Fourteenth International Conference on Grey Literature National Research Council, Rome, Italy 29-30 November 2012 TRACKING INNOVATION THROUGH GREY LITERATURE CCoonnffeerreennccee PPrroocceeeeddiinnggss ISSN 1386-2316 Host and Sponsors GL14 Program and Conference Bureau Javastraat 194-HS, 1095 CP Amsterdam, The Netherlands ▪
[email protected] TextRelease Tel/Fax +31-20-331.2420 CIP GL14 Conference Proceedings Fourteenth International Conference on Grey Literature : Tracking Innovation through Grey Literature, 29-30 November 2012 at CNR Rome, Italy / compiled by D. Farace and J. Frantzen ; GreyNet, Grey Literature Network Service. Amsterdam : TextRelease, February 2013. – 192 p. – Author Index. – (GL conference series, ISSN 1386-2316 ; No. 14). - CVTISR, EBSCO, FEDLINK-Library of Congress, INIST-CNRS, ISTI-CNR, NIS-IAEA, NTK, and NYAM are Corporate Authors and Associate Members of GreyNet International. These conference proceedings contain the full text of 25 papers presented during the two days of plenary and poster sessions. The papers appear in the same order as in the conference program book. Included is an author index with the names of over 70 contributing authors/coauthors along with their biographical notes. A list of more than 50 participating organizations as well as sponsored advertisements are likewise published in these conference proceedings. ISBN: 978-90-77484-20-3 © TextRelease, 2013 2 Foreword TRACKINGINNOVATIONTHROUGH GREYLITERATURE Innovation is a process manifested in and through grey literature. Both have their origins in knowledge generation and both demonstrate value for government, academics, business and industry through their uses and applications. In a way, innovation and grey literature are two sides of the same coinage. Innovation is the catalyst for positive change and grey literature is the measure of benchmarks in the further process of research and development.