Islands of Barrow & Peninsula

Explore nature’s Amphitheatre... Declared Explore Walking 8 Best walking festivals in the bri tish isles Festival 2009 by times online

“Walk and be happy, walk and be healthy” - Charles Dickens

Feet First in Furness We will be there to welcome you whatever the Weekly Short Walks are: weather! Sensible clothing and footwear must be worn. Walks are led by experienced leaders. Participants are asked to pay 10.30am Monday particular care to hazards identified by leaders, e.g. traffic, shifting Meet Dalton Tudor Square sands etc. various routes around old Dalton Walks are promoted by Barrow Borough Council as part of the Islands of Barrow & Furness Peninsula Walking Festival, but walkers 10.30am Tuesday participate at their own risk. Children under 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Channelside or reservoir walk meet at ASDA If you wish to leave the walk, please tell the leader. 2nd July - 1st August 10.30am Wednesday Meet Walney Mill Lane shops A 5 week festival of walks against the stunning backdrop Coastal walk from of the Furness Peninsula and featuring the islands of 10.30am Thursday Barrow. Follow ancient trails, greenways and coastal Meet foyer at The Park Leisure Centre paths exploring the natural and built history of this Barrow Public Park Walk South Western corner of the Lake District and the For more information please visit our website: shores of Morecambe Bay 10.30am Friday Meet bus stops Victoria Rd Ulverston five easy Ulverston walks. Designed and Printed by Finger Prints 01229 432959 2015 Thursday 2nd July | 6.45 p m Saturday 11th July | 12 n o o n Sunday 19th July | 2.00 p m Sunset Walk Walk to Piel Dalton Cemetery Walk

Meet Richard Scott at Earnse Bay Car Park, for a walk From Snab Point , Walney Island Meet at the Queen’s Biggar Village With Rod White (New for 2015) An introduction to some of the around North Walney Nature Reserve (2 1/2 hours rough walking). (follow the little duck signs for Nature Reserve). A significant/interesting graves in Dalton Cemetery, including local guided walk across the sands from Walney Island to led dignitaries from Dalton and Barrow, local gentry, the builder of by John Murphy. Meet the King of Piel Island in the Ship Inn where many civic buildings in Dalton, victims of a train disaster, a ship- Saturday 4th July | 5.00 p m refreshments are available. wreck, mine accidents, and that of a hero of WW1 who died in an Evening Walk to Piel IRA ambush in 1921. Meet in the car park by the boarded-up South Chapel. Wear weather-proof clothing/boots if necessary. Not Sunday 12th July | 1.00 p m all the walk will be on the cemetery paths. Walkers are invited to From Snab Point, Walney Island – Meet at the Queens, Biggar Village Haematite Heritage Walk make a donation Proceeds to be split between SAFA (Self Harm (follow the little duck signs for South Walney Nature Reserve). A Awareness for All ) and the British Legion. guided walk across the sands from Walney Island to Piel Island led by John Murphy. Meet the King of Piel Island in the Ship Inn where Meet John Murphy at Lindal Candle factory (Wax Lyrical) for a stroll refreshments are available. to look at our haematite heritage. Up to the hamlet of Carkettle and Monday 20th July | 1.00 p m return via Marton.. About 3 miles circular. Wildlife Walk of South Walney Sunday 5th July | 2.00 p m WW1 Walk at Barrow Cemetery Wednesday 15th July | 6.00 p m Led by Matt Lipton from Cumbria Wildlife Trust on behalf of Morecambe Bay Partnership. Meet at South Walney Nature WW1 Walk at Barrow Cemetery Reserve. There will be an admission charge. No dogs are allowed Stories behind the Stones A 60-90 minute walk around Barrow on the reserve. Cemetery led by Rod White, looking at interesting graves and some Stories behind the Stones A 60-90 minute walk around Barrow of the stories about the people: a couple killed by a V1 one week after Cemetery led by Rod White, looking at interesting graves and some getting married; a survivor of the shipwreck that made Grace Darling of the stories about the people: a couple killed by a V1 one week after Thursday 23rd July | 6.45 p m famous; a music hall artiste; an Italian Countess; war victims; victims of getting married; a survivor of the shipwreck that made Grace Darling accidents. Parts of the Cemetery can be boggy: wear boots or stout famous; a music hall artiste; an Italian Countess; war victims; victims of North Walney Sunset Walk shoes. Meet at the entrance to the Cemetery on Devonshire Road accidents. Parts of the Cemetery can be boggy: wear boots or stout Walkers are invited to make a donation Proceeds to be split between shoes. Meet at the entrance to the Cemetery on Devonshire Road Meet Steve Benn at Earnse Bay Car Park, Walney Island for a walk SAFA (Self Harm Awareness for All Cumbria) and the British Legion. Walkers are invited to make a donation Proceeds to be split between around North Walney Nature Reserve (2 1/2 hours rough walking). SAFA (Self Harm Awareness for All Cumbria) and the British Legion. Wednesday 8th July | 2.00 p m Sunday 26th July | 12 n o o n Dalton Cemetery Walk Thursday 16th July | 6.45 p m Walk to Piel Island North Walney Sunset Walk With Rod White (New for 2015) An introduction to some of the From Snab Point, Walney Island Meet at the Queens, Biggar Village significant/interesting graves in Dalton Cemetery, including local (follow the little duck signs for South Walney Nature Reserve). A dignitaries from Dalton and Barrow, local gentry, the builder of many Meet Richard Scott at Earnse Bay Car Park, Walney Island for a walk guided walk across the sands from Walney Island to Piel Island led civic buildings in Dalton, victims of a train disaster, a ship-wreck, mine around North Walney Nature Reserve (2 1/2 hours rough walking). by John Murphy. Meet the King of Piel Island in the Ship Inn where accidents, and that of a hero of WW1 who died in an IRA ambush in refreshments are available. 1921.Meet in the car park by the boarded-up South Chapel. Wear Saturday 18th July | 1.00 p m weather-proof clothing/boots if necessary. Not all the walk will be on the cemetery paths. Walkers are invited to make a donation Fringe of Morecambe Bay Walk Thursday 30th July | 1.00 - 4.00 p m Proceeds to be split between SAFA (Self Harm Awareness for All Cumbria) and the British Legion. Meet John Murphy at the tarn at Leece Village at 1 pm. This amble will Wild on the Beach Event Sandscale Haws follow Sarah Beck down to the delightfully named hamlet of Peasholme. (Family Activities) We will be exploring the northern fringes of Morecambe Bay and Thursday 9th July | 10.10 a m returning through ancient woodland and footpaths (4 miles circular). A beachcombing walk followed by Creatures of the Estuary - pond Get on Track Walk from Barrow Station netting in the estuary at low tide.

Meet Richard Scott at Barrow Railway Station for a walk along Saturday 1st August | 3.00 p m Channelside. Walney and Widow’s Crossing Thursday 9th July | 6.45 p m Meet John Murphy at the for a stroll onto Walney Sunset Walk Island along Biggar Bank to Earnse Bay returning via and the Widow’s Crossing. National Trust Rangers from Sandscale Haws Meet Richard Scott at Earnse Bay Car Park, Walney Island for a walk Nature Reserve will be at the channel at 5pm to explore the channel around North Walney Nature Reserve (2 1/2 hours rough walking). and to show some of the marine creatures that make their home here.