BACTERIOLOGICAL REvEws, Dec. 1971, p. 390-429 Vol. 35, No. 4 Copyright © 1972 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A. The Gnotobiotic Animal as a Tool in the Study of Host Microbial Relationships HELMUT A. GORDON AND LASZLO PESTI1 Department ofPharmacology, College ofMedicine, University ofKentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506 INTRODUCTION...... 390 GNOTOBIOTIC TERMINOLOGY AND CRITERIA...... 392 THE MICROBIAL ASSOCIATES ...... 393 Development and Characteristics of the Normal Flora...... 393 Attempts to Establish a Microbial Flora in Germ-Free Animals ...... 395 Dietary Effects ...... 396 Effects of Closed Environment...... 397 Factors Affecting Microbial Passage into the Host ...... 397 THE ANIMAL HOST: GERM-FREE OR MODIFIED BY MICROBES...... 398 Nutrition, Digestion, and Metabolism ...... 398 Rats and mice...... 398 Other animal ...... 400 Structure and Function of Various Organ Systems ...... 401 Cardiovascular systems...... 401 Gastrointestinal tract (upper segments) ...... 402 Enlarged cecum of germ-free rodents...... 402 Other autocoid substances of the germ-free intestine ...... 403 Water absorption inhibition in the germ-free lower bowel ...... 403 Other organ systems...... 404 Body Defenses...... 404 Cells, tissues, and organs associated with defense functions ...... 405 Humoral defensive elements...... 406 Immune responses ...... 407 Tissue Repair...... 410 Survival and Aging ...... 410 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL IN THE STUDY OF DISEASE...... 411 Shock, Intestinal Obstruction, and Thermal Trauma...... 411 Wasting Syndrome ...... 412 Oral Diseases...... 413 Dental caries ...... 413 Periodontal disease...... 414 Enteric Infections ...... 414 Ulcerative Colitis...... 416 Uremia...... 416 Mycoplasmosis ...... 417 Tuberculosis...... 417 Yeast Infections...... 418 Protozoal Infections ...... 418

Amebiasis ...... 418 ...... 419 CONCLUSION...... 419 LITERATURE CITED...... 420

INTRODUCTION offers considerable potential as a tool in the of host microbial because Gnotobiotic animals, living either in the ab study relationships (i) it portrays the host either when free from sence of or in association with known viable germs and left to its own resources or when heterologous agents, represenwthrepresent -anowxensviaean extension oof modified by known microbial or other associates, the microbiologist's pure culture concept to all (ii) it permits the study of interflora relationships biological forms. The gnotobiotic experiment within the host , and (iii) it may be used ' On leave of absence from the Veterinary Medical Research In- in the study of any external or endogenous factor stitute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. (e.g., in nutrition, immune reactions, responses 390 VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 391 to various forms of injury) where the pure distinct types of response became apparent in actions of such factors, affected or unaffected by this form of life. The underdevelopment of some associates in the host, are of interest. In the latter elements of the cellular and humoral defensive sense, the gnotobiotic experiment represents system (see below) seemed to be a plausible con- microbiological standardization of the animal sequence of the greatly reduced exposure to stock in the same fashion as it is commonly prac- antigens. By the same token, the germ-free ticed in terms of animal strain, diet, housing, animal's increased resistance to some stressor and various conditions of the physical environ- agents [e.g., X irradiation as reported by Wilson ment. and Piacsek (344)] or the indication of longer Historically, the concept of gnotobiotic ex- life span (see below) have been attributed to perimentation is credited to Pasteur's efforts in relief from the conventional microbial burden. 1885 (223). This is unquestionably correct in the In these instances, the contribution of the flora microbial sense of our definition. However, the appeared as a complicating or as an outright recognition of the need to work with pure sys- detrimental factor in the conventional host's life. tems in biological experimentation, from which On the other hand, it could be contended, the Pasteur appears to have drawn his analogy presence or absence of the flora can not be too [quoted by Ducluzeau (71)], can be traced far reaching in its overall effects on the host in further back to the experiments of Boussingault view of the normal growth, development, and (33) on nitrogen fixation of plants grown in a reproduction which were observed in germ-free "sterile" soil which were carried out during the animals when compared to their conventional first half of the past century. Various reviews on controls. This reassurance came particularly gnotobiotic experimentation (e.g., 164, 178) have after the conditions of the germ-free experiment commented in detail on Pasteur's keynotes of could be standardized and a plentiful supply of our subject. It is less well known that Schottelius, normally born, mother-suckled, adult germ-free a pioneer in the area of gnotobiotics who in his rats and mice became available for investigation. younger years spent some time in Pasteur's In addition, many morphological and functional laboratory, has in one of his papers (290) ex- details, originating mainly from parts of the body panded the master's scanty published remarks. that are not in immediate contact with microbes, In addition to outlining explicitly the actual proved similarity between germ-free and conven- gnotobiotic experiment, Pasteur speculated that tional animals. Finally, there were observations, on elimination of microbial associates, as is the some of them quite old, which suggested that case in the germ-free experiment, life of the there is something basically different, or perhaps animal host would become impossible. Appar- even wrong, with germ-free animals. Although ently, he based this idea on the concept of the ultimately caused by the absence of , "survival of the fittest" in evolution. Following these differences could not be readily explained this principle, he assumed that in the course of in terms of the lack of microbial stimulation and phylogenesis microbial associates have become a resultant tissue underdevelopment, as was the synergists which are indispensable in the life of case in the defensive system. There is an expand- the host. At the same time, the opposite view ing group of observations indicative of more or was held by Nencki (209) and later Metchnikoff less pronounced departures from conventional (190, 191), who considered microbes to be an- standards in structure, chemical composition, tagonists to the well being of the host. Definite and function of various organs in germ-free ani- proof that normal life of higher is mals. Some of these differences did not appear possible in the absence of germs was offered first to influence particularly the economy of the host, by Reyniers and his co-workers at Lobund e.g., the ones resulting from the sparing effect of Laboratories, University of Notre Dame, in the germ-free life on intestinal degradation of diges- 1940's, who reared rats (267) and (268) tive enzymes (see below). Other changes seemed in the germ-free state to successive generations. patently detrimental to the animal's health, e.g., This event, besides settling unequivocally the the greatly enlarged cecum and its consequences. original question, made the gnotobiotic animal These observations have indicated that the animal available as a practical tool for research for the host left to its own resources is not entirely self- first time. The breeding of germ-free animal sustained and that the normal microbial flora or colonies (mainly rats and mice) was successfully some of its components or products are needed initiated in the 50's by the groups of Reyniers at for maintenance of the physiological normality the University of Notre Dame and of Gustafsson of the host. The resemblances to the germ-free at the University of Lund. state in conventional hosts treated with anti- Since the beginning of experimental work with biotics [underdeveloped defensive elements, Gor- germ-free animals, certain characteristics and don et al. (108); cecal anomalies, Meynell (192)] 392 GORDON AND PESTI BACrERioL. REV. have shown that the synergistic aspects in the GNOTOBIOTIC TERMINOLOGY host microbial associate relationship can be dis- AND CRITERIA rupted also in conditions of conventional life. The terminology of gnotobiotic experimenta- The entire literature of gnotobiotics is incor- tion now in use derives primarily from an article porated in fewer than 2,000 publications. This of Reyniers et al. (269). The Institute of Labora- makes it a rare field in experimental biology and tory Animal Resources of the National Academy medicine where all pertinent material can be of Sciences in Washington, D.C., has com- reviewed in the original text by the interested mented on this topic in a recent publication student. The older references are expressly (95), as follows: "A number of attempts have recommended for perspective, and reviews and been made to systematize the terminology used summaries have been particularly helpful; they in gnotobiotic technology but no single system is include: Kuster (164), Glimstedt (94), Reyniers universally accepted. In this publication the (261-263), Reyniers and Trexler (266), Gus- nomenclature has been limited to terms that by tafsson (118), Phillips and Smith (230), Gordon general usage are familiar to, and understood by, (96, 98), Miyakawa (200), Luckey (178, 179), most workers in this field. Gnotobiotic: A word Trexler (322, 323), Podoprigora (243), and derived from the Greek "gnotos" and "biota" Pollard (244). The compilation of gnotobiotic meaning known flora and fauna. Gnotobiote literature with its yearly supplements by Teah (Gnotobiotic animal): one of an animal stock or (312) is a great asset to the reader. strain derived by aseptic cesarean section (or This article is intended to portray both the sterile hatching of eggs) which are reared and potential and the limitations of research with continuously maintained with germfree technics gnotobiotic animals. A large portion of this under isolator conditions and in which the material, representing comparative studies be- composition of any associated fauna and flora, if tween germ-free and conventional control ani- present, is fully defined by accepted current mals, is about the effects due to the total flora. A methodology. Germfree animal (axenic animal): smaller number of studies deal with the effects of A gnotobiote which is free from all demonstrable identified members of the flora on the host associated forms of life including bacteria, viruses, organism. The least-studied interactions are fungi, and other saprophytic or parasitic those between members of the flora and the modi- forms. Definedflora animal: A gnotobiote main- fication of the flora by the host organism. We tained under isolator conditions in intentional have chosen to select from the literature data association with one or more known types of that give assurance of the main independent microorganisms." variable of the experiment being the absence or Commensal organisms living with the host presence of bacteria with no suspected concur- are described as associates (usually microbes rence of inadequate diets, housing, or manage- populating the gastrointestinal tract, bronchial ment in the animal's history. Such conditions tree, and the integument). The term contami- are best fulfilled in mammals that originated from nants often appears in literature but is consid- established, self-reproducing gnotobiotic colo- ered less desirable as it carries a value judgement. nies. may be included in this group, as No word has been introduced as yet for dis- with them difficulties arising from cesarean birth tinguishing between animal hosts living by them- and from hand-feeding artificial formulas do not selves or together with homologous or heterolo- exist. With the present state of the arts, this gous animal associates. If the host's life included means the rat, mouse, and . These species, a germ-free episode after birth, it is referred to generally speaking, take precedence in this review as ex-germ-free. The animals of ordinary life over other animals that have only recently been are commonly named conventional. Conven- reared to a second generation in the germ-free tional controls to gnotobiotic animals are usually state, e.g., the rabbit, guinea pig, and dog, or specimens of the same genetic background which which are available only in cesarean-born, are fed the same sterilized diet but which live in hand-fed form, e.g. the sheep, pig, and cat (see an open environment. For this reason, they are sometimes referred to as open conventional in below). contrast to isolator conventional animals which Some special areas ofgnotobiotic research have are maintained in enclosures similar to those of been reviewed recently and are not included, i.e., the gnotobiotic experiment. Conventionalized those involving viral associations (246), neutral- are ex-germ-free animals that have been asso- ization of the flora by treatment (325), ciated with the flora of conventional controls. animal nutrition (43), effects of radiation (28), Since in some species (mainly in rodents) cesarean and carcinogenesis (281). birth and hand-feeding artificial formulas cause VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 393 anomalies which persist later in life, it is necessary ing ofgnotobiotic animals in isolators and sterili- sometimes to distinguish between these and zation of diet, drinking water, bedding, and other normally born, mother-suckled animals. For this utensils (by autoclaving, irradiation, or filtration, purpose cesarean born or first generation and when applicable). Gnotobiotic animals and sterile normal born or successive generation expressions supplies are transferred via sterile locks. are used. The expression normal flora usually The flexible plastic isolator, the simplified as- refers to undefined microbial associates of healthy sociated apparatus and methods (321), the availa- conventional animals. These words, generally bility of germ-free animals and sterilizable diets speaking, constitute a commonly accepted work- from commercial sources, together with the pos- ing nomenclature. For the interpretation of sibility of shipping these animals in disposable other expressions that are occasionally used, isolators have brought gnotobiotic experimenta- the proponent's publications should be consulted. tion within the reach of most if not all labora- Sterility of the germ-free host, i.e., the total tories. absence of foreign viable associates, cannot be assured by absolute criteria. This is caused by the THE MICROBIAL ASSOCIATES possibility of a preexistent contamination of the Anthony Standen, the philosopher-humorist of host at the source (i.e., in the course of fetal de- scientific research, commented in 1952 on the velopment), by microbial invasion of the isolator reasoning of early workers in the gnotobiotic field (especially by insufficient sterilization of air, food, (305). He stated that they devoted a great part of and utensils), and by the difficulty of detecting their lives to discovering the way to keep bacteria certain associates in higher organisms. The cri- from the living host and predicted that, having teria and procedures for sterility testing in gen- learned how, they will put them right back in. He eral use are derived primarily from the work of was unquestionably correct in his forecast. Wagner (327) and were recently reviewed by The student whose main interest lies in the host Fuller (89). In this context, according to the tends to consider the flora as a single entity with a previously mentioned publication of ILAR (95), number of resultant effects on the animal body. "The germ-free animal may be defined as a In this sense the flora is a "package deal" or, bor- gnotobiote that is free of all demonstrable micro- rowing Csaiky's euphemism (54), the flora is an bial associations as determined within the limita- "organ" of the body. But the microbiologist, who tions of the detection procedures available. Ani- deals with and is impressed by the immense mals can be raised with good degree of assurance heterogeneity in composition and in effects of the that they are free from bacteria and related forms, flora, will deem this type of reasoning an over- including yeasts, fungi, protozoa and metazoan simplification. Such discrepancies, stemming from parasites. The viral status of these animals is open the philosophical approach of various disciplines, to question because latent viruses may be present are frequently identified in our literature. but remain undetected." Gustafsson (119), Two questions of special interest emerge con- Pollard (246, 247), Parker et al. (222), and Pollard cerning studies of the flora. Is the "sum-total" of and Kajima (248) used an array of testing proce- flora effects generated through summation, mu- dures and failed generally to show viral agents in tual potentiation, or inactivation of microbial various tissues of germ-free rats and mice. The elements? Are the effects of the flora to be clas- activation of occult leukemia virus by whole body sified as synergistic, indifferent, detrimental, or X irradiation was indicated in a variety of germ- all of these? free mice by Pollard and Matsuzawa (250). Re- For more comprehensive information on the cently Ashe et al. (11) reported the presence of a voluminous literature on the microbial floras in viral agent in the submaxillary gland of germ-free animal hosts, the reader is referred to the works of rats. The incidental presence of virus in the con- Rosebury (272), Haenel (130), Dubos et al. (69), ventional parent stock and its placental transfer Moore et al. (204), Smith (301), and Donaldson to successive germ-free offsprings may be re- sponsible for the inconsistency in these findings. (65). The apparatus and procedures currently in use that permit the maintenance of gnotobiotic status Development and Characteristics of the in experimental animals have been documented Normal Flora amply (116, 119, 198, 264, 321). These include, in After natural birth from a conventional mother, essence, apparatus for sterile transfer of the ma- the newborn animal has a large and mixed micro- ture fetus from the uterus or egg into presterilized bial population established in the intestinal tract (by steam or germicide) steel or plastic isolators, and in other exposed areas. These microbes are supplied with air filters and rubber gloves. Rou- received without selection from the mother and tine colony procedures include holding and breed- from the immediate environment [Rosebury 394 GORDON AND PESTI BAc-rERioL. REV. (272)]. Proportions and numbers are quite vari- bacteroides constitute the original autzchthonous able. In a study of mammals (including man) associates which lived in symbiosis with the host during the first weeks of life, Smith and Crabb in the course of evolution. The autochthonous (300) found a certain degree of similarity of the group together with the accidentally acquired floras among the species. As the animals matured, associates are considered the indigenous micro- characteristic qualitative differences developed biota of a given community. The true and poten- which appeared to be quite host-specific. Pesti tial are found among the accidentally (226) found a numerous and predominating popu- acquired elements of the flora. It is suggested by lation of in the lower bowel of the these authors that similar conditions exist in other pig during the first 24 hr of life. During the first animal species. week, the count of E. coli remained high, and then Savage et al. (285) reported on the establish- clostridia gradually increased in numbers. After ment of the microbial flora of the gastrointestinal the age of 4 weeks, lactobacilli and enterococci tract of mice by using histologic examination of became the predominant forms, and the numbers tissue to supplement bacteriological assay. In of E. coil and clostridia began to decrease. In conventional, normally born, mother-suckled various segments of the gut of young animals, the mice, large numbers of gram-positive rods and duodenum and the jejunum were populated pri- streptococci were layered on the stratified squa- marily by low numbers of lactobacilli and entero- mous epithelium of the lower esophagus and the cocci, whereas the counts in the ileum, cecum, nonglandular mucosa of the stomach within the colon, and rectum were considerably higher and first days of life. In approximately 1 week, this included E. coli. In the colon, clostridia were also microbial layer revealed that these organisms detected. In older animals (to 1.5 years of age), were lactobacilli and streptococci, similar to those this trend persisted, with E. coil and clostridia found in the lumen. Similar bacteria were ob- found in the upper segments of the intestine. served in histologic specimens of the small in- These observations support those of Wilbur et al. testine; however, they were confined to the lumen (340) who studied the flora of young piglets. and layering on the villus epithelium was not Raibaud et al. (251) found a constantly large evident. Gram-positive and gram-negative rods and stable population of lactobacilli in the intes- and streptococci were observed on histologic tine of newborn rats. In addition, Veillonella, examination of the colon and cecum during the Actinobacillus, Streptococcus, and E. coil ap- first week of life. Afterwards, these groups were peared before weaning. After weaning, the num- gradually replaced by fusiform rods which formed bers of E. coli declined. Raibaud et al. (252) also a dense layer in the mucus of the epithelium. reported that in adult rats lactobacilli, strepto- These fusiforms eventually outnumbered all other cocci, enterobacteria, clostridia, yeasts, and molds bacteria in the colon and cecum by a factor as are the predominant intestinal species. high as 1,000. Although bacteroides and clostridia Dubos et al. (70) found that postnatally the gut could be cultured in the lower gut 12 days after of healthy mice is populated by large numbers of birth, they could not be identified with the fusi- lactobacilli, streptococci, and bacteroides. The form rods of the histological specimens. In addi- former two occur in the stomach and in all tion, Brownlee and Moss (36) and Savage and segments of the intestinal tract, the latter only in Dubos (284) observed an indigenous yeast in the the large bowel. All three groups of bacteria were stomach of conventional rats and mice, respec- concentrated mainly in the layer of mucus that tively. normally covers the surface of the intestines. They The reports to date generally suggest that, of have exacting nutritional requirements and mul- the great variety of bacteria which reach the gut tiply only under anaerobic conditions. The size lumen after birth, many fail to survive and are and the location of the microbial population re- eliminated. In the host approaching adulthood, mained essentially unchanged throughout the life those bacteria persist which have become adapted span of the mice (to ca. 2 years). Mice derived to a symbiotic life with the host; Rosebury (272) from various genetic strains and colonies were suggests that success attends those that "reach an found to be similar. In NCS mice (287) which are area in sufficient numbers and find growth condi- maintained under strict conditions of , tions to their taste and the obstacles not unsur- virtually only lactobacilli, streptococci, and bac- mountable." To these, supplementary and tran- teroides could be demonstrated in the intestinal sient, occasionally pathogenic, groups of microbes tract, whereas in other less protected groups of are added with the progress of age. mice, E. coli, other coliforms, Proteus vulgaris, The existence of a flora closely linked to the Pseudomonas, and clostridia could also be re- gastrointestinal mucosa via a layer of mucus covered from the intestinal lumen. These authors alters the concept that the bacterial population hypothesize that lactobacilli, streptococci, and may be randomly distributed throughout the VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 395 tract. The proposal "that it is necessary to think of Bacteroides strains were seeded into separate body surfaces as distinct microenvironments in groups of germ-free mice. Two to four days after which virtually pure cultures of a few species of insemination, the weights of the ceca were re- microorganisms interact with their host and the duced to those of conventional controls and per- adjacent microbial population," as suggested by sisted until term, 3 weeks after inoculation. The Savage et al. (285) will influence future thinking Clostridium isolate was identified as Clostridium and the planning of gnotobiotic models which difficile. The same species obtained from ATCC deal with the physiology of the intestinal mem- (90556) yielded results similar to those produced brane. with the isolate. Association of germ-free mice with aerobic bacteria cultured from conventional Attempts to Establish a Microbial Flora in mice did not reduce the cecum. However, Hudson Germ-Free Animals and Luckey (148) found that an organism isolated There is ample evidence that the normal in- from conventional rat (Streptococcus sp.) digenous floras of conventional animals may be reduced the cecum of germ-free rats to about 60% readily transplanted to germ-free animals of the of the original value within 24 hr. same species. Gordon and Wostmann (109) have Schaedler et al. (289) transferred known ele- found that germ-free rats receiving an oral inocu- ments of the relatively simple flora of NCS con- lum of the cecal contents of a conventional control ventional mice maintained at high levels of sani- will change their morphological and functional tation into germ-free mice. Oral inoculation with characteristics from the germ-free to the conven- Lactobacillus sp., a Streptococcus, and a Bac- tional pattern within a few weeks. Similar changes teroides from NCS mice produced an ex-germ-free will take place in germ-free animals when they are animal with essentially the same numbers and the simply brought in physical contact with conven- same distribution of microorganisms as was tional controls. Examination of cecal contents a found by Dubos et al. (70) in NCS mice. In these few hours after oral seeding showed a total bac- gnotobiotic animals, particularly in their micro- terial count and the count of the more common bially similar offspring, "the ceca appeared nor- specific bacterial groups normally found in the mal with regard to structure, shape and size." In cecum to be quite comparable to bacteriological an extension of the previous experiment, data obtained from conventional rat ceca. Gen- Schaedler et al. (289) monoassociated orally erally, no loss of ex-germ-free animals by infec- germ-free mice with a slow lactose-fermenting tions or otherwise occurred in these processes. coliform bacterium which multiplied throughout The transfer of germ-free animals to quarters of the entire gastrointestinal tract. After passage in conventional counterparts is a standard breeding the now monoassociated host, the predominant procedure in the maintenance of close genetic organism isolated from the gnotobiotes was a linkage between the two colonies. lactose-fermenting E. coli type. When the slow Another group of studies deals with the problem lactose fermentor was fed to NCS (conventional) of assembling in vitro known elements of the flora mice, it failed to multiply and it retained its slow which, when introduced into germ-free animals, lactose-fermenting characteristics. When "NCS- will duplicate the distribution and the effects of like", ex-germ-free mice (associated with Lacto- the conventional flora on the host. Such studies bacillus, Streptococcus, and Bacteroides spp.) re- dealing with an "artificial, known normal flora" ceived the slow lactose fermentor, it populated the are considered as a basis for critical work on the entire gut but it did not change its lactose-fer- host-normal flora relationship. Earlier attempts menting characteristic. When tetra-associated, in this area were reviewed by Luckey (179). ex-germ-free mice were inoculated with the feces Skelly et al. (298) inoculated the cecal flora of of conventional NCS mice, their intestinal coli- conventional mice into germ-free mice and con- form population fell rapidly to levels found in the tinued this process of conventionalization from coliform-seeded NCS conventional mouse group. ex-germ-free mice to germ-free mice for a total The authors state that "it appeared as if NCS mice of five successive oral passages. The cecal flora contributed (to the ex-germ-free mice) a trans- was cultured on each occasion. At the first pas- missible agent, as yet unidentified, capable of sage, the ceca of the ex-germ-free mice contained affecting the composition of the gastrointestinal E. coli, Aerobacter, Proteus, Bacteroides, Micro- flora." The observed change in lactose-fermenting coccus and Clostridiwm species. From the fourth characteristics of the coliform, by passage as a passage onwards, Proteus and micrococci were monoassociate in ex-germ-free mice is as yet un- absent. The enlarged ceca (a main characteristic explained. Sasaki et al. (282) showed that various of germ-free rodents) were found to be reduced to bacterial species which compose the normal flora conventional proportions in all instances. Suc- of conventional mice persist well as monoassoci- cessively, isolates of a Clostridiwn or of two ates in the gut of ex-germ-free mice over a period 396 GORDON AND PESTI BAcrERioL. REV. of several weeks. By using a combined oral ing these animals to a complete diet composed inoculum of normal flora elements, including E. mainly of natural ingredients, the number of fecal coli, streptococcus, lactobacillus, clostridium, and lactobacilli increased. On intravenous injection of bacteroides, these authors found that all or- cultures of Klebsiella pnewnoniae or Staphylococ- ganisms populated the gut of ex-germ-free mice cus aureus to mice fed semisynthetic diet, these at high levels and no antagonism was observed authors found higher mortality than among simi- among them. Pesti et al. (228) used a number of larly challenged mice fed the complete natural microorganisms which have been implicated in diet. After intraperitoneal administration of endo- the elimination of germ-free cecal anomalies (C. toxin (derived from E. coli), there was a rapid difficile, Lactobacillus casei, Bacillus subtilis, Lac- increase of enterococci and coliform bacilli in the tobacillus sp.). Their observations failed to iden- intestine of mice fed semisynthetic diet but not in tify a microbe which as a single associated species those fed the natural diet. Wilkins and Long (342) is capable of eliminating all anomalies of germ- feeding a complete diet to adult conventional mice free mice. They have suggested, however, that found thick layers of fusiform bacteria, presum- these may be selectively redressed by various ably the autochthonous associates of the host, associates (e.g., C. difficile neutralized the bio- lining the mucosa of the cecum and colon. The active alpha pigment of the germ-free gut; L. casei replacement of this ration by a liquid, chemically changed the oxidation-reduction potential of cecal defined diet [a modification of the diet of Green- contents to conventional-like values; see below). stein et al. (115)] resulted within days in the loss of Thus it was shown that the undefined, indige- the fusiform bacteria and in the appearance of nous intestinal flora and a variety of its known gram-positive cocci and gram-positive rods elements can be readily established in germ-free throughout the lower bowel. animals. In this respect, the germ-free animal Fitzgerald et al. (84) observed the effect of proves to be a good selective, although not uni- coprophagy on the flora of the lower bowel and versal, microbial culture medium. In spite of the on body weight of conventional rats fed fat-free progress made in the study of the flora, the and -rich diets. Prevention of coprophagy by the identity of elements which can convert all char- use of tail cups caused a decrease of lactobacilli acteristics of germ-free animals to those of con- and an increase of coliforms in the feces. Weight ventional animals is still unknown. gain was reduced in the cupped animals by ca. 30%. The nature of the diet did not influence the Dietary Effects results. The diet, forming an essential part of intestinal It appears that the animal host is more suscep- contents (i.e., of the culture medium within the tible to diet-conditioned flora changes during the host), has long been known to affect the composi- preweaning period than it is after weaning. The tion of the intestinal flora. The most common development of the animal defenses may have a example is the aciduric intestinal flora of human stabilizing effect. If the host is well supplied with babies fed mother's milk as compared to the high nutrients at adult age, dietary changes may not count of gram-negative bacilli in infants fed cow's affect the main components of the flora. On the milk (129). After weaning, the infant appears to other hand, feeding partly or completely synthetic retain a relatively stable level of intestinal flora on diets, in which essential nutrients are less well a wide variety of dietary regimens (131, 132). balanced than in natural diets, might precipitate Graber et al. (114) reported only slight changes a major shift of the flora within the host. Com- in the intestinal flora of rats fed high-fat diets in petitive utilization of scarce nutrients by the flora comparison to normal controls maintained on a and the host might cause departure from what is balanced ration. In another study, Graber et al. a more stable equilibrium when the nutrient (113) found an essentially stable flora in patho- supply is more plentiful. Under these circum- gen-free swine fed high-lipid or high-sucrose diets. stances, it appears that a vicious circle is initiated Dubos and Schaedler (68) observed that, when at the expense of the host and its authochthonous young NCS (i.e., -free) mice were fed associates. The tail-cupping experiment offers an semisynthetic diets containing casein or wheat interesting illustration of how the disruption of a gluten as sole source of protein (supplemented natural recycling process of food can trigger a with all known growth factors), lower numbers of detrimental chain of events in this context. viable lactobacilli appeared in the feces when Indirectly related to these issues are "germ- compared with feces from mice fed complete diets poor" animals of polar regions which have re- containing natural products. Another change in ceived attention in literature since the turn of the the mice fed with a semisynthetic diet was the century (171). Sieburth (297) reported that the disappearance from the stools of lactobacillus extremely low intestinal flora population of vari- types showing rhizoid morphology. Upon switch- ous birds in the Antarctic can be traced to an VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 397 antibiotic substance (acrylic acid) originating maintained in the open environment. In the case from plankton, which, forming part of their of isolator-conventional mice, the counts of these natural diet, may be responsible for the per- microorganisms in the old group remained at the manently low microbial counts. This illustrates low levels which were observed in the young that, with mild, selective antibiotic supplementa- group. tion of the diet, it might be possible persistently These findings suggest that the isolator-type to modify the intestinal flora in conditions of environment does not produce an "abnormal conventional life, retaining synergists and elimi- flora" nor is it detrimental to the health of the nating antagonists without affecting adversely the confined animals. Poor hygienic regimen in the health of the host. isolators may affect both the host and the flora alike, but this is not associated with "life in the Effects of Closed Environment isolator" per se. Actually, the barriers of the Work with germ-free animals must of necessity isolator may prevent the appearance of pathogens be conducted within isolators. This requires that to which older animals seem to be attractive microbially exposed control animals (in addition hosts. Under these circumstances, the isolator-con- to matching the germ-free group in animal, di- ventional animal (provided it is kept clean) will etary, and other environmental detail) must also derive only advantages. The excellent health status be maintained within germ-free-type isolators. and the virtual absence of pathogenic flora found However, early in this work problems arose, by Schaedler et al. (287) in their NCS micehoused particularly in attempts to maintain similar "nor- in an ultraclean environment support this spec- mal" conventional flora in both open and isolator- ulation. housed groups. Nelson (208), working with The possibility that life might be affected by guinea pigs, and Reback (253), using rats locked internment in plastic isolators was indicated by in germ-free-type isolators, found that changes in Fujiwara et al. (88). These authors found that the the intestinal flora and the well-being of the host development of the chloroplast in leaves of plants occurred which depended on the length of the sprouting in flexible plastic isolators was impaired confinement and the degree of sanitation prac- and suggested that a plasticizer substance emanat- ticed. These findings suggested that the isolator- ing from the material was implicated. Following type internment of conventional animals, the this lead, one of the authors (L.P.) studied the development of an abnormal, "locked" flora, and, effect of polyvinyl plastic on the growth of a through this, an impairment of the animal's variety of bacteria. Although adding sterilized health, are related and possibly unavoidable minced plastic to the culture medium did cause phenomena. growth depression of some microorganisms Reyniers et al. (270) in a study with newly (staphylococci), the separation of the plastic from hatched conventional chicks locked in steel iso- the medium by a few millimeters of air prevented lators and maintained for ca. 50 days in the same this effect in all instances. Effects of this nature conditions as germ-free and open conventional on animal life have not been studied; however, counterparts found that the development of the the overall similarity found between comparable locked flora could be prevented if open conven- gnotobiotic animals housed in plastic and steel tional chicks ("visitors") were placed daily in the isolators makes improbable the existence of such isolator. (The purpose of this was to reseed ele- effects. ments of the normal flora.) At term, the body weight and organ weights of the interned chicks Factors Affecting Microbial Passage were found to be within normal limits. Gordon into the Host et al. (104), observing a rigid hygienic regimen, Gnotobiotic experimentation has given clues as kept conventional rats from the age of 30 to 100 to direct, short term microbial passage into the days in isolators without visitors. At the end of host (in contrast to invasive microbial growth). the experiment the locked rats showed normal It has been suspected that the oral cavity is a body weight, organ weights, and red blood counts. major site for parenteral penetration of microbes. Only the weight of the spleen and the white blood This was suggested by the substantially reduced count of these animals showed low, germ-free- weight of submandibular lymph nodes of germ- like values. The only modification of the intestinal free rats as compared to conventional controls microbial population of isolator-conventional rats (104). Blood engorgement of these nodes, fre- was slightly elevated counts of micrococci. Pesti quently observed a few hours after conventionali- and Gordon (227), reporting on 4- and 24-month- zation of germ-free animals, supported this as- old conventional mice, found that the intestinal sumption. The work of Thonard et al. (314) has population of clostridia and staphylococci grew suggested that the gingival crevice may be a site considerably from young to old age in mice of parenteral penetration of antigenic agents. 398 GORDON AND PESTI BAcrERIOL. REV.

Abrams and Bishop (4) and Abrams (1) ob- male and female ancestors which were cesarean served the passage of typhimurium born and artificially reared to maturity at the from the intestinal lumen to the mesenteric lymph Universities of Notre Dame and of Lund about nodes of germ-free and conventional mice. They 15 years ago. This stock was expanded by allow- concluded that microbial passage (translocation) ing cesarean-delivered animals to suckle lactating across the wall of the stomach and of the small germ-free foster mothers. The preference for these intestine over a period of hours is determined by animals in experimental work stems from their the size of the intraluminal population and not by apparent normality and uniformity, the availa- the nature of the intestinal wall as conditioned by bility of adequate, sterilizable solid rations, and the germ-free or conventional state. On oral from the ease of obtaining them from commercial insemination of similar numbers of organisms, sources. The time-tested host in earlier gnoto- larger intraluminal populations developed in ex- biotic work had been the chicken, for which germ-free mice than in conventional controls, germ-free hatching procedures and complete diets resulting therefore in greater translocation in the were elaborated. The use of mammals other than former group. This suggests that the resident rats and mice has increased lately and these repre- floras of the conventional animals exerted an sent, for the most part, cesarean-derived and inhibitory effect on the multiplication of the artificially reared germ-free stock. Salmonella organism. Bowel obstruction caused Gnotobiotic studies of the normal animal host by ligating the gut aborally from the site of in- ask two main questions. The first of them repre- semination resulted in high salmonellae popula- sents a continuation of the question originally tions in both ex-germ-free and conventional mice, asked in germ-free work "Is life possible without indicating that the inhibitory effect of the resident the flora?". This is now modified to "Is normal flora is impaired or lost under these circum- life possible without the flora?". The other ques- stances. These findings agree with those of Miller tion asks "What are the effects of the microbial and Bonhoff (194) who described marked mul- flora or some of its elements on the animal host?". tiplication of S. enteritidis in the intestine of mice In both instances, but particularly in the latter, in which motility was blocked pharmacologically. the use of conventional control animals is an Wolochow et al. (349), studying intestinal trans- integral part of the experimental design. location of a variety of microorganisms in con- ventional rats, confirmed the observation of Nutrition, Digestion, and Metabolism Abrams and Bishop (4) on the parallelism be- Nutritional and metabolic characteristics of tween the size of the microbial population and gnotobiotic animals are discussed because they the degree of transfer across the intestinal wall. appear to be essential to assessing the effects of Their work further suggested that in noninfectious the microbial flora on the animal host. processes the physical dimensions of the micro- Rats and mice. A number of solid diets are organism may be a determining factor in intestinal adequate for rearing germ-free rats and mice and penetration. Canada and Strong (38) demon- their microbially associated controls (118, 168, strated the consistent presence of C. perfringens 267, 350). Wostmann and Kellogg (358) have in the livers of some monoassociated ex-germ-free designed a diet in which nutrients, vitamins, and and conventional mice. salts are given in separate units which may be It appears that in the normal host the activity selected according to the needs of the experiment. of the gut and the population size of the flora These rations are either semisynthetic or contain influence the noninfectious passage of microbes natural ingredients and may be sterilized by heat from the gastrointestinal lumen into the tissues. or radiation. An excess of heat-labile compounds Considerable translocation may result when a in the diets compensates for the losses in these microbe is present as a monoassociate in the host, ingredients incurred in the course of sterilization. as suggested by Abrams and Bishop (4). This Growth of the germ-free animals fed these diets is may be caused by the lack of microbial com- comparable to that of conventional controls and petitors and by the impaired propulsive move- they reproduce well into successive generations. ments that are inherent with the germ-free and Rearing of germ-free rats and mice during the often also with the ex-germ-free gut. preweaning period on artificial sterile formulas (after cesarean birth) is rather complex (118, 267) THE ANIMAL HOST: GERM-FREE OR and seldom practiced although Miyakawa (201) MODIFIED BY MICROBES has reported recent progress. Rats and mice are most generally used for Of considerable interest is the use of chemically gnotobiotic experimentation. They are obtained defined liquid diets, low in antigenic components, from reproducing colonies of germ-free parent which are based on the original formulation of animals and descend from a handful of germ-free Greenstein et al. (115) and elaborated by others VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 399 (238, 240, 364). Reddy et al. (259) grew germ-free guinea pigs by Warren and Newton (336), who rats from birth to maturity, using membrane- reported fourfold ammonia values in the portal filtered, chemically defined water-soluble diets blood of conventional in comparison to germ-free based on amino acids and glucose. Pleasants et al. guinea pigs. Levenson et al. (172), administering (241) reared reproducing colonies of germ-free parenterally 14C-labeled urea to germ-free and mice on such a diet into the fifth generation. conventional rats, could retrieve only traces of Desplaces et al. (61) have shown that the meta- 14CO2 in the exhaled air of the germ-free animals, bolic rate and fixation of radioactive iodine in the whereas, in the samples taken from the conven- thyroid of germ-free rats were significantly lower tional controls, labeled CO2 was present in ample than in conventional controls. Wostmann et al. quantities. These observations suggested that the (356) corroborated this finding in reference to the primary end product of protein catabolism in the metabolic rate. They have also shown that the host is urea and that ammonia in essence is a surgical removal of the enlarged cecum in germ- microbial artefact. This view is supported by free rats (37) changes their metabolic rate to Ducluzeau et al. (72) who demonstrated that conventional values. Since cecal enlargement is monoassociation of germ-free rats with various linked to the absence of the intestinal flora, it is species of Lactobacillus, Actinobacillus, or Staph- assumed that that the reduced metabolic rate of ylococcus induced the formation of ammonia germ-free rats portrays missing microbial regula- from urea in the cecum of these animals. Two tory function (see below). other genera, Lactobacillus and Proteus, though Luckey (179) found no difference in food intake clearly ureolytic in vitro, proved ineffective in between comparable groups of germ-free and vivo. conventional rats. Combe et al. (48) and Gordon The scanty work done in carbohydrate metabo- (101) reported a 10 to 20% excess of food con- lism of germ-free animals concerns carbohydrate sumption among germ-free rats and mice, respec- digestive enzymes of the intestinal tract, which tively. In the latter work, germ-free mice were originate from the host rather than intestinal bac- found to drink more water in an apparent com- teria (57, 256). In conventional conditions, the pensation for the increased loss of liquid via the microbial flora appears to be responsible for the chronic, mild of these animals (see be- partial inactivation of these enzymes, either di- low). Levenson and Tennant (173), Evrard et al. rectly or indirectly (257). (78), Luckey (179), and Reddy et al. (259) found Evrard et al. (78, 79) and Hoet et al. (143) increased fecal nitrogen excretion in germ-free found that in germ-free rats the fecal fatty acids rats in comparison to conventional controls. were typically unsaturated and of the long-chain, Despite the absence of microbial protein in the even-numbered type. In conventional controls, intestines and the apparently increased fecal nitro- saturated acids prevailed and cyclical and gen excretion of germ-free animals, little differ- branched-chain fatty acids (that are commonly ence was found in the per cent nitrogen of intes- attributed to bacterial synthesis) could be iden- tinal contents between germ-free and conventional tified. rats (169). Because of increased secretion or re- Evrard et al. (79) have shown in germ-free rats duced degradation (or both), substantially greater fed a purified corn-oil type diet that the only amounts of varied substances have been found in sterols demonstrable in the feces were cholesterol the intestinal contents or feces of germ-free ani- and certain phytosterols. The former obviously mals. These include free amino acids, urea (48, was an endogenous product; the latter originated 49, 78), hexosamines (174), mucoproteins, and from the diet. The feces of conventional control mucopolysaccharides (175, 176). rats were found to contain, in addition, a variety The amounts of trypsin and chymotrypsin were of coprostanol analogues and other sterols. This found consistently elevated in bowel contents or change, entailing among others reduction and feces of germ-free animals (31, 175). Reddy et al. oxidation of the steroid moiety, must therefore (254) repeated these observations and added that be considered a result of intestinal microbial pancreatic trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen action. Through similar mechanisms, the intes- levels closely aligned in germ-free and conven- tinal flora may be able to modify the cholesterol tional rats. This suggested that in normal life the metabolism. Wostmann and Weich (366) found microbial flora is responsible for the partial the cholesterol levels of the liver to be substan- inactivation of these enzymes. tially elevated in germ-free rats. Interestingly, the Concerning the catabolism of proteins in the cholesterol content in the aorta at old age was absence of bacteria, Combe et al. (48) and Combe significantly higher in conventional rats than in and Sacquet (49) observed very little ammonia in germ-free controls, suggesting possibly vascular cecal contents of germ-free rats. These observa- impairment in the host by prolonged microbial tions corroborated indirectly the earlier work on exposure. Danielsson and Gustafsson (58) found 400 GORDON AND PESTI BAmrRioL. REV. elevated cholesterol levels in the blood serum of folic acid-deficient diet developed some symptoms germ-free rats in comparison to conventional of folic acid deficiency, whereas the same diet had controls. Wostmann and Kellogg (359) recently essentially no effect on conventional controls. It identified a species of Clostridiwn which increased appeared that the deficiency symptoms could be the cholesterol turnover in ex-germ-free rats to prevented by monoassociation of germ-free rats the rate corresponding to that of conventional with species of Aerobacter, Alicaligenes, Proteus, controls. This organism approximately doubled or Escherichia coli. Conventional rats maintained the excretion of neutral fecal sterols, however, on a pantothenic acid-deficient diet were capable without the formation of coprostanol or its of utilizing this vitamin synthesized by the in- analogues. testinal flora only if it was recycled by coprophagy Cholic acid reaches the intestinal lumen in (thus creating more favorable conditions for ab- conjugated form and is generally known to un- sorption of the microbial pantothenic acid). dergo deconjugation and a series of modifications Germ-free rats or conventional controls supplied by the microflora which results in a variety of with tail cups developed the symptoms of panto- steroid metabolites in the gut. Many of these, thenic acid deficiency when fed the same diet. being complexed in the intestine, are excreted via Germ-free rats maintained on a diet free from the feces. Gustafsson et al. (121) found orally vitamin K promptly developed symptoms typical administered, labeled taurocholic acid in un- of deficiency disease (120). When these animals changed form in the feces of germ-free rats. The were changed to conventional state, or when their daily excretion of bile acids appeared to be re- diet was supplemented with vitamin K, the pro- duced, and the half-life of labeled cholic acid was longedprothrombin timereturned to normalvalues five times longer in the germ-free rats over con- and thehemorrhagic diathesis ceased. Gustafsson et ventional controls. Monoassociation of germ-free al. (122) and Wostmann et al. (362) have shown rats with C. perfringens left the half-life time of that vitamin K1 was most effective in reversing the the labeled cholic acid at the same levels but symptoms of the deficient germ-free rats, whereas caused deconjugation of the acid. Gustafsson et various menadiol salts were effective only in much al. (127) reported that germ-free rats monoassoci- higher concentrations. It has been found that E. ated with E. coil showed a similar reduction of coil or an unidentified sarcina-like micrococcus fecal cholic acid excretion, but they observed a were able to reverse the symptoms of deficiency continuous formation of 7-ketodeoxycholic acid (122). Thus it appears that vitamin K require- in the cecum, which is commonly considered the ments can be fully satisfied by the flora of the result of microbial modification. animal host. The role of bacteria, and possibly of virus, in The assumption that a microbial factor exists the absorption and malabsorption syndrome of in the antagonism between A and K vitamins lipids and sterols is an interesting and well docu- (187) was tested by Wostmann and Knight (360). mented field (80, 81, 280) whose discussion ex- Using the customary intake range of vitamins A ceeds the limitations of this review. and K, they were unable to demonstrate any effect The degradation of bilirubin by the intestinal on the vitamin K requirement of germ-free rats. flora has been shown by Gustafsson and Swen- Only when the dietary levels of vitamin A were ander-Lanke (128). increased by a factor of 10 or more (and the Wostmann et al. (362) reported consistently rations contained the normal amount of vitamin lower levels of thiamine, paralleled by reduced K) did the symptoms of K deficiency develop. blood flow, in the liver of germ-free animals. They Thus, their work failed to support previous specu- speculated that, in conventional animals, the ele- lations that an excess of vitamin A interferes with vated levels of this vitamin and of blood flow the microbial synthesis of vitamin K in normal portray the stimulatory effects of the intestinal subjects. flora on the chemical energy and oxygen require- Other animal species. In this section a brief ments of this organ. In another experiment, general description of additional animal species is Wostmann et al. (361), feeding labeled precursors given, which are more or less well established in of thiamine to conventional rats, found con- gnotobiotic research. The results obtained with siderable amounts of labeled thiamine in contents these animals in specific fields of investigation are of the lower bowel but only small amounts of it interspersed with those of rats and mice in various in the liver and in other organs. This suggested chapters of this review. that, in conventional hosts, microbially synthe- The guinea pig is particularly adapted to germ- tized thiamine is not available for absorption, free studies because as a neonate it does not re- probably because it remains bound to the micro- quire a period of suckling and it may be weaned bial cell component. directly onto semisolid natural diets. Conse- Daft et al. (56) noted that germ-free rats fed a quently, young cesarean born guinea pigs have VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 401 frequently been used since the beginning of work In general, the organs could be divided into two in our area (94, 146, 197, 212, 235, 311). By using groups: (i) those which harbor or are in close improved rearing methods and diets, these ani- association with the microbial flora of conven- mals have been maintained in the germ-free state tional life showed mostly reduced weight in to four successive generations (242). Germ-free germ-free animals, and (ii) those organs remote rabbits have been reared to successive generations from bacteria showed practically no difference by feeding cesarean born offspring with milk between germ-free animals and their conventional formulas (239) and by weaning the animals onto counterparts. Paraphrasing the expression of complete diets (255). The problems encountered Claude Bernard (30), we see a division of the in maintaining a colony of germ-free guinea pigs organs into groups associated with either the and rabbits are similar. The growth of both these "external" or the "internal" environment. Into species in the germ-free state is reported (239) the former fall primarily some elements of the inferior to that of conventional controls. Along cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the gas- with rats and mice, germ-free guinea pigs and trointestinal tract, and the integument. The latter rabbits tend to develop cecal enlargement and includes the musculature and the nervous system. intestinal volvuli. Pleasants (239) reviewed some of these areas. In Germ-free pigs may be obtained by cesarean the following, a summary of the essential findings section (166, 337, 339). Most reported work refers are given. to the early postnatal period because germ-free Cardiovascular system. The weight of the heart, piglets are considered excellent experimental ani- the total blood volume, and cardiac output were mals at this age when their growth is comparable reduced, whereas red blood cell count and or even better than that of conventional controls. hematocrit values were found elevated in germ- Sheep and goats have been reared as first free rats (111). Regional blood flow determina- generation germ-free animals to approximately 4 tions indicated reduced values for germ-free rats months of age (299), following an older report (in some instances as much as 45%) in organs (164). that are normally in close contact with the flora Dogs have been obtained as first generation (skin, bronchial circulation, digestive tract, and germ-free animals and reared to maturity (138). liver). Organs of the internal environment (kid- Recently, successful reproduction to second gen- neys, spleen, thymus) showed only smaller, if any, eration has been achieved in germ-free beagle dogs differences between the opposing groups (101). (139). Cats (271) and monkeys (348) were reared These phenomena are apparently reflected in the as first generation germ-free animals to approxi- oxygen supply of some tissues, as indicated by mately 10 months of age. The growth of dogs, Matsuzawa and Wilson (188) who reported re- cats, and monkeys under these circumstances was duced oxygen partial pressures in the liver and in comparable to that of conventional controls. the subcutaneous tissue of germ-free mice. The chicken is considered as one of the most In a study of the microcirculation of the valuable germ-free hosts because of the simplicity mesocecum of germ-free rats, decreased motor of the techniques involved, its excellent growth activity and considerable degree of hyporespon- and development record, and its being a uniform siveness to epinephrine and vasopressin (approxi- and rugged experimental animal (42, 270). Second mately 20 to 1) were found in vascular smooth generation germ-free chickens have hatched from muscle (16); however, the response to angioten- the eggs laid by germ-free parent animals (268). sin was essentially similar in both germ-free and Quails are the competitors of the chicken in conventional animal groups. During a search for gnotobiotic experimentation because of their the cause of this difference, a pigment ("alpha") small size and their earlier maturation (42, 265). was isolated by chromatography from the cecal Turkeys have also been obtained in the germ-free contents of germ-free rats and mice which reduced state (180). the sensitivity of vascular and intestinal muscles to epinephrine (106). A similar pigment could Structure and Function of Various Organ Systems be isolated also from conventional controls; A comparison of morphologic characteristics of however, it was biologically inactive. The epi- germ-free and conventional animals was first nephrine inhibitory effects of germ-free alpha undertaken by Glimstedt (94) in guinea pigs. He pigment were found to be similar to those of observed the weight of various organs, following ferritin or apoferritin in their reduced form, as the commonly accepted principle that any de- originally described by Mazur and Shorr (189). parture from the conventional values may indicate Trypsinization did not change the bioactivity of a functional change of the organ, and managed a these substances, whereas incubation with anti- limited survey of the entire animal. This was later ferritin serum or with an inoculum of cecal extended to the chicken (270) and to the rat (104). microflora in vitro inactivated them. Recently, a 402 GORDON AND PESTI BACTERIOL. REV. close spectral alignment was found between the conventional state. The passage time of intes- trypsinized ferritin, apoferritin, and germ-free tinal contents through the entire gastrointestinal alpha pigment (182). It is speculated that alpha tract of germ-free rats has been found increased pigment originates from the intestinal epithelial (5). Concerning intestinal absorption, Heneghan cells, whose iron-carrier protein ferritin is known (135), using xylose as test substance, found to reach the intestinal lumen in sizable quantities generally enhanced uptake from the small bowel on desquamation of these cells (50, 53). In the in germ-free rats. He speculates that the small germ-free gut, digestive enzymes break up the intestine of germ-free animals, which is not cells and then the large ferritin molecule to the burdened by an excess of defensive cells, repre- smaller, absorbable, yet still active alpha pig- sents a more efficient absorptive membrane than ment. The previously mentioned hyporesponsive- its conventional counterpart. ness of mesocecal microvessels to epinephrine Enlarged cecum of germ-free rodents. In 1896, (16) may be explained on the basis that alpha Nuttal and Thierfelder (213), commenting on pigment reaches the local circulation. This the lower bowel of their young germ-free guinea speculation is supported by the work of Reddy pigs wrote, "Der Blinddarm war stark aufgetrie- et al. (258) who found elevated levels of ferritin ben unt mit brauner, kasig geronnener Flussig- iron in the livers of germ-free rats. It is con- keit schwappend gefullt." Cecal enlargement was ceivable that alpha pigment taken up in the circu- observed to develop in baby rats during lactation lation is involved in the reduction of metabolic (354) and persists during the life span of the rate observed in germ-free rodents (see above) by animal. Excessive forms of cecal enlargement, inhibiting the calorigenic effect of endogenous volvuli at the ileo-cecal-colic junction, and pro- epinephrine. This is supported by the observa- gressive loss of intestinal muscle tone are among tion that in germ-free rats, on surgical removal the prime lesions observed at natural death of of the cecum, i.e., of the large pool of alpha pig- these animals (105). The cecal contents average ment, the metabolic rate was found elevated to 6 to 10% of the body weight, reaching 20 to 25% conventional values in spite of the fact that the in extreme cases. They are considerably more animals maintained their germ-free status (356). liquid than in conventional controls. Germ-free The inactivation of alpha pigment by the intesti- cecal contents show a more alkaline reaction by nal flora is irreversible (106); the mechanism of approximately 1 pH unit (355) and a more posi- this process is unknown. The suggested negative tive oxidation-reduction potential (233, 355). feedback effects of undegraded alpha pigment in The apparent reduction of smooth muscle tone germ-free animals is an illustration for synergistic in the germ-free lower bowel may have several actions of the intestinal flora on the host or- coexisting causes. Staley (303), searching for ganism. pressor substances of microbial origin by the use Gastrointestinal tract (the upper segments). of rat cecal muscle strips in vitro, found that the Among the few differences which exist in this state of contraction of germ-free preparations area between germ-free and conventional animals, was reduced to approximately two-thirds that of the most consistent is the lower weight of the conventional controls. Bacterium-free filtrates small intestine (270). This seems to result mainly prepared from conventional rat cecal contents from the reduction of the lamina propria tissue. caused a tone increment of the germ-free cecal In consequence, the mucosal surface area of the muscle to near conventional values, whereas germ-free small intestine is reduced (102). In the strips from conventional cecal were relatively intestinal epithelium of germ-free animals, lower insensitive to this treatment, supporting the renewal rates have been found (2). In these cells original assumption. a reduction in all stages of the generation cycle Changes in autonomic innervation or reduced has been observed (170). The mitosis indexes of sensitivity to endogenous transmitter substances epithelial cells in the duodenum and ileum were may also play a role in these phenomena. Du- uniformly low in germ-free rats and uniformly pont et al. (73) found structural differences in high in conventional rats (117). The possibility the primary plexus of Auerbach and a greatly that the flora is directly involved in this phe- increased size of myenteric neurones in the cecal nomenon (e.g., by increasing cell-attrition) is wall of germ-free rats. Reduced levels of diphos- improbable because of the great differences in phopyridine nucleotide diaphorase activity in microbial population between the duodenum these cells indicated lower oxidative energy and ileum of conventional animals. It seems more metabolism in germ-free animals at this site. probable that, by an unknown mechanism, the Strandberg et al. (309) observed that normal, proliferative capacity of these cells is uniformly spontaneous muscle contractions of rat cecal depressed in the germ-free state and elevated in strips in vitro could not be observed in germ-free VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 403 specimens and that these strips were less sensi- In the absorption of water from the lower tive to epinephrine and acetylcholine than con- small intestine, Csaky (54) found that in germ- ventional controls. free rats there was an initial lag but that the The possibility that in absence of the flora the ultimate rate of water absorption was no differ- endogenous, muscle-depressant substances accu- ent in germ-free and conventional animals. This mulate in the gut must also be considered. In the finding suggested that in intestinal contents of lower bowel of germ-free rats and mice, higher germ-free animals a substance may be present levels of a hypotensive kinin-releasing protease which inhibits water absorption and which, have been observed. This enzyme has tentatively when washed out, results in the restoration of been identified as fecal kallikrein (97, 100) or normal water absorption. In conventional life, trypsin (12). A relationship between microbial intestinal bacteria destroy the water absorption degradation of this enzyme and cecal reduction inhibitory substance. of ex-germ-free rats has been suggested. In rats Loeschke and Gordon (177), replacing the monoassociated with S. typhimuriwn, the tran- cecal contents of germ-free rats in vivo with sient reduction of the cecum was paralleled by a saline, found that water absorption from the reduction and successive increase of the enzyme germ-free cecum was five to six times greater per (347). Germ-free mice immunized and resistant unit of mucosal surface area than in conven- against pathogenic effects of S. typhimurium still tional controls. These observations suggested showed the transient reduction of cecal size and that the impaired water absorption from the the lowering of the enzyme (346), suggesting germ-free lower bowel is conditioned by the that immunological phenomena are not impli- nature of its contents and not by an inherent cated in cecal reduction by microbes. The prog- defect of the mucosa. (The mechanism of the ress of cecal enlargement in aging germ-free mice improved performance of the germ-free intestinal was accompanied by a parallel increment of the mucosa when "relieved" from the contents cecal kinin-releasing enzyme (99). remained unexplained.) Other autacoid substances of the germ-free in- Following the lead that mucus and related testine. Beaver and Wostmann (27) reported substances are present at elevated levels in germ- that the histamine levels in intestinal contents free intestinal contents (48, 54, 174, 176) and were lower in germ-free rats and mice than in might be implicated in this phenomenon, Gordon conventional controls. They speculated that the and Nakamura (107) determined colloid osmotic high luminal values in conventional animals pressure (i.e., the water retentive power) in intes- result from microbial decarboxylation of histi- tinal contents. They found that in germ-free rat dine. The study of Gustafsson et al. (123) sug- cecal contents the colloid osmotic pressure aver- gested that histamine of microbial origin is not aged 60 to 70 mm of Hg higher values than in readily available for absorption to the conven- blood plasma, whereas in conventional animals tional host since the quantity and distribution of these values were essentially similar. Thus the this amine in the tissues of germ-free and con- excess of unabsorbable macromolecules in the ventional rodents are essentially similar. Gordon germ-free gut explained in part the impaired (97) has reported that cecal supernatant fluid of water absorption. This conclusion is supported germ-free rats was toxic on intraperitoneal in- by the work of Hoskins (147) who found that jection into mice, whereas similar material from the enzyme activity in the feces of germ-free rats conventional controls was relatively nontoxic. It which is able to destroy ABH (0) blood group appears that the cecum of a germ-free mouse (mucopolysaccharide-type) antigen was absent contains five- to eightfold of the dose which is although it was present in conventional controls. lethal to germ-free or conventional recipient It was also indicated by this study that the source mice within 1 to 3 hr. The nature of the toxic of the activity was an obligate anaerobic bac- substance is unknown (although it is suspected terium. Wilkins and Gordon (341) reported that, that the active form of alpha pigment is impli- in addition to mucus-like substances, unde- cated). graded dietary components also contribute to Water absorption inhibition in the germ-free the "colloid pool" of the germ-free lower bowel. lower bowel. The more liquid contents of the It appears that the impaired water absorption cecum and colon and a chronic mild diarrhea are caused by the lack of the intestinal flora is con- widespread characteristics of germ-free animals. ditioned also by another mechanism. Asano In addition to appearing in rodents (118, 267), it (8-10) observed slightly reduced sodium and has been observed in germ-free specimens of very low chloride ion concentrations in germ-free other species [chicken, Reyniers et al. (270); dog, rat cecal contents. Feeding chloride-yielding Heneghan (137); pig, Miniats (196)]. resin to these animals increased the chloride 404 GORDON AND PESTI BACTERIOL. REV. levels in gut contents and considerably improved weights and ascorbic acid concentrations along water absorption from the lower bowel. Thus, with elevated levels of glucocorticoids in the the deficit of these ions in the germ-free gut, blood of young germ-free guinea pigs. It is pos- which are needed for maintaining "solute coupled sible that differences in species, strain, housing, water transport" across the intestinal mucosa and diets used (including various degrees of non- (55), might also be involved in the impairment specific stress phenomena induced) contributed of water absorption in these animals. The mecha- to the inconsistency of the results. Recently, nism by which the flora increases the availability Ericsson and Gustafsson (77) studied the fate of of these ions in gut contents is unknown. parenterally injected labeled steroids and found Other organ systems. Only a few and isolated more of the sulfurylated forms in the urine and observations were made on other organs of feces of germ-free rats, whereas in conventional germ-free and conventional animals. The work controls the free forms prevailed. The authors of Reyniers et al. (270) made an attempt to speculate that the sulfohydrolase activity of the account for the weight of all tissues in chickens. intestinal flora is responsible for this difference. In addition to the characteristics already de- scribed, they found that the weight of the skin Body Defenses was consistently reduced by approximately 10% As mentioned in the introduction of this paper, in the germ-free group. For all of the weight one of the original incentives for gnotobiotic reductions observed in various organs of these experimentation was the study of body defenses. animals, no organ system appeared to stand out The early work comparing germ-free and con- with a decided weight increment in comparison ventional guinea pigs carried out by Glimstedt to conventional controls, with the possible (94) in Hellman's laboratory in Lund aimed exception of the skeleton, which indicated higher largely at answering the question: is the lymph values in the germ-free group. follicle a germinal center (i.e., a constant pro- Histologic studies of the lungs of old germ-free ducer), or does it respond mainly to extrinsic mice (98) showed, in general, considerable thin- stimuli with proliferation of lymphoid tissue in ness of the alveolar and of the adjacent capillary the form of a reaction center? The germ-free wall and a paucity of reticuloendothelial ele- animal, it was thought, would clarify the issue ments similar to that seen in young germ-free or because of its lack of exposure to antigenic conventional mice. In old, normal, conventional stimulation by viable microbes. Glimstedt's work, controls the alveolar wall was two to three times incidentally, favored the latter alternative. thicker, holding an abundant amount of wander- In the years that followed, the concept of the ing cell elements. Studying the "washout time" germ-free animal as an "antigenic virgin" was of intravenously administered labeled xenon in made less useful by several practical considera- old rats, better ventilatory clearance was con- tions. One of these is that freedom from foreign sistently found in the germ-free group in com- associates is not assured by absolute criteria, but parison to conventional controls (291). These it is limited by the effectiveness of the tests for observations suggest that the age-induced im- sterility (see above). Furthermore, virtually all pairment of the lung's respiratory surface is at available animal diets contain microbial or least in part caused by the presence of the flora other antigenic substances, which persist in some in the respiratory tree. form after sterilization and may lead to oral Flora effects on liver function have previously immunization (see below). Finally, the possibility been mentioned (See above). Blood urea nitrogen of nonspecific stress reactions modifying the as well as the concentrating ability of the kidneys body defenses of germ-free animals must be (ratio of urine and blood plasma osmolality) considered. Stress, causing loss of lymphoid and cortical or medullary blood flow were found tissue, among other effects, may be precipitated essentially similar in germ-free and conventional by inadequate nutrition and the effect would be rats (324). hard to differentiate from a deficit due to lack of Among endocrine functions, the reduced antigenic stimulation. Deficiencies in germ-free iodine fixation by the thyroid in germ-free rats diets caused by rigorous steam sterilization of has already been mentioned (61). Reports on both milk formulas and solid rations have the adrenal glands of germ-free animals are con- abounded in the past (267) and still present flicting. Wakabayashi et al. (334) reported lower problems. Nowadays, almost complete freedom weight of these glands and evidence of cortical from antigenic stimulation (save for that caused hypofunction in germ-free rats. Gordon et al. by auto-antigenicity), with minimal effects from (104) found slightly elevated adrenal weights and nutritional stress may be observed in germ-free levels of urinary corticoids in similar animals. rodents which are fed chemically defined antigen- Chakhava et al. (41) observed increased adrenal free liquid diets. In this area the colostrum- VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 405 deprived germ-free neonatal pig has also proven all phases of the cytopoietic activity of the lymph useful. Using more practical rations, we must be nodule have been traced in germ-free animals satisfied with compromise regarding dietary (316, 318). All authors agree that the lymphatic antigens. nodules of germ-free animals are, in general, less Cells, tissues, and organs associated with clearly demarcated, show fewer mitoses, are defense functions. No pronounced differences smaller, and occur more rarely than in conven- have been detected in the number, distribution, tional counterparts. and phagocytic ability of macrophages in lymph Abrams and Bishop (3) found in the intestinal nodes and spleens of germ-free and conventional mucosa of young germ-free guinea pigs, that mice (19, 21). Phagocytic indexes studied in the "the population of wandering cells in the lamina liver and spleen of these animals with carbon propria is much less dense than in controls. clearance method were similarly undifferentiated Although varying in absolute number, plasma (63, 317). cells in particular were less numerous in this The functional similarity of macrophages location in germfree animals." These findings originating from both groups of animals was have been repeated in the same animals (302) suggested by Heise and Myrvik (134), who and in the gut of germ-free rats and chickens found similar concentrations of lysozyme, acid (103). phosphatase, and cathepsin in macrophages Gamma globulin-bearing plasma cells (tested obtained from the peritoneal cavity of germ-free with fluorescence technique) were virtually and conventional rats. However, when these cells absent in mesenteric lymph nodes of germ-free originated from the lung alveolar wall, then the mice, whereas they were numerous in conven- concentrations of these enzymes were found tional controls. Gamma globulin-containing decidedly lower in the germ-free group. Recently, plasma cells were absent from the spleens of both Perkins et al. (224) have shown that, on intra- germ-free and conventional mice (144). In a peritoneal injection of a sterile irritant (gelatin), similar comparison, plasma cells from the sub- conventional mice respond with significantly maxillary lymph nodes of mice aligned with greater production of phagocytic cells (termed those of the mesenteric lymph nodes of the histiomonocytic) than do germ-free mice. How- previous study, whereas plasma cells from the ever, the "engulfing efficiency" of individual axillary and popliteal nodes behaved similarly to cells for foreign erythrocytes (opsonized sheep those of the spleen (19). Recently Crabbe et al. red blood cells were used) in vitro was essentially (51) used fluorescence techniques to show that the same, regardless of whether the cells origi- the intestinal mucosa of conventional mice is rich nated from germ-free or from conventional ani- in plasma cells synthesizing immunoglobulin mals. (IgA); germ-free mice showed only 10% or less The total white blood cell count in germ-free of this type of cell. They later indicated that germ- rodents occasionally shows lower values in com- free mice would produce IgA-containing plasma parison to open conventional controls; there has cells if the antigen (horse spleen ferritin) was not been a consistent pattern in the differential administered by mouth; parenteral administra- count. In one series of observations (104), when tion led to IgM- and IgGI-containing plasma germ-free rats were compared to isolator con- cells (52). ventional controls, the quantitative and qualita- Olson and Wostmann (215) attempted to tive white blood cell counts were found to be determine, with the help of 3H-thymidine and identical in the two groups of animals. How- differential counts, the quantity of potential ever, germ-free chickens up to 1 year of age antibody-producing cells in cervical and mesen- showed consistently reduced total white blood teric lymph nodes of germ-free and conventional cell counts, which were due to a lower number mice. The lymph nodes of germ-free animals of lymphocytes (270). contained as little as one-twelfth the number of Undeveloped lymphoid tissue and smaller blast and potential antibody-producing cells as lymph nodes are characteristic of young, first their conventional counterparts. The mode and generation germ-free guinea pigs (3, 94, 197, quantity of label incorporation in cells, when it 202). The same is found in germ-free rats and was actually taking place, was similar in both chickens, but smaller lymph nodes are found groups. In another experiment, the same authors mainly in areas which are normally closely asso- (216) stimulated mice with intraperitoneal injec- ciated with the microbial flora (104, 110, 270). tions of 7S human gamma globulin or with a According to other workers (19, 20), the differ- vaccine prepared from killed cultures of S. typhi- ence between the lymphatic systems of germ-free murium. Potential antibody-producing cells and conventional mice was not impressive. showed a greater increase in germ-free mice Recently, active germinal centers (3, 19) and after the challenge with either antigen in com- 406 GORDON AND PESTI BACrERIOL. REV. parison to conventional controls. This finding et al. (112) using immunoelectrophoretic tech- suggested that, although germ-free hosts have niques showed that the serum of germ-free rats fewer competent cells, the greater increase after contained qualitatively the same major antigenic challenge reflects their "uncommitted" nature components which are observed in the serum of which is due to the lack of previous antigenic conventional rats. Injection of germ-free rat stimulation. Bosma et al. (32) and Nordin (211), serum into rabbits produced the entire spectrum attempting to assay the immune response in of anti-gamma antibody at low levels which is germ-free and conventional mice on parenteral otherwise found on immunization with conven- challenge with sheep erythrocytes, found that tional rat serum. Fahey and Sell (82) observed antibody formation in the spleen proceeded in that germ-free or specific pathogen-free (SPF) - essentially the same manner in both groups of type mice had low levels in all four major com- animals. ponents of serum immunoglobulins that are Thus, it appears that the available stock of characteristic for this species, but particularly in immunocompetent cells of germ-free animals is the case of IgA. Arnason et al. (7), working with smaller in comparison to conventional controls, mice, found reduced levels of alpha2 and gamma particularly in organs of the external environ- globulins in the germ-free group in comparison ment. The quantity of potential antibody-pro- to conventional controls. In the case of one ducing cells of germ-free hosts, however, seems gamma globulin component (IgM), however, to be only slightly reduced or at the conven- similar levels were found in both groups of ani- tional levels, depending on the nature of the mals. parent organ and on the criteria used for testing The composition of the diet seems to have little cell response. The existence of qualitative differ- effect on the rat (364) although effects of the ences, in this sense, between the two groups of dietary regimen on defensive elements have been animals can be excluded. reported in other animal species. Of these, the Wilson et al. (343) reported a slightly smaller guinea pig and the mouse are best documented weight of the thymus in germ-free mice. Bealmear (214, 294, 365). The original reports of 9terzl et and Wilson (24) observed the lymphocyte popu- al. (306, 307), that colostrum-deprived sterile lation in the thymus of mice to ca. 5 months of piglets had no trace of antibody, introduced age. They found in the germ-free group a lower another model for studying "antigenic virgins." number of small lymphocytes in the cortex and Kim et al., (157), delivering piglets in germ-free fewer cells of this type migrating from the cortex form, depriving them of colostrum, and giving into the medulla in comparison to conventional them only pyrogen-free distilled water, found controls. These observations suggested that the their sera to be completely free from detectable presence of the microbial flora influences the immunoglobulins. The absence of maternal anti- event which causes the spread of thymic lympho- bodies appeared to be related to the more im- cytes to other lymphoid organs. pervious placenta which characterizes this species. The thymus of germ-free chickens has pro- On oral or parenteral administration of antigens, vided analogous findings (316, 318) although the these piglets proved immunologically fully com- deficit in weight of this organ could not be dem- petent. onstrated (270). The bursa of Fabricius (cloacal Concerning the synthesis and metabolism of tonsillar organ of birds which shows certain immunoglobulins, Nash et al. (207) found that, analogies with the thymus) loses weight sig- on parenteral or oral administration of ferritin, nificantly in the germ-free state (270). The his- germ-free mice were capable of developing cir- tological appearance of the bursal lymphatic culating antibodies as well as gamma globulins follicles did not change. Broadly speaking, the without affinity for the antigen (non-antigen deficit of lymphoid tissue of germ-free animals globulins). Sell and Fahey (295) determined appears to apply also to these organs. total gamma globulin and observed the turnover Humoral defensive elements. Thorbecke et al. of labeled homologous and heterologous gamma (318) observed that germ-free chickens have globulin in germ-free and conventional mice. In undeveloped lymphatic tissue with fewer plasma this work, the following trends were indicated. cells and lower gamma globulin content in their The rate of synthesis of gamma globulin in con- blood serum in comparison to conventional ventional mice was approximately 50 times controls (25 to 50% of the conventional values). higher than in germ-free mice. The greatly The levels of beta and gamma globulins in the reduced serum concentrations of gamma globu- serum have been found reduced also in germ-free lin found in germ-free mice reflected the lower rats, whereas other fractions of serum proteins rate of synthesis. The ability to catabolize heterol- are within normal limits with the possible excep- ogous gamma globulin was found essentially tion of an albumin increase (124, 357). Grabar similar in germ-free and conventional mice. VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 407 Fahey and Sell (82), using immunoelectrophore- in these experiments leaves the possibility that sis techniques, studied the catabolism of five foreign antigens play a part. classes of immunoglobulins in mice. Three The presence of antibodies against tumor classes of 7S components appeared to be affected antigens has also been considered as an auto- in their catabolism by the levels of immunoglobu- immune response of the host. Pollard (245) lins in the serum and to share a common control found in germ-free mice that fibrosarcomas mechanism. The turnover rate for these compo- developing on injection of sterile methylcho- nents was found slowed in germ-free mice with lanthrene caused increased activity of lymphatic low levels of gamma globulins, whereas in con- tissue in the regional nodes of the involved area. ventional mice hyperimmunized with hemocyanin In germ-free rats, on the other hand, in which the turnover rate was accelerated. The two mammary tumors were induced by feeding the other classes (IgA and IgM) showed a faster same carcinogen, regional lymph nodes did not turnover rate, independent of the 7S compo- show a response. The possibility that under these nents, which suggested that their catabolism is circumstances the "unmasking" of a latent viral not influenced by their concentration in the agent may have contributed to the indicated serum. In germ-free and conventional guinea immunologic response of lymphatic tissue was pigs, Sell (293) found essentially the same rate of suggested by the fact that, in general, germ-free catabolism of gamma globulin and in either case mice may be and germ-free rats may not be no significant loss of this component into the considered carriers of virus. Olson and Burnstein intestinal tract. The greatly reduced levels of (217), studying the experimental allergic en- gamma globulin found in the serum of guinea cephalomyelitis by injecting autoclaved rabbit pigs suggest lower rates of synthesis for this spinal cord-Freund's emulsion in germ-free and serum component in the germ-free state. conventional rats, found on various immuno- Wagner (328) has reported preliminary data logical tests similar antibody responses in both on properdin, complement, and complement groups. The incidence of paralysis, however, was component titers in the serum of rats and ob- lower among germ-free animals. served that the levels of all three approached Thus, these very limited observations with the lowest limits of the conventional normal germ-free animals concur with the concept that range in the germ-free group. It was noted, how- the host is capable of producing autoantibodies. ever, that the sera of germ-free rats showed Problems of central interest in this area, e.g., the positive agglutination titers with M. epidermidis action by which tolerance to "self" is normally (an organism usually demonstrable in the diet achieved, or the mechanisms by which auto- prior to sterilization); therefore, these rats could immune disease is precipitated, have not been not be considered as minimally stimulated ani- taken up to date with this highly suitable tool. mals. These observations on properdin were later Germ-free animals that have not undergone confirmed (126). Newton et al. (210) compared any infection or overt antigenic stimulation complement levels of germ-free and conventional show, nevertheless, detectable levels of antibody guinea pigs with similar results and found also against a variety of antigens: in chickens, hemag- an age-conditioned increment of complement in glutinins for rabbit erythrocytes (326, 328) in both groups. mice, antibodies to certain strains of E. coil or Immune responses. No systematic studies on to S. typhosa (151, 193) and antibodies to staphy- autoimmunity have been conducted to date in lococcus antigen A (45). In general, in germ-free normal germ-free animals. However, the conse- animals, the levels of antibody were much lower quences of necrotizing liver lesions in germ-free than in conventional controls. and conventional mice have been studied after A good example of the complexity of the issues intraperitoneal injection of carbon tetrachloride involved in this area is given by the work of (7) which led to the development of anti-liver Stollerman et al. (308) who tested germ-free antibodies in the serum of both groups of ani- mice and colostrum-deprived piglets for the mals. Similar studies with the hepatotoxic agent presence of antibodies to streptococci. On intra- of butter yellow (3'-methyl-4-dimethyl amino- peritoneal administration of standardized cul- A both M azobenzene) indicated that both groups of ani- tures of group streptococci lacking protein and capsules, the median lethal doses mals, particularly the germ-free, developed liver (LD5o) for germ-free and conventional control injury, and both groups showed hypergamma- mice were essentially similar. However, when globulinemia with increased activity of lymphatic encapsulated and M protein-containing forms tissue (23). These experiments suggest that the of the same strain of microorganisms were germ-free host can give an autoimmune response injected, the germ-free mice showed greater sus- but the lack of the use of chemically defined diets ceptibility than the conventional controls. Inter- 408 GORDON AND PESTI BACrERIOL. REV. estingly, resistance could be imparted to germ- gamma and particularly the beta globulin frac- free mice if they received, prior to the challenge, tions in the serum of the germ-free rats rose. an injection of whole globulin from conventional At the same time, slight but unmistakable levels mice. Administration of gamma globulin of the of anti-bovine serum albumin precipitating anti- same source alone proved ineffective. In vitro body became demonstrable which appeared to studies conducted on phagocytosis of avirulent coincide with the elevation of gamma globulin in group A streptococci with the blood of germ-free the serum. In germ-free and conventional mice, mice indicated that leukocytes from these animals a glycoprotein or bovine serum albumin proved destroyed the streptococci as readily as leuko- to be equally potent antigens without the addi- cytes from conventional controls. Opsonins tion of Freund's incomplete adjuvant (237). A against the avirulent streptococci were readily special case of milk allergy in infant germ-free demonstrable in the blood of the colostrum- rabbits provides further evidence of ability for deprived piglets (whose serum contained only germ-free hosts to respond to foreign protein minute amounts of gamma globulin). (44). The indispensability of antigenic stimulation An excellent review on the actions of endo- for the rise of elements that are considered to toxin which includes aspects of gnotobiotic correspond to natural antibodies of the host has experimentation has recently been written by been indicated to date by the work of Kim and Kovats (162). The majority of systematic works Watson (159), who aimed to study whether the done in this area in gnotobiotic and related "Jerne background cells" detectable by plaque animals concerns host susceptibility and resist- assay technique (which are considered to corre- ance to endotoxin. spond to natural antibody of the host) rise spon- Thorbecke and Benacerraf (317), studying the taneously or only by antigenic stimulation. blood clearance of heat-killed E. coli in germ- Colostrum-deprived germ-free piglets fed Mull- free mice, found it perceptibly slower than in soy diet failed to develop plaque-forming cells to conventional controls. These observations sug- sheep erythrocytes for a period of 2 months. gested, in general, that the exposure of a host to However, on parenteral challenge by this antigen, microbial agents may modify its response to the piglets proved fully immunocompetent. This endotoxin. Schaedler and Dubos (286, 288) true primary response to sheep erythrocytes was studied a variety of strains of mice. One of these reduced when the piglets were exposed to unre- strains (NCS) had an intestinal flora consisting lated antigen prior to the challenge. This suggests predominantly of lactobacilli and devoid of E. to the authors the presence of an "uncommitted coli. All other strains contained, among others, multipotent system in these immunologically E. coli. A massive intraperitoneal dose of endo- virgin animals." toxin (400 to 500 ,ug of lipopolysaccharide pre- Lysozyme levels in serum, saliva, and tears of pared from E. coli or K. pneumoniae) produced germ-free and conventional rats and mice were no mortality among the "coli-free" NCS mice studied by Makulu and Wagner (183). The although a variety of lesions (e.g., inhibition of results show that the lysozyme levels in the serum influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes into the and in the tears were quite similar in all experi- peritoneal cavity) developed in these animals. mental groups. In saliva, on the other hand, High mortality was observed among all of the substantial levels of this agent were found in the "coli-associated" mouse strains. Pretreatment of conventional animals, whereas in the saliva of NCS mice with a vaccine which consisted of the germ-free stock it was absent. The missing organisms from which the endotoxin used had salivary lysozyme correlated with the absence of been prepared protected them from the develop- leukocytes in the saliva of germ-free animals and opment of endotoxin-induced lesions. This pre- they seem to be the source of lysozyme. Broader treatment, on the other hand, facilitated the issues in this area, e.g., natural resistance versus development of infections or even of fulminating natural immunity, canonot be discussed because septicemias when the NCS mice were successively of a paucity of experimental data. challenged with unrelated, viable pathogens Germ-free and conventional chickens appear (staphylococci were used). The simultaneous to respond with antibody formation on intra- administration of the pathogens and even a venous injection of bovine serum albumin and minute dose of endotoxin to these pretreated human gamma globulin (328, 363). Germ-free mice protected them largely from the lethal rats injected with bovine serum albumin by effects of the pathogen's challenge. These ob- Wostmann (351) showed perceptible reactions servations suggest that a lack of exposure to only if the albumin was mixed with Freund's endotoxin will cause the host to be resistant to incomplete adjuvant. Albumin or adjuvant by the lethal effects of endotoxin. This challenge, itself was ineffective. On combination of the two, however, will render the host more susceptible VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 409 to the invasion of pathogens, probably by the 32P-labeled heat-killed E. coli were studied in impairment of its natural defenses (illustrated by germ-free and conventional mice nonimmunized the inhibition of reticuloendothelial elements). or immunized with the same heat-killed micro- Jensen et al. (153) corroborated these findings organism (317). The results indicated that in and observed that germ-free mice monoasso- nonimmunized mice the clearance of E. coli from ciated with viable E. coli remained fully resistant the blood of germ-free mice was markedly slower to the lethal effects of endotoxin injections in the than in conventional controls. Immunization same fashion as germ-free, or "coli-free" (SPF), effected a similar enhancement of the clearance mice were. These results suggest that the concur- rates for E. coli in both groups. The recovery of rence of other microbial effects (present in the the microbial label from various organs of non- conventional but absent in the E. coli mono- immunized animals showed the same percentage associated or "coli-free" SPF gut) is needed for values when germ-free and conventional mice the potentiating effect of E. coli. Landy et al. were compared; after immunization, both groups (167) observed that in mortality to Shigella of mice responded with a substantial increment flexneri endotoxin and in pathological responses of the bacterial label recovered from the liver, to Salmonella enteritidis endotoxin no essential with a reduction of radioactivity in the spleen, differences could be demonstrated between germ- lungs, kidney, and blood. Using a strain of S. free and conventional mice harboring E. coli. aureus in nonimmunized mice in the same type The conflicting findings in this area may, in part, of experiment, these authors found, contrary to be resolved by the work of Sacquet and Charlier the results with E. coli, similar and very rapid (279) who found a considerable animal-strain blood clearance of the microbial label in both dependence among germ-free, "coli-free" (SPF- germ-free and conventional mice. A variety of type), and conventional mice in their sensitivity responses in germ-free and isolator conventional to the untoward effects of endotoxin. control mice after the injection of Formalin-killed It would appear that the lethal effect of paren- E. coli into the foot pad were studied by Horo- terally administered endotoxin is dependent on witz et al. (145). Particulate antigen appeared in the previous sensitization of the host by intestinal the sinus macrophages of regional lymph nodes microorganisms which can serve as a source for as early as 2 hr after the injection in both groups endotoxin, possibly in association with other of animals and seemed to disintegrate more microbes. Whether the development of this sen- rapidly in the conventional controls. Circulating sitivity to endotoxin of conventional or other antibody to the coli antigen developed in all microbially associated animals is connected with mice after 4 days, but the conventional controls their resistance to infections remains to be seen. attained higher titers. In view of the fact that the Informative experiments may involve antigen- conventional mice in this experiment may have ically virgin neonatal animals. In a study con- possessed preexisting antibody to E. coli of other ducted by Kim and Watson (158), colostrum- serotypes, Bauer et al. (22) repeated this experi- deprived, germ-free newborn piglets which were ment with Serratia marcescens, an organism that free from immunoglobulins responded to graded was not harbored in their conventional stock of doses of endotoxin with a considerably lower animals. The results, in essence, confirmed those LD50 than did the colostrum-fed controls. (The obtained previously with E. coli. It was indicated latter showed a variety of immunoglobulins in that the delayed immune response in germ-free their blood within hours after feeding.) These mice resulted in a more sustained and greater data suggested to the authors that endotoxin response than in conventional controls, pre- (which in this instance was prepared from S. sumably through a slower release of immuno- abortus equi) has a true primary or intrinsic genic antigen fragments. Less vigorous but toxicity which is not dependent on classical qualitatively similar responses were recorded antigen-antibody reactions. The colostrum-im- with ferritin, as a nonmicrobial antigenic chal- parted protection is thought to result from an lenge. These authors conclude that germ-free antiendotoxin, distinct from 0 antibody, com- animals in responding to antigenic stimulation parable to the 19S class of protective antibody. show considerable qualitative similarity to con- The effects of E. coli, because of its importance ventional controls. The conventional state of an as a frequent element of the intestinal flora, have animal, in respect to the challenge used, seemed been repeatedly studied. Monoassociation of to confer only minor advantages to the host. young germ-free guinea pigs with a viable E. coli Monoassociation of germ-free chickens with originating from the human gut was found well Clostridium perfringens or with Streptococcus established in the intestinal canal with the ani- faecalis by the oral route resulted within several mals surviving in high percentage (87). Blood weeks in levels of serum proteins, counts of clearance and organ distribution of a strain of reticuloendothelial elements in the gut wall, and 410 GORDON AND PESTI BACTERIOL. REV. in homologous serum agglutinin titers which senescent germ-free and conventional mice reached or were close to those seen in conven- showed no gross and histological differences in tional controls (332, 333). In rats, similar micro- the healing of surgical or tooth extraction wounds organisms (and L. casel as well) demonstrably (274, 275, 277). The inflammatory cell response, stimulated agglutining formation but had less vascular characteristics, proliferation of fibrous clear effects on the serum electrophoretic pattern. tissue, and regeneration of the epidermis were It has been uncertain whether bacteria present the same in both groups of animals. in the diet prior to sterilization and ingested in Collagen production (as measured by hydroxy- dead form by the animal are capable of eliciting proline content of polyvinyl sponges implanted antibody response on oral vaccination. Wagner in skin wounds) seemed to show no quantitative (328) showed this to be the case in the chicken differences between germ-free and conventional in reference to M. epidermidis. In comparison to mice (35). conventional controls, germ-free chickens showed The differences between guinea pigs and mice delayed antibody formation to this organism and in the effect of the flora on tissue repair cannot in low titers. be explained without further experimental evi- In view of the known great complexity of the dence. Differences in animal species, in their host's immune responses to bacteria and the nutritional status, nature and site of injury, and fragmentary information available, there is, as composition of the implicated flora may play a yet, little on which to comment. On exposure to role. The observations in mice suggest that the living or dead, potentially pathogenic or innocu- presence of the flora does not exert a profound ous bacteria, the conventional animal is in a effect on healing in case of simple and clean more advantageous state for mustering its wounds involving mainly epithelial and con- defenses than its germ-free counterpart. As nective tissue. pointed out by Bauer et al. (22), this may result from the conventional animal's continual expo- Survival and Aging sure to the flora. However, on reaching the ulti- The value of gnotobiotic animals for the study mate state of adaptation to the challenge, there of aging has long been recognized, but its imple- is no essential qualitative difference between the mentation was delayed by technical difficulties. two groups of hosts, except for some delay of Two attempts have been made to construct life response in the ex-germ-free group. The apparent tables and to determine lesions at natural death modification of bacterial pathogenicity in the in germ-free and conventional animals. One positive or negative sense according to the pres- study (105) was conducted in genetically closely ence or absence of other microbial associates is linked Swiss Webster mice and included over 300 one of the more promising avenues of gnotobiotic germ-free and the same number of conventional experimentation. controls which were introduced into the colony at the age of 12 months (to eliminate the effect of Tissue Repair early losses). At natural death, the ages of the The study of tissue repair in gnotobiotic mice were (means and standard errors in days animals has been undertaken mainly to assess are given): germ-free males, 723 19; females, the role of the microbial flora in wound healing 681 i 12; conventional males, 480 i 10; females, and consider the changes in inflammatory re- 516 i 10. This pattern of survival rates seemed sponse. to continue throughout the course of the experi- Puzzling species differences have been found ment. In the second study (335), approximately in the repair of skin wounds in young, first- 50 germ-free and the same number of conven- generation germ-free guinea pigs (199). In the tional ICR mice were introduced into the colony germ-free animals, there was less formation of after weaning. At natural death, the age of the vascular tissue and the regeneration of the epi- mice was (using the same mode of expression): dermis preceded that of the dermis. The develop- germ-free males, 556 i 43; females, 535 + 46; ment of the former occurred over a loose mesen- conventional males, 536 41; females, 547 ± chymal base rather than over granulation tissue 45. In the first trimester of life, the survival rate as it did in conventional controls. This experi- was essentially the same in the germ-free and ment has been repeated and confirmed in most conventional control groups. In the middle of its findings, except that no differences in vas- third, the germ-free mice displayed an increased cularization has been found in the newly formed survival rate (e.g., 40% cumulative mortality tissue between germ-free and conventional ani- was reached for the combined group of germ- mals (319). free males and females only at the age of approxi- On the other hand, both young adult and mately 580 days, whereas for the conventional VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 411 controls this value was approximately 410 days). THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL IN THE Increased mortality of the germ-free group at STUDY OF DISEASE more advanced age resulted in the similarity of groups Simple and reasonably inexpensive gnotobiotic mean ages between the opposing animal techniques are of such recent development that when all animals participating in the study were logical extensions of the experiments into broad considered. Among germ-free mice of both areas of disease have not been undertaken. The studies, the prevalent lesions at natural death following section represents the meager yet prom- were associated with the enlargement of the work available. cecum. It appeared that the muscle tone of the ising collection of gut became reduced to the point where propul- sive movements were severely impaired or came Shock, Intestinal Obstruction, and to a complete standstill. Numerous cecal volvuli Thermal Trauma were observed. Occasionally, the gall bladder It has been postulated that the development of was severely distended. None of these lesions was shock initiated by various types of trauma is observed among conventional controls in which mediated primarily by a breakdown of bacterial inflammatory lesions prevailed. Degenerative defense mechanisms and an attendant vasculo- changes of parenchymatous organs were ob- toxic sequela caused by the passage of flora ele- served in both groups of animals. Neoplastic ments or of their products into the circulation diseases seemed to be evenly distributed among (Jacob et al. (152, 292). Therefore, it was im- germ-free and conventional animals in both portant that Zweifach et al. (368) were able to studies. In senescent germ-free rats fed improved induce irreversible hemorrhagic shock in germ- diets which were killed in apparent state of free animals. These authors and others that fol- health, no frank lesions were observed save for lowed them (104, 136, 206) found that survival the low incidence of benign tumors (249). and the responses to bleeding and to the hypo- The survival studies clearly indicate an advan- tensive episode were essentially the same in germ- tage for the germ-free over the conventional free and conventional rats. It is interesting to note mice, with the exception of the accelerated termi- that, in the study of Zweifach et al. (368), nal loss of germ-free animals experienced by germ-free rats accidentally contaminated with S. Walburg and Cosgrove (335) which is not under- faecalis, M. pyogenes var. aureus, M. epidermidis, stood. It is possible that this discrepancy was due and Alcaligenes sp., in spite of the fact that these to the different strains of animals and diets used microorganisms could be grown from the blood in these studies or to the low animal population and from various organs after the shock episode, in the second study. In terms of meeting dietary did not differ in their responses from the other requirements, both investigations agree that the animals of this series. In Heneglan's work (136), presently available autoclaved diets are subopti- surprisingly, a group of germ-free rats contami- mal for aging studies. The apparent similarity of nated with S. albus, a yeast, and a fungus dis- survival between males and females in the germ- played substantially greater resistance to shock free group, in contrast to generally higher female than the germ-free or the conventional groups. survival in conventional populations, leads to the Microbial effects in ischemic shock have been speculation that the latter characteristic is related studied in our animal model by limb tourniquet to the female's known greater resistance to in- and by ligation of superior mesenteric artery. In fection (338). Aside from such considerations, the former approach, Einheber and Wren (75) none of these studies can answer the broad found that 3 hr of limb ischemia was rapidly and question of whether germ-free animals live uniformly lethal in germ-free and conventional longer than their conventional counterparts. In mice. This work was repeated by Markley et al. view of the findings to date, though, such a (185) who obtained different results by finding query is almost meaningless. It is entirely con- that shock mortality of germ-free mice was sig- ceivable that, for example, strains of animals nificantly lower than in conventional controls. prone to anomalies of the lower bowel, yet Furthermore, antibiotic-treated (sulfadiazine and naturally resistant to infections, will do poorly streptomycin) conventional mice showed de- in germ-free and better in conventional aging creased mortality to limb ischemia in comparison to untreated conventional controls. On ligation of colonies and vice versa. The important fact the superior mesenteric artery, Carter and emerging from this work is that the pattern of Einheber (39) found essentially similar mean lesions conducive to death is completely different survival times and uniformly high mortality in in animals exposed or unexposed to the micro- germ-free and conventional mice. However, in bial flora. case the occlusion of the artery was released after 412 GORDON AND PESTI BACrERioL. REV. a few hours duration, then in the germ-free group type proved most lethal, with the two other types a markedly shorter survival time was indicated of vascular strangulation leading to death only than in the conventional group. after a more prolonged period of time. Thus, the majority of the findings in this area These results, in general, emphasize the im- are opposed to the concept that bacteria or bac- portance of the intestinal bacteria to the apparent terial products are implicated as primary factors severity of the trauma caused by intestinal ob- in the pathogenesis of shock in rodents. The ob- struction, particularly when it is combined with servation that during the shock episode certain venous strangulation. The indication that deeper types of microorganisms may penetrate and be anesthesia in the conventional animals relieves to present in various organs of the host with ap- some extent this trauma is of special interest. The parent impunity corroborates this assumption. absence of bacteria from the gut helps but does Yet, the more rapid death of germ-free mice on not afford protection in such situations, save for occlusion release of the mesenteric artery suggests cases of isolated blockage of arterial blood supply. perhaps greater complexity of this issue. It is In terms of thermal trauma, Markley et al. possible that in germ-free animals during the (186) found significantly less shock mortality and ischemic episode bioactive substances (which an indication of reduced late mortality in germ- abound in the gut of these animals) permeate free mice which were exposed to severe or mod- from the intestinal lumen into the tissues, passing erate hot water burns, in comparison to conven- on into the circulation after the occlusion release. tional controls. This suggests that the underlying mechanisms of shock in our opposing animal groups are dif- Wasting Syndrome ferent, at least in part, whereas the net result The wasting (or "runting") syndrome is a con- may be the same as measured by survival or sequence of neonatal thymectomy of conventional mortality. animals that may be accompanied by depletion Severe intestinal obstruction (closed loop ob- of lymphocytes, diminished capacity to produce struction, by placing two ligatures spaced 5 cm serum antibody, and failure to reject tissue grafts. from each other on the ileum) with intact blood The use of germ-free animals aims at searching for circulation maintained was found lethal both for a microbial variable in this phenomenon. Miller germ-free and conventional rats; however, the (195) originally indicated that the mortality of mean survival was found to be considerably neonatally thymectomized mice was significantly longer in the former group (6). A similar trend reduced in a group of animals that were kept in was found when a single obstructing ligature, "nearly pathogen-free conditions," whereas strangulating both arterial and venous blood flow, Wilson et al. (345) and McIntire et al. (205) was placed on the ileum of germ-free and con- showed that germ-free mice thymectomized 24 hr ventional rats (47) or dogs (313). It is interesting after birth did not, but conventional controls did, to note that, in rats, when a full dose instead of a develop the wasting syndrome. Furthermore, minimal of anesthetic (pentobarbital sodium) was thymectomy had no effect on the lymphocyte used, the survival of the conventional group was populations in lymph nodes of germ-free mice; prolonged to values found in the germ-free group. spleen cell grafts were rejected, indicating that The effect of single intestinal obstructing ligatures anti-host immune reactions can operate also in combined with arterial, venous, or arteriovenous the germ-free host. Bealmear and Wilson (26) strangulation in germ-free and conventional rats observed no particular depletion of granulo- or was studied by Yale and Altemeier (367). The agranulocytic white blood cells in thymectomized results showed that all rats with the obstructing germ-free and conventional mice. ligature died; however, the mean survival time The resistance of germ-free animals to the de- was about twice as long in the germ-free group in velopment of wasting syndrome elements was comparison to the conventional controls. Simul- further demonstrated by the following experi- taneous strangulation of veins, arteries or both ment. Bealmear and Wilson (25) observed that types of vessels supplying the test segment did not methylcholanthrene-induced homologous tumor appear to affect profoundly the survival margins cells which were rejected upon transplantation of these animals, except in case of venous strangu- into thymectomized germ-free mice, could find lation which proved highly lethal. Strangulation acceptance if such hosts were previously exposed of vessels alone, in reference to a test segment of to an immune-depressant dose of X irradiation. similar length, without intestinal obstruction, was If, however, the thymectomized germ-free mice generally survived by germ-free rats, with the were permitted to recover from radiation and the exception of venous strangulation, in which case transplantation was made at that time (2 months relatively long survival time was noted. In con- after irradiation), the grafts were then rejected. In ventional controls, venous strangulation of this thymectomized conventional mice, tumor homo- VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTTC ANIMAL 413 grafts were generally accepted, even without X faecalis (330), and a strain of L. casei (273). irradiation. This illustrates that the neonatal Testing of caries-producing properties in gnoto- germfree host, after considerable reduction of its biotic rats with microorganisms isolated from the lymphoid tissue by thymectomy and after irradia- human mouth was first attempted by Orland tion-induced, transient depression of its defenses, (219). A Lactobacillus sp. used by him proved is eventually able to muster homograft rejection- cariogenic but only after the gnotobiotic rats were type immune response. The action of the flora on monoassociated with this bacterium for three the conventional host, "when it has been deprived generations. Gibbons et al. (90, 93) isolated three of most of its lymphoid tissue, appears to overtax strains of anaerobic streptococci from human its immunologic defense and to induce a debili- carious teeth which as monoassociates proved tated state in which it can not successfully respond highly cariogenic in orally inoculated germ-free to homotransplant." In general agreement with mice and rats. By a number of biochemical and these findings are the results of Reed and Uotila serological criteria, these streptococci appeared (260), who observed lower mortality in a group of similar to those found in the oral cavity of the germ-free mice where wasting disease was induced conventional rat. On sucrose-agar culture me- by administration of cortisol acetate. Ekstedt and dium, the bacteria displayed marked capsule for- Nishimura (76), who were inducing runting mation resulting in adhesive, gelatinous growth. (wasting) disease with parenteral injections of These authors speculate that in vivo a similar autoclaved staphylococci or streptococci, found process could be responsible for the massive bac- germ-free mice more resistant than conventional terial plaque and successive decay which has been controls. However, the germ-free mice could be observed on the teeth of rats inoculated with these induced to runt if the homologous antiserum was bacteria. In general, all bacteria implicated in mixed to the antigen. The authors speculate that caries of gnotobiotic rats were strongly acidogenic the complexed antigen-antibody possibly triggers although this characteristic does not make a the destructive response in susceptible lymphoid microorganism cariogenic per se. It also appears tissue. Differences in resistance of thymectomized from these studies that proteolytic properties of a mice to the wasting disease appear to be condi- bacterium are not needed to make it cariogenic. tioned also by the animal strain (60). These Shklair and Rosen (296) produced gross carious observations support the concept of the existence lesions in germ-free rats on a sucrose-type diet of a microbial contribution to the post-thymec- which were orally seeded with a nonsticky, dex- tomy impairment of the host. tran-forming streptococcus isolated from a human carious tooth. Recently, Rovin et al. (278) ob- Oral Diseases served in a long-term experiment that silk liga- The use of gnotobiotic animals in the study of tures placed around the molar teeth of conven- oral diseases represents one of the oldest, best tional rats (Fischer strain, which is not considered documented, and most fruitful applications of this particularly caries-susceptible) fed a low sugar, biologic tool. A review on this area was written relatively high fluorine-containing diet (35 ppm), by Fitzgerald (83). Rats were mostly used; ham- caused extensive decay in the ligated tooth. This sters, cotton rats, and rice rats, which are espe- process was found to spread to the neighboring, cially susceptible to oral disease, are not yet nonligated tooth. The molars of germ-free control available in gnotobiotic form. rats proved resistant to caries even after ligation. Dental caries. The early observations of Orland These observations suggest that a mechanical et al. (220), which have shown that dental caries stressor agent which traps bacteria and debris do not develop in germ-free rats regardless of the near the tooth may be an important contributing susceptibility of the strain, the nature of the diet factor to cariogenesis. fed, and the age of the animals, remain unchal- The discovery that specific strains of bacteria lenged. Various authors have shown that single are responsible for the development of caries in species of bacteria indigenous to the gastrointes- the susceptible host, combined with the knowl- tinal tract may be implicated in this process in rats edge that antibacterial antibodies are secreted into fed high sugar, low fluorine diets. Orland et al. the saliva, suggested an attempt to immunize the (221) observed that gnotobiotic rats harboring host against tooth decay. Wagner (329, 331) ex- an enterococcus and a bacterium developed caries. tended his earlier work with S. faecalis to test the Fitzgerald et al. (86) found that certain strepto- possibility of serological protection against tooth cocci isolated from the intestinal tract of con- decay. Gnotobiotic rats fed a cariogenic diet, ventional rats were cariogenic. Other microor- associated with this microorganism and given a ganisms which were observed to produce caries as course of parenteral immunization with the ho- monoassociates in ex-germ-free rats include the mologous bacterin in adjuvant, showed virtual following: a variety of L. acidophilus (85), S. elimination of the cariogenic activity. Thus, 414 GORDON AND PESTI BAcrE~oL. REV. among 16 immunized rats, 14 remained caries-free tory factors in periodontal disease. The former, and 2 developed minimal or questionable lesions which may develop in pure form in germ-free on challenge with viable microorganism. All 14 animals only, appears to be conditioned by the nonimmunized controls developed caries under strain, age, and perhaps the diet of the host. these conditions. Select microbial associates are involved in the From these studies, the microbial contamina- latter. tion of the oral cavity emerges as the prime eti- ological factor of dental caries. Susceptibility of Enteric Infections the host and the composition of the diet (high Enteric infections constitute one of the oldest sugar, low fluorine content) are important yet chapters of gnotobiotic work, as accidental and ancillary conditions for cariogenesis. intentional association or contaminations were Periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, the from the beginning a ,natural byproduct of this chronic impairment of gingival tissue, appears to activity. Early speculations that germ-free animals have inflammatory and degenerative components. are highly susceptible to infections by elements of It is expected that gnotobiotic experimentation the normal flora were not borne out (104, 125). will permit better differentiation between the two Historically, the first report on the use of frank and clarify the role which the oral flora play in pathogens in this area was that of Cohendy and these processes. Wollman (46) in 1922 who observed complete Young adult germ-free Sprague-Dawley rats mortality in young germ-free guinea pigs orally generally do not show periodontal lesions except monoassociated with Vibrio cholerae. An attempt for those that are foreign body reactions associ- to modify the course of the infection by seeding ated with the embedding of hairs. Gnotobiotic additional associates (Agarbacteriwn mesenter- controls associated with various types of oral icwn or a strain of staphylococcus was used) microorganisms, however, did develop purulent failed. Recently, oral infection of the same host plaques, alveolar bone loss, and destruction of with S. flexneri was attempted by Formal et al. gingival tissue [L. acidophilus, (85); an anaerobic (87) and all animals died. This outcome could filamentous actinomycete, (154); a cariogenic not be modified by vaccination with heat-killed streptococcus, (90); eight organisms common in Shigella leading to sizable antibody titers prior to human gingival debris, (92)]. Older germ-free the oral challenge. Contrary to this, the germ- Sprague-Dawley rats (approximately 18 months), free guinea pigs could be protected against the on the other hand, did display periodontal lesions fatal outcome of the Shigella infection if they made evident by migration of the gingival epi- were previously associated orally with viable E. thelial attachment and bone loss (13, 92). In coli. At term only E. coli and no Shigella could young and older germ-free Fischer rats, no perio- be demonstrated in the gut. Pathological evalua- dontal lesions were observed except for those tion of these animals showed that the germ-free associated with impaction of hair. Even if silk guinea pigs infected with S. flexneri developed ligatures were placed around the molars of simi- acute ulcerative enterotyphlitis, which was not lar germ-free rats at weaning, the only changes found in similarly infected conventional controls. produced were grooves formed in the crevicular Monoassociation of the germ-free guinea pigs epithelium. No alveolar bone loss was observed with E. coli rendered the bowel similar to that in any of these animals (276). Periodontal bone seen in conventional controls both in terms of loss has been reported in germ-free mice (14, 15). architecture and cellularity (302). Recently, the role of specific enzymes and of S. typhimuriwn was selected as a challenging other bioactive substances has been considered microorganism by a number of workers because in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease and some of its strains (e.g., ND 750A) are patho- tested in germ-free animals. A collagenase iso- genic to mice on monoassociation, causing high lated from Clostridium histolyticwn was found to mortality and a reversible reduction of the en- cause changes suggestive of chronic gingivitis on larged cecum. Histological changes occurred in prolonged intragingival administration to germ- the wall of the ileum; among these, proliferation free mice (315). A collagenase isolated from an of the epithelium in the Lieberkuhn krypts and oral bacteroid capable of causing lytic effects in the reduction in the number of goblet cells was the oral epithelium destroyed reconstituted colla- most conspicuous, suggesting some of the changes gen in vitro (91). Injection of E. coli endotoxin observed after the infection with Shigella (163). intragingivally into germ-free mice caused the The mortality could be eliminated if the animals rise of specific antibodies in the serum, spleen, were immunized (and developed antibody titers) and gingival tissue of these animals (314). by intraperitoneal injections of formalinized S. Gnotobiotic experiments have permitted differ- typhimurium vaccine prior to the challenge with entiation between degenerative and inflamma- the viable microorganism. In spite of the dis- VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 415 crepancy in resistance to challenge between the formly slender shape in monoassociated pigs. nonimmunized and preimmunized mice, the The villi occasionally branched and became more transient reduction of the cecum was essentially flat on diassociation with the two serotypes, the same in both groups of monoassociated whereas the conventional flora of the gut re- animals. Wostmann (353) recently observed that sulted in club-shaped, stunted villi with a ten- oral infection of germ-free rats with S. typhi- dency to fusion. Using the pathogenic serotype muriwn (750A) showed an increase of non- of E. coli (0141:K), Kenworthy (155) found immune gamma globulin fraction and rapid severe inflammatory changes in the intestinal carbon clearance from the serum (expressing mucosa of monoassociated piglets. Staley et al. nonspecific response of the host) during the first (304), using light- and electron microscopy week. During the second week, immune gamma techniques and a readily invading serotype of E. globulin levels increased along with the appear- coli (055 :B) in the postpartum infection of germ- ance of homologous agglutinating antibody in free piglets, indicated two types of passage from the serum, whereas the nonimmune gamma the gut lumen into the tissues. In the early stages globulin fraction and the carbon clearance were of the exposure (2 and 6 hr after infection), non- reduced to the prechallenge level. This suggested fimbriated bacteria were engulfed by intestinal that germ-free rats can fully adiust to the asso- epithelial cells (some of which appear to be ciation with a frank pathogen and that protec- endowed with this characteristic in neonatal pigs) tion appears to be afforded first by natural im- and passed rapidly to the regional lymph nodes munity factors and later by the specific antibody without causing special cytopathologic changes. response. However, S. typhimurium should not The lymph nodes being ineffective microbial be regarded an obligate pathogen for germ-free filters at this stage permitted the passage of rodents; e.g., Margard and Peters (184) showed bacteria into the general circulation. These early that a strain of this microorganism as a mono- events were followed (20 hr after infection) by associate, over a period of several months, did the attachment of fimbriated bacteria to the not affect the health of ex-germ-free mice. epithelial lining. (This process seems to be facili- An excellent illustration of the use of gnoto- tated by the presence of mucus.) On penetration biotic animals in the elucidation of host-flora of the epithelial cells, bacteria appear to cause and interflora relationships is provided by Sasaki degeneration of the microvilli at this stage. All et al. (283) who studied the persistence and anti- segments of the small intestine permit the pene- genicity of V. cholerae and Shigella in relation- tration of bacteria with equal ease in the post- ship to superinfection with E. coli, S. faecalis, natal period. Drees and Waxler (66) seeded and C. welchil in the intestine of gnotobiotic orally a different enteropathogenic serotype E. mice. The "superinfectants," representing ele- coli (0138:K, which is a nonfimbriated form) ments of the normal flora in mice, were found to into germ-free piglets at the age of 1 to 2 or 40 coexist with one another, but antagonism oc- to 120 hr and killed the animals 3 to 72 hr after curred between them and the pathogenic or- infection. Using fluorescence and other tech- ganisms. Shigella was removed from the intestine niques, they found in the early exposure group by the combination of E. coll and S. faecalis, extensive mucosal damage, intestinal atony, whereas the removal of the Vibrio required the penetration, and widespread distribution of bac- addition of C. welchii. On monoassociation of teria in various organs. In the late exposure the mice with Vibrio, IgM and IgG immunoglobu- group, these symptoms were clearly less pro- lins were found in the sera, and IgA in the intes- nounced. In a subsequent publication, the same tinal wall. Time relationships in the rise of these authors (67) reported electron microscopic find- fractions suggest that the two former globulins ings in piglets which were infected with the same correlate to coproantibodies, whereas the latter serotype of E. coli and which were comparable does not. to the early exposure group of the previous Several studies involve enteric infections with paper. In these animals, degenerative damages E. coli in neonatal pigs (160, 161, 337). These could be demonstrated in the intestinal epi- describe the development of high mortality thelium; however, this damage was more pro- diarrheal disease in germ-free piglets after oral nounced but did not differ qualitatively from the infection with an enteropathogenic serotype of necrobiotic changes which are normally seen in E. coli. Kenworthy and Allen (156) studied the this tissue of germ-free controls. Tlaskalova et morphogenic effect of one or more serotypes of al. (320), using a nonpathogenic serotype of E. coli (0140:K and 08:H) and of the conven- E. coli (086) in the neonatal oral infection of tional flora (such as develops on placing the germ-free piglets, could demonstrate by various animals in a normal pig environment) on the methods antibodies against the microbial antigen structure of intestinal villi, which are of uni- in the lymphatic apparatus of the intestinal wall, 416 GORDON AND PESTI BAcrERioL. REV. in the serum and, somewhat later, in the mesen- Uremia teric lymph nodes and in the spleen. Einheber and Carter (74) undertook experi- The work on gnotobiotic piglets suggests that ments with gnotobiotic rats to test current there are various mechanisms allowing passage of theories on the retention of toxic substances enteropathogenic microbes across the intestinal originating from the intestinal flora in the wall. During the postnatal period (when the uremic host. Bilaterally nephrectomized and intestinal membrane undergoes gradual reduc- sham-operated food- and water-deprived animals tion of permeability), the age of the host and were used. The results showed that the mean the species and the serotype of the pathogen survival time of germ-free rats in experimental appear to be of prime importance. A bewildering uremia was significantly longer (122 :i 6) than array of strains has been used for experiments; of the conventional controls (76 d 4 hr). The more extensive work with a few selected sero- survival time of additional mono-, di-, and types would be of much greater value. tetra-associated ex-germ-free rats fell in the same Ulcerative Colitis order between the germ-free and conventional values. These groups included association with In the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis, an S. albus; S. albus and P. mirabilis; S. albus, P. immunological component was indicated by the mirabilis, E. coli, and S. faecalis. In the course fact that antibodies against antigen prepared of uremia, the cecal enlargement persisted in all from sterile human fetal colon is present occa- gnotobiotic rats. All sham-operated, starved, sionally in the sera of patients suffering from this and water-deprived controls of this experiment disease. However, the use of such extracts lived much longer, as expected; however, sur- proved impractical because of their low concen- prisingly, the survival time of the sham-operated tration of the antigen. Adult colon tissue for this germ-free group was significantly shorter than purpose is obviously useless because of its con- that of the conventional control group. It was tamination with microbial antigen. Perlmann et also shown that in all sham-operated groups the al. (225), using indirect hemagglutination tech- males outlived the females by a significant mar- nique, found that extracts prepared from the gin. These observations have been further elabo- intestinal wall of germ-free rats contain sizable rated by Carter et al. (40). It would appear that quantities of an antigen which is active in similar blood urea nitrogen remained much lower and manner to human colon antigen. Hammarstrom urea in cecal contents was much higher in the et al. (133) later recognized the confusing fact germ-free group in comparison to conventional that human blood-group antigens, along with controls. Lesions ranging from inflammation to the colon antigen, are widely distributed in the frank ulceration of the intestines were found only gastrointestinal tract of germ-free rats and in uremic conventional rats. On the other hand, pointed to the need to remove isohemagglutinins cardiovascular lesions associated with uremia from the patient's sera prior to testing with the (myocardial and arterial necrosis and calcifica- rat's intestinal extracts. They found that such tion) had earlier onset and higher occurrence in blood-group antigens were present particularly the germ-free group than in the conventional. in the goblet cells and in the mucus of the germ- Recently Visy et al. (324) conducted work in free gut. In a third publication from the same kidney-traumatized (unilateral nephrectomy, con- laboratory, Lagercrantz et al. (165), using germ- tralateral ligation of renal artery and release after free rat intestine antigen, conducted extensive 120 min) germ-free, conventional antibiotic- clinical studies on various groups of patients treated (bacitracin, streptomycin, and nystatin suffering mainly from gastrointestinal disorders. given orally), and conventional rats. In this It was found that virtually all individuals par- study, the longer survival of the kidney-trauma- ticipating in this study, including healthy con- tized germ-free rats versus conventional controls trols, had titers of anticolon antibodies in their has been confirmed; from this point antibiotic- sera. However, the incidence of elevated hemag- treated rats aligned with the germ-free group. glutinin titers (> 1:16) was highest in the group In the postoperative stage, the blood flow and of ulcerative colitis patients, and the difference between them and other groups was statistically concentrating ability of the kidneys were found significant. at the normal levels, whereas these were consid- These studies have established a component erably impaired in conventional controls. The of autoimmunity in the etiology of ulcerative clearance of labeled thiourea into urine and cecal colitis. It appears that gnotobiotic techniques lumen of germ-free and antibiotic-treated rats offer a potential in the diagnostic procedures of was markedly elevated in comparison to the low this disease. clearance of this label in conventional rats. VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 417 These observations suggest that the presence strain H37 Rv in germ-free and conventional of the normal microbial flora has an adverse mice. Their main finding was a delayed disappear- effect on the survival of the uremic host. This ance of the tubercle bacilli from the colony of effect develops probably by microbial invasion ex-germ-free mice. Other studies (149, 310) of via intestinal lesions and subsequent impairment germ-free and conventional mice given BCG by in clearance of nitrogenous materials. An advan- the intravenous route showed no significant dif- tage of the germ-free animal, in addition to ferences in the numbers of the bacilli that could escaping microbial invasion under these circum- be recovered from the spleens or lungs of the stances, is that its enlarged cecum acts as an animals up to 35 days after infection. effective dialysis membrane for the elimination An extensive and rigorous study by Hobby et of nitrogenous waste. Contrary to this, germ-free al. (141) charted the effects on intravenous ad- animals are penalized by more severe cardiovas- ministration of M. tuberculosis H37 Rv and the cular lesions, the cause of which remains obscure. Vallee strain of M. bovis in young germ-free and The shorter survival time of sham-operated conventional mice. Both groups of mice were germ-free animals dying of thirst and starvation susceptible to infection with the human and may be associated with the absorption of bio- bovine tubercle bacilli and both showed a con- active substances which have been found in their siderable degree of uniformity, with animals bowel (97). dying at 2 to 4 weeks (50% survival times: germfree, 18.9 days; conventional, 19.1 days). Mycoplasmosis The pathological picture and the distribution of Lutsky and Organick (181) studied the patho- the organisms were the same for all groups. In genicity of pulmonis, M. salivarius, ex-germ-free mice, the per cent mortality plotted and M. pnewnoniae after intranasal administra- against the time of death showed consistently tion to germ-free and conventional mice. Over similar slopes, whereas conventional controls 60% of the germ-free mice inoculated with M. showed considerable variation from group to pulmonis developed pneumonia, essentially simi- group. Intravenous administration of live BCG lar to the natural disease seen in mice. The two 4 weeks prior to challenge with the bovine other , although demonstrable for tubercle bacilli almost doubled the 50% survival some time in the airways of the ex-germ-free time in the ex-germ-free mice but did not protect mice, proved noninfective and eventually dis- them against the fatal outcome of the experiment. appeared completely. In the case of conventional In the conventional control mice, the increase of mice, a high incidence of pneumonia was ob- survival time on pretreatment with BCG was served with all species, M. pulmonis being the less conspicuous. This indication that the immu- most pathogenic. In a successive study, Organick nological responses of germ-free mice to anti- et al. (218) reported the stages in the M. pulmonis- tuberculosis vaccines may be greater than in induced lesions. First, the passage of the micro- conventional controls was further tested by organism from the bronchial surfaces to the Hobby et al. (142) in the same model, using the alveoli was observed; here, the microorganisms same number of batches of BCG for immuniza- were taken up largely by phagocytic polymor- tion of mice, and challenging them successively phonuclear cells. In later stages of the disease, with M. bovis. Their results indicated that in "ring forms" were observed within granular germ-free mice immunization with most batches pneumocytes. These bodies are thought to repre- of BCG significantly increased the survival time sent intracytoplasmatic developmental stages of in comparison to nonimmunized germ-free con- the mycoplasma. trols after challenge. In this mode of testing, These observations represent a concise initial germ-free mice gave consistently reproducible step in the study of host specificity in mycoplas- results. In conventional animals, no such pattern moses with gnotobiotic techniques. The pneu- was apparent and batches of BCG repeatedly monia which developed in conventional mice tested gave responses with widely varying degrees inoculated with various types of mycoplasma of significance. It was also shown that the number may portray a broader susceptibility of the con- of viable cells in the immunizing dose of BCG ventional host for this disease, the cause of which apparently bears no relation to the protective is not clear. effect imparted by it to the animal, germ-free or conventional. Thus the use of gnotobiotic animals Tuberculosis in this area is motivated mainly by the greater Miyakawa and Kishimoto (203) were the uniformity which is displayed by these hosts on first to carry out a gnotobiotic experiment with infection with tubercle bacilli or on administra- M. tuberculosis, using oral administration of tion of related immunogenic agents. Hobby and 418 GORDON AND PESTI BACrERioL. REV. her co-workers, in the listed publications, as the crop infection of challenged ex-germ-free well as elsewhere (140), suggest that the pre- chickens. Conventional mice remained normal, sented findings are compatible with the undevel- showing colonization of their gut mainly by the oped yet fully responsive defensive elements of yeast form. germ-free animals (i.e., hosts which are more The findings suggest that the normal flora in richly supplied with "unoccupied antigenic susceptible hosts, maintained on adequate diets, receptor sites"). will prevent the morphogenesis of C. albicans to hyphal forms and, through this, allow only mild Yeast Infections infections with the organism. In this protective The use of gnotobiotic animals was prompted action only certain elements of the flora, e.g., E. by observations which indicated that on reduc- coli, might be involved. In nutritionally deficient tion of the intestinal flora by certain conventional animals, the picture is considerably the incidence of yeast infestations increases in a changed by the inability of the host to prevent wide variety of hosts. Balish and Phillips (17) the systemic invasion by yeast cells and perhaps selected birds for their studies as these animals other pathogens. appear to be natural hosts for yeasts. Candida The situation in histoplasmosis is remarkably albicans was seeded orally in 1-week-old germ- similar. Del Favero and Farrell (59) have studied free and conventional chickens maintained on a the effects of intratracheal inoculation of Histo- complete diet. The challenge seemingly did not plasma capsulatwn, commonly considered patho- impair the animal's health. At sacrifice, approxi- genic for dogs, in a limited number of 8-week-old mately 1 month after, it was found that the entire germ-free and conventional pups. The animals intestinal canal of all experimental animals had were autopsied at intervals up to 32 days after been colonized. Largest numbers of colonies the inoculation, and all were found to have could be grown from the crop and ceca of ex- developed systemic granulomatous inflamma- germ-free birds (approximately 100-fold in com- tion in the lungs, liver, spleen, tonsils, and parison to conventional controls). Hyphal forms various lymph node groups associated with the predominated in the ex-germ-free chickens; in airways and with the gastrointestinal tract, as the conventional counterparts only yeast forms early as 7 days after the infection. In most in- were observed. The crop of the ex-germ-free birds stances, the presence of Histoplasma could be displayed evidence of infection, with dense shown in these organs. The incubation time, growth of hyphae and blastospores within the signs, and nature of the lesions corresponded epithelium, whereas the conventional controls with those of the naturally occurring disease were normal. The diet seems to be important observed in conventional dogs. The only differ- because, in another run of animals, conventional ence was a less severe course of the disease in the chickens maintained on a somewhat unbalanced ex-germ-free group. diet (presumably low in vitamins, yet which was capable of maintaining growth) and challenged Protozoal Infections with C. albicans showed a systemic invasion by Amebiasis. Phillips and co-workers (231, 234, the challenging organism in the yeast form, fre- 236) in their pioneering work in the 50's and quently with a lethal outcome. The ex-germ-free early 60's have shown that intracecal seeding of chickens, on the other hand, remained essentially germ-free guinea pigs with Entamoeba histolytica healthy and developed only crop lesions similar failed to induce the severe enteritis, which is to those of the first experiment. Elements of the normally observed in conventional controls. intestinal flora appear to protect conventional Enormous inocula did lead to relatively mild, chickens maintained on a nutritionally adequate well contained lesions in ameba-monoassociated diet against infection and invasion by C. albicans animals. Seeding of the germ-free guinea pigs (18). Establishing a mono-flora association with with E. coli or Aerobacter aerogenes, in addition E. coli in young ex-germ-free chickens afforded to E. histolytica, resulted in enteritis-like lesions, full protection against subsequent challenge with even when a small inoculum of the ameba was Candida. This was not the case when S. faecalis used. More recently, Phillips and Gorstein (232) was used under similar circumstances. reported studies on young germ-free guinea pigs Similar experiments have involved the estab- inoculated with E. histolytica by the same route. lishment of C. albicans in various strains of Shortly after monoassociation, these animals germ-free and conventional mice (229). One sus- were given, in separate groups, an oral inoculum ceptible strain of ex-germ-free mice showed of each of the following species of bacteria: E. considerable loss of body weight, preponderance coUl, C. perfringens, S. faecalis, S. aureus, L. of hyphal colonization of the intestine, and evi- acidophilus, B. subtilis, and an incompletely iden- dence of infection in the stomach, suggestive of tified micrococcus. The animals were observed VOL. 35, 1971 THE GNOTOBIOTIC ANIMAL 419 for an approximate 2-month period after inocu- duced in ex-germ-free turkeys the typical symp- lation. All of the ex-germ-free guinea pigs, toms of enterohepatitis; (ii) E. coli could be associated with the ameba only, remained essen- recovered in pure culture from the diseased tially healthy. All animals exposed to various turkeys, and H. meleagridis was retrieved from ameba-bacterium combinations developed lesions diseased organs in exclusive association with E. in the lower bowel; among these, the combina- coli; (iii) the pure culture of these two recovered tion of the ameba with B. subtilis proved most microorganisms produced an experimental infec- pathogenic. The lesions observed in the lower tion similar to the naturally occurring disease; bowel of these animals (necrotizing ulceration in (iv) from lesions of the experimental disease, the the cecum) were suggestive of the enteritis of two microorganisms could be isolated in pure conventional animals infected with the ameba. form. This indicated that the combination of H. In the case of the micrococcus or E. coli, no meleagridis and E. coli represented the etiological fatalities occurred, and, particularly in the case pattern for infectious enterohepatitis of turkeys. of the latter bacterium, only low incidence of superficial lesions of the cecum were observed. CONCLUSION The other microorganisms occupied an inter- During the last decade, gnotobiotic animals mediate position between these two extremes. have gradually become more readily available Bacterially monoassociated control guinea pigs and techniques have been simplified to the point without ameba failed to show adverse signs, of general utility. In mapping out the character- with the exception of the B. subtilis group in istics of germ-free animals and of microbial which frank inflammation of the cecal wall was modifications of the host, a number of essential observed. These studies extend our knowledge on and plausible studies have been undertaken. the potentiating effects among elements of the These referred mainly to nutrition, metabolism, flora which may be conducive to lesions in the and the functioning of body defenses. In differ- animal host. Among various elements of the entiating the role of the flora from nonmicrobial flora, B. subtilis particularly, reputedly an innoc- elements as etiological agents in various disease uous associate, emerges as a considerably ag- processes, a search has been undertaken and gressive agent for the guinea pig. notable basic information has been gathered. Histomoniasis. The problem of the intestinal Yet successes were slow in materializing for areas flora possibly modifying the pathogenicity of of broad importance after the breakthrough protozoa was studied also in the case of the achieved in rearing germ-free animals through flagellate Histomonas meleagridis, the alleged successive generations. Although gnotobiotic etiologic agent of blackhead disease in turkeys. experimentation offered suggestive leads in the Doll and Frakner (64) inoculated germ-free and study of cancer and cardiovascular disease, it conventional turkeys with H. meleagridis by the has not gone to the root of these problems, oral route. All monoassociated turkeys survived thereby failing to contribute to the prevention and displayed no symptoms of the disease. Vir- and cure of these ailments. Thus, the relative tually all (11 out of 12) infected conventional lack of major successes in work with gnotobiotic turkeys developed typical lesions of the ceca and animals has tended to dampen the initial enthu- liver and died within 21 days. Bradley and Reid siasm. (34) repeated these experiments and aimed at There may be several reasons for this. It is the identification of the microbial associates possible that our microbial associates, after all, which render the histomonas pathogenic in con- do not play a very important role in the house- ventional turkeys. Young germ-free and conven- hold of the normal host. With the improvement tional turkeys were orally or rectally seeded with of rearing methods and diets, we find similarity H. meleagridis. E. coli was the principal asso- between germ-free and conventional animals in ciate which was given orally. Other monoasso- an increasing number of details. Germ-free and ciates additional to H. meleagridis included C. conventional animals are similar in the sense that perfringens, B. subtilis, or P. mirabilis. The both are essentially normal and adapted to their former two associations combined with the his- respective environments. In addition, the effects tomonas produced the typical disease; the latter of germs on the host, if present, can be traced did not. Since C. perfringens and B. subtilis are mainly to organs that are directly exposed to the not indigenous in turkeys, their role in the dis- flora. When such effects are demonstrable beyond ease was not further considered. In the case of the immediate area of contact, the difference E. coli, the authors attempted to use classic cri- between the germ-free and conventional obser- teria for correlating the disease to its causative vations is indicated primarily in quantitative and agents. They found (i) that both oral or rectal not in qualitative terms. At this point, one might insemination of E. coli and H. meleagridis pro- argue that the physiological normality displayed 420 GORDON AND PESTI BAcrERioL. REV. by the germ-free host in a homeokinetic sense, nature, the final arbiter. However, the answers together with the apparent lack of fundamental thus provided may not be as simple as we had flora effects, will result in an experimental model originally hoped. Fifty-odd years ago the scien- that does not permit particular insight into bio- tific community did not especially care about logical events of the host and its microbial asso- genetic or dietary standardization of experimen- ciates. tal animal colonies. Today we tend to smile at However, elusiveness of success in gnotobiotic some results obtained with this type of work. experimentation may also stem from the emerging What will our successors 50 years hence think of and little understood complexity of our animal today's work which the scientific community model. Initially, it was assumed that the germ- carries out largely without microbiological stand- free animal is essentially a host without germs. ardization of experimental animals? Then it was learned that, in addition, it is a host minus responses to germs. Now it becomes clear ACKNOWLEDGMENTS that the lack of germs results in a complex of We thank William Antopol from Beth Israel Hospital, New additive direct and indirect, local and generalized York, for having been a true catalyst to our share of the work effects. An illustration for these is the reduced reviewed in this article. We express our sincere gratitude to the following colleagues for critical help in assembling and reading the metabolic rate and cardiac output of germ-free manuscript: Marie E. Coates, National Institute for Research in animals which can be corrected by the surgical Dairying, Shinfield, England; Gladys L. Hobby, Veterans Ad- elimination of their greatly enlarged ceca early ministration Hospital, East Orange, N.J.; Edith Bruckner-Kardoss, in life. Thus, the large cecum, which is a direct Thomas F. Kellogg, Julian R. Pleasants, Bandaru S. Reddy, Morris Wagner, Bud A. Teah, and Bernard S. Wostmann, Lobund result of the absence of the intestinal microflora, Laboratories, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind.; T. Z. appears to handicap and modify the host by Csaiky, Sheldon Rovin, and R. F. Wiseman, University of Ken- by secondary, nonbacterial mechanisms. These, tucky, Lexington. We are indebted to Margit Medgyesy and in turn, may affect other functions that are elected Deborah Cohen for technical assistance in compiling the manu- script. for study. There may be more such aspects, This work wasaidedby Public Health Service grants AM 14621 important and unknown, which form a part of from the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases life in the absence of germs. 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