ה"ב P a g e | 1 The Jew and An overview of the roots, purpose and practice of .

by Lazer Gurkow

Lesson 3: Kavanah – Mindfulness in Prayer

LESSON OVERVIEW 1. Nature of Kavanah 2. Format of Kavanah 3. Requirements of Kavanah

1 Samuel Chapter 1:15 And Chana Answered and said וַתַּעַן חַנָּה וַתֹּאמֶ ר No, my lord לֹא אֲדֹנִי I am a woman of sorrowful spirit אִשָּׁ ה קְשַׁ ת - רוּחַ נֹכִי Neither new wine or old wine have a drunk וְיַיִן וְשֵׁכָר לֹא שָׁתִ יתִ י I poured o ut my soul before G-D וָאֶשְׁ פֹּךְ אֶת- נַפְשִׁ י , לִפְנֵי יְהוָה

Psalms Chapter 78:35 And they remembered that G -d is their Rock וַיִּזְכְּרוּ -כִּי, אֱלֹהִים צוּרָם And that the supreme high G -d is their Redeemer וְאֵל עֶלְיוֹן , גֹּאֲלָם

Psalms Chapter 78:36 But they beguiled him (G -d) with their mouths וַיְפַתּוּהוּ בְּפִיהֶ ם And with their Tongue they lied to him וּבִלְשׁוֹ נָם , יְכַזְּבוּ- לוֹ

Psalms Chapter 78:37 And their hearts were not sincere with him וְלִבָּם , לֹא - נָכוֹן עִמּוֹ neither were they faithf ul to His covenant וְלֹא נֶאֶמְנוּ , בִּבְרִיתוֹ

Psalms Chapter 78:37 And their hearts were not sincere with him וְלִבָּם , לֹא - נָכוֹן עִמּוֹ neither were they faithful to His covenant וְלֹא נֶאֶמְנוּ , בִּבְרִיתוֹ

ibn Ezra: on psalms 78:37 Behold , it has become clear הנה התברר That the main point of prayer is the mindfulness of the heart כי עיקר התפילה כונת הלב

The Jew and Prayer - Lesson Three: Kavanah – Mindfulness in Prayer www.chabad.org/1265592

ה"ב P a g e | 2

Joel Chapter 2:13 And tear your hearts וְקִרְעוּ לְבַבְכֶם and not your garments ו1ְל - בִּגְדֵיכֶם

Mishneh Laws of Prayer, Ch. 1, Halacha 1 It is a positive commandment to pray מצות עשה להתפלל Every Day בכל יום :as [Exodus 23:25] states שנאמר ".You shall serve God, your Lord" ועבדתם את ה ' אלהיכם מפי השמועה למדו by tradition we are taught שעבודה זו היא תפלה this service is prayer שנאמר :as [Deuteronomy 11:13] states ". ולעבדו בכל לבבכם" "And serve Him with all your heart" אמרו חכמים :our Sages said אי זו היא עבודה שבלב ?Which is the service of the heart זו תפלה This is prayer

RECAP 1. Prayer is primarily kavanah 2. Prayer is empty without kavanah

Babylonian Yevamot 105b

R' Hiyya and R' Simeon son of Rebbi ר ' חייא ור ' שמעון בר רבי were sitting together הוו יתבי :when one of them began and said פתח חד מינייהו ואמר One who Prays המתפלל must direct your eyes downward צריך שיתן עיניו למטה :for it is stated שנאמר

And My eyes and My heart shall be there [in the Temple] all the" והיו עיני ולבי שם כל הימים days."

וחד אמר :And the other said עיניו למעלה Your eyes should be directed) Heavenward) שנאמר :for it is stated נשא לבבנו אל כפים ".Let us lift up our heart with our hand" אדהכי אתא ר ' ישמעאל בר ' R' Ishmael son of R' Jose came over יוסי לגבייהו :and] asked them] אמר להו במאי עסקיתו

The Jew and Prayer - Lesson Three: Kavanah – Mindfulness in Prayer www.chabad.org/1265592

ה"ב P a g e | 3

"?What subject are you dealing with" : אמרו ליה :they replied בתפלה Prayer אמר להו: he said to them כך אמר אבא :So said my Father המתפלל"

...One who Prays" צריך שיתן עיניו למטה ולבו למעלה" ...directs his eyes downward ...and his heart heavenward."


1. on meaning of words 2. Envision G-d standing before us 3. Dismiss distracting thoughts 4. Reflect on G-d's greatness in comp arison to a mortal king

Proverbs Chapter 27:21 The refining pot is for silver מַצְרֵף לַכֶּסֶף and the furnace for gold וְכוּר לַזָּהָ ב Does prayer do for Man וְאִישׁ , לְפִי מַהֲלָלוֹ

Ethics of Our Fathers 2:13

When you pray כשאתה מתפלל do not do so by rote אל תעש תפילתך קבע but rather as supplication before G -d אלא תחנונ ים לפני המקום

Babylonian Talmud Brachot 28b

One who prays by rote העושה תפלתו קבע his are not genuine supplication אין תפלתו תחנונים

RECAP 1. If we waited to pray with c omplete kavanah, prayer would be lost altogether 2. Prayer is the primary expression of connection with G -D 3. Better to compromise on quality than to not pray at all

The Jew and Prayer - Lesson Three: Kavanah – Mindfulness in Prayer www.chabad.org/1265592