Thursday, August 1, 2019 SOUTH TIPP TODAY 1 THURSDAY,AUGUST1,2019 Vol24Issue 16 Queen Street, Clonmel Tel 052 617 2500 email:
[email protected] [email protected] ‘Significantdevelopment’ to transform Carrick-on-Suir BY DYLAN WHITE CastleStreetscheme is part peninginthetown,”MrNolan Having planningpermission e-mail:
[email protected] Twitter: TipperaryLive of an “overall package” aimed highlighted. means we areready to go at enhancing thetown, which “One of theconditions for when moneybecomes avail- included theupgrade of Or- putting forwardaproposal is able and it puts us in avery Planning permission has mondCastleand theprevi- that it must have planning strong position,”MrNolan been grantedfor a“signi- ously secured planning permission. If funding is se- added. permissionforworksonSean cured, it will be putout to ficantdevelopment” in Car- Kelly Square. tender and implemented. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 g rick-on-Suir. “Ormond Castle is a Worksare in thepipeline for tourism productfor thetown theCastle Streetareaofthe and theCastle Streetscheme town, whichare part of the will linkthe towncentrewith Ormond Castle Quarter it. The Sean Kelly Squarepro- PublicRealm Plan and the ject will give alift to what is overall Carrick-on-Suir thebusiest part of thetown Town DevelopmentPlan. commercially, making it a “The aim of thescheme is morepleasantenvironment to improve thequalityofthe than it already is. The re- streetsand makethem more pavingoftheN24throughthe pleasant forbusinesses, res- townwill be coming to plan- idents and visitors,”Carrick- ningsoonandwe hopeto pro- on-Suir Municipal District's ceedwiththatnextyear, and administratorMartin Nolan we arelookingatrepavingthe told councillors at its rest of New Street,”MrNolan monthly meetingonFriday said. afternoon. Afunding proposal forap- “The road surface and proximately€2millionwillbe footpathswillbeimproved, submittedtothe RuralRe- and it will tackle long- generationand Development standing trafficissues,”he Fund by August 7, aftercoun- continued.