
arXiv:1611.04708v2 [math.CO] 29 Mar 2017 Definitions. 1.1. symbol the rdc n en the define and troduce ihnti ril,w r neetdi h combinatorial the in interested of are powers we the article, this Within xasosdfie y[ by defined expansions fams l te eae atra ucinvrat con variants function related other all almost of h xasoso multiple of expansions the fu generating cases. r de Special the the power in motivates formal considered and variants of negative-order kinds classes corresponding second special and by first gles the both of numbers 1 edt h oiain o tdigteemr eea fact general more these studying for motivations the to lead nti ril steosrainta h ento f( of definition the that observation the is article this in lzdSiln ubr amncnme;fhroi numbe f-harmonic number; harmonic number; Stirling alized h pca ae of cases special The . 2010 Date e od n phrases. and words Key trignmeso h rtkind first the of numbers Stirling Generalized OBNTRA DNIISFRGNRLZDSTIRLING GENERALIZED FOR IDENTITIES COMBINATORIAL UBR EXPANDING NUMBERS eoe by denoted , 2017.03.29-v1. : ahmtc ujc Classification. Subject Mathematics eune hog h ento facrepnigcasof class corresponding a of definition the through nlg okonepnin fteodnr trignumber Stirling ordinary pr the we of triangles expansions th known number as to Stirling arise analogs which parameterized kind general first more of these the of properties of expansions combinatorial numbers polynomial multiple the Stirling and consider of factorial We classes well-known most, cases. not special if many, cludes Abstract. o n function, any For x e otefruaino plctosaditrrtn the interpreting and applications of formulation the to Key ntels rdc xasoswihw osdrt egenera be to consider we which expansions product last the in eitoueacasof class a introduce We f ( fcoilfunctions. -factorial x ) generalized f atra;mliatra;jfcoil ohamrsymb Pochhammer j-factorial; multifactorial; factorial; 14 ( t ) f ,n , ( ERI NTTT FTECHNOLOGY OF INSTITUTE GEORGIA stefloigproducts: following the as , 13 n α := ) fcoilfunctions, -factorial .The ]. f f HROI NUMBERS -HARMONIC ( : COLO MATHEMATICS OF SCHOOL x 8 HRYSRE NW STREET CHERRY 686 N f ) f αn f ( fcoilfntos h obntra rpriso the of properties combinatorial The functions. -factorial 1 KLSBUILDING SKILES 117 t ( → AI .SCHMIDT D. MAXIE TAT,G 30332 GA ATLANTA, 1. t ) atra powers factorial ) 17;0A0 11B75. 05A10; 11B73; [email protected] nti etn.Section setting. this in fcoilfunction -factorial f + ,n f C FCOILFNTOSADTHE AND FUNCTIONS -FACTORIAL Introduction ( β = t n xdnnzr indeterminates non-zero fixed and , ) fcoil,or -, o oeinteger-valued some for n k Y =1 − 1 1  x n + ;Siln polynomial. Stirling r; ! ( α f or , ) t ( f tde ntetinua coefficient triangular the in studied , k 1 k ( ratraeythe alternately or , rvdsa ffciegeneralization effective an provides ) ) t frne [ eferences )  iee nterfrne when references the in sidered Pchme ybl,ta in- that symbols, -Pochhammer eeaie atrasof factorials generalized p -order by s h orsodn generalized corresponding the v ihnteatceinclude article the within ove cintasomtosadtheir and transformations nction . atra ucinvrat as variants function factorial offiinso h symbolic the of coefficients e ra ucin n[ in functions orial rpriso h offiinsof coefficients the of properties 1.2 p odrhroi number harmonic -order f ntoso uiir trian- auxiliary of finitions ensgnrlzdStirling generalized defines hroi numbers. -harmonic 17 α , l trignme;gener- number; Stirling ol; 16 ≥ ]. 1 eeaie results generalized f and ( t ,t x, ) -Pochhammer ie om of forms lized 16 0 ∈ ,adform and ], ≤ t C se forder of ein- we , α < β t (1) ≡ 2 MAXIE D. SCHMIDT

(n,h) n and increment h, denoted by t , or the Pochhammer k-symbol denoted by (x)n,h ≡ pn(h, t)= t(t + h)(t + 2h) · · · (t + (n − 1)h), studied in [3, 14, 2] form particular special cases, as do the the forms of the generalized Roman factorials and Knuth factorials for n ≥ 1 defined in [8], and the q-shifted factorial functions considered in [9, 3]. When (f(n),t) ≡ (qn+1, 1) these products are related to the expansions of the finite cases of the q-Pochhammer symbol n−1 products, (a; q)n = (1 − a)(1 − aq) · · · (1 − aq ), and the corresponding definitions of the generalized Stirling number triangles defined in (2) of the next subsection are precisely the Gaussian polynomials, or q-binomial coefficients, studied in relation to the q-series expansions and q-hypergeometric functions in [10, §17].

New results proved in the article. The results proved within this article, for example, provide new expansions of these special factorial functions in terms of their corresponding p-order f-harmonic number sequences, tk F (p)(t) := , n f(k)p ≤ kXn which generalize known expansions of Stirling numbers by the ordinary p-order harmonic (p) −r numbers, Hn ≡ 1≤k≤n k , in [1, 13, 17, 16]. Still other combinatorial sums and properties satisfied by the symbolic polynomial expansions of these special case factorial functions follow as corollaries of theP new results we prove in the next sections. The next subsection precisely expands the generalized factorial expansions of (1) through the generalized class of Stirling numbers of the first kind defined recursively by (2) below.

1.2. Definitions of generalized f-factorial Stirling numbers. We first employ the next recurrence relation to define the generalized triangle of Stirling numbers of the first kind, which n k−1 n we denote by k f(t) := [x ](x)f(t),n, or just by k f when the context is clear, for natural 1 numbers n, k ≥ 0 [13, cf. §3.1] .   n n − 1 n − 1 = f(n − 1) · t1−n + + [n = k = 0] (2) k k k − 1 δ  f(t)  f(t)  f(t) We also define the corresponding generalized forms of the Stirling numbers of the second kind, n denoted by k f(t), so that we can consider inversion relations and combinatorial analogs to known identities for the ordinary triangles by the sum  k n k (−1)k−jf(j)n = jn , k f(t) j t · j!   Xj=0   from which we can prove the following form of a particularly useful trans- formation motivated in the references when f(n) has a expansion in powers of n about zero [13, cf. §3.3] [5, cf. §7.4] [15, 16]: f(j)k k 1 − zn+1 zj = zj × D(j) . (3) tjk j z 1 − z ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ f(t) 0 Xj n 0Xj k     The negative-order cases of the infinite series transformation in (3) are motivated in [16] where we define modified forms of the Stirling numbers of the second kind by k j (−1)j−m = k , j ∗ m j! · f(m) f ≤ ≤   1 Xm j  

1 cond The bracket symbol [ ]δ denotes Iverson’s convention which evaluates to exactly one of the values in cond cond {0, 1} and where [ ]δ = 1 if and only if the condition is true. COMBINATORIAL IDENTITIES FOR GENERALIZED STIRLING NUMBERS 3 which then implies that the transformed ordinary and exponential zeta-like enu- (p) merating generalized polylogarithm functions and the f-harmonic numbers, Fn (t), are ex- panded by the following two series variants [16]: zn k zj · j! k = j+1 f(n) j ∗ (1 − z) ≥ ≥ f nX1 Xj 0   F (r)(1)zn k zj · ez(j +1+ z) n = . n! j ∗ (j + 1) ≥ ≥ f nX1 Xj 0   We focus on the combinatorial relations and sums involving the generalized positive-order Stirling numbers in the next few sections.

2. Generating functions and expansions by f-harmonic numbers 2.1. Motivation from a technique of Euler. We are motivated by Euler’s original tech- −2 nique for solving the Basel problem of summing the series, ζ(2) = n n , and later more generally all even-indexed integer zeta constants, ζ(2k), in closed-form by considering partial products of the sine function [6, pp. 38-42]. In particular, we observeP that we have both an infinite product and a corresponding Taylor series expansion in z for sin(z) given by (−1)nz2n+1 z2 sin(z)= = z 1 − . (2n + 1)! j2π2 ≥ ≥ nX0 jY1   Then if we combine the form of the coefficients of z3 in the partial product expansions at each Z+ 3 1 finite n ∈ with the known trigonometric series terms defined such that [z ] sin(z) = − 3! given on each respective side of the last equation, we see inductively that z2 π2 H(2) = −π2 · [z2] 1 − −→ ζ(2) = . n j2π2 6 ≤ ≤ 1 Yj n   (p) In our case, we wish to similarly enumerate the p-order f-harmonic numbers, Fn (t), through the generalized product expansions defined in (1). 2.2. Generating the integer order f-harmonic numbers. We first define a shorthand notation for another form of generalized “f-factorials” that we will need in expanding the next products as follows: n n f(j) n! n! := f(j) and n! := = f . f f(t) tj tn(n+1)/2 jY=1 jY=1 th If we let ζp ≡ exp(2πı/p) denote the primitive p root of unity for integers p ≥ 1, and define the coefficient generating function, fn(w) ≡ fn(t; w), by

n n + 1 n + 1 f (w) := ewk = e w + f(j)t−j − w, n k  1  k≥2  f(t) j=1  f(t) X Y  we can factore the partial products in (1) to generate the p-order f-harmonic numbers in the following forms:

n kp pn(n+1)/2 p−1 n+1 t t 2p p+1 n + 1 m(k−1) k p = p [w ] (−1) ζp w (4) f(k) (n!f ) k f(t) ! Xk=1 mY=0 Xk=0   pn(n+1)/2 p−1 j j j t 2p (−1) w p n + 1 p−j = p [w ] fn(w) (n!f )  p − j 1 f(t)  Xj=0    e  4 MAXIE D. SCHMIDT

n k n(n+1)/2 p−1 n+1 t t 2p p+1 n + 1 m(k−1) k p = p [w ] (−1) ζp w . (5) f(k) (n!f ) k f(t1/p) ! Xk=1 mY=0 Xk=0   Example 2.1 (Special Cases). For a fixed f and any indeterminate t 6= 0, let the shorthand ¯ n+1 notation Fn(k) := k f(t). Then the following expansions illustrate several characteristic forms of these prescribed  partial sums for the first several special cases of (4) when 2 ≤ p ≤ 5: n 2k n(n+1) t t ¯ 2 ¯ ¯ 2 = 2 Fn(2) − 2Fn(1)Fn(3) (6) f(k) (n!f ) k=1 X  n 3k 3n(n+1)/2 t t ¯ 3 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ 3 = 3 Fn(2) − 3Fn(1)Fn(2)Fn(3) + 3Fn(1) Fn(4) f(k) (n!f ) k=1 X  n 4k 4n(n+1) t t ¯ 4 ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ 2 ¯ 2 ¯ ¯ 4 = 4 Fn(2) − 4Fn(1)Fn(2) Fn(3) + 2Fn(1) Fn(3) + 4Fn(1) Fn(2)Fn(4) f(k) (n!f ) k=1 X 3 − 4F¯n(1) F¯n(5)

n 5k 5n(n+1)/2  t t ¯ 5 ¯ ¯ 3 ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ ¯ 2 ¯ 2 ¯ 2 ¯ 5 = 5 Fn(2) − 5Fn(1)Fn(2) Fn(3) + 5Fn(1) Fn(2)Fn(3) + 5Fn(1) Fn(2) Fn(4) f(k) (n!f ) k=1 X 3 3 4 − 5F¯n(1) F¯n(3)F¯n(4) − 5F¯n(1) F¯n(2)F¯n(5) + 5F¯n(1) F¯n(6) .  For each fixed integer p > 1, the particular partial sums defined by the ordinary generating function, fn(w), correspond to a function in n that is fixed with respect to the lower indices for the triangular coefficients defined by (2). Moreover, the resulting coefficient expansions enumeratinge the f-harmonic numbers at each p ≥ 2 are isobaric in the sense that the sum of the indices over the lower index k is 2p in each individual term in these finite sums. 2.3. Expansions of the generalized coefficients by f-harmonic numbers. The elemen- tary symmetric polynomials depending on the function f implicit to the product-based defini- tions of the generalized Stirling numbers of the first kind expanded through (1) provide new forms of the known p-order harmonic number, or exponential Bell polynomial, expansions of the ordinary Stirling numbers of the first kind enumerated in the references [1, 11, 4, 12]. Thus, if we first define the weighted sums of the f-harmonic numbers, denoted wf (n,m), recursively ac- k (k) k cording to an identity for the Bell polynomials, ℓ·Yn,ℓ(x1,x2,...), for xk ≡ (−1) Fn (t )(k−1)! as [12, §4.1.8]

k (k+1) k+1 wf (n + 1,m) := (−1) Fn (t )(1 − m)kwf (n + 1,m − 1 − k) + [m = 1]δ , ≤ 0 Xk

p−1 p (−1)j+1tn(n+1)/2 n + 1 n + 1 + jn(n+1)  · · ·  2p p−j i1 + 2 f(t1/p) ip−j + 2 f(t1/p) j=0 t (n!f ) (p − j) 0≤i1,...,ip−j ≤j     X  X   i1+···+ip−j =j  p−1 j   (p + 1)tn(n+1)/2(−1)j n + 1 + jn(n+1) × i + 2 1/(p+1) j=0 i=0 t 2(p+1) (n! )p+1−j(p + 1 − j) f(t ) X X f   p−j n + 1 ×   . im + 2 f(t1/(p+1)) 0≤i1,...,ip−j ≤j−i m=1    X Y   i1+···+ip−j =j−i    Proof. To begin with, observe the following rephrasing of the partial sums expansions from equations (4) and (5) as n(n+1)/2 p j j (p+1) t (p + 1) (−1) n + 1 2p+2−j p+1−j Fn (t)= p+1 [w ]fn(w) (n!f ) (p + 1 − j) 1 f(t1/(p+1)) Xj=0   (p + 1)(−1)ptn(n+1)/2 n + 1 e = pn(n+1) 2(p+1) p + 2 f(t1/(p+1)) t n!f   p−1 p+1−j (p + 1)(−1)j tn(n+1)/2 f (w) + [wj] n . jn(n+1) w2 j=0 t 2(p+1) (n! )p+1−j(p + 1 − j) ! X f e 6 MAXIE D. SCHMIDT

(p) The coefficients involved in the partial sum forms for each of Fn (t) are implicitly tied to the form of t 7→ t1/p in the triangle definition of (2). Given this distinction, let the generating function f be defined equivalently in the more careful definition as fn(w) :≡ fn(t; w). The powers of the generating function fn(w) from the previous equations satisfy the coefficient term expansionse according to the next equation [5, cf. §7.5]. e e

e p−j 2p−j p−j 2p−j p−j j fn(t; w) [w ]fn(w) := [w ]fn(t; w) = [w ] 2 w ! e e e n + 1 n + 1 = · · · i1 + 2 f(t) ip−j + 2 f(t) 0≤i1,...,ip−j ≤j     i1+···Xip−j =j Then by taking the difference of the harmonic sequence terms over successive indices p ≥ 1 and at a fixed index of n ≥ 1, the stated recurrences for these p-order sequences result. 

The generating function series over n in the next proposition is related to the forms of the Euler sums considered in [1] and to the context of the generalized zeta function transformations considered in [16] briefly noted in the introduction. We suggest the infinite sums over these generalized identities for n ≥ 1 as a topic for future research exploration in the concluding remarks of Section 4. Proposition 2.4 (Functional Equations for the f-Harmonic Numbers). For any integers n ≥ 0 and p ≥ 2, we have the following functional relations between the p-order and (p − 1)-order f-harmonic numbers over n and p: n + 2 (−1)p+1−jtj(n+1) n + 1 (−1)p+1 F (p) (tp)= F (p)(tp)+ + n+1 n p + 1 − j f(n + 1)j(n + 1)! p (n + 1)! ≤ f(t) f(t) f(t) f(t) 1Xj

n + 1 (−1)p+1−jF (j)(tj) n + 1 p(−1)p+1 F (p)(tp)= n + . n p + 1 − j n! p + 1 n! ≤ f(t) f(t) f(t) f(t) 1Xj

n + 2 (−1)p+1−jtj(n+1) n + 1 (−1)p−jF (j)(tj) = − n p + 1 − j f(n + 1)j(n + 1)! p − j (n + 1)! ≤ f(t) f(t) ≤ f(t) f(t) 1Xj

3. Coefficient identities and generalized forms of the Stirling convolution polynomials

3.1. Generalized Coefficient Identities and Relations. There are several immediate for small-indexed columns of the triangle defined by (2) and that can both be given immediately 8 MAXIE D. SCHMIDT and that follow from an inductive argument. The next identities in (11) are given for general lower column index k ≥ 1 by

n−1 n k−1 −j = [w ] (w + f(j) t ) [n ≥ 1]δ + [n = k = 0]δ (11) k f(t)     jY=1   −(i1+···+in−k) = f(i1) · · · f(in−k) · t , ··· 0

b(n) · fk(n − 1) + g(n − 1) if n ≥ 1 fk(n)= (1 if n = 0, has a closed-form solution given by

n−1 g(j) f (n)= b(j) × . k   j ≤ i=1 b(j) jY=1 0 Xj

3.2. Generalized forms of the Stirling convolution polynomials. Definition 3.2 (Stirling Polynomial Analogs). For x,n,x − n ≥ 1, we suggest the next two variants of the generalized Stirling convolution polynomials, denoted by σf(t),n(x) and σf(t),n(x), respectively, as the right-hand-side coefficient definitions in the following equations:

x (x − n − 1)! n + 1 (n + 1)!f e σf(t),n(x) := ⇐⇒ = σf(t),n+1−k(n + 1) x − n x! k (k − 1)!  f(t) f  f(t) (13) x (x − n − 1)! n + 1 (n + 1)! σ (x) := ⇐⇒ = σ (n + 1). f(t),n x − n x! k (k − 1)! f(t),n+1−k  f(t)  f(t) e e COMBINATORIAL IDENTITIES FOR GENERALIZED STIRLING NUMBERS 9

Proposition 3.3 (Recurrence Relations). For integers x,n,x − n ≥ 1, the analogs to the Stirling convolution polynomial sequences defined by (13) each satisfy a respective recurrence relation stated in the next equations. −x f(x + 1)σf(t),n(x + 1) = (x − n)σf(t),n(x)+ f(x) t · σf(t),n−1(x) + [n = 0]δ −x (x + 1)σf(t),n(x + 1) = (x − n)σf(t),n(x)+ f(x) t · σf(t),n−1(x) + [n = 0]δ (14) Proof. We give a proof of the second identity since the first recurrence follows almost imme- diately from thise result. Let x,n,x − n ≥e 1 and consider the expansione of the left-hand-side of (14) according to Definition 3.2 as follows: x + 1 (x − n)! (x + 1)σ (x +1) = f(t),n x + 1 − n x!  f(t) e x x (x − n − 1)! = f(x)t−x + (x − n) · x + 1 − n x − n x!  f(t)  f(t)! −x = (x − n)σf(t),n(x)+ f(x)t · σf(t),n−1(x). For any non-negative integer x, when n = 0, we see that x+1 ≡ 1, which implies the x+1 f(t) e e  result.   Remark 3.4 (A Comparison of Polynomial Generating Functions). The generating functions (α) for the Stirling convolution polynomials, σn(x), and the α-factorial polynomials, σn (x), from [13] each have the comparatively simple special case closed-form generating functions given by x (x − n − 1)! zez x xσ (x)= = [zn] for (f(n),t) ≡ (n, 1) (15) n x − n (x − 1)! ez − 1     x (x − n − 1)! αzeαz x xσ(α)(x)= = [zn]e(1−α)z for (f(n),t) ≡ (αn + 1 − α, 1) n x − n (x − 1)! eαz − 1  α   x (x − n − 1)! αzeαz x xσ(α;β)(x)= = [zn]eβz for (f(n),t) ≡ (αn + β, 1). n x − n (x − 1)! eαz − 1  (α;β)   The Stirling polynomial sequence in (15) is a special case of a more general class of convolution polynomial sequences defined by Knuth in his article [7]. ∗ ∗ These polynomial sequences are defined by a general sequence of coefficients, sn with s0 = 1, such that the corresponding polynomials, sn(x), are enumerated by the power series over the original sequence as ∞ ∞ x n x ∗ n sn(x)z := S(z) ≡ 1+ snz . n=0 n=1 ! X X Polynomial sequences of this form satisfy a number of interesting properties, and in particu- lar, the next identity provides a generating function for a variant of the original convolution polynomial sequence over n when t ∈ C is fixed. xs (x + tn) S (z) := S zS (z)t =⇒ n = [zn]S (z)x (16) t t (x + tn) t This result is also useful in expanding  many identities for the t := 1 case as given for the Stirling polynomial case in [5, §6.2] [7]. A related generalized class of polynomial sequences is considered in Roman’s book defining the form of Sheffer polynomial sequences. The polynomial sequences of this particular type, say with sequence terms given by sn(x), satisfy the form in the following generating function identity where A(z) and B(z) are prescribed power series satisfying the initial conditions from the reference [12, cf. §2.3]: ∞ zn s (x) := A(z)exB(z). n n! nX=0 10 MAXIE D. SCHMIDT

For example, the form of the generalized, or higher-order Bernoulli polynomials (numbers) is a parameterized sequence whose generating function yields the form of many other special case sequences, including the Stirling polynomial case defined in equation (15) [12, cf. §4.2.2] [13, cf. §5]. An experimental procedure towards evaluating the generalized polynomials. We expect that the generalized convolution polynomial analogs defined in (13) above form a sequence of finite- degree polynomials in x, for example, as in the Stirling polynomial case when we have that x n x + k = , x − n k 2n ≥   Xk 0     n where k denotes the special triangle of second-order Eulerian numbers for n, k ≥ 0 and where the binomial coefficient terms in the previous equations each have a finite-degree poly- nomial expansion in x [5, §6.2]. The previous identity also allows us to extend the Stirling numbers of the first kind to arbitrary real, or complex-valued inputs. Given the relatively simple and elegant forms of the generating functions that enumerate the polynomial sequences of the special case forms in (15), it seems natural to attempt to extend these relations to the generalized polynomial sequence forms defined by (13). However, in this more general context we appear to have a stronger dependence of the form and ordinary generating functions of these polynomial sequences on the underlying function f. Specifically, for the form of the first sequence in (13), we suppose that the function f(n) is arbitrary. Based on the first several cases of these polynomials, it appears that the generating function for the sequence can be expanded as ∞ n x n fn(x) := [z ]F (z) where F (z) := gn(x)z (17) n=0 X n−1 n n−1−j j j j=0 f(x) numn(j; x)x (1 + x) f(x + 1) =⇒ gn(x)= [n ≥ 1] + [n = 0] nx 2n−1 2n−1−j j j δ δ n! Pt j=0 denomn(j; x)x (1 + x) f(x + 1) where the forms numn(j; x)Pand denomn(j; x) denote polynomial sequences of finite non– negative integral degree indexed over the natural numbers n, j ≥ 0. Similarly it has been verified for the first 16 of each n and k that the following equation holds where the terms gn(x) involved in the series for F (z) are defined through the form of the last equation. n−k n k n n n−k j s (k) := f − (n) =⇒ s (k) = [z ]z F (z) = [z ](F (z) − 1) + [n = k] n n k n j δ Xj=1   Note that the coefficients defined through these implicit power series forms must also satisfy an implicit relation to the particular values of the polynomial parameter x as formed through the last equations, which is much different in construction than in the cases of the special polynomial sequence generating functions remarked on above. Other different expansions may result for special cases of the function f(n) and explicit values of the parameter t.

4. Conclusions and future research

4.1. Summary. We have defined a generalized class of factorial product functions, (x)f(t),n, that generalizes the forms of many special and symbolic factorial functions considered in the references. The coefficient-wise symbolic polynomial expansions of these f-factorial function variants define generalized triangles of Stirling numbers of the first kind which share many analogs to the combinatorial properties satisfied by the ordinary combinatorial triangle cases. Surprisingly, many inversion relations and other finite sum properties relating the ordinary Stirling number triangles are not apparent by inspection of these corresponding sums in the most general cases. A study of ordinary Stirling-number-like sums, inversion relations, and generating function transformations is not contained in the article. We pose formulating these COMBINATORIAL IDENTITIES FOR GENERALIZED STIRLING NUMBERS 11 analogs in the most general coefficient cases as a topic for future combinatorial work with the generalized Stirling number triangles defined in Section 1.2. 4.2. Topics suggested for future research. Another new avenue to explore with these sums and the generalized f-zeta series transformations motivated in [17, 16] is to consider finding new identities and expressions for the Euler-like sums suggested by the generalized identity in Proposition 2.4 and by the special case expansions for the Stirling numbers of the first kind given in Example 2.5. In particular, if we define a class of so-termed “f-zeta” functions, −s ζf (s) := n≥1 f(n) , we seek analogs to these infinite Euler sum variants expanded through ζf (s) just as the Euler sums are expressed through sums and products of the ,Pζ(s), in the ordinary cases from [1]. For example, it is well known that for real-valued r> 1 H(r) 1 n = ζ(r)2 + ζ(2r) , nr 2 n≥1 X  and moreover, summation by parts shows us that for any real r> 1 and any t ∈ C∗ such that we have a convergent limiting zeta function series we have that (r) F (r)(tr)trn 2 F (tr)tr(j+1) n = lim F (r)(tr) − j f(n)r n−→∞  n f(j + 1)r  ≥ ≤ nX1   0 Xj

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