigmatisation and moralisa- ally comes through shaking hands and kissing. Such assertions, sociologists argue, betray a tion patterns of action seem to be much more All this keeps the person overwhelmed with basic lack of understanding of how medicine and severe when the virus is new or strikes in a the newly emerging responses and also obses- biomedical science relate to the world in which new way like the coronavirus that swiftly sive of germs that goes beyond a concern with they exist. The new pandemic is at least as big a became a pandemic. But, before doing this, cleanness. People start developing a compul- challenge to the social scientists. several qualifications and asides should be sive fear that the virus may be transmitted If we continue to neglect this, there is a seri- made. through any number of different routes. ous danger that we end up with mistaken From a sociological point of view what is This leads in some people to irrational pho- national and international policies that do more interesting about these three psycho-social bic feeling that suspects the whole environ- harm than good.Both fields are social institu- epidemics is that they have the potential ment. Human, animal and inanimate may be tions. capacity to infect almost everyone in the soci- rendered potentially infectious. This means that they are carried out in social ety. Just as almost everyone can potentially If one does not know what is happening, who organisations by people who are socially recog- catch certain epidemic diseases, so almost knows where the virus might not spring from? nised as competent practitioners within a divi- everyone has the capacity to be frightened of Psychologically, uncertainty about the trajec- sion of labour; that they are delivered through the world is routinely stabilised by language and such diseases — and, likewise, has the capac- tory of the threat exacerbates a feeling of not other organisations and through social interac- social institutions. ity to interpret, stigmatise or moralise and being in control. Also when a threat or danger tions with innumerable partners. For him, emerging epidemics disturb our behaviourally adapt to the new situation or is gradually approaching people, as the corona- Furthermore, problems come to medicine and assumptions of a known universe of risk. think that something must be done and done virus does, it tends to be more frightening to biomedical science along socially constructed A new hazard disrupts our established strate- urgently. All three aspects, therefore simulta- people than, let us say, to appear all of a sud- pathways and are delivered into the world by gies for managing our everyday lives. neously possess profound psychological and den. As the virus kept encroaching and spread- other pathways: knowledge or technology trans- What appears as irrational may be a locally collective characteristics. ing, people became more anxious about if and fer is a social process. rational response to uncertainty, or at least an Let me apply the three psycho-social aspects when it will personally touch their lives. A focus of attention and resources on medi- attempt to use locally available resources to re- to understand the sociology of the coronavirus I think it’s important to understand that this cine and biomedical science, then, tells less than establish sufficient certainty for adaptive practi- pandemic. At the very beginning of this new very hardwired into people. half the story of how societies identify new dis- cal action. Strong proposes a sociological study epidemic when so much was unknown, and It is a deep-seated intuition, that when they eases, how they respond, and what the conse- of societal responses to an existential threat.He the virus was confined to the Wuhan province deal with uncertainty, they become in unpre- quences might be. stresses the inherent formlessness of the com- in China, there was in peoples’ imagination dicted and unsafe situation. The more I researched the sociology of pan- plex world: it acquires order as the outcome of the prospect in that it might or might not And so uncertainty naturally leads to anxie- demics literature, the more I realised that sociol- human actions that assign meaning to events reach our shores. ty, and it starts to feed a lot of it. ogy is important in how a society reacts to out through the socially shared medium of language What happened was quite consistent with But I think there’s an ironic piece here: the wide spread pandemics. and the institutions that have evolved to manage what we know about risk perception. This more people want to be certain and seek out This article could be the first attempt by an and stabilise sources of uncertainty. Theoreti- inherent possibility is itself a powerful deter- information it actually increases the anxiety Arab sociologist, I believe, to make a general cally, epidemic sociology that we apply in this minant of both the crisis and the subsequent and not decreases. sociological statement on the striking problems by Philip Strong. Thirty years ago he explored article, following Strong, is a phrase with a response. Fear can feed on itself, just as gov- A third striking feature, closely linked to the that large, fatal pandemic like the coronavirus in an article published in the Sociology of double meaning. ernments’ foresights, or lack of it, and how two above, is the way that fear and suspicion seems to present to social orders different waves Health and Illness Journal, the pandemic caused It contains within it a reference, not just to they must respond to what might happen as becomes wholly separate from the reality of the of disorder: fear, panic, stigmatising and calls to by HIV in the 1980s as related to social dynam- the special micro-sociology or social psychol- well as to what has already come to pass. epidemic when the psychology of rumours and action that seem to characterize the immediate ics and social orders of societies. I also will ogy of epidemics, but to the fact that the social The epidemic of fear among the other two social media’s false news start playing a role. reaction. draw inspirations in my analyses from the has its own epidemic nature, quite separate psycho socials, seems to have in such cases, Such panic can extend even to those who are Societies worldwide are caught up for the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) in collective from the epidemic of disease. several striking characteristics, or potential nominally best informed about the epidemic. time being in an extraordinary emotional mael- psychology. Like the disease, the social too can spread characteristics. First, fear is an emotional, In fact most people have two levels of think- strom which seems, at least for a time, to be Unlike cognitive psychologists who generally rapidly from person to person, thereby creat- behavioural and physiological coping reaction ing. They have their rational mind but they have beyond anyone’s immediate control. assume that disorder caused by the epidemic ing a major collective as well as individual to perceived threats. The epidemic of fear in also a more primitive, visceral, gut reaction In my review of relevant literature I found the results from primitive emotions unleashed by impact. At the same time, however, its spread this regard is also an epidemic of anxiety and where and when the herd instinct kicks in and best theoretical framework that I could adopt in such threats, Strong argued, that apparently can take a much wider variety of forms. suspicion. where people suspend judgment and start doing understanding the sociological relevance of the what we think of as a bizarre behaviour may be In order to model epidemic sociology and There is the fear that I might catch the virus what everyone else is doing. new coronavirus pandemic is the one developed entirely intelligible once it is understood how make it empirically applicable, we employ and the suspicion that you may already have it (Gulf Times) wednesday, march 25, 2020

Rubber industry calls on Government to make rubber an essential sector

Stimulus package Need to produce medical has not been extended gloves, agriculture and to the rubber sector transport sector tires

Rubber exporters have made a sectors within and outside the been consulted or spoken to, of the rubber industry, as our request from the Government to country,” says a letter signed by whereas we learn that other sec- members provide medical gloves make it an essential service dur- Chairman, Sri Lanka Association tors have already been spoken to that has a local demand as well ing this crucial time as the sector of Manufacturers and Exporters by the government. as international demand as hospi- provides its products to the medi- of Rubber Products (SLAMERP), “We expect a downturn of tals need the products, “Also we cal industry and the agriculture Ravi Dadlani and Director Gener- about 40% of rubber exports this need the agriculture supply chains sands of farmers will get affected al export sector. We have written sector. al Rohan Masakorala to the Com- year and a large number of SMEs to move and we produce agricul- if the production is halted. Things to the Minister of Plantations and “We call upon the Government mander of the Sri Lanka Army are going to get affected through ture tiers and we need to get are not easy for the rubber indus- Industries to get their attention to to make rubber manufacturing and Lieutenant General Shaven- the supply chain. If our exporters these supply chains moving,” he try and we expect government to these vital sectors of the economy sector an essential service as dra Silva who is also the head of are not given the proposed mora- said treat all exporters (direct & indi- just as the other export indus- locally and internationally the the National Operation Centre for torium of six months repayment Closure of operations will hit rect) in a fair and an equitable tries,” he added. “In fact our demand for medical gloves and Prevention of COVID 19 Out- of loans and working capital day to day wage earners of the manner, through a sustainable industry is also supporting the other protective gloves are break. loans at 4%, the impact could be sector as companies will have to policy on export sector, he said. government by supplying medical increasing and also and the indus- Masakorala said the sector even worse.” re-structure production. We have “Our members have expressed gloves to the Ministry of Health try needs to supply the tyres of which brings in around US$ 1 bil- He said, we need the Govern- already got reports that tapping of disappointment as the government to fight Covid 19 in Sri Lanka,” the agricultural and heavy vehicle lion to the economy, has not yet ment to facilitate the production rubber is slowing down. Thou- has failed to look at the tradition- the DG explained. Dialog empowers Lankans during COVID An appeal from With the prevailing situation turning online partnership with the University Grants Commis- and 1000+ local movies, dramas, edutainment conveniences into daily necessities, Dialog has sion and the Telecommunications Regulatory content and originals. gone the extra mile to help Sri Lankans follow Commission of Sri Lanka are set to provide free Dialog has extended all of its television chan- through with their social distancing efforts. In access with no Data charges to all official nels to all Dialog Television customers for as addition to keeping its customers connected dur- e-Learning platforms of State Universities effec- low as Rs. 100/- +tax for a period of 14 days (or SriLankan Airlines ing these turbulent times, Dialog has extended its tive 23 March 2020. Rs. 75 +tax when activated via the MyDialog support with the following special services for all App) which provides access to an array of enter- SriLankan Airlines has noted that safety and procedural guidance Dialog Customers, the company said in a news Double Benefits tainment and edutainment content at home dur- many social Media posts have issued by the International Air release. ing this period. appeared over the past few days dis- Transport Association for cabin In line with the Government’s initiatives of To facilitate Dialog customers to work from Credit enhancement up to 50% from the exist- criminating SriLankan Airlines staff crew, technical staff and cargo han- curbing the coronavirus outbreak, Dialog in part- home and keep them connected during these chal- ing credit limit (upon reaching the limit), has in connection with COVID-19 dling. nership with Wavenet International Pvt Ltd and lenging times, Dialog launched a host of conces- been enabled whilst disconnections due to non- infection. It is extremely unfortunate The Airlines’ corporate health MyDoctor (My Health Solutions Pvt Ltd), sions and special offers from 16 March 2020. payment of February bill has been suspended till that these posts have subjected the medical services continue to moni- launched a free trilingual hotline via 1390 to pro- Dialog offers 100% bonus for all Data exten- 27 March 2020. Airlines’ staff and their immediate tor the health and psychological vide all Sri Lankans with access to remote medi- sions on both Home and Mobile Broadband An emergency credit facility is offered for all families to discrimination, distress wellbeing of its staff members and cal consultation sand minimise physical visits to Postpaid accounts, effective from 16thMarch Dialog mobile prepaid customers who are unable and embarrassment at public places their families and through the deep busy hospitals and clinics. This trilingual medical 2020. This has enabled over 600,000 Home to purchase top up cards or reloads. Customers such as hotels, schools and hospitals, cleaning of aircraft, the Airline con- advisory service can be accessed free of charge by Broadband users and over 1.4 Million post paid can dial #007# to obtain the emergency credit a news release issued by the airline tinues to ensure the safety and dialling 1390 from any network. mobile customers to stay online during this criti- from Dialog. said. health of its passengers, staff, their Dialog deployed a pre-call announcement to cal period where everyone is confined to their Subscribers are encouraged to use Dialog’s SriLankan Airlines as the National immediate families and the general inform of precautions on COVID19 and also homes. Those that require data can activate data digital selfcare platforms (www.dialog.lk or the Airline of Sri Lanka is categorized public at all times. established 135 – a free trilingual IVR service, for add-on packs via the MyDialog App or www. MyDialog App) for help on Dialog products and as an essential service to render air Therefore, the Airline would like customers to receive information and advice on dialog.lk and receive double the data for the services. The MyDialog App also gives you the services to the Government and the to request social media users to the latest developments of the Coronavirus out- same price. ability to manage your family’s/business’ Dialog people of Sri Lanka even at a time share content responsibly, by being break. In addition to these hotlines, an Android/ To keep 13.4 Million prepaid mobile users Services, along with the ability to reload any where there is risk to health, person- mindful of the authenticity of such iOS app with more information on COVID-19 connected, Dialog has doubled the standard 50% Dialog connection conveniently. In addition to al safety that includes the whole or content and sources, and refrain will be launched soon. 4G Bonus to 100% 4G Anytime bonus for all the digital platforms, customers are recommend- part of the population. from posting or sharing content that internet card purchases through any of the online ed to use the dedicated payment kiosks for cash Therefore, the Airlines’ staff and may discriminate, distress or demo- e-Learning channels including the MyDialog/Genie Apps or transactions such as reloads, bill payments and business continue to provide a non- tivate the Airlines’ staff and their www.dialog.lk effective 23 March 2020. The eZ Cash top-ups. stop service 24 x 7, for both passen- family members who are currently In its efforts to minimise the disruption to the same offer is available for all Data Cards above The company also provides the added benefit ger and cargo operations and being part of fulfilling a much- education system due to the early closure of Rs.349/- activated through any channel, effective of being available on WhatsApp; Dialog custom- ground services during this serious required national mission, thus schools, Dialog in partnership with the Ministry 22ndMarch 2020. ers can conveniently WhatsApp Dialog on 777 and challenging global crisis going above and beyond their call of Education and Headstart Pvt Ltd deployed a Dialog mobile Prepaid customers can avail 678 678 anytime and anywhere regarding any brought upon by COVID-19. of duty. suite of free educational content and applications 100% bonus Talk Time/ SMS /Data on daily/ services offered by the company. The National Carrier’s work areas SriLankan Airlines makes this without any data charges for children to continue weekly Voice and Combo packs from 22nd Dialog is dedicated and fully prepared towards and operations inadvertently bring appeal to the public to support and learning from home. Dialog together with its part- March 2020. To purchase these special packs, supporting enterprises to stay connected and be its staff face to face with the general show solidarity to all SriLankan ners have extended free content and online access customers can dial #678# from their Dialog equipped with the right tools and bespoke con- public, international travellers, and Airlines’ Staff and understand that to the following educational and content plat- mobile. nectivity solutions. Customers are encouraged to imported and exported goods. the invaluable service that they per- forms: All Mobile and Home Broadband customers contact Dialog’s Enterprise Account Managers SriLankan Airlines would like to form at a great personal risk to 1.Guru.lk can also enjoy the Dialog ViU app – Sri Lanka’s who are available at any time via 777887887 state that its operational staff under- themselves, is for the benefit and 2.e-thaksalawa - www.e-thaksalawa.moe.gov.lk largest Video and Live TV collection – with no and 117100200 or visit business.dialog.lk for go regular and recurrent training of well-being of fellow citizens of Sri 3.Nenasa App – available on the Goole Play data charges. The Dialog ViU app is another assistance. flying under contagion situations Lanka and to fulfill all needs Store medium where Dialog customers can access free Dialog has also introduced ‘BizConferencing’, and are regularly updated with entrusted to the National Carrier by 4.Dialog ViUApp – available on the Google Live TV and Video without any data charges a flexible and cost-effective Voice Conference regard to operational safety adher- the Government of Sri Lanka at a Play store and App Store anywhere, anytime on the Dialog network, to Solution that is secure and easy to use anytime ing to directives from the World time of a crisis. In addition to the above platforms, Dialog in keep everyone entertained with 60 live channels and anywhere. Health Organisation and under the ADB meetings to be held on staggered basis Hotels offer sanctuary for self-quarantine As countries in Asia times, while lending a hand With few people traveling self-isolation will be sepa- come during this time,” Due to the ongoing COVID- which will be open to partici- impose stricter entry to the most affected sectors right now, Thailand’s rated for special handling. Shah remarked. These pack- 19 pandemic and travel restric- pants. Please note that all invi- requirements on foreign vis- or communities amid the A-One Hotels Group is A special team will pro- ages are priced very com- tions, the Board of Directors of tations to register and confir- itors amid a new wave of escalating situation world- employing a new tactic to vide daily housekeeping petitively with rates slashed the Asian Development Bank mation of registration issued imported coronavirus infec- wide. attract bookings by rolling services and help monitor by 20 percent, he added. has approved that the 2020 prior to this day are no longer tions, hotels in the region While hotels in parts of out a self-quarantine pack- the conditions of the guests With the Singapore gov- Annual Meeting of the Board of valid. ADB will be sending out are seeing unexpected Europe and the U.S. have age at its Bangkok and Pat- under quarantine. Should ernment making it mandato- Governors will be held in two new invitations and registra- opportunities as quarantine announced moves to reuti- taya hotels, the company’s any of these guests become ry for anyone entering the parts. tion details to participants for lodgings for travelers and lize their empty properties director of sales and mar- unwell or develop any coro- country since March 20, A meeting will held on 22 the Annual Meeting in workers seeking self-isola- as shelters for the homeless, keting Shreyash Shah told navirus symptoms during 11.59 p.m. to undergo a May 2020 at ADB Headquar- Incheon. tion venues. in Asia they are more likely Skift. their stay at the hotel, they 14-day stay-at-home notice, ters in Manila which will only ADB and the Government of Industry players say the to double as temporary These full-board packages will immediately be sent to Park Hotel Group Executive be for Governors through their the Republic of Korea prior- unusual proposal of repur- housing solutions for work- are targeted at Thais or resi- the several hospitals located Director Shin Hui Tan has designated representatives itizes the safety of participants. posing hotels as quarantine ers affected by border clo- dents who wish to isolate in the vicinity of the hotel, already seen an uptick in based in Manila. A full scale We will continue to monitor quarters is one way the bat- sures. Or they serve to help themselves for 14 days. according to Shah. enquiries from returning Annual Meeting will be held developments on COVID-19 tered hospitality sector people undergoing manda- Meals are delivered to the “We hope to get at least residents wanting to check from 18 to 21 September in and provide updates on any could fill up some rooms tory self-isolation due to rooms on trolleys, while some customers with these themselves into hotels dur- Incheon, Republic of Korea changes on the above. and get much-needed reve- their possible exposure to dishes, cutlery and bed- quarantine packages, as ing the two-week period. nue during such tough the coronavirus. sheets used by guests in standard tourists will not (Skift) wednesday,march 25, 2020

Managing the impact of COVID-19 on education systems case-fatality ratio, may serve as carriers gation efforts. A Cyclical Approach to for the disease, putting at risk older education in emergencies How countries are preparing, coping, and family members in communities across What we are learning from COVID- the globe where multi-generational 19, similar to what we have seen in pre- households are the norm. vious pandemics, is that preparedness is planning for recovery Using remote learning and education crucial. While different scenarios exist, resources to mitigate loss of learning: several of them assume that the Many countries have turned to distance COVID-19 spread will happen in At the end of February as alarm bells actions in schools (Afghanistan); estab- learning as a means of mitigating for waves, which means the process of began to sound on the growing spread lishing protocols for schools’ handling lost time in school (fully online in addressing it should be cyclical. Coun- of the COVID-19 virus, the World of illnesses and potential cases (Egypt, China, Italy, France, Germany and tries not yet impacted should begin Bank established a multi-sectoral glob- Russia, Belarus); using the education Saudi Arabia; mobile phones or televi- “preparing,” starting with a response al task force to support country system’s infrastructure and human sion in Vietnam, Mongolia). In addition plan. This would facilitate “coping” response and coping measures. At the resources to address the spread of to infrastructure and connectivity, teach- once the crisis hits and minimizing the time, only China and a handful of infections in communities (Liberia and ers’ and administrators’ familiarity with negative impacts. The plan can include schools in other affected countries were Sierra Leone); and limiting physical the tools and processes are also key fac- introducing protocols for screenings in enforcing social distancing through contact by reducing social and extra- tors in providing distance learning (Sin- schools, rolling out hygiene practice school closures. A little over two curricular activities (Singapore, Russia) gapore). Other countries send kids campaigns, imposing school closures, weeks later, 120 countries have closed Selective closing of schools: Choos- home with lessons as homework (Leba- offering distance learning, using closed schools impacting almost a billion stu- ing to isolate treatment areas, some non). In Bulgaria, more than 800,000 schools for emergency purposes, etc. dents across the globe that have seen governments have opted for localized accounts have been created for all As the emergency phase dissipates, their schools close for varied lengths of school closures as an interim measure teachers and parents, publishers have communities could move into a “recov- time. (for example India). In half the cases been mobilized to open the digital text- ery” mode, with governments imple- While school closures seem to pre- thus far, we have seen these localized books and learning materials for grades menting policies and measures to regain sent a logical solution to enforcing approaches subsequently expand geo- 1 to 10, and two national TV channels lost time. The approaches may include social distancing within communities, countries: should they move preemp- ticularly during the coping and recov- graphically (Brazil, India, Canada, Aus- will broadcast educational tv. As more adjustments to the academic calendar, prolonged closures tend to have a dis- tively in spite of potential economic ery phases. It’s also worth noting that tralia). National closing of schools (the countries close schools, more creativity prioritizing students in grades preparing proportionately negative impact on the fallout, or wait to see and risk wide- education has the potential to contrib- most used option globally): As the virus will be needed. For instance, adapting for high-stakes examinations, and con- most vulnerable students. They have spread disease? Operating in the ute to the protection of children and has spread, many countries are existing platforms for use in smart- tinuing with distance learning in paral- fewer opportunities for learning at unknown creates substantial risks to all youth; it helps them cope or maintain announcing national school closures. phones, and/or agreeing with telecom lel to schools. Countries that have home, and their time out of school may sectors, including education. some normalcy during a crisis, and Many are concerned that children and companies to eliminate the cost of shown greater resilience in repeated cri- present economic burdens for parents Possible solutions recover more quickly, hopefully with youth, while seemingly less susceptible accessing material from a Ministry of ses, such as those in East Asia, are the who may face challenges finding pro- China is one country where educa- some useful new skills (i.e. acquiring to the virus and have a much lower education site could be part of the miti- ones that were able to benefit from les- longed childcare, or even adequate food tion continued regardless of school clo- distance learning skills and deeper digi- sons learned and to respond quickly to in the absence of school meals. sures, taking place through internet and tal mastery where applicable). Further- new crises, such as this one. They have Hard-won gains in expanded access distance learning. Other countries or more, in some low-capacity environ- been able to use the momentum to re- to education could stagnate or reverse school systems are less prepared. ments, notably across swaths of Sub- prepare, investing and reinforcing sys- as school closures are extended and Access to technology in most house- Saharan Africa, schools are often the tems going forward. accessibility to alternative options like holds may vary, and access to high only permanent government structure It is critical to jointly work building distance learning remain out of reach bandwidth internet, or to smartphones in rural villages and can serve as make- on the experience of previous outbreaks for those without means to connect. is related to income even in middle shift crisis response centers. Teachers, (SARS, Ebola, etc.) in support to Gov- This may cause further loss in human income countries. Therefore, programs often among the most educated in these ernments in understanding the options capital and diminished economic that can quickly target those in most hard-to-reach areas, can be trained to available. The World Bank is working opportunities. need are crucial. serve as contact tracers and communi- with countries across the globe in each The most worrying issue is that the Education interventions during a cri- cation campaign advocates. of the three stages of preparing, coping majority of low-income countries (for sis can support prevention and recovery How countries are managing and recovery. Educational administra- example, in Sub-Saharan Africa) are of public health while mitigating the Many client countries are implement- tors and policy makers can use this cri- nor reporting many (or even any) cases impact on students and learning. ing various forms of these strategies, sis as an opportunity to introduce new yet. This creates uncertainties for both Where health facilities may be scarce, including: learning modes that can reach everyone, service delivery and for preparedness. schools can be turned into makeshift Enhancing preparedness while keep- to prepare for emergencies, and to make It is not clear what should guide the holding centers during a crisis. This all ing schools open: This involves the system more resilient. decision-making process for these needs to be factored into planning, par- enforcing and supporting preventive (blogs.worldbank.org) NCE commends Online shopping to thrive in Sri Lanka Government Online shopping has become a global trend faced was implementing logistics as we deliv- and an integral part of many people’s lives. er goods to all parts of the country. As of now, Both sellers and customers have identified it we have established 50 logistic hubs around As you stated Huawei is a top to be very convenient, as it provides the luxu- the island to streamline delivery processes. In performer at Daraz, what for COVID-19 ry of ordering items to one’s doorstep and fact, “Dex” Daraz’s in-house logistics arm is running an e-commerce store at home. Online the largest courier network in Sri Lanka. is your opinion on Huawei’s shopping has moved beyond merely a means Through our “Daraz Stores” initiative we Q. of shopping to become a lifestyle and people enable traditional brick & motor stores sell progression in recent years? around the world have embraced it, stereotyp- our full portfolio to their customers offline. steps ing it as E-commerce. E-commerce brings a Partnering with traditional sellers is para- A. It is pleasing to see a brand like Huawei host of advantages like reducing operational mount and we have invested heavily on challenging the world with innovations. Hua- The National Chamber of Exporters costs from a business point of view and offers strengthening Daraz’s seller network. With wei is currently at the forefront of innovations of Sri Lanka (NCE) which serves and a wholesome experience to customers through Daraz’s seller tools, we provide a perfect plat- by being the first to research and come up with represents Sri Lankan enterprises in time-saving, discounts, monthly offers such as form for emerging sellers to enter the online latest technologies. One reason for its success the vital export sector, has appreciated Black Friday, wide range of products to shopping space. is the market awareness and putting up Smart the apt measures initiated by the Gov- choose from and many more. On the other devices to suit both mid-range and up market. ernment to overcome the challenges hand, online shopping has facilitated individu- What are the top selling the country faces due to the COVID als and entrepreneurs to start a self-business Kavan Marambe, Huawei recently 19 Pandemic. from the comfort of their homes. Many peo- Category Head Electronics, Daraz products at Daraz? The Council of the NCE which con- ple are turning towards online selling as it unveiled its own mobile sists of Sectoral Business Leaders of offers a virtual shop of their own where they cater to enhancing user experience. Customer Products and Services in the export can display their goods that is open on 24 x7 Satisfaction is our major focus and we are Q. services, what are your sector, earnestly request those in the x 365 days. always committed to deliver the best possible A. Buyers have placed huge trust in us for Q. business community to work with an thoughts on this expansion? Sri Lanka is no stranger to e-commerce experience. warranties and the authentic products we understanding of the prevalent situa- with Daraz emerging as Sri Lanka’s biggest offer.Daraz mall, our premier shopping chan- A. This is a welcome measure and a timely tion. The armed forces, medical pro- online shopping store which offers an endless nel, is home to a wide range of major brands one. I believe many tech enthusiasts are wait- fessionals work tirelessly playing a collection of products from diverse categories What are the challenges and products meeting almost all customer ing to embrace this change as they would dear- commendable role in combating the ranging from electronic items to home appli- you face and how do needs. One of the major hits at Daraz are the ly love to see a tech giant like Huawei chal- epidemic whilst many individuals and ances, fashion and beauty, groceries and many consumer electronics and Huawei is a brand lenging the mobile eco-system which was organizations are engaged in the distri- more. Daraz also offers a platform for sellers you overcome them? which is placed among top selling products. dominated by two players. Huawei AppGallery bution of essential goods and also pro- to reach to a wider audience and many entre- Q. Buyers have shown a huge interest on Hua- further optimizes its chances of reaching out to vision of public services. In this regard preneurs and individuals are thriving under A. We identify payment methods as one wei devices for its innovative offerings and a wider audience as it offers a new base for the NCE wishes to place its apprecia- Daraz selling tools. Now with Daraz selling challenge as most of the buyers prefer cash unveiling of new products regularly to keep entrepreneurs and businesses to launch their tion on all front liners and their tools, sellers have the opportunity to respond payments due to lack of trust in digital pay- the customers interested. We have identified apps and be recognized around the world. This employees such as the Department of to growing customer demands and commence ments which can be overcome by conveying Huawei as a revolutionary brand and we look initiative by Huawei will positively impact the Customs, Ports, Transport Providers, a self-business of their own. the trust on digital payments and we are cer- forward to partnering with them going for- overall mobile services market. and other essential Utility Service Pro- Following are excerpts of an interview with tainly working on that. Another challenge we ward. viders, especially Health Services for Kavan Marambe, Category Head - Electronics their unstinted services to the business at Daraz where he talks about online shopping What community, exports sector and the in Sri Lanka. are your future General Public, in spite of the risks to their own health, and responsibilities plans? which they owe their families. Daraz is a popular Q. The Chamber affirms that similarly online shopping store in A. This introduction provides a new plat- Export Enterprises and other Service form for us to partner with Huawei and we Providers in the export sector to Sri Lanka, what are the look forward to growing our partnership with understand with compassion this Q. them. At Daraz we will continue to strength- unprecedented situation and work major highlights of its recent en our leading logistics and online platform around it to the best extent possible to success? backbones while offering the cutting-edge of overcome the challenges they face. In technology to all Sri Lankans. this context it is important that the A. Daraz has come a long way from its players in the exports sector, be mind- inception in 2012 to reach to the level where ful to protect the health of their work- we are at present. As the leading online shop- Finally, What advice do ers, and the interests of their families ping mall in Sri Lanka, our aim is to deliver you have for E-commerce as well. The Chamber further states the best customer experience to all customers that it is at times like this that every- across the island, replicating countries like stores and sellers? one is provided the opportunity to China where 60-65% shopping is done Q. demonstrate their core-values, and online. One highlight of our recent success is A. Daraz being the leader in navigating the concern for others. the November 11.11 campaign which record- online shopping space, we encourage sellers The Chamber emphasizes that for a ed a groundbreaking Rs. 850 million sales. to partner and develop with us. We are ready country like ours which has success- Daraz app has played a massive role in facili- to offer our platform and industry leading fully triumphed a prolonged war tating both sellers and buyers enabling them online selling tools, to all sellers and stores against terrorism and brought Peace to to easily carry out transactions. We offer interested in selling online. At Daraz we are the people and country will be able to innovative mechanisms such as mega deals, committed to deliver the best possible shop- combat the current crises although of a flash sales and ‘’Just for you’’ modules which ping experience to our customers and are different nature and bring back the identifies customers’ desired products heavily invested in supporting our sellers normalcy to the life of its countrymen. through Artificial Intelligence, all of which achieve their goals.