Four Preps to Lead Off OT\ A
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Four Preps To Lead Off O T\ A \ ~P I 10 Thanksgiving Festivities V .1 /I ( \y I I J\ ^S. The Four Preps, popular recording stars, will appear in concert Wed- ^— ^-^ ^—' ^-^ ^- •* nesday night, November 27, at 8:00 in the David Mead Field House. Students will be admitted by presenting their ID cards at the door. Ad- mission is $1.50 for non-students. Vol. LXXXVII, No. 9 ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, MEADVILLE, PA. Thursday, November 21, 1963 Many Hit Records Reviving an old tradition, Phi The quartet's first record, Gamma Delta will send the "Dreamy Eyes," in 1957 was a suc- Candidates For AFROTC Ball Queens "Flagpole-sitting Phantom" to cess but "26 Miles," which sold a his perch Saturday afternoon at million copies, made the young men 1 p.m. in the front lawn of the national celebrities. "Big Man" soon fraternity house. followed and later "Down by the The Phantom has been in Station," "Big Surprise," "Lazy hiding in a cold, damp room in Summer Night," "Got a Girl" and the Phi Gam cellar for five long "Cinderella" (from the score of the years and has again offered to motion picture "Gidget"). serve atop the specially pre- In 1961 their album, "The Four pared pole 29 feet above the Preps on Campus," became a na- ground to raise money for the tional best-seller. Stints on tele- Allegheny Fund Drive. vision include four appearances on He will remain on his perch the Ed Sullivan show, six with as long as contributions keep Ernie Ford, six with Ozzie and coming in from students, faculty Harriet and 14 with Dick Clark. and townspeople. This year the The Four Preps' versatility is Phantom will be attempting to most evident through one of their crack his past record of four hit records, "More Money for You days, 11 hours, two minutes and and Me." In it, the Preps spin off 22 seconds. Contributions will be amazingly accurate imitations of taken at the base of the flagpole other vocal groups ranging from beginning with the ceremonies the Fleetwoods to the Four Fresh- tomorrow. He'll stay up for two men. dollars per hour. Started in High School Let's see how long we can The'foursome — Bruce Belland, keep him up there this time! It's Glen Larson, Marvin Ingram and for a good cause. Ed Cobb — began singing together as students at Hollywood (Calif.) High School in 1955. The quartet Xmas Offering was recruited for a school talent show. AFROTC QUEEN WILL BE CHOSEN from these candidates nominated by the cadets last Friday. Candi- "We were terrible," recalls Lar- dates are: Bottom (left to right) Judy McCann, Kathy Parsons, Karen Getty, Jackie Riley, Beck Way (last Given By Singers son, Preps' spokesman, "but we year's Queen) and Nancy Griffin. Top (left to right) Pat Calhoun, Dee Johnson, Sharon Romig, Barb Sinberg, Kay Wynn, Nancy Gilmore, Not pictured is Nancy Neuendorfer. The 36th annual Christmas Con- were the only boys in school the cert of the Allegheny Singers will faculty could persuade to be on the be presented at Ford Memorial show, so we were a smash. From Chapel, December 1, Sunday, and then on we were in demand for December 2, Monday. Admission every free entertainment." Lewis Delivers Voegtly Lecture Tonight will be charged for the Sunday The Preps were primarily in- afternoon concert which begins at terested in athletics, girls, and With the sit-in movement that Mr. Lewis will speak tonight "Nonviolence is a philosophy 4:30 and is for the public, parents, various activities other than singing surged through the South in 1960, at 8:15 in Ford Chapel. of life and a way of overcom- and faculty. during their Hollywood High days. ing evil, rather than a mere came the beginnings of the Student technique," according to John Nonviolent Coordinating Commit- A special presentation for stu- Ed was an All-City football Lewis, Student Nonviolent Co- tee. One representative from each 206 Undergrads dents will be held on Sunday eve- player, Marvin lettered in basket- ordinating Committee Chair- Southern State and Washington, ning, Dec. 1, at 7:30. Students may ball (and crew later at UCLA), and man, who has been on campus D.C., made up the committee. Major Pursue Pre-Med also attend the Monday evening Glen and Bruce were track stars. undertakings since then have been concert which begins at 8:15. Alle- Their records in the 440- and 100- for the last two days. Two hundred six undergraduates participation in the Freedom Rides gheny students will be admitted to yard dash, respectively, still stand SNCC is an "agency to stimulate are currently enrolled in the pre- in 1961 and a voter-registration either of the evening concerts on at Hollywood High. All had other and foster the growth of local pro- medical program, according to an project assuring all Negroes the presentation of their I.D. card. ambitions in mind: Glen, a TV test movements." Its method is to announcement made today by Prof. right to vote. Today the committee The Allegheny Singers are di- writer; Bruce, a public relations send their 150 college students into Philip M. Benjamin, chairman of consists of representatives from rected by Dr. Morten J. Luvaas. As man; Marvin, an attorney and Ed, areas of the deep South to live and the Faculty Pre-Medical Advisory various protest groups who meet has been customary in recent years, a research chemist. work with the rural Negro, "while Committee. regularly. the Singers will be assisted by the Enjoyable Evening trying to convince him of his Enrolled are 32 seniors, 47 jun- Allegheny College Chapel Choir, In addition to their records and rights." When funds are available, iors, 56 sophomores and 71 fresh- Mr. Lewis made one of the W. S. Wright North, director; and TV appearances, the Four Preps these college students are paid sub- men. The program of preparation by Robert Lynn, College organist. have proved themselves versatile major addresses at the Wash- sistence salaries. At times, however, for application for admission to Both the Chapel Choir and Mr. showmen during innumerable night- they have chopped cotton and pick- ington March in August and has medical colleges is under the direc- Lynn will present a group of club, concert, and college stands. ed squash to secure food. been "arrested 26 times for refusing tion of the Committee, composed Christmas selections. Listening to and viewing the Preps' They often live in the homes of to comply with segregation prac- of Miss Scovil (physics), Mr. Curtis The Christmas story according to smooth vocal blend, outrageous the rural farmers "for the weeks tices." He says, "The intermediate (biology), Mr. Rhinesmith (chem- St. Luke will be read during the quick wit and uncanny sense of and months that are required to goal of the revolution is to liberal- istry), Mr. Thompson (psychology) program by the Rev. Dr. Richard timing, promises to provide an en- break through generations of fear ize people -— black and white •— so and Mr. Benjamin (English). Devor, Chaplain of the College. joyable evening. and intimidation." It is hoped that that they may develop their lives This past fall 30 seniors have the people will then gain enough placed 159 applications in 41 medi- without fear. The ultimate goal is confidence to "assert their own cal schools, and are now in the pro- ..••••.,..•• •. • • rights." the 'beloved community'." cess of having interviews and being accepted. ™ s Because of the increase in the number of seniors applying to med- ical schools, the Committee, states Mr. Benjamin, will begin its work with the Class of 1965 next May and June instead of late September. All •/- • gain jiii " .„,,... ,..,::,,.:,:•,:, Juniors should have copies of the current Admissions Requirements for American Medical Colleges, iiiiiii 1963-1964, for pertinent information on applying. Copies are available in Mr. Benjamin's office at $3 each. The first regular meeting for all pre-meds has had to be postponed this term because of a conflict in available dates both in the campus calendar and with the invited speakers. A meeting will be an- nounced shortly for the second term. On Nov. 20, 23 seniors were the guests of the director and medical staff of Hamot Hospital in Erie, where they were given a tour and explanation of the various functions of an intern-training hospital, con- chiding with a dinner with physi- cians. Arrangements for the visit were made by Robert J. Byers, M.D., '37, REPUBLICAN STATE CHAIRMAN Craig Traux addressed audience and Paul L. Barclay, Jr., M.D., '41, in College Union last Wednesday. of the Hamot Hospital Staff. 2 — The Allegheny Campus, Thursday, November 21, 1963 The Organization Student Senior Permission — Parent Questions Young Democrats None!!! Dear Editor: What has the Kennedy adminis- One of the enigmas of Allegheny's activity-minded segment I have been reading college news- tration done in the last three years? As we all know this is the year papers for the past six years while How does the Administration stand is the number of activities they feel compelled to join. For some, of transition for Allegheny College we have had three daughters in on Civil Rights, tax reform, foreign their lives would be incomplete if this realm did not include a academically as well as socially. college. A college newspaper tells aid and Cuba? Who is Goldwater? social group, a governmental group, a service group, a religious The present question facing t he a lot about life on campus. Is there How will his position affect the '64 administration, faculty and students freedom? Is there satisfaction or Presidential election? What is the group, and a vocational, or otherwise, interest group — each is: "Should senior women have un- filling its alloted void among the student's needs.