Polyploidy in Trema (Ulmaceae)
1971 341 Polyploidy in Trema (Ulmaceae) A. S. Hans1,2,3 Panjab University, Botany Department, Chandigarh 14, India ReceivedDecember 18, 1969 Introduction Trema Lour. belongs to Ulmaceae, a small family of trees and shrubs, encompassing 15 genera and about 150 species (Lawrence 1951) in tropics and subtropics of both the hemispheres. Trema is a small genus composed of 30 tropical species of which only three species constitute the Indian flora. The members of the Ulmaceae show variation in basic chromosome number. Celtis is polybasic with x=10, 11, and 14 (Darlington and Wylie 1955), while Ulmus, Holoptelea and Zelkovia exhibit a uniform base number of 14. A few instances of inter and intraspecific polyploidy in Celtis and Ulmus exist in nature. Celtis australias has been reported to be a tetraploid (2n=40), while C. laevigata, C. sinensis, and C. occidentalis are diploid, all with 2n=20 (Bowden 1945). The report of 2n=28 in C. occidentalis (Sax 1933) is suggestive of aneuploid races in the species. Most of the species of Ulmus are diploid except U. americana where in addition to the diploid race (Krause 1930), a tetraploid race is also known (Sax 1933). Artificial triploids and tetraploids have been raised in U. glabra by Ehrenberg (1945). The two chromosomally known species of Trema exhibit variable numbers. T. orientalis has been reported to have n=18 (Arora 1960) from Banglore and n=20 (Gajapathy 1961) from Madras in South India; T. politoria has n=10+B (Mehra and Gill). In view of the discordant reports on the chromosome number (n=18, 20) in Trema orientalis, the cytological study was undertaken to ratify the chromosome number, to assess the incidence of polyploidy, and if possible to determine the base number of this small genus.
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