A Flow-Sensitive Approach for Steensgaard’s Pointer Analysis José Wesley de Souza Magalhães Daniel Mendes Barbosa Federal University of Viçosa Federal University of Viçosa Florestal, Minas Gerais, Brazil Florestal, Minas Gerais, Brazil
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT pointer analysis is utilizing flow-sensitivity, which has been consid- Pointer analysis is a very useful technique to help compilers make ered in a larger number of works than in the past. Many of these safe optimizations in codes, determining which memory locations flow-sensitive pointer analysis in recent works utilize inclusion- every pointer may points to at the execution of a program. One of based analysis, as know as Andersen’s style[2], a iterative solution 3 the main characteristics of pointer analysis that increases precision that is more expensive in terms of processing, having a O(n ) com- is the flow-sensitivity. Flow-sensitive pointer analysis are more plexity. precise than flow-insensitive ones, because they respect the control The performance is also an important aspect in pointer analysis, flow of a program and computes the points-to relation foreach since we’re treating large programs with many lines of code. In or- program point. However, this aspect makes flow-sensitive pointer der to achieve better results in terms of performance, our algorithm analysis more expensive and inefficient in very large programs. was implemented using equality-based, or Steensgaard’s pointer In this work, we implemented a Steensgaard’s style pointer anal- analysis, that is known faster [15]. Steensgaard’s pointer analysis ysis in a flow-sensitive approach, mixing the efficiency of Steens- executes in almost linear time without a large increase in resources gaard’s algorithm, that executes in almost linear time, with the consumption and memory usage[9].