Tensor Networks in a Nutshell Jacob Biamonte1, 2, ∗ and Ville Bergholm1, y 1Quantum Complexity Science Initiative Department of Physics, University of Malta, MSD 2080 Malta 2Institute for Quantum Computing University of Waterloo, Waterloo, N2L 3G1 Ontario, Canada Tensor network methods are taking a central role in modern quantum physics and beyond. They can provide a good compressed approxima- tion of certain classes of quantum states, and the associated graphical language makes it easy to describe and pictorially reason about quan- tum circuits, channels, protocols, open systems and more. Our goal is to explain tensor networks and some associated methods as quickly and as painlessly as possible. Beginning with the key definitions, the graphical tensor network language is presented through examples. We then provide an introduction to matrix product states|an efficiently compact yet ac- curate representation for many quantum states. We conclude the tutorial with tensor contractions solving combinatorial counting problems. The first one counts the number of solutions for Boolean formulae, whereas the second is Penrose's tensor contraction algorithm, returning the number of 3-edge-colorings of 3-regular planar graphs. ∗
[email protected]; www.QuamPlexity.org y ville.bergholm@iki.fi 1 QUANTUM LEGOS 1. QUANTUM LEGOS Tensors are a mathematical concept that encapsulates and generalizes the idea of mul- tilinear maps between vector spaces, i.e. functions of multiple vector parameters that are linear with respect to every parameter. A tensor network is simply a (finite or infinite) collection of tensors connected by contractions. Tensor network methods is the term given to the entire collection of associated tools, which are regularly employed in modern quantum information science, condensed matter physics, mathematics and computer science.