The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan

uetme 7lans. tepid, Soc, Japan 55 (2):76-82, March 2e04

Two new subspecies of 71hyas miniacea (, Noctuidae, ) from Sulawesi and the Philippines

Hiroki FuKuDA

9-12, Yotsukaido 2-ehome, Yotsukaido-shi, Chiba, 284-OO05 Japan

Abstract Two new subspecies of T7!yas miniacea (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1 874) are described from Sulawesi and the Philippines.

Key words 7Viyas, 71tyas miniacea, 71iyas miniacea regia, Tltyas miniacea sulawesiensis ssp. n,, Tliyas miniacea phitippensis ssp. n., T:layas hvnesta, Su]awesi, Philippines, female genitalia, taxonemy,

71Piyas miniacea (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874) is widely distributed from Samoa to the Lesser Sunda Islands (Robinson, 1975; Holloway, 1979), and divided into three subspecies. The nominotypical subspecies, miniacea, inhabits Flji, Samoa and New Hebrides, ssp, regia Lucas, 1894 ranges from the Solomons to the Moluccas including New Guinea and its associated islands and Australia (Northem [Ilerritory, Queenland), and ssp. rubrior Holloway, 1979 is distributed on New Caledonia. Holloway (1979) stated that specimens from New Hebrides are intermediate between ssp. rubrior and nominotypical miniacea, being

'Ihe somewhat closer to the fbrmer, specimens from Sulawesi and the Philippines befbre me are superficially different from each other, and through my close comparison, it turns out that both ditfer from the known subspecies of mimiaceae. On the other hand, a c]osely allied species, T honesta HUbner, 1824, ranges over the continental part of SE Asia and in the Sundaland, and I was aware of the fact that it is also distributed in Sulawesi. In this paper, I describe two new subspecies of T miniacea from Sulawesi and the Philippines respectively.

Ilhyas minlacea sulawesensis ssp. n. (Figs 1-3, 19, 23)

8. Length of fbrewing 43-46 mm, expanse 82-90 mm. 9. Length of fbrewing 43-44 mm, expanse 77-84 mm.

Forewing bright ochre to dark brown in male, dark brown in female; antemedian line indistinct; renifOrm represented by two black spots, of which upper one is reduced to a point and lower one is laterally enlarged and very developed; postmedian line strongly oblique from costa to vein 5, then slightly incurved. Hindwing reddish brown; a submarginal black marking broad and well developed in male, generally not so developed in female. Underside of both wings bright ochre, reddish brown or dark brown.

Holotype. 8, Indonesia, C. Sulawesi, near Poso, Mt Sampuraga, xii, 1994, now in coll. H. Fukuda, will be preserved in the collection of Laboratory of Systematics, National Institute ofAgro-Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba, Paratypes. 5 83 \, the same locality as holotype, xii. 1994, vii. 1998. 2\, C. Sulawesi, Marnasa, vi. 2000; 2 8, C. Sulawesi, Palu, vii. 1998; 2 8, C. Sulawesi, near Watambayoli, Mt Tambusisi, vii. 1998. All the paratypes are in coll. H. Fukuda.

Distribution. Sulawesi.

Remarks. The new subspecies is characterized in the forewing markjngs by the strongly

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Two New Subspecies of 71tyas miniacea frem Sulawesi and the Philippines 77

oblique postmedian line in the anterior part, the reduced black point in the upper part of renifOrm and the laterally elongated black spot in the lower part of the reniform.

I:hyas mininceaphilippensis ssp. n. (Figs 4-6, 20, 24)

8. Length of forewing 40-45 mm, expanse 83-90 mm. ?. Length of fbrewing 34-44 mm, expanse 67-82 mm.

Forewing reddjsh brown; anternedian line distinct; reniform represented by two black spots, of which the lower one is about twice as large as the upper one; postmedian line straight, nearly vertical to hind margin, and coming closer to antemedian line, Hindwing reddish

brown, with a submarginal black marking well developed and broadened beyond cell.

Underside of both wings reddish ochre or brown.

Holotype. 8, Philippines, Panay Is., ii. 1996, now in coll. H. Fukuda, will be preserved in the collection of Laboratory of Insect Systematics, National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, [tsukuba. Paratypes. 7 8 2 ?, the same data as holotype. All the paratypes are in coll. H. Fukuda.

Distribution. Philippines, Panay Is.

Remarks. The new subspecies is most similar to ssp. regia in the position of the postmedian line of the forewing, but is distinguished from the latter by the straighter postmedian line, which is nearly vertical to the hind margin, while in Fegia the postmedian line is slightly incurved and reaches the hind margin a little obliquely.

Zhyas miniacea regia Lucas, 1894 (Figs 11-18, 21, 25)

71z))as miniacea regia Lucas, 1894, Proc. Linn. Soc. IVZ S. Wlrites (2) 8: 151. .

Forewing ochre or dark brown in male, blackish brown or ochre in female; the antemedian

line usually distinct; the black spots on reniform often disappearing or replaced by irregular white markings; the postmedian line usually slightly incurved and a little oblique to hind margin. Hindwing reddish brown, with a submarginal black marking usually well developed.

Material examined. 22 8 17 \, W. Irian, Wamena, Pass Valley, iii. 20eO; 1 ?, New Ireland ls,, iii, 1999; 1 ?, Duke of Ybrk Is., ix. 2001; Papua New Guinea. These specimens are in coll. H. Fukuda.

Remarks. This subspecies seems very variable in the wing markings, and is often difficult to sepEirate from the nominotypical subspecies (Figs 7-8). A female frorn Duke of Ybrk Is. (Fig. 17) has the hindwing submarginal black marldng very reduced, showing some resemblance to ssp. r"brior, and a female from New Ireland Is. (Fig. 1 8) has a typical nagia wing pattem. Five males from [fanna Is,, New Hebrides (Fig, 9), which is included in the range of the nominotypical subspecies, have a very wide submarginal black marking despite Holloway's (1979) comments on the New Hebrides specimens.

71hyas honesta HUbner, 1824 (Figs 10, 22, 26)

Material examined. 1 4, C. Sulawesi, Mamasa, vi. 2001; 1 ?, Bali Is., xii, 1999; 2 ?, N. Sumatra, Sidikalang, iv. 1987; 1 ?, N, Sumatra, Brastagi, y. 1995; 2 8 1 \, Philippines, Panay Is,; 2 8, Japan, Iriomote Is,, 6. vi. 1994; 1 8 1 \, N. Vietnam, Tam Dao, v. 1999; 1 g 4 ?, N. Thailand, Chiang Mai, 3. i. 2001; 1 8 1 9, N. Thailand, Chiang Rai, Wiang Papao,

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78 Hiroki FuKuDA

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Two New Subspecies ef 77iyas miniacea from Su]awesi and the Philippines 79


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Figs 1-18. T7iyas miniacea subspp. and Z honesta. 1-3, Z m, s"lawesensis ssp. n. (1:8, holotype, 2: g', paratype, 3: 9, paratype), 4-6. Z m. phitilrpensis stsp. n. (4i 8, holotype, 5: X, paratype, 6: ?-, paratype). 7-8. 71 m miniacea (Felder & Rogenhofer), Fiji (7:8, 8:\). 9. 71 m. miniacea?, Tanna ls., 8, 10. Z honesta HUbner, Sulawesi, \. 11-16. Z nt. regia Lucas, 2. lrian Jaya, Wamena (1-13:X, 14-16: ?), 17, Ditto, Duke of York Is., 18, Ditto, New lreland Is., !.

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80 Hlrokl FUKUDA

附 話奪 毒 話 竇 蹟繹 亜 塵霆 戎鐸甦 鴬 頓監骸鴬 麈 嚢萋 唖 箆葎蓁亜 壌韋暫諺

謬 倭価認 箆監 蹟海挺醸 凄電 研 瓦 h ま い甲 畠 罪轢 娯 価冨 钁 1 1 轟 廊 研 隠 認 ,臣 距 燥田 』斎 1 脹 駈# 頤 竃 亜 匠 庫 監 庫 耳 庫 鉾嘩 §際鞋 n 晦 ’ 圧奉 竇 竇 庫湾竇 監

『嘩 噺 ピ 臨

順 箆丕 簍 竇,

震 ;

庫ヒ 箆

臣 塵 ま 箆 円 壌庫『 竇監 竇1 臣筒 臣 庫 霞 臣 監 竇庫’竇1 ヒ “ 野 1 / 『 竇揖揖蹟庫罎庫這竇轟竇夢娯牽 纛 姦 鏤蘿窪夢 農 嘩 農 寝鐔 箆海眄 囎 箆醐 寝海 箆 海箆 醸 這侮箆 海躡 甲 瑛

臣震讃 ダ羃嘆『戸箆ダ ダ 『葎 竇娯

塵 韓嘩 剛 ま 罫 鉾羃運畢篝 炉 露雁『顛罵鞭 寝騨 海 ま 震 鑓 簷煙 監夢躍緲轟 癖 乱 観圧商倭庫譲爨

庫竇罫 奉竇揖羨庫ま脇篇 罫 嚢 量 24 価 冨 賽顛電

23 β“ 距 価 “竇 蔭

− − − Figs 19 26 Male (Flgs 19 22)and fbmale (Flgs 23 26)genltalia of Th ンas miniacea gub 〜pp d んo π ε訂 α 19 丁 配 s 侃 lawesensis ssp n ,holotype 20 7 配 philtpPensis 99P n ,P譜山 亠e

21Tm regia Lucas , Irlan Jaya, Wamena 22 τ 加 π θ跏 Hubner, Japan, klomote ] 2y3D 7 配 sulawes 召 nsls ssp n ,paratype 24 T 〃 置 philtppensis s』p n ,paratype 25 『 η z egt Lucas , Inan Jaya, Wamena 26 T hone跏 Hubner, Suma 肛 a

一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronlo LibraryLlbrary ServiceSerVloe The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan

Two New Subspecies of 77iyas miniacea from Sulawesi and the Phi]ippines 81 N .;,vit't"-L"'' ,L J. t.. tt tt

t.. .tttt / -, ,・- - ・f・:ET,・- ,l ;: ,- . ,X' 7 ・,・t,t:.'-r..':'-''ttt"//"t'ge,.

) "' i ii )i 'F r [ x 27 28 29 30

,・・ ・.'・.. L. ffil['x , 31 32 33/L 34

L.h, l!L "/36 35 37

Figs 27-37. Discriminating points of the female genitalia (posterior part of corpus bursae) of Tliyas spp. 27-32. T miniacea (27-28: ssp. sulawesensis ssp. n.; 29-30: ssp.philippensis ssp. n.; 31: ssp. regia from hian Jaya, Wamena; 32: ssp. regia from Duke of York Is,), 33-37. Z honesta frorn various localities (33: Sulawesi; 34: Philippines, Panay Is,; 35: Bali Is.; 36: Sumatra; 37: N. Thailand).

i, 1996, These specimens are in coll. H. Fukuda.

Remarks. This species is widely distributed in SE Asia including the Philippines (Semper, 1900; Hampson, 1913), but has so fat been not recorded from Sulawesi. The Philippines and Sulawesi are here for the first time indicated as areas in which both miniacea and hpnesta are distributed,

In appearance, T honesta and T miniacea are well separable by the pattern of the postmedian and submarginal lines of the forewing. In honesta, the trace of the postmedian !ine is excurved beyond the cell and the submarginal line is nearly straight from the apex to

vein 5, In spite of these visible differences, the two species are very similar to each other in

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82 Hiroki FUKUDA

− genitalia especially in the male (Figs 19 22), and I only found slight differences in the female genitalia, where the shape of the posterior sclerotized area of the corpus bursae is

26 − while in T miniacea itis nearly quadrate inthe ventral view in T honesta(Figs , 33 37), . − obliquely more elongate − . (Figs23 25, 27 32)


my to Mr H Yoshimoto T ()kyo High School fbrhis writing this express thanks . , In paper, 1 , 】Cind advice . My sincere thanks are due to Messrs Y . Nishiyama Tokyo T. Endo Tokyo , , , ,

and . Katsura T ()kyo for their kind of invaluable specimens , N , , provision


Hampson E 1913 . the Lepid 〔 α Phalaenae 画 the British Museum l2 , xiii 626 ,G , Catalogueqf 4pter , pp , pls − l92 221 . Taylor and Francis, London . HoUoway , J. D .,1979.へ survey of 血 e Lepidoptera, biogeography, and ecology of New Caledonia. Siries ento 脚 logica 15 . xii 588 . Dr W . Junk, Hague . , pp ’ Robinson , G . S.,1975 , Macrolepidoptera qf FiJi and Rotuma . A taxonomic & geographic Study.362 pp.,12 maps . Ltd . , 357 pls Classey ,Faringdon Semper, G .,1896−1902. Die Schmetterlinge der philippinischen Inseln,2. Die Nachtfalter− Heterocera− ,

Reisen Archipel Philipp 2 : 381 −728 C −V 50−66 W KleidersVerlag Wiesbaden .()6 , pls , .C . . , ,

摘 要

ェ ピ ベ ニ コ ハ miniacea & ス ラ ウ シ , ブ イ リ ン 産 の シ タ ノ ,Thyas (Felder Rogenhofer),の 2 新 亜 種 (福 田 宏樹 ) ー ー Thyas miniacea (Felder& Rogenhofer ,1874 )は フ ィ ジ ,サ モ ア ,ニ ュ ヘ ブ リデ ス 諸 島に原 名 亜 種 を ー 産 し (Robinson,1975),ニ ュ カ レ ド ニ ア に 亜 種 ruburior Holleway,1979,小 ス ン ダ 列 島,モ ル ッ カ 諸 ー ー ー ・ ー ー ー 島,ニ ュ ギ ニ ア ,オ ス トラ リ ア (ノ ザ ン テ リ ト リ 、ク イ ン ズ ラ ン ド),ビ ス マ ク諸 島,ソ ロ ー モ ン 諸島 に 亜 種 regia Lucas,1894が 知 られ て い る (Holloway,1979),原 名亜 種 とさ れ る ニ ュ ヘ ブ リ ス つ い Holloway 1979 rubrior miniacea の デ 諸 島 の 個体 群 に て 2 頭 を検 した ( )に よ る と , 亜 種 と亜 種 中 間的 な特徴 を示す と い う.しか し,筆 者 の 手 元 に あ る タ ン ナ 島産 の 5 ♂の 個 体 は 後翅表 面 の 黒 色紋 が ー ー い ュ ・ ・ヨ 著 し く発 達 し,原 名 亜 種 とは異 な る.将 来 , 別 亜 種 に な る か も知 れ な .デ ク オ ブ ク 諸 島産 一 の 1 ♀ (Fig.13)は 後翅表面 の 黒色紋 の 発達 が 大変弱 く, 見 亜 種 rubrior に 似 る 特異 な個体 で あ る が , ー ニ ュ ア イ ル ラ ン ド島 の 個体 は典 型 的 な regi α の 特徴 を示 し て お り,個 体 変 異 と推 定 され る.筆者 は

今 まで 記 録 の 無 か っ た ス ラ ウ ェ シ と フ ィ リ ピ ン 産 の 本 種 の 標本 を入 手 し既 知亜 種 と 比 較 し た .そ の

ス ェ シ の の の 結果 , ラ ウ 個 体群 は , 内横線 が 不 明瞭 , 腎状 紋 下 部が 例 外 な く非常 に 発達 す る , 弓状 外横 線 の 角度 が 既 知 亜 種 と異 な る ,後 翅表 面 の 黒 色 紋 の 発 達が 弱 い こ と等 で 既 知 亜 種 と異 な り,また , フ ィ リピ ン の 個体群 は,内横線 が 明 瞭,腎状 紋が 発 達す る ,外横 線が 既 知亜 種 と異 な り雌雄 と も直線 的 に な る ,内横線 と外横 線が 内縁 で 非常 に接 近す る ,後 翅 表面 の 黒色紋 が 発達 す る等 ,特異 な もの で あ る こ と が 分 か っ た ,以 上 の 点 か ら ス ラ ウ ェ シ 産 お よ び フ ィ リ ピ ン 産 は,そ れ ぞ れ 新亜 種 と認 め ら れ

る の で ,跖 yα 5 配 紺 α08 α 副 α w ε∫8η ∫ど∬ sp . n .お よ び Thyas miniacea phitipρinensis .g sp . n .と し て 記 載 し た , 筆者 は ま た,ス ラ ウ ェ シ 産 の シ タ ベ ニ コ ノ ハ Thyas hone,vta HUbner ,1824 を記録 したが ,同 地 は今 ま で

T. honestaの 記 録 も欠 く地 域 で あ っ た .

(Accepted December 30,2003)

Published by the Lepidopterologjcal Society of Japan,

5−20 Motoyokoyama 2 Hachi 〔’ Tokyo 192−0063 Japan , , ji, ,

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