University of Cincinnati N.EW '8-:,,R;,'E'c0'rd
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c' University of Cincinnati N.EW '8-:,,R;,'E'C0'RD Vol. LIII i Cincinnati, Ohio.Thursdey, May 19, 1966 No. 29 --------------------~---..••..--_._------------_ ...•.._--------------------- J'Mitchell Trio" To Perform Outdoor Concert, Sorurdov Fey~·Lautenbach ·Awarded ....- HonoFs'A.t ·Convocation Doris Fey and Ned Lautenbach gion.v and business during the en' to Bob Engle by outgoing' received the two most coveted past three decades president Forest Heis. ~awards at the annual Honors Day .Ned Lautenbach also received The program" was followed by Convocation. Mr.' Lautenbach, a the Robert Patterson McKibben a dinner in, the Great Hall of senior in A&S, received the Mr. Gold Medal for manliness. The the Student Union in honor of " Bearcat award sponsored, by Sig- medal is presented to the senior the members of UC honor socie- ties andfheir parents; The gath- ma Sigma. Miss Fey won .the man best exemplifying the ideals , ering was entertained by the sing- "C" Ring ~resented. annual~y .by of manhood, by a vote of the ing of Miss Annie Walker of the Women s Athletic ASSOCIation' McMicken College, f : Art and CCM. , to the best all -around woman. 0 s UClsannual 'Honors Day~ Sciences faculty. recognizing outstanding' stu- .Threa , stuc:ients shared the dentsl is sponsored by the cam- Alfred M. Cohen Interfaith Fel- Girls Reque,sf pus chapters of Mortar Boardl lowship award: Virginia Lam- na-tiona,1 upperclass womenls, bert Randall M it' X e y and honorarYI and Omicron Delta, '. I • New Curfew Kappal nation.1 upperelessmen's Michael Patton. MISS Lambert honorary society.' and Mr., Patton are [unlers in Women's Housing Council voted The "intellectual elite" is "an Arts a,nd Sciences. Mr. Maxey Wednesday, May 11, to recom- exclusive society .open to any as-' is a senior in the Pharmacy mend a change of hours in UC pirant who Can qualify and who CQllege. , dormitories and sorority houses. can<accept the disciplines," ac- John Leane received the Jim- cording to Dr. Perry E. Gresham, '. , The proposal suggests that the Bethany, W. Va., College Pres i- mre 'NIppert -Award for the curfew for upperclass women be dent who addressed the Honors outstanding athlete. Janet Sey- moved to 12 o'clock: p.m. on Day audience Sunday at UC. bert won the Ass.ociated Women weekdays. The curfew for fresh- , '. , Students Award gIven to the most Dr. Gresham received. UC s outstanding AWS member. The man women would remain at 11. honorary Doctor, of Lett~rs d.e- Women's Panhellenic Association' Freshman would be allowed seven gree at the. program, held m 'YIl- Award was presented to' Carol son Memorial Hall. In conferring Tobin lates,per quarter; while no lates the degree, Dr. Walter C. Lang- '. would be considered for upper- sam, UC president, praised Dr. The Fischer~Kreider a w a ~ d classmen. Gresham as a, "widely sought -r: given ~o the most ~utstandmg The proposal made concerns platform figure, distinguished fraternity man was grven to AI' only the 1st quarter for next scholar and author, noted clergy- Jacobs. ,year. A' committee has been,teacher, and admtnistrator-"- The Board of Publications f~-'mecL.hy. -the COUncil to ih~ THE POPULAR MITCHELL TRIO pictured, • ..o;."';.".",..•..;--.'~ "His linusu~l abilities. as a' .ward -for' •outsta~ing senior vestigate a com'plete revision , '. ' . , speaker and hIS ready WIt have went to Mike Friedman. The, of the hours. The committee free concerta.t UC May 211 In the Englneerll~g Quadrangle at 7:30 p.m, b ht h' 1 t t- national Pi Delta Epsilon Medal C bini . d M· h II f Ik dOt· h .- , b . '. roug im ec ureengagemen s plans a complete evaluation of om. Inlng satire a~ ., Itc e . 0 0 tra 1 ren, t e trle .ases Its musIc, literally throughout the' world," of Merit was ~wardeet to Sharon o the present system, 'and will 0':' high level of musJclanshlPI vltahtyl honesty and taste. The wander- continued Dr. Langsam. He has Hausman Zeigler. The Elaine distribute evaluation sheets .to ing student minstrels speak their minds in song on subjects as fllled arumeroua-Intluential posts R. Mayham award flor out- dorm' students. The committee diverse as draft dodging and Liz"Yaylorls love life. in the fields of education, reli- standing senior went t~ Randy is chaired by Karen Wilsonl . , Winter. presiaent of Scioto' Hall. The . The senior class president's proposal for a 1st quarter hour ring and gavel was passed from chang~ awaits the approval of SC Tables Ma'xey's C:anstjtutian Ken Heuck to Denny Reigle. The the office of the Dean of ,Wo- Student .Council gavel was giv- men. The May 16 Student Council Student Council, thus the proposed grams by which students can meeting was a fickle one for Ran- board and constitution were auto- become involved in order that dall Maxey's proposed constitu- matically tabled to be presented we might be', of service in tile r- Spread The Word tion for the Communications again at Monday's gathering. Cincinnati community and our - -- Board.' Mr. Maxey stated he had Bob Englel newly elected fellow citizens in the United been told that the constitution president of Student CounC'il, - States/I Mr. Carr stated boxes Senior Class Skip,-Today! .would be" voted upon this meet- stated that a querum (20 of the will be situated it,! as many lo- ing. There was discussion last 30 members of the organization cations as possible. Council meeting, at which Randall is needed to vote upon any"con- , The Student Council in a un- was present to answer the ques- stitutional change; no quorum animous decision, accepted the tions of the various representa- was .present, He said' nothing' recommended students from the tives. Voting at the May 2 Stu- could be achieved by ac'cepting College of 'Law to sit on, Student dent Council was not permissible, the constitution, without first Court. Eleven men were screen- since the acceptance of the board c••e~ti~ the /board: ' ed by a .panel from Council; seven made a constitutional change for Mr. Maxey feels it imperative were selected. The Court justices that the board be established, and approved for the coming year work begun under its auspices, are Art Church, Ed 'Marx, John immediately. The purpose of. the West, Dan-Carmichael, Irwin board is "the establishment of a Millet, Frank McGuane, and Bill conforming campus community Neal. Inside Story that will serve to complement :Michael Weiner encouraged the 'these scholarly concepts obtained support of Student Council for the in the classroom by providing a Young Friends of the Arts. This vehicle expand environment of organization 'has been establish- Another .Kleespies 0 •• 0 • p. 4 all uniyersity students and faculty ed to make reduced tickets avail- in campus life and also to 'pro- able to students for various cul- vide an atmosphere .for quicker tural 'events in Cincinnati. Per- and more varied personal con- sonaN.y the YFA is helping to Draft Situation ..... '"0 p. 7 tacts.": Since' this' was the last provide the Modern Music Sym- meeting of the quarter, no action posium in which the Cincinnati will be taken until fall. Symphony Orchestra, conducted Mr. Charles Carr, who is the by Max Rudolf, is participating, /Junior Prom Candidates. p. 8 Special Program chairman for the Membership in the organization" Council on Inter Race Relations costs $2. Reduced' rates may be presented a program which he obtained, and hopefully, for the hopes the university will support: Playhouse- in-the-Park. Kaplan's Column .... 0 p. 12 "The Need '66". This is a drivel President Bob Engle announced sponsored by the C.I.R. to collect plans for Student Council meet-- books for students in Selma, Ala-· ings to be' held 'this summer. He bama. The present goal has -been hopes that' this will help to pre- ~ La Salle Quartet p. 17 set' at 10,000 books, and will con- pare Council for the fall, and that - tinue through June 5. through these meetings commit- Through this drive it is hoped tees and boards will be strength- WITH HIS WIRES ,evidenty crosseCiI Bob Hope receives word concern- th.t the students' at UC w.i11 ened. But, his primary purpose ing the' Senior Class skip day. Even the f.mous Hollywood star seems Student-Faculry 0 p. 24 IIbecomeaware of the prob- is to provide ,a social "aspect of to be fully aware of'the upcoming senior class event. All senior~ will ' lems growing out of racial seg- college life, for all summer school undoubtedly wish to part; ,tocl.y .t Burnet Woodsl st.rting .t regation ,and ~ to provide pro- and Section II Co-ops.' ,2. All seniors are excused from afternoon cl.sses. ~. , •••• ' , ~....-:, -. 4'>""- *" , ,> ,'it' , Page Two UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI NEWS RECORD Thursday, May 19, 1966 -, Pi DeLt.HoLdsSpring Banquet, Dorms Select Allen & Rossi Visit Ciney· New Officers To PromoteNew~ Comedy OufstQ(lding ,M,embersH onored Announcement has been 'made Finneytown Inn hosted- the an- named Outstanding Freshman. of the election of the officers' of nual Pi Delta Epsilon awards ban- , Mike Friedman and Randy Win- all Women's .Residence Halls for quet and spring initiation on May ter shared. the distinction of the year of 1966-67.The chairman 12.' Mr. Jim Adams, a reporter Outstanding Senior and Pete of the Women's Housing Council is Sharon Zweig. for the Cincinnati Post and Times- Franklin received the award Serving for Memorial H'all Star was the speaker for the of OufstandingStaff Member. are: President, Marsha Greer: s-: evening. He emphasized the op- 1966 Cincinnatian awards were 1st vice-president, ,Barbara Sol- portunities and rewards obtain- made by Editor Saralou Ahern.