Volume 147, Issue 11 (The Sentinel, 1911
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June 12, 1947 25 WORDS AND MUSIC kovsky, too, found pleasure in this form; (Continued from Page 21) of the Serenade in C-Major he said, * * * This is a symphonic suite adapted by the distinguished composer and critic BLITZSTEIN SYMPHONY: THE from the score of the motion picture AIRBORNE. New York City Sym- that was produced by Pare Lorentz. phony Orchestra, Leonard Bernstein, The scope of the music is suggested by conductor. RCA-Victor Chorale, Rob- its sub-titles - "Drought," "Desola- ert Shaw, narrator and Choral director; tion," "Blues," and "Cattle." Its story Charles Holland, tenor; Walter Scheff, depicts the tragic evolution of the great baritone; Leonard Bernstein at the American plains from grasslands to piano. RCA-Victor Album M or DM- wheatfields to drought and dust-bowl. 1117. Seven 12-inch records. $7.85. It has been said frequently that the Commissioned by the United States measure of a nation's maturity is the Army Eighth Air Force (to whom it extent to which its customs and tradi- is dedicated) in England, and composed tions find expression in the art of the in London during 1943-44, the "Air- people. In this country the past decade borne Symphony" is really a symphonic has witnessed an increasing amount of work dealing with the history of human Americana rep'resented in music, and flight. It is composed of 12 more or "The Plow That Broke the Plains" is less independent sections, and is scored one of the most significant contribu- for a narrator (referred to in the work tions to date. as "Monitor"), soloists, male chorus and a large orchestra, as well as a wind machine used to heighten the dramatic MOZART: QUARTET No. 2 in E- effects. Flat Major for Piano and Strings (K. The various sections of the "Air- 493). George Dzell, piano, with mem- borne," in the order played, are: bers of the Budapest String Quartet. "Theory of Flight," "Ballad of History Columbia Album M-MM-669. Three and Mythology," "Kittyhawk," "The 12-inch records. $4. Airborne," "The Enemy," "Threat and The Budapest Quartet ( which re- Approach," "Ballad of the Cities," cently won the award for making the "Morning Poem," "Ballad of Hurry best chamber music album of 1946- Up," "Night Music," Ballad of the its Columbia recording of the Haydn Bombardier," and finally "Open Sky." For Your Protection Insist on Quaretet No. 30 in G-Major - ) now Collaborating in an interpretation that presents another potential prize-winner. captures provocatively all the dramatic George Szell, abandoning the conduc- impact of a brilliant score, Leonard THE "BEST" GOV'T INSPECTED tor's podium for the piano bench, makes Bernstein, as conductor, and Robert STRICTLY KOSHER FOODS his record debut as a pianist with the Shaw, as monitor and director of the members of the Budapest ensemble. This CORNED BEEF RCA-Victor Chorale, give the "Air- PASTROMA quartet, which pioneers in treating the borne Symphony" a fine performance. piano as one of the four instruments PEPPERED MEAT of a chamber music ensemble, was ROLLED BEEF BACH: BRANDENBURG CON- composed under difficult conditions SALAMI CERTOS No. 2 in F and No. 5 in D. which would have driven lesser men BOLOGNA Boston Symphony Orchestra. Serge to near-insanity. But Mozart was able WIEN Er, Koussevitzky, conductor. RCA-Victor to lose himself in his music, produc- Album M or DM-1118. Four 12-inch ing works that reflect none of his records. $4.85. worldly trials with landlords, creditors . The recording employs an orchestra and critics. The E-Flat Major opus to a with a complement of instruments ap- BE ASSURED OF MEAT AT bright-hued and sprightly composition proximating the size of the orchestra which makes tremendously exacting REASONABLE PRICES used in Bach's time. The Second Brand- demands on the virtuosity of the pianist. enburg Concerto is especially note- Only Kosher Factory on the West Side I yl i Szell meets these demands with a glow- worthy because it features an unusually With United States Gov't. Inspection. " ing performance. small D Flat brass trumpet nine inches Best: Kosher Provision Co. long and weighing 20 pounds. Popular 3527 W. ROOSEVELT RD. L-A FOR THE YOUNGSTERS in Bach's day but virtually extinct to- Columbia contributes to the pleasure day, the trumpet is owned by Roger of the young set this week with two Voisin of the Boston Symphony, who enchanting children's albums. In J-MJ- renders the concertino part. For those 36 (two 10-inch records, $1.45),"''Gold- who like the music of Bach played as locks and the Three Bears"' is narrated it should be, Dr. Koussevitzky and NEW LAWRENCE HOTEL by David Allen with an individual per- the orchestra provide superb musical Catering to- sonality and distinct vdice for each of fare. Eloquent solo obbligatos are per- WEDDINGS MEETINGS the Thre.,Bears,-as wl1 :is for that formed by Richard Burgin, violin; famous porridge-eater,. Miss Goldilocks, George Laurent, flute; and Fernand BANQUETS PARTIES Allen also tells in another album J-MJ- Gillet, oboe. Lukas Foss plays an ad- Jake Michigan's Beautiful Panorama 37; two 10-inch records. $1.45) of "The mirable continuo. from Our Roof Garden Banquet Hall Gingerbread Boy" and his perilous ad- * * * Serving the Finest in Food ventures among ginger-bread-eating RAVEL: TROIS CHANTS HEB- olk. Both stories have been adapted RAIQUES and CHANSONS MADE- 1020 LAWRENCE AVE. LON 2100.. wit,'humor and taste by Nancy Soko- CASSES. Madeleine Grey, soprano. Vox 1off; and Curtiss Biever has contribut- Album 186. Three 10-inch records. ed diverting and original backgrounds. $3.93. * * * Mme. Grey reveals a hauntingly TCHAIKOVSKY: SERENADE INT beautiful voice in her rendition of Ra- C MINOR FOR STRING ORCHES- vel's arrangement of the ''Kaddish," TRA, Opus 48. The Philadelphia Or- "Merjerjke" ("Meirke Mein Sun"), chestra with Eugene Ormandy. Colum- "L'Enigme .Eternelle"' ("Fregt 'DiWelt bia Album 1VM-MM-677. Three 12-inch an Alta Kashe") and three songs from records. 04. Madagascar. Unfortunately, however, The Serenade was a favorite form these re-recordings from French Poly- of Mozart, who enjoyed the opportun- dor matrices ' contain an annoying ity it affords for ,melodious expression amount of surface noise which distorts ItL .-Ji aid' short, varied movements. Tchai- the renditions..