WellBeing International WBI Studies Repository 11-1980 IJSAP Volume 01, Number 06 Follow this and additional works at: https://www.wellbeingintlstudiesrepository.org/v1_ijsap Recommended Citation "IJSAP Volume 01, Number 06" (1980). IJSAP VOL 1. 6. https://www.wellbeingintlstudiesrepository.org/v1_ijsap/6 This material is brought to you for free and open access by WellBeing International. It has been accepted for inclusion by an authorized administrator of the WBI Studies Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. ~~ ·~·· I International for :fue Study of ~ Animal ProblelllS J Journal f I ·i ;: j .l I ;: rl I <1, I I lr I \ ! \ J r ' ' _...... ,. II.\ . ~ "·-~:~,~ ·. ·,, .,· I ' . -.... ·. - ,, ----- - . -. -- - <.. .... ..• - International for the Study of ITABLE OF CONTENTS-VOL. 1(6) 19801 JoU r n al Animal Problems EDITORIAL OFFICERS EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD EDITORIALS Editors-in-Chief O.K. Belyaev, Institute of Cytology Empathy or Anthropomorphism?- M.W. Fox 346 and Genetics, USSR Michael W. Fox, Director, /SAP J.M. Cass, Veterans Administration, USA Predation- The \~lay of Life- J.R. Rooney 347-348 Andrew N. Rowan, Associate Director, /SAP S. Clark, University of Glasgow, UK J.C. Daniel, Bombay Natural History Society, Editor India C.L. de Cuenca, University of Madrid, Spain NEWS AND REVIEW 349-354 Nancy A. Heneson I. Ekesbo, Swedish Agricultural University, Companion Animals Sweden Production Assistant L.C. Faulkner, University of Missouri, USA Boyhood Cruelty Toward Animals Christine Zimmermann M.F.W. Festing, Medical Research Council Laboratory Animals Laboratory Animals Centre, UK A. F. Fraser, University of Saskatchewan, Scientists Evaluate Alternatives Associate Editors Canada Ethical Principles in Animal Experimentation T.H.