Analytics Showcase Insights

Coinciding with our September 14th release of full support for Instagram, we are pleased to share this showcase of topical Instagram insights, to help demonstrate how marketers can analyze and compare Instagram audiences, as well as people posting photos with hashtags of interest.

Youtube/Instagram influencer Michelle Phan has recently launched a makeup line in conjunction with L’Oreal. Of her 2 million Instagram followers, 88.7% are female and 81.9% are single, with an average age of 19.3 years. The strongest brand affinities within her audience include Sephora, Forever 21, Benefit Cosmetics and Victoria's Secret.

The SoulCycle fitness chain shares photos of its customers on Instagram. @SoulCycle followers are female (86.6%) and affluent, being 16 times more likely than Instagram average to fall within the $75-100k/year income band. Top cities include New York (30.2%) and Los Angeles (7.7%), while top likes/interests include charity, yoga and wining/dining.

UFC Champion Ronda Rousey’s Instagram audience is 63.9% male, an average age of 21.0, with the strongest brand affinities including Crossfit, Xbox, Call of Duty and Playboy. Caitlyn Jenner’s Instagram audience is 85.9% female, an average age of 20.4, with favorite media brands including, MTV, E!, People Magazine, US Weekly and Teen Vogue.

The Instagram Trump Your Cat meme has cat owners sharing photos of their pets with toupee style makeovers. Analysis of people tagging photos with #trumpyourcat reveals 70.1% are married, an average age of 27.8 years and a median personal income of $43.8k/year. While 10% of all US Instagram users are Hispanic, only 2.7% of people trumping their cats fall into this group.

Instagram photographer Chris Ozer has been comissioned by brands including Mercedes-Benz, MasterCard, TOMS, Allstate and Stella Artois. His Instagram followers are in their mid twenties, with 59.2% married: their top likes/interests are charity, cooking, photography and travel, while their favorite magazines include Life, TIME and National Geographic.

Comedian has been accused of stealing jokes to build a massive 5.9M audience for his @thefatjewish Instagram account. His followers read , Gawker and The Onion, buy their groceries at Wholefoods and Trader Joes, and are dressed by Lululemon, Urban Outfitters and Free People. They are 3.7 times more likely than the Instagram average to use Uber.

Selfie sticks have been banned by the Secret Service for the Pope's Philadelphia visit later this month. Instagram users posting pictures tagged as having been taken with selfie sticks are under 30 years old (90.9%), female (69.4%) and single (64.8%). Within this group, of those selfie stick users who express religious faith, 81.3% are Christian.

Craft beer brewery New Belgium Brewing uses Instagram for creative marketing campaigns, such as its 'Beers & Bikes' photo challenge. @NewBelgium Instagram followers have an average age of 28.9, and an average personal income of $52.5K a year. Their top likes/interests are beer, wine and cycling, while their stongest brand affinities include Patagonia and REI.

© Demographics Pro, Inc. Embargoed until 8 am ET on Monday September 14th, 2015