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Stafforl>SHIRE 3!J6 STOKE-UPON -TRENT. STAFFORl>SHIRE. (KELLY'S Piercy Mrs. W. E. 8 The Villas, Lon­ Sharpley Edward Burgess,Fjaerlands, 'Thompson Thomas, 42 Prince& road, don road Trent vale Hartshill Podmore Erne,st, 73 Princes road, Sheen William, Baden villa, Etruria Thomson George Felix, Egerton Hartshill road, Basford house, Hartshill road Pointon J osiah, 1 Lord street, Basford Shegog Thomas, 11 Temple st. Basford Till Fdk. Geo. 104 Princes st.Hartshill Poole Joseph, 12 Barn field, Penkhull *Sheldon Frank S. Springfield house, Townsend George, 326 Princes road, Pope Philip Hy. 42 Bedford st.Basford Springfield Penkhull Powell Edwin Bamilton, 118 Prince• Sherratt Frank, 6 Penkhull terrace, Treglown Geo.g8 Princes rd.Hamhill road, Hartshill Penkhull Trim Thomas, 5 Winton square Powell Henry Penk, Handford cot· Sherrett William, I Boothenwood tE>r Tuhten F. 5 Brook street tage, Trent vale Sherwin Herbt.Edwd.g Lord st.Basfrd Turner George Alexander, Laburnum Pratt Arthur J. Felix, Kensington Sherwin James, Parksyde, Basford villa, Regent street villa, J ames street Shingler Philip, 34 James street Wadswort.h John W. Coatesleigh, Pratt James, The Lodge, Trent vale Shirley Mrs. H. B. Ooatbridge villa, Bromley Hough, Penkhull Pratt James Richard J.P. Oak hill BasfDrd Walker Chas.Edwd. The .Avenue,Basfrd Pratt SI. J. Grosvenor vil. Regent st Shore .Arthur, 5 Bank ter. Basford Wall Capt. Michael R . .A. Deanhurst, Price Leonard, FrPderick street Sirett Fred, .Arnside, Mount avenue, Queen's road, Hartshill Prince William, 7 Brook street Penkhull 1 Wallace James, Leadbeater avenue Redfern Dominic Charle8, Trentham Sissons Frank Pugh, Wensum, Trent- Walley .Albert, Cullen ho. Regent st road, Penkhull ham road, Penkhull Walley Mrs. Cleveland, James street Reeve Waiter, Woodlands, Oak hill Slater Wm. Hy. Ivy vil. Regent street Warburton William, sen. 22 Barn Reeves Miss, 20 Penkhull ter.Penkhull Small Thomas, 41 Hill street field, Penkhull Rhead Bertram, Trentham road, Smith .Alfd.Harvey,16Lord st.Basford Warham Arthur, Kelmscott, Kmgs- Penkhull Smith Arthur, 4 Chamberlain avenuE' field oval, Basford Rhodes Thos. Basil,The Knoll,Basford Smith Lister Stephen, 17 Penkhull Watkins Thoma.s, 7 Harding terrace Ridgway Geo. Trentham rd.Penkhull terrace, Penkhull Watkiss William Jesse, 3 Winton sq Ridgway Joseph, Ness diff, Queen's Smith Mrs. 21 Winton terrace Wayte SI. B. 71 Princes rd. Hartshill road, Hartshill Smith Thomas, III Hartshill road Wedgwood F.dward Alfred, 14 Glad- Righton Sidney, 125 Hartshill road Smith Thomas, 90 Penkhnll ~ew rd stone street, Battford Riley John, 36 Princes rd. Hartshill Penkhull Wells Rev. Ernest (curat-e of parish Rivers Leonard, 110 Princes roarl, Smith William Winson, 136 Princes church), 37 Hill street Harts hill road, Hartshill Whitaker William P. 2 The Views, Roberts Cyrus Brythan, 5 Gladstone Solon Gilbert,r3 The Villas,Lond<ln rd Penkhull New road, Penkhull street, Basford Solon Louis Mark Emanuel, 1 The White George James, New lodge, Robertson John, 6 Chamberlain aven Villas, London road Trentham road, Oakhill Robinson Charles Frederick, 2~ The South well Charles E. 15 Hill st rE'" I White Stanley, 700 Oak hill ~ Villas, London road Speakman Thomas A. 65 Hartshill rd Wildin Hor-,JCe Joseph, Hawthurne Robinson Fdk. Clarence vil. Regent st Speed Mrs. 40 Princes rd. Hartshill Bank, Jame~ street Robinson Harold, .Ashfields, Queen's Stake Thos. Trentham rd. Penkhull Williams Frederick R. Ferndale, road, Penkhull Steele Eli, Quarry avenue, Hartshill Queen's road, Hartshill Robinson Herbert Minton, Beechfield. Steele Jn. P. Trentham rd. Penkhull Williamson Robert P. G., M.A.. The Queen's road, Penkhull Stephens Charles, 14 Penlihull ter- A venue, Basford Robinson James A. The Quarry, race, Penkhull Winkle .Arthur, The Cedars, Quarry Hartshill road *Stephens Miss, Green bank,Springfld avenue, Hartshill Robinson Mrs. 73 Hartshill road Stevens Geo. 112 Princes rd Hartshill Winkle James, 6 Queen's rd.Penkhul1 Rock .Andrew Frederick, Denholmt> Stacker .Alexander D. Stanley, The Winkle Mrs. 17 Temple st. Basford villas, Queen's road, Hartshili Gables, Basford Wood .Arth. 140 Princes rd. Hartshill Rock Harry, 46 J ames street Stringer Frerlk.3The Yillas,London rei Wood Francis J. Highbank villas, Rogers Rev. Ernest H. (vicar of St. Stringer Miss,24 The Villas,London rd Regent street John's), Vicarage, Trent vale Stuart Rev. Preb. Henry Venn M.A. Woodcock Wilfred, 12 Penkhull ter- Rogers Mrs. 22 Penkhull ter.Penkhull (& rural dean), The Rectory,Butler st race, Penkhull Rowley Thomas, Fernhurst, Mount Stuart Mrs. Hackworth, II Queen's Wooldridge Fredk. Highlanrl,James ~t avenue, Penkhull road, Hartshill Woolley .Albt. go Princes rd.Hartshill Sandbach Jn.23Penkhnll ter.Penkhnll Stuart Mrs. Herga ho. Hartshill rd Woolley Geo. Fern Lea vil. James st Sawyer Henry Charles, 124 Princes Sunderland John Thomas,53 James st Worton Samuel, The Avenue, Basford road, Hartshill Swinnerton Bertram John, 15 Lord Wright .Albert Henry, 26 Penkhull Sayer James, Hill crest, James street street, Basford terrace, Penkbull Scott Rev. Inglis Charles Reymond Swinnerton John, 11 Lord st. Basford Wright Stephen Christopher,2 Templl~ M ..A. (vicar of St. Thomas'), Penk­ Tatler Wm.Jn. 34 Barn field,Penkhull ~trPPt, Ba~fnrd hull vicarage Taylor John, 4 Bedford street, Basforrl Yale Percy, 736 Oak hill Seabridge J osiah, Prospect villa, TaylDr Louis George, 348 Princes rd. Young IsaacWm.26Gladstone !lt.Bsfrd Queen's road, Hartshill Penkhull Young- James, Oatlands, Basford Sefton William Horner, Ingleside, Taylor Mrs. 77 Princes rd. Hartshill Yoxall Mrs. West End villa, Glad- Mount avenue, Penkhull Teeton William, Hillside, James street 1 stone place COMMERCIAL. A.lexander James, fried fish shop, 107 Liverpool road Marked thus • rec•:dve their let.ters thro' gh Newcastle. Alexander Rubt. travelling draper, 40 Bedford st. Basford Allbutt John Thomas,insuran~e agent,go Shelton New Id Early closing day, Thursday, 2 p.m. Allcock George, butcher, 426 Hartshill road Abberley Thomas Davall, boot maker, 19 Liverpool road Allcock William, butcher, 21 West street, Penkhnll Abbott F. & Co. plumbers, 29 Bedford street, Basford Allen John, bPer & wine retailer, 38 Glebe street .Abbott Ernest, boot maker, 410 & 422 Hartshill road Alien J oseph, coal dealer, 5 Argyle street, Penkhull Adams Boyce & Co. Limited, grocers, 241 London road Al'ison William Billyard, chemist, r Liverpool road .Adams John Brittain, architect, see Watkin & .Adams Allman Henry, butcher, 12 Liverpool road .A..dams Samuel, fried fish dealer, 16 Birks street Allman HPrbert, butch~>r, II2 Campbell road Adams Waiter, grocer, 2 Fletche.r road .!llsopp Samuel & Sons Limited, brewers (& lager beer) Adams William, school attendance officeT, 38Gladstone (Frank F. Gay, manager), 55 Wharf street street, Basford American Consulate (Robert S. S. Bergh, consular Addison John F. chief inspector of canal boats & com­ agent), Wolfe street. T N IOC>I mon lodging houses for the county borough of Amies Limited, boot makers, 9 Liverpool road Stoke-on-Trent, St. Peter's chambers, Glebe street Amo.i John Vincent, herbalist, 113 Liverpool road Aidney Thos. & Co. colour manufrs. West aven. Hartshill A.nclerson Thomas Brighten, M.B., C.M. mrgeon, 21 .Ainsworth .Albert, boot maker, 194 London road C'opPlanri street Ainsworth J. W. S. printer, see Hill & Ainsworth ! nrlerton Co. Limited (The), canr~l carriers, Wharf street Albion Clav Co. Limited, stoneware manufacturers & Stoke ha;;in (Daniel Tilstone, agent), Lonsdale street Anvon Sn!"an (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 10 Maclagan street Alcock Frederick W. insur. agent, 7 Clarence st. Basford Arkinstall & Sons, parian manufacturprs, Wolfe strt>et Alcock John, commercial traveller, 23 Woodhouse stnet Arm~trong William, herbalist, 85 Liverpool road Alcock Lucy (Miss), dress maker, 12 Bedford pl. Basford A rnold George, ~hop keeper, 13 Wharf !treet Alcock Thomas, fishmonger, 89 Liverpool road Arrowsmith Samu!'l, shopkeeper, 21 Shelton New road Alexander David Stuart, manager of Manchester & Liver- A'lh FredPrick William, solicitor, ·:n Glebe street pool Di,trict Bank Limited, London road Ashton Henry, watch maker, 7 High street .
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