Cakes, Sponges, Scones and Biscuits

Over the next few lessons you will be learning about cake making processes and the functions of ingredients used. Name as many types of cakes that you can What are the 5 main ingredients that make up most cakes? Functions of ingredients

The main ingredients in cake  All ingredients, especially the raising making are usually agent if added separately, need to be (not always) measured accurately.  fat,

 sugar,  Each ingredient has a specific function

 eggs, in the recipe.

 flour,  Additional ingredients may be added.  sometimes raising agent  There are four basic recipes. Using  often a liquid such as milk or water. these four basic recipes, ingredients

are added or combined in different

ratios to produce different textures

and finishes. Cake making methods

1. Rubbing–in

2. Melting

3. Creaming

4. Whisking Methods of making (Processes)

Cake Proportion of Ratio Raising Agent Method Outcome ingredients

Rubbed in Cake 200g SR Flour 1:2 in cakes Chemical Fat is rubbed into Well risen product the flour using Rougher surface -Rock buns 100g marg 1:4 in scones, Powder or Self fingertips -Raspberry buns 100g caster sugar contains baking Raising flour Additional Dry, open crumb -Scones 2 eggs powder Mechanical ingredients are texture added Short shelf life 30ml milk Sieving Liquid added to bind Rubbing In together dry ingredients

Melted Cake Mixtures vary in Varies depending Chemical Fat is melted with Moist and sticky -Flapjack ingredients on product. Bicarbonate of soda the sugars and syrups Soft even texture Usually a high Dry ingredients -Gingerbread added Flavour develops -Brownies sugar content Liquids bind all during keeping ingredients together Long shelf life

Creamed Cake 100g SR Flour Equal quantities Chemical Light brown sponge Fat and sugar are with fine even -Victoria Sponge 100g caster sugar 1:1 Baking Powder or Self creamed together -Small buns 100g soft marg Raising flour Eggs are slowly texture Mechanical added a bit at a time Longer shelf life -Madeira Cake 2 eggs Flour is folded in Creaming Sieving

Whisked Sponge 50g caster sugar No added fat Steam Eggs and sugar are Very light sponge whisked until with even, soft moist -Swiss Roll 50g plain flour Mechanical mixture has doubled -Gateaux 2 eggs Whisking in volume texture Flour is gently folded Short shelf life -Flan case Sieving in Rubbing -in (More flour than fat)  Used for cakes that do not have a large amount of fat compared to flour

 Fat is cut into chunks (block margarine is best)

 Air is trapped in the sieving the flour and by lightly (with finger tips) rubbing the fat in to the flour.

 Any optional ingredients (e.g. sultanas) are added before the liquid or egg that binds the crumb together.

 Chemical raising agents help the cake to rise

 Baked in a fairly hot oven (190-200C)

 The cakes only keep fresh for a short time as they do not contain a lot of fat.

 Texture is close and dense Creaming (Half or more than half fat to flour)  Used for cakes containing more fat and sugar compared to flour  The fat and sugar are creamed together using a wooden spoon. Air is trapped by creaming the sugar and fat together  Soft margarine is better as it is easier to  Caster sugar has smaller crystals than granulated, so it traps more air and mixes better  Self raising flour is used to make the cakes rise  A raising agent is required when using the all in one method  They are baked in a medium to hot oven at 180C  They last longer as they have more fat Whisking (No fat)

 Used for making light sponge cakes  The eggs and sugar are whisked together to trap air (aerate) until they are light and you can form a figure eight on top (ribbon)  Self-raising flour is folded using a metal spoon –  Baked in a hot oven (200C) for a short time  The mixture is light and flexible making it ideal to roll when warm  Does not contain any fat so doesn’t keep well Melting (High proportion of sugar ingredients)

 Fat and sugar/syrup ingredients are melted in a saucepan and poured into the other ingredients  Mixture is very wet  Texture tends to be much heavier than other cakes and wont rise much  Bicarbonate of soda can be used as a raising agent to create a lighter texture  Flavour tends to improve if kept a little time. What are the functions of flour in cakes? • Gives structure through coagulation of wheat protein (gluten) • Self raising flour acts as raising agent • Bulking agent

What are the functions of eggs in cakes? • Holds air when whisked • Binds ingredients together • Adds colour and adds flavour • Acts as an emulsifier What are the functions of sugar in cakes? • Browning – adds colour • Bulking agent – holds air with fat mixture • Attracts moisture – texture What are the functions of fat in • Adds flavour - sweetens cakes? • Produce short textures in biscuits • Adds colour and flavour and texture • Traps air when beaten into mixture (aerates). • Create emulsions • Extends shelf life • Binding agent Understanding faults in cake making Fault Cause Peaked cracked top • Oven too hot • Too much mixture for size of tin • Baked on too high a shelf in oven • Too stiff or too wet a mixture • Over mixing cake Cake sinks • Too much sugar causing collapse of the structure • Too much raising agent • Undercooking, caused by wrong temperature and time • Disturbed during causing structure to collapse Sugary speckled crust • Too much sugar • Wrong type of sugar used • Insufficient creaming Close heavy texture • Too much liquid in the mixture • Insufficient raising agent used • The creamed mixture has curdled and does not hole sufficient air • Whisking method • Eggs and sugar not beaten enough • Over beating when adding four Coarse & open texture • Too much raising agent used • Insufficient mixing of flour Cake very dry • Overcooking of the cake • Insufficient liquid used • Too much raising agent Adapting cakes

You need to be very careful when adapting cake mixtures, as changing the ingredients and the quantity will change the flavour, texture and appearance (consider each ingredients function) Adding another ingredient will also do this, as every ingredient has more than one function. E.g if you add chocolate chips, consider what is in them – sugar, fat etc.. How could this effect the cake? What could you add to cakes to change:

 the flavour

 the texture

 the appearance

 the nutrition Possible ingredients for adapting cakes

Spices Citrus Rinds Nuts Powders Dried Fruit Cinnamon And juices Almonds Cocoa Apple Cloves Lemon Brazils Coffee Apricot Ginger Lime Coconut Banana Lemon grass Orange Pecan Cherries Mixed spice Pinenut Currant Nutmeg Walnut Date Vanilla Figs Pear Peach Essences Fresh Fruits (Chopped or grated Raisin Pineapple but be careful it Sultana Lemon does not make your Mint mixture too wet.) Rosewater Apple Vanilla Pear Mashed Banana Key Terms: Ensure you have a good understanding of the following Rubbing in Browning

Folding Binding

Raising agent Foaming

Creaming Aeration

Beating Setting

Emulsion Coagulate

Curdle Ratio

Batter Proportion

All-in-one Caramelisation

Malliard reaction Dextrinisation First practical

 Victoria sponge Task

Follow the recipe instructions to make the cakes Take a photo of the rubbing in/creaming/melting stage of the manufacture Take a photo of the finished product Write up your thoughts on each cake – flavour, texture, appearance, method, possible adaptations Make a list of other cakes / biscuits made by each method HOMEWORK TASK

Complete your notes on the recipes Complete the worksheet on Cake making Processes