WhatWhat isis Anthropology?Anthropology? WhatWhat isis ?Culture? •• forfor anthropologistsanthropologists andand otherother behavioralbehavioral scientists,scientists, cultureculture isis thethe fullfull rangerange ofof learnedlearned humanhuman behaviorbehavior patternspatterns.. •• TheThe termterm waswas firstfirst usedused inin thisthis wayway byby thethe pioneerpioneer EnglishEnglish AnthropologistAnthropologist EdwardEdward B.B. TylorTylor inin hishis book,book, PrimitivePrimitive Culture,Culture, publishedpublished inin 1871.1871. •• TylorTylor saidsaid thatthat cultureculture isis "that"that complexcomplex wholewhole whichwhich includesincludes knowledge,knowledge, belief,belief, art,art, law,law, Edward B. Tylor morals,morals, custom,custom, andand anyany otherother capabilitiescapabilities andand habitshabits acquiredacquired byby manman asas aa membermember ofof society."society." WhatWhat isis CanadianCanadian Culture?Culture?

•• WhatWhat youyou definedefine asas CanadianCanadian culture?culture? •• WhatWhat symbolssymbols areare connectedconnected withwith CanadianCanadian Identity?Identity? •• WhatWhat isis thethe differencedifference betweenbetween thethe CulturalCultural MosaicMosaic andand thethe MeltingMelting Pot?Pot? •• IsIs itit coolcool toto bebe ““ProudProud toto bebe Canadian?Canadian?”” TheThe RantRant AA ProductProduct ofof MolsonMolson CanadianCanadian Hey. I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader. And I don't live in an igloo, or eat blubber, or own a dogsled. And I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from , although I'm certain they're really, really nice. I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak English and French, NOT American. and I pronounce it 'ABOUT', NOT 'A BOOT'. I can proudly sew my country's flagflag on my backpack. I believe in peace keeping, NOT policing. DIVERSITY, NOT assimilation, AND THAT THE BEAVER IS A TRULY PROUD AND NOBLE ANIMAL. A TOQUE IS A HAT, A CHESTERFIELD IS A COUCH, AND IT IS PRONOUCED 'ZED' NOT 'ZEE', 'ZED'!!! CANADA IS THE SECOND LARGEST LANDMASS! THE FIRST NATION OF HOCKEY! AND THE BEST PART OF NORTH AMERICA! MY NAME IS JOE!! AND I AM CANADIAN!!!!!!!!

Thank you. TheThe RantRant ContinuedContinued

•• WhyWhy dodo youyou believebelieve TheThe RantRant waswas soso effectiveeffective asas anan advertisingadvertising campaign?campaign? •• DoDo youyou believebelieve itit becamebecame moremore thanthan justjust aa commercialcommercial toto sellsell beer?beer? WhyWhy •• WhatWhat doesdoes thisthis saysay aboutabout CanadianCanadian CultureCulture withwith respectrespect toto ourour southernsouthern neighbours?neighbours? AnthropologyAnthropology

What is Anthropology?

••Anthropology is the broad study of humankind around the world and throughout time. ••It is concerned with both the biological and the cultural aspects of humans. IncludedIncluded inin anthropologyanthropology areare fourfour mainmain subdivisions:subdivisions:

Physical Anthropology • Mechanisms of biological evolution, genetic inheritance, human adaptability and variation, primatology, and the fossil record of human evolution

Cultural Anthropology • Culture, ethnocentrism, cultural aspects of and communication, subsistence and other economic patterns, kinship, sex and marriage, socialization, social control, political organization, class, ethnicity, gender, religion, and

Archaeology • Prehistory and early history of around the world; major trends in cultural evolution; and techniques for finding, excavating, dating, and analyzing material remains of past societies

Linguistic Anthropology • The human communication process focusing on the importance of socio- cultural influences; nonverbal communication; and the structure, function, and history of , dialects, pidgins, and creoles ParticipationParticipation--observationobservation

•• AnthropologistsAnthropologists havehave learnedlearned thatthat thethe bestbest wayway toto reallyreally getget toto knowknow anotheranother societysociety andand itsits cultureculture isis toto livelive inin itit asas anan activeactive participantparticipant ratherrather thanthan simplysimply anan observer.observer. •• ByBy physicallyphysically andand emotionallyemotionally participatingparticipating inin thethe socialsocial interactioninteraction ofof thethe hosthost societysociety itit isis possiblepossible toto becomebecome acceptedaccepted asas aa member.member. DianDian FosseyFossey

•• Dian Fossey believed that in order to study gorillas effectively she had to immerse herself with them in an effort to get them to accept her presence •• She was murdered in her cabin at Karisoke on December 26, 1985. Her death is a mystery yet unsolved. WhyWhy dodo wewe needneed Anthropologists?Anthropologists? DonDon’’tt theythey telltell usus whatwhat wewe alreadyalready knowknow toto bebe true?true?

•• IntuitionIntuition isis believingbelieving somethingsomething toto bebe truetrue becausebecause aa personperson’’ss emotionsemotions andand logiclogic supportsupport itit •• IntuitionIntuition isis notnot proofproof ofof factfact –– thisthis isis whywhy wewe needneed anthropologistsanthropologists –– theythey proveprove oror disprovedisprove whatwhat wewe BELIEVEBELIEVE toto bebe truetrue KinshipKinship

•• KinshipKinship isis aa familyfamily relationshiprelationship basedbased onon whatwhat isis aa cultureculture considersconsiders aa familyfamily toto bebe •• TheThe familyfamily unitunit cancan varyvary dependingdepending onon thethe cultureculture inin whichwhich thethe familyfamily liveslives •• AnthropologistsAnthropologists havehave concludedconcluded thatthat humanhuman culturescultures definedefine thethe conceptconcept ofof marriagemarriage inin threethree ways:ways: matingmating (marriage),(marriage), birthbirth (descent)(descent) andand nurturancenurturance (adoption)(adoption) MethodsMethods usedused byby AnthropologistsAnthropologists

•• ParticipationParticipation--observationobservation •• CollectionCollection ofof statisticsstatistics •• FieldField interviewsinterviews •• RigorousRigorous compilationcompilation ofof detaileddetailed notesnotes •• FieldworkFieldwork onon anthropologistsanthropologists isis knowknow asas ““ethnographyethnography”” AnthropologicalAnthropological SchoolsSchools ofof ThoughtThought FunctionalismFunctionalism

•• TheThe theoreticaltheoretical schoolschool ofof FunctionalismFunctionalism considersconsiders aa cultureculture asas anan interrelatedinterrelated whole,whole, notnot aa collectioncollection ofof isolatedisolated traits.traits. •• TheThe FunctionalistsFunctionalists examinedexamined howhow aa particularparticular culturalcultural phasephase isis interrelatedinterrelated withwith otherother aspectsaspects ofof thethe cultureculture andand howhow itit affectsaffects thethe wholewhole systemsystem ofof thethe society.society. •• TheThe methodmethod ofof functionalismfunctionalism waswas basedbased onon fieldworkfieldwork andand directdirect observationsobservations ofof societies.societies. StructuralismStructuralism

•• StructuralismStructuralism assumesassumes thatthat culturalcultural formsforms areare basedbased onon commoncommon propertiesproperties ofof thethe humanhuman mind.mind. •• ThisThis theorytheory statesstates thatthat humanshumans tendtend toto seesee thingsthings inin termsterms ofof twotwo forcesforces thatthat areare oppositeopposite toto eacheach otherother -- eg.eg. nightnight andand dayday •• TheThe goalgoal ofof StructuralismStructuralism isis toto discoverdiscover universaluniversal principlesprinciples ofof thethe humanhuman mindmind underlyingunderlying eacheach culturalcultural traittrait andand custom.custom. •• ThisThis theoreticaltheoretical schoolschool waswas almostalmost singlesingle handedlyhandedly establishedestablished byby ClaudeClaude LeviLevi--Strauss.Strauss. CulturalCultural MaterialismMaterialism

•• TechnologicalTechnological andand economicaleconomical factorsfactors areare thethe mostmost importantimportant onesones inin mouldingmoulding aa societysociety –– knownknown asas materialismmaterialism •• DeterminismDeterminism –– statesstates thatthat thethe typestypes ofof technologytechnology andand economiceconomic methodsmethods thatthat areare adoptedadopted alwaysalways determinedetermine (or(or actact asas decidingdeciding factorsfactors inin forming)forming) thethe typetype ofof societysociety thatthat developsdevelops