Electronics Recyclers and Reusers Survey

1. Organization Name Commonwealth LLC DBA CCRCyber Address 1628 Roseytown Road Unit 8 Greensburg, PA 15601

Contact person John Mamula Phone number (866) 925-2354 Email address [email protected] Web address www.ccrcyber.com

2. Please Check all those that apply: X Permitted electronics recycler / demanufacturer (Permit # WMGR081D034) Electronics recycler / demanufacturer — permit pending Asset recovery operation Non-profit refurbisher For-profit refurbisher Broker Hauler Other (please explain) ______

3. Do you have an EPA ID number? Yes ID # ______No X

4. Please provide a brief description of the services your company or organization provides. Commonwealth Computer Recycling LLC provides computer, electronic and e- recycling, professional asset management services, and data destruction services.

5. Would you like to provide a mission statement? (Optional)

Commonwealth Computer Recycling LLC is proud to be the first R2 certified facility in Westmoreland County. Recognized for being socially responsible and environmentally sustainable company. The company provides safe and secure data privacy protection while helping companies reduce their e-waste foot print.

6. Does you company or organization accept the following items? Also, please check the appropriate box or boxes that best explain how you manage the items. You may need to check more than one box per item.

Item Refurbish De- Recycle Broker Dispose manufacture com- ponents a. CRTs X b. Televisions X c. X X X X d. Printers X e. Peripherals X X X X f. Cell phones X X X g. Other

7. Will you provide a complete list of end-markets for material upon request by a customer? X Yes No

8. Do you perform environmental audits for the end-markets for your materials? X Yes No

9. Do you export materials prior to testing, demanufacturing or refurbishing? Yes X No

10. Do you export materials after they have been tested, demanufactured or refurbished? X Yes No

11. Will you provide evidence of due diligence that all materials brought to your facility and sent for subsequent reuse, recovery, recycling or disposal are managed through environmentally sound methods and in a manner that is safe for workers? X Yes No