Parliament of India Rajya Sabha

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Parliament of India Rajya Sabha PARLIAMENT OF INDIA RAJYA SABHA 49 DEPARTMENT-RELATED PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE FORTY-NINTH REPORT ON ACTION TAKEN BY GOVERNMENT ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS / OBSERVATIONS CONTAINED IN THE FORTY-SECOND REPORT ON DEMANDS FOR GRANTS 2010-2011 OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AIDS CONTROL (MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE) (PRESENTED TO THE RAJYA SABHA ON 4TH MARCH, 2011) (LAID ON THE TABLE OF LOK SABHA ON 4TH MARCH, 2011) RAJYA SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI MARCH, 2011/PHALGUNA, 1932 (SAKA) PARLIAMENT OF INDIA RAJYA SABHA DEPARTMENT-RELATED PARLIAMENTARY STANDING COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE FORTY-NINTH REPORT ON ACTION TAKEN BY GOVERNMENT ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS / OBSERVATIONS CONTAINED IN THE FORTY-SECOND REPORT ON DEMANDS FOR GRANTS 2010-2011 OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AIDS CONTROL (PRESENTED TO THE RAJYA SABHA ON 4TH MARCH, 2011) (LAID ON THE TABLE OF LOK SABHA ON 4TH MARCH, 2011) RAJYA SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI MARCH, 2011/PHALGUNA, 1932 (SAKA) C O N T E N T S PAGES 1. Composition of the Committee (i) 2. Preface (ii) 3. Report 1-36 CHAPTER I Recommendations/Observations in respect of which replies of the Government have been accepted by the Committee-------------- 2-7 CHAPTER II Recommendations/Observations which the Committee does not desire to pursue in view of the Government’s replies -8-18 CHAPTER III Recommendations/Observations in respect of which replies of the Government have not been accepted by the Committee--19-35 CHAPTER IV Recommendations/Observations in respect of which final replies of the Government are still awaited-------------------------- 36 4. Recommendations/ Observations at a glance---------------------------------------------37-42 5. Minutes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------43-44 6. Annexures-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45-52 COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE (2010-2011) RAJYA SABHA 1. Shri Brajesh Pathak - Chairman 2. Shri Janardan Dwivedi 3. Shrimati Viplove Thakur 4. Dr. Vijaylaxmi Sadho 5. Shri Balbir Punj 6. Dr. Prabhakar Kore 7. Shrimati Brinda Karat 8. Shrimati Vasanthi Stanley 9. Shri Rasheed Masood *10. Shrimati B. Jayashree LOK SABHA 11. Shri Ashok Argal 12. Shrimati Sarika Devendra Baghel Singh 13. Shri Vijay Bahuguna 14. Shrimati Tabassum Hasan 15. Dr. Sanjay Jaiswal 16. Shri S. R. Jeyadurai 17. Dr. Kruparani Killi 18. Shri Nimmala Kristappa 19. Dr. Tarun Mandal 20. Shri Datta Meghe 21. Dr. Jyoti Mirdha 22. Dr. Chinta Mohan 23. Shrimati Jayshreeben Patel 24. Shri R.K. Singh Patel 25. Shri M. K Raghavan 26. Shri J. M. Aaron Rashid 27. Dr. Anup Kumar Saha 28. Dr. Arvind Kumar Sharma 29. Shrimati Meena Singh 30. Shri Pradeep Kumar Singh 31. Shri Ratan Singh SECRETARIAT Shrimati Vandana Garg, Additional Secretary Shri R.B.Gupta, Director Shrimati Arpana Mendiratta, Joint Director Shri Dinesh Singh, Assistant Director Shri Satis Mesra Committee Officer _____________________________________________________________________________________ * nominated to the Committee w.e.f 21/9/2010 (i) PREFACE I, the Chairman of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare, having been authorized by the Committee to present the Report on its behalf, hereby present this Forty-ninth Report of the Committee on Action Taken by Government on the Recommendations contained in the Forty-second Report on Demands for Grants of the Department of AIDS Control, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for the year 2010-2011. 2. The Forty-second Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare was presented to Rajya Sabha and laid on the Table of Lok Sabha on 28th April, 2010. Replies of the Government on the recommendations contained in the Report, received from the Department of AIDS Control were considered by the Committee at its meeting held on the 10th December, 2010. 3. The Committee considered the draft Report and adopted the same at its meeting held on the 10th December, 2010. NEW DELHI BRAJESH PATHAK Chairman, 10th December, 2010 Department-related Parliamentary Agrahayana 19, 1932 (Saka) Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare (ii) REPORT The Report of the Committee deals with the Action Taken by the Government on the recommendations contained in its Forty-second Report on Demands for Grants of the Department of AIDS Control for the year 2010-11. 2. Action Taken Notes have been received from the Government in respect of the recommendations contained in the Report. They have been categorized as follows: (i) Recommendations/Observations in respect of which replies of the Government have been accepted by the Government 5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 10.3, 12.5, 12.6, 13.1, 13.2 Total–8 (Chapter I) (ii) (ii) Recommendations/Observations which the Committee does not desire to pursue in view of the Government’s replies: 2.1, 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 6.3, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8 Total –10 (Chapter II) (iii) Recommendations/Observations in respect of which replies of the Government have not been accepted by the Committee: Total – 2.4, 3.2, 3.5, 4.2, 5.3, 5.7, 8.3, 9.2, 12.3, 12.4 Total -10 (Chapter III) (iv) Recommendations/observations in respect of which final replies of the Government are still awaited: - Nil (Chapter- IV) CHAPTER-I RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS IN RESPECT OF WHICH REPLIES OF THE GOVERNMENT HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED BY THE COMMITTEE V. SETTING UP OF NEW DISTRICT LEVEL BLOOD BANKS. Recommendations/Observations 5.4 The Committee also recommends to the Department to take special notice of the underserved districts of Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand. The Committee also hopes that the Department would keep on assessing the requirements of Blood Banks based on actual needs in various states due to migration and other issues. Action Taken It is submitted that the underserved districts of Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand will be under continuous monitoring to assess the requirement of blood banks based on actual needs in these States. VI. INTEGRATED COUNSELING AND TESTING CENTRES (ICTC). Recommendations/Observations 6.4 This needs focused attention of the Department, since the Department has itself informed the occurrence of rising trends of HIV prevalence among pregnant women in the low prevalence/ vulnerable states of North India. The Committee is of the opinion that the Department can hope for achieving the set targets by proper planning and execution. It needs to strengthen its network of ICTCs and focus on strong Information, Education and Communication activities in such States to motivate institutional deliveries. Action Taken Network of ICTCs and facility integrated counselling and testing services are being up-scaled in vulnerable areas of North India. A dedicated IEC plan for increasing public awareness will be implemented during the current financial year. VII PERSONS TO BE COUNSELED AND TESTED AT ICTC(Target of 220 lakh per year) Recommendations/Observations 7.4 The Committee is happy to note that the quality issues related to HIV test kits have been resolved. The Committee hopes that the Department would keep a close monitoring of the quality related aspects of the kits so that such problems do not recur. The Committee also appreciates that some concrete steps have been taken to solve the issues of shortage of lab technicians by way of revising the guidelines of NABL. The Committee hopes that with concerted efforts like these, the Department would see an increase in the achievement level. Action Taken Process for timely procurement and supply of HIV kits has been initiated for 2010-11. Stocks and usages of HIV kits will be closely monitored to ensure uninterrupted supply of test kits and medicines. X. ADOLESCENCE EDUCATION PROGRAMME (AED) Recommendations/Observations 10.3 The Committee is happy to note that the Department in collaboration with Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has been able to allay the apprehensions of many of the States w.r.t. implementation of the Programme. The Committee fully shares the concerns of the various state Governments regarding suitability of the contents of the Programme due to various demographic and cultural diversities that exist in the country. However, the Committee is of the opinion that the Programme, which aims at generating awareness amongst adolescents under its preventive strategy, is the need of the hour against this deadly disease. With changes in the study material and new modules already introduced under the revised AEP which takes care of the concerns of the States, the Committee hopes that the Department needs to make concerted efforts alongwith MHRD to bring the remaining States on board where the Programme is still under suspension. The Committee may be informed about the efforts made by the Department in this regard. Action Taken The suggestions made by the Committee have been taken into consideration. The State AIDS Control Societies of the States where Adolescence Education Program (AEP) is under suspension have been asked to take up the matter with the respective State Education Departments for resumption of the programme as per the revised material. The matter is being pursued. XII. NATIONAL PEDIATRIC INTIATIVE Recommendations/Observations 12.5 The Committee is very concerned for the welfare of the HIV patients and their dependents. On a specific query regarding any initiative taken by the Department to come up with a rehabilitation policy for AIDS affected patients and their dependents, especially those of the weaker sections, in consultation with other Ministries/agencies, the Committee is informed that there is no scheme to provide rehabilitation of AIDS affected patients under NACP-III. 12.6 The Committee does not find the Department’s response to be a healthy one. Even if there is no such scheme under NACP-III, the Department can take up the idea further with other Ministries like Social Justice and Empowerment, Finance etc. In the opinion of the Committee providing financial security to the patients and their dependents will be a boon in Department’s fight against the epidemic and help in containing it.
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    The Journal of Parliamentary Information VOLUMELVIII NO.2 JUNE2012 LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd. 24, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-2 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor : T.K.Viswanathan Secretary-General Lok Sabha AssociateEditors : P.K.Misra Joint Secretary Lok Sabha Secretariat Kalpana Sharma Director Lok Sabha Secretariat AssistantEditors : PulinB.Bhutia Additional Director Lok Sabha Secretariat Parama Chatterjee Joint Director Lok Sabha Secretariat Sanjeev Sachdeva Joint Director Lok Sabha Secretariat © Lok Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi THE JOURNAL OF PARLIAMENTARY INFORMATION VOLUMELVIII NO.2 JUNE2012 CONTENTS PAGE EDITORIAL NOTE 151 ADDRESSES Address by the President to the Parliament 12March2012 152 PARLIAMENTARY EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES ConferencesandSymposia 169 BirthAnniversariesofNationalLeaders 170 ExchangeofParliamentaryDelegations 171 BureauofParliamentaryStudies andTraining 173 PARLIAMENTARY AND CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS 176 SESSIONAL REVIEW LokSabha 188 StateLegislatures 208 RECENT LITERATURE OF PARLIAMENTARY INTEREST 213 APPENDICES I. Statement showing the work transacted during the TenthSessionoftheFifteenthLokSabha 219 II. Statement showing the work transacted during the 225th SessionoftheRajyaSabha 223 III. Statement showing the activities of the Legislatures of the States and Union Territories duringthe period1Januaryto31March 2012 224 IV. List of Bills passed by the Houses of Parliament and Assented to by the President during the period 1Januaryto31March2012 230 (iv) iv The Journal of Parliamentary Information V. List of Bills passed by the Legislatures of the States and the Union Territories during theperiod1Januaryto31March2012 231 VI. Ordinances promulgated by the Union and State Governments during the period 1Januaryto31March2012 240 VII. Party Position in the Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Legislatures oftheStatesandtheUnionTerritories 246 Jai Mata Di final EDITORIAL NOTE The Constitution of India provides for an Address by the President to either House of Parliament or both the Houses assembled together.
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