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上海復星醫藥(集團)股份有限公司 Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd.* (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 02196)


This announcement is made by Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd.* (the “Company”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”).

References are made to the overseas regulatory announcements of the Company dated 15 March 2020 and 16 July 2020 (the “Announcements”) in relation to, among others, the entering in to the license agreement (the “License Agreement”) between Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Industrial Development Co., Ltd.* (上海復星醫藥產業發展有限公司) (“Fosun Pharmaceutical Industrial”) and BioNTech SE (“BioNTech”), pursuant to which BioNTech granted Fosun Pharmaceutical Industrial a license to exclusively develop and commercialize its vaccine products developed based on BioNTech’s proprietary mRNA technology platform targeting COVID-19 in Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region (the “Territory”). As at the date of this announcement, all 4 mRNA-based vaccine candidates, which evaluated and selected for clinical trials by BioNTech (the “COVID-19 Vaccine”), are in the scope of cooperation under the License Agreement.

The development and distribution of the mRNA-based vaccine in relation to COVID-19 outside the Territory will be jointly conducted by Inc. and BioNTech.

Recently, the Company noticed that there were media reports on the progress of clinical trials in relation to the mRNA-based vaccines (comprising 2 vaccine candidates, namely BNT162b1 and BNT162b2). With respect to the above reports, the Company has taken steps to investigate and hereby makes the following clarification:

1 As at the date of this announcement, the cooperation between Fosun Pharmaceutical Industrial and BioNTech on COVID-19 Vaccine has been advancing in an orderly manner in accordance with the terms of the License Agreement. As disclosed in the Announcements, the COVID-19 Vaccine candidate, namely BTN162b1, of Fosun Pharmaceutical Industrial, has received the approval for clinical trial by the National Medical Products Administration (the “NMPA”) in July 2020, and is at phase I clinical trial in the PRC (excluding Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region and Taiwan region, hereinafter the same). Currently, the subjects of phase I clinical trial have completed the inoculation process, and it is in the process of data statistical analysis.

As at the date of this announcement, the clinical trials for other COVID-19 Vaccine candidates (including BNT162b2) under the License Agreement have not yet been commenced in the Territory.

Further announcements will be made by the Company in respect of the research and development progress of the relevant COVID-19 Vaccine in the Territory as and when appropriate.

The Company wishes to remind shareholders and potential investors of the Company that, subject to the approval requirements for vaccines in the PRC, the drug regulatory process in the Territory (including but not limited to the NMPA), the research risk of clinical trial, the effectiveness of vaccine prevention and other factors including the development of the pandemic, the market environment and sales channels, there is no guarantee that the COVID-19 Vaccine will ultimately, and as to when, be developed or commercialised in the Territory successfully. Shareholders and potential investors of the Company should therefore exercise caution when dealing in the securities of the Company.

By order of the Board Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd.* Wu Yifang Chairman

Shanghai, the PRC 10 November 2020

As at the date of this announcement, the executive director of the Company is Mr. Wu Yifang; the non- executive directors of the Company are Mr. Chen Qiyu, Mr. Yao Fang, Mr. Xu Xiaoliang, Mr. Gong Ping, Mr. Pan Donghui and Mr. Zhang Houlin; and the independent non-executive directors of the Company are Mr. Jiang Xian, Dr. Wong Tin Yau Kelvin, Ms. Li Ling and Mr. Tang Guliang.

* for identification purposes only