Debbie Gibson Lax Problems
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Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1987-88 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 3-24-1988 The thI acan, 1988-03-24 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1988-03-24" (1988). The Ithacan, 1987-88. 20. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1987-88 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ··stud·eitt ·Gov't·- :Debbie Gibson Lax Problems . ·.page 6 ·page 9 page 18 THE The Newspaper For J:he Ithaca College Community "_ ..... :_:~.~~s~~~-e.,.20...... ...., ____ ....,...., ......... ...,. ".,.., "•·-·· .. _, . .,.· ___M_a_r_c ... ~._24_,_._19_8_8 _______________2_o_p_a_ge_s_*_F_r_e 11111 ,_ ____ ,_ .... - '---- " ,. ___ ,._ .. __.,. -~- ..,._# ___ ... •• - ·:::: ·1-=---··•-;..-..--·.·---.~---.---v.----.... ----... -· .... --~>-. _, .. .. .1 I _ :· ·p·ro-f criticizes 1 j .. , ,, foreign policy Explains oppression BY LIZ MESQUITA meat than anyone else in the world but "The average dog or cat in Amrnca it also imports more red meat than eats better than the average Central · anyone else. He claims that the rise of American," professor Eldon Kenwor fast food chains has made beef, a once thy of CoJ11~ll University said. luxurious food, affordable and con Kenworthy spoke on March 17, on venient to all classes throughout the Northern/Southern hemisphere in United States. "The imported beef teractions. His lecture, ·sponsored by from Central America has made it the Ithaca College Global Studies possible for the 99 cents hamburger to Curriculum Group, was the second exist," Kenworthy said. of five projected global studies He expressed his concern about the workshops funded by a U.S. Depart serious implications this pattern is ment of Education grant for having on the rest of the world. "strengthening international and Destruction of rain forests in the cross-cultural curricula to bride pro Third World for the production of fessional and liberal studies." cattle is an example. CHAMP: Junior Ricardo Player walked away with the State Championship for Single Interpretation of Drama Kenworthy argued that we are in He cited that two-thirds of the rain as part of a forensic competition at the end of February. terdependently linked to the Third forests in Central America have been World on a 24 hour, 365 days a year converted to pasture. However, the basis .. "In some ways, our con people raising these cattle in Central Talk isn't cheap sciousness has not caught up with America are eating less and less beef reality," Kenworthy said. " ... we need and in turn are decreasing the amount to somehow change our mind-set so of food per capita in the Third World. that we no longer see ourselves as "The average dog or cat in America Ithaca sophomore talks detached from that reality." eats better than the average Central "We in the United States ·really American," Kenworthy said. don't pay serious·attention to the "For every one American consum Third World. And that attitude is ing protein in beef form taken the hi~_ way to championships followed by U.S. Latin American same amount of protein in grain form relations in which we tend to think BY TOM FLANNAGAN Player is upset with the limited from five to seven Central April to compete in the National that Latin Americans are poor cousins ''Many times when people hear the recognition of the Ithaca College Americans," Kenworthy said. Accor Championships. However, according to whom we have to bail out from word 'forensics' they immediately forensics team. The members of the to Player, there is not enough funding ding to World Banlc, 600 million tons time to time whenever they g~t think of Quincy, " says recently team practice approximately three for the trip yet. or cereals, half of the worlds produc crowned Forensics State Champion hours per day for IO-minute presen themselves into a mess,''Kenworthy tion, are annually fed to animals. This Player began his interest in foren said. • Ricardo Player ('89). During the tations at a forensics meet. "Even sics in his sophomore year in high amount could feed the world three Kenworthy noted that the United weekend of February 27-28, Player when we bring back State Champion school. "I just like speaking," he says. times over. In addition, grain con- competed against nine other schools ships we don't get recognized," Player States not only produces more red see Foreign page'"'4 for the New York State Forensics says. Championships in Poughkeepsie, Player won the State Champion New York. ship for Single Interpretation of Forensics is composed of two ma Drama with his interpretation of "The jor categories, Player explains. The Mighty Gents," Richard Wesley's' Students refuse to take first, individual interpretation, in story about two street gangs. "My volves interpretation of published point is to prove that [the gang · prose, poetry, and drama and im member's] lives are just as real as promptu speaking with topics being ours,'' Player says. He explains that violence sitting down chosen by mdividual competitors. The when competing, you must try to second category, debate, involves "make the people feel what you're Recently, violence has become violence within the family. "My family violence seminar has organized argument between saying." widespread throughout the nation "I give credit to Ithaca College for helped to broaden my horizons about . competitors. The rules state that the piece must while continuing to exist in most addressing this serious problem," violence that exists in today's society," not be memorized. However, Player countries. Many states take action to freshman Sarah Skelton says. "Often junior sociology major Lisa Jassey says memorization is the way to make try and reduce violent. behavior, it is overlooked because people are says. "I hope this awareness week will Hall one's presentation more impressive. th0ugh much of it often remains a afraid to discuss it. I hope people get "I have [the piece] memorized, but I "family secret." involved with the program and learn make it seem like I'm reading it," he A group of students in a family something beneficial." council explains. violence seminar led by sociology pro- Neal Coxworth, a freshman politics . The competition consisted of three fessor Elaine Leeder have decided to major does not think as highly of the ' ... one out of rounds. Player placed fourth in the · take a Sland on this issue. "We know program. every two women changes first round of the championships with that one out of every two women will '' I think that the Ithaca College I 00 points, and first in the second be beaten at least once in their lives in community does have a need for the will be beaten at! round with 198 points. His total of a relationship, and a women is beaten program, but only if handled correctly direction 298 points allowed him to enter the · every eighteen seconds in this coun- and if people can be persuaded to take least once in theifi. •· i try,'' says Leeder. · Along with the reorganization of final round, which was judged mterest, will the event then result in Residential Life, the Hall Council separately from the first two. Because As th0r0 ughly as possible, the some success:" lives in a system has been reorganized. The new of this, there were di.fferent judges in group decided to combine their efforts The class also produced a lot of Hall Council syst~in is ~led each round. Player interpreted the and create a three day protest on cam- paraphernalia to stir up students' at- relationship. ' Residence Hall Association. (RHA) It same piece of drama in each of the pus, March 2S-3o, directed toward en- tention, including boxer shorts · is using the existing system of Hall three rounds. ding violence. 0 flowers, and a raffle. full ofp~ ' Council and building a support net- "I d on, t t hink that I coul d have The theme of the event JS "You Are ranging· ,rom~ free pizza to ice cream h e1 P raises· t u d ents , consciousness· - on . work. The purpose of this is to unify performed as well without the support The Victims" and the goal is the ter- at Ben and Jerry's. the severity of this issue." , areas and build communities while of the other members of the team," Sophomore sociology major Nicole "I'm really proud of my students," . having large scale programming. The he says. See ev~n /S Leon, a student ~Jhe class, says that Leeder says. "They have studied for election for RHA Executive Board the event should 15e· successful if two semesters and now want to . will occur .oif April 20, 1988. The posi- Moling on? page 4 enough supporters attend. "This pro- educate the public. Ithaca College lions that wil,I be open are: Area blem is important and people should students care and are not placidly let- . /Council Presidents which are for the Player and bis coach, Frank be more aware about the violence and . ting it [violence] happen." .;.-~.T~ Towclr§..'.Garderrand ...,,. ~twp. director· oLforensics/speech· ' mination of both physical and emo- ~ucate themselves in order for any Denise Fisher .;j,fuijson:ffeigbts~~--The&~rr~<~t>rfununication department; ho~·· .. tional- ".relationship violence;" unprovements to be made." . c~ ~embe~ })::/;· :, .... ~ :: ..:-:::. see ·~v't-page 4 .'·~·)J1~ Player:will:travel t~ ~na ~-.~~--'!"".""'."~-:----------------...;.---------~..:..J ,, ~· ... :... ,: ,-" ··~4' ....... .,.. T,l , "I A 11 ff ~ ,11 I 2 11IE 1'111ACAN .. _____________ March 24, 1988 .