RAIN OR SHINE from Across the State in and Free for Kids 4 and an Effort to Bring Helping Under
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TimesHOLMES COUNTY dvertiser Happy Mother’s Day! Wednesday,A MAY 7, 2014 www.bonifaynow.com Volume 124, Number 4 50¢ For the latest breaking news, visit BONIFAYNOW.COM Rain causes concern for Board By CECILIA SPEARS Board of County Commissioners were going to handle their situation reimbursement and informed the IN BRIEF 547-9414 | @WCN_HCT met that evening at their usual loca- the best way possible and we’re hav- Board that requests for water pumps [email protected] tion in Bonifay to discuss emergency ing to the same thing.” to remove excess water to allow ac- HCHS spring provisions for residents after the During the regular scheduled cess to a resident or more would musical planned BONIFAY — Holmes County heavy rains that occurred within the meeting of the Holmes County occur. Board of County Commissioners past couple of days. Board of County Commissioners the “We were well prepared with BONIFAY — The approved of a resolution to declare “Washington County met early night before, the Board approved of sandbags fi lled beforehand and Holmes County Holmes County in a State of Emer- today for similar reasons,” said a resolution declaring Holmes Coun- barricades bought earlier, which in- High School Drama gency during their regular meeting Washington and Holmes County At- ty in a local state of emergency “just creased our reaction time by having Department will Tuesday, April 29, “just for what po- torney Jeff Goodman. “They had to in case anything happens because of the supplies already on hand,” Staf- present the musical tentially may happen” due to the re- address the closure of over 30 county the weather.” ford said. cent abundance of rain. roads due to the recent rains and Holmes County Emergency Discussion was also made with “Cats” at 7 p.m. in The next day, the Washington Emergency Management had to see Operations Center Director Wan- Lt. John Tate on behalf of the Hol- the HCHS Auditorium County Board of County Commis- about acquiring pumps to help pump da Stafford explained there was mes County Sheriff’s Offi ce to in- May 8-10, May 12 sioners met that morning at Wausau out water. They came together in a a process of documentation to and May 15. Town Hall and the Holmes County special meeting to discuss how they go along with repairing roads for See BOARD A2 Childbirth Education Classes The Florida Locals Department of Health in Holmes County will be offering free Childbirth join storm Education Classes from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., relief Thursday, May 8, Thursday, May 15 and Thursday, May 22 at efforts the Healthy Start Annex, 402 N. Oklahoma Street in Bonifay. For By CAROL KENT more information call 638-0212 | WCN_HCT 547-8684 ext. 16 or [email protected] 18. CHIPLEY — The West Florida Baptist Asso- A Very Disney ciation is rolling up its sleeves and joining the Variety effort to bring relief to the storm ravaged Pensacola BONIFAY – The area through coordination Bonifay Middle School with the Southern Baptist Theatre Department Convention. In addition to announces its spring hundreds being displaced show “A Very Disney by flooding, the storm Variety,” to be PHOTO BY CECILIA SPEARS | The Times-Advertiser caused one death the larg- presented at 6 p.m., est amount of rainfall in a Dozens gathered in the rain on the steps of the Holmes County Courthouse for Holmes Thursday, May 22 single calendar day since County’s 6th annual National Day of Prayer. and Friday, May 23 in officials started tracking the HCHS auditorium. precipitation in 1880, ac- Tickets are available at cording to the National Weather Service. Bonifay Middle School Director of Missions two weeks prior to the Forrest Smith and local show. Cost is $5 for teams are joining others adults, $3 for students, RAIN OR SHINE from across the state in and free for kids 4 and an effort to bring helping under. A For more hands and reestablish information, contact Jill Holmes County gathers for hope to residents of the Cook at 547-2754 or area - but they could use [email protected]. more volunteers. “Disaster relief is part Annual National Day of Prayer of the Convention’s minis- try,” said Smith. “It’s ran completely on a volunteer INDEX By CECILIA SPEARS basis, but they have one of Opinion ................................A4 547-9414 | @WCN_HCT “It is important that we come the largest disaster relief Outdoors ..............................A9 [email protected] units in the country.” Sports ................................A10 together as one mind and as one Sometimes, the hard- BONIFAY — Even as the est part for storm victims is Extra ....................................B1 rain came pouring down doz- voice that we may glorify God and knowing where to start, said Faith ....................................B4 ens gathered with umbrellas in Smith. Obituaries ............................B5 hand for Holmes County’s 6th Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” “When you’re standing Classifi eds .........................B7-8 annual and the nation’s 62nd there in the midst of devas- annual Day of Prayer on the tation, it’s good to have both steps of the Holmes County Tim Hall a helping hand and listening Courthouse on May 1. ear,” said Smith. “Our teams The event was coordinated Court to pray for the state lead- come together as one mind help with things like debris by the Holmes Baptist Associa- ers, Matthew Rich from Bethle- and as one voice that we may removal and mudouts (re- tion, and guest speakers includ- hem United Methodist Church glorify God and Father of our moving everything from the ed Tim Hall from Gully Springs Phone: 850-547-9414 to pray for the nation’s leaders, Lord Jesus Christ, which is the home from the fl ooding level to welcome, Buddy Pennington Owen Powell County Judge to reason why we gather today as Website: bonifaynow.com down), but we’re also there from Little Rock Assembly of pray for the military and fi rst individuals in the community, to listen.” Fax: 850-547-9418 God to pray for local leaders, responders and Barret Lampp leaders leading us in prayer,” Smith says the relief ef- Shirley Owens from the Hol- from the Holmes Baptist Asso- Hall said. “It is important that fort is also an opportunity to mes County District School ciation to pray for families and we pray for our leaders, our minister to those who may Board to pray for the school churches. nation and unifi ed as a commu- have given up hope. system, Kyle Hudson Clerk of “It is important that we nity of believers.” “A lot of times, people See RELIEF A2 Happy TreaT mom special! From the Associates of Store 2114 Mother’s Day Chipley • 638-2243 5019295 A2 | Holmes County Times-Advertiser Local Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Governor requests major disaster declaration Special to The Times-Advertiser ter.org/recovery for details about the damage assessment process and types of assistance that may be available. TALLAHASSEE — Governor Rick Preliminary Damage Assessments Scott requested federal assistance for are initiated by county emergency Florida communities Monday to as- management agencies. Individu- sist in recovery from the recent severe weather and flooding event. Governor als who have experienced disaster- Scott also requested a Major Disas- related damage to homes or busi- ter Declaration for Individual Assis- nesses should call their local county tance for Escambia and Santa Rosa Emergency Management Office to Counties. receive disaster-related information “After a disaster, our goal is to work and to document their damages with as quickly as possible to help commu- officials. nities recover and rebuild,” said State From April 28 through May 2, a severe PHOTO BY CECILIA SPEARS | The Times-Advertiser Coordinating Officer Bryan W. Koon. weather system brought torrential rains Kathy Rudd, representative from the Woodmen of the World, presented Holmes “While no entity can fully erase the im- to the Northern Florida Gulf Coast. Gov- County IFAS Director Shep Eubanks with a Woodmen of the World flag to be pacts of this disaster, federal assistance ernor Scott signed Executive Order 14- added to the flags in the Holmes County Agricultural Center. will go a long way to help those commu- 144, declaring a State of Emergency for nities return a sense of normalcy. 26 Florida Counties on April 30. Two If a declaration is received, then In- Florida rivers, the Santa Fe and Choc- dividual Assistance will be available to tawhatchee, reached major flood stage, BOARD from page A1 individuals in those qualifying counties. while three additional rivers reached Governor Scott’s initial request is based moderate flood stage and 14 reached crease patrols to catch Additional items at the l Approved of EMS ra- on Preliminary Damage Assessments, minor flood stage. residents on four-wheelers, April 29 meeting included dio purchases. and may be amended to include addi- The Atlantic Hurricane Season runs ATVs and large trucks who the following: l Approved of address- tional counties as Preliminary Damage from June 1 – Nov. 30. For the latest in- are out on the muddy roads Approved were Consent ing North State Street Assessments are finalized. formation on the 2014 Hurricane Season and “destroying them (with Items: Minutes of April 8 drainage issue at the State officials, in partnership with the and to Get A Plan!, visit www.FloridaDi- their) reckless and thought- workshop and regular meet- amount of $2,500. Federal Emergency Management Agen- saster.org, follow FDEM on social media less behavior” by doing ing; FAC Annual Conference; l Approved of Court- cy and local county emergency manage- on Twitter at @FLSERT, Instagram @ what is commonly known as PRM Annual Conference; house Maintenance Position.