em • yp perspective Life in Environmental Consulting People seem to choose environmental consulting for a number of reasons. I went into environmental consulting to obtain a broader view of technical and political issues related to the environment and, of course, because I wanted to save the world. Consulting firms appealed to me because I wanted to develop workable solutions that incorporated not only the environmental point of view, but also by David Weaver, industry’s point of view. As a consultant, I have gained a better understanding of Ph.D., P.E. how industry, policy, and environmental issues all fit together. This month’s column is written by David Weaver, When I became an environmental consultant, I had Regulatory Drivers a senior associate in the air certain ideas about what I’d be doing. I thought that In response to the regulatory drivers, consultants quality practice at ENVIRON I’d be hired by clients to help them reduce their emis- help clients understand and comply with environ- International Corp. since 2006. David holds Ph.D. and sions. What I learned was that there must be some mental regulations and laws. Regulatory work is master’s degrees in chemical driver that convinces a company to reduce emissions. typically forward-looking—what the client will do in engineering from Stanford the future. Rules and regulations are set up to pro- Often, that driver is to help a company remain University and a bachelor’s tect public health and the environment. I now un- profitable by helping them with their core mission degree in chemical engi- derstand how these regulations actually limit neering from MIT. He is also of making a product. To support a client’s core busi- emissions and protect public health. I also see a registered professional ness, consultants help them stay profitable by de- clients struggle at their core business when regu- chemical engineer. David veloping environmental strategies in response to enjoys outdoor adventures lations require expensive process modifications, internal, regulatory, and litigation drivers. In my work and has climbed El Capitan making it difficult for clients to stay competitive, in the air quality practice at ENVIRON, these drivers in Yosemite and bicycled provide jobs, and manufacture affordable products. from Quito Ecuador to cover many different technical “practice areas,” such Huaraz Peru. E-mail: as health and safety, public health, energy, climate Consultants develop regulatory strategies for many [email protected]. change, and . Table 1 includes some of different industries, including chemical manufactur- the work consultants do in different driver and prac- ers, airports, land developers, and mining facilities. tice area combinations. For example, a consultant may help a chemical man- The type of work performed by consultants clearly ufacturer through the regulatory hurdles of com- depends heavily on the practice area, but it also pletely replacing all of their processing equipment so depends on the driver of the work. Below are some that they can increase production ten-fold. In order to of the ways these drivers affect our work, with inform these strategic decisions, consultants perform specific examples from a few technical areas. quantitative analyses using spreadsheets, databases, and chemical transport models to evaluate different Internal Drivers technologies and approaches to reducing adverse The internal drivers may be to cut costs, be green, health effects. Another example area is helping raise worker morale, or market a product. For clients navigate the new greenhouse gas rules and example, consultants perform energy audits for regulations. Consultants help clients understand the companies to identify where they can use less YP Perspective is a new regulations, determine how the regulations may be energy. This involves quantifying the energy and implemented, and develop strategies on how to monthly column organ- greenhouse gas savings from different approaches, comply based upon their projected operations and ized by A&WMA’s Young and also informing the client as to how much it greenhouse gas emissions. Professionals Advisory may cost to implement these measures. This helps Council (YPAC). If you the client make decisions on how to cut costs, reduce Litigation Drivers have a topic you would their , or market themselves as a Litigation drivers, in contrast to regulatory work, like to see young profes- . This work helps clients identify involves looking into what happened in the past. sionals discuss, e-mail: the most effective ways to reduce their carbon foot- This is one of the reasons why litigation work may [email protected]. print, as well as to show that their products have be where consultants do their deepest and most smaller footprints than their competitors. robust scientific analyses. Another reason that

34 em march 2011 awma.org Copyright 2011 Air & Association Table 1. Typical consulting work for several driver and practice area combinations.

Driver Health and Safety Public Health Energy Sustainability Internal Worker safety Demonstrate client is a Cut energy costs Marketing—low Marketing— Leadership and morale good neighbor carbon products in Energy & Environ- mental Design (LEED)- certified business Regulatory Occupational Safety and Demonstrate not Building energy U.S. Environmental Pro- California Green Health Administration impacting health efficiency codes tection Agency Tailoring Building Codes (OSHA) above certain levels (California Title 24) Rule; California AB 32; California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Litigation Worker claims injury Someone lives nearby NA Attorney General NA and is suing and is suing sues land developer

Notes: NA = not applicable. litigation work is scientifically strong is that both the slow periods, the issue at hand may need to be plaintiff and defendant hire experts (environmental addressed in two months, and after that, the issue consultants). Litigation goes through an in-depth will be solved. Consultants can quickly mobilize large multi-tiered peer review process, where both sides teams to tackle these issues. When the issue is ad- scrutinize each other’s work. The consultants are dressed, consultants then can go onto solving other the ones who determine the emissions from clients’ issues. It is often difficult for a company to facilities, where the wind blows those emissions, internally mobilize a large team of internal workers and the potential adverse health effects those emis- on a short-term basis, because those workers have sions may have on surrounding populations. other responsibilities. Also, a company may not want to hire full-time staff on a temporary basis, whereas When I first began working as a consultant, I was they will hire consultants on a temporary basis. surprised to see that each side often gets access to all spreadsheets, notes, documents, and software Fast-Paced Environment inputs and outputs from the other side. The As for the day-to-day work, consulting is fast-paced, (expensive and time-consuming) litigation process efficient, and diverse. Clients use consultants to solve typically achieves a robust and accurate scientific their toughest problems that are usually due “ASAP” answer to tough questions such as “did the emis- and sometimes even due “yesterday.” A regulatory sions from that factory significantly affect Joe Smith’s hurdle may be holding up the implementation of a asthma.” Litigation requires many resources from multimillion-dollar facility expansion. Or perhaps a both the plaintiff and the defendant. However, there multimillion-dollar lawsuit may be hinging upon the simply isn’t enough manpower to litigate every results of a scientific analysis. Because consultants issue. That is why the broad rules of the regulatory typically bill hourly and are on tight schedules, they world attempt to define a set of effective guidelines are forced to come up with fast, efficient solutions. that industry can abide by to protect the public. Therefore, consultants must focus on what the client needs and must avoid getting sidetracked on issues One may wonder why companies hire third-party that will not help the client. Consultants must finish consultants to help with these three important work for client “A” quickly and efficiently, because drivers instead of having internal staff to do it them- clients “B” and “C” have important deliverables due selves. Consultants are hired because of two main soon as well. This fast-paced environment is perfect reasons: (1) the depth and breadth of their technical for people who want to solve many problems and expertise, and (2) the work has many fast and slow see many results. periods. Consultants are experts in the rules, reg- ulations, and analytical techniques that are related Environmental consulting, at the nexus of different to the environmental issues that apply to these varied interests, allows one to develop a well-rounded view industries. For example, I have encountered similar of environmental issues. If you want to understand regulatory issues for airports and mining facilities the real environmental issues at hand and quickly and similar litigation issues for semiconductor get things done, there may be no better occupation manufacturers and refineries. As for the fast and than working as an environmental consultant. em awma.org march 2011 em 35 Copyright 2011 Air & Waste Management Association