The Migrant 55:1
MARCH, 1984 VOL. 55, NO. 1 THE MIGRANT A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY FIRST PUBLISHED, JUNE 1930 PUBL~SHEDBY THE TENNESSEE ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Founded at Nashville, Tenn., 7 October 1915 A non-profit, educational, scientific, and conservation organization. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-Charles P. Nicholson, Box 402, Norris, TN 37828 State Count Compiler-Richard L. Knight, 804 North Hills Dr., Johnson City, TN 3760 1 Editorial Advisors-T. David Pitts, Moms D. Williams OFFICERS FOR 1983- 1985 President-J. Anthony Koella, Box 10493, Knoxville, TN 37939 Vice Presidents: East Tenn.-Lillian H. Dubke, 8139 Roy Lane, Ooltewah, TN 37363 Middle Tenn.-Dan Gray, 5004 Mt. Pleasant Pike, Columbia, TN 33401 West Tenn.-Carolyn Bullock, 4746 Cole Rd., Memphis, TN 38 1 17 Directors-at-Large: East Tenn.-Anne Young, 1909 East Sevier Ave., Kingsport, TN 37664 Middle Tenn.-Robbie Hassler, Route 1, Box 1 WA, Byrdstown, TN 38549 West Tenn.-T. David Pitts, Biology Dept., U.T.M., Martin, TN 38238-5014 Curator-James T. Tanner, Rt. 28, Box 155, Knoxville, TN 37920 Secretary-Barbara Finney , 52 13 Whitehorse Rd., Knoxville, TN 379 19 TreasurerAeorge R. Payne, 6643 Monmouth Dr., Memphis, TN 38 1 19 All TOS members receive The Migrant and the TOS Newsletter, The Tennessee Warbler. The Newslerrcr carries information about meetings, forays, and club activities. Annual dues, $6.M), Sustaining, $10.00: Life, $150.00; Student (under t 8 years), $3.m Family, $7.00; (chapters may collect additional fees to cover localexpenses). Dues, con!3butions. andbequests are deductible from Federal income and estate mes. Back numbers may be had from Dr.
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