Three New Species of the Stenamma (: Formicidae) from Himalaya and the Hengduan Mountains With a Revised Key to the Known Species of the Palaearctic and Oriental Regions by

1 2 2 Xia Lin ' & Zhcng~Hui Xu * ABSTRACT 1hrce new species of the ant genus Stenamrna Westwood collected in rhc: Himalaya and Hcngduan Mountains arc described, i.e., S. ailaoense sp. nov., S. wumengense sp. nov., and S. yaluzangbum sp. nov. A revised key to the 24 known species of Palaearctic and Oriental regions is provided. Key words: Hymenoptera, Formicidac, Stenarmna, , New spc· cics, China. INTRODUCTION 1he ant genus Stmarnrna Westwood, 1839 is widely distributed over the Holarctic, Oriental, Indo-Australian, and Ncotropical regions. Forty-fcllrr living species of the genus arc recorded in the world (Bolton 1995; DuBois 1998; Lyu et al. 2002). DuBois (1998) revised the Palaearctic and Oriental species ofthe genus. His detailed descriptions and measurements have provided complete data of species for the first time. From the records of geographi­ cal distribution, we notice that most species of the genus scatter in limited localities and possibly rare ones; only few species, e.g., S. stri11tulurn and S. debile, widely distribute and are obviously common ones. Our collections in the Mrs. Himalaya and Hengduan area have provided further records. From the detailed species descriptions ofDuBois ( 1998), we learn that the genus 5'tenarnnta is relatively conservative in morphological evolution. For example, the centrally notched clypcalmargin, the longitudinally striations on mandibles, the reticulatc-rugoscd sculpture of head and ali trunk, the basally

1Colkgc of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, E-mail: liuxia.ll28@; ·'Key Laboratory of Forest Disaster \Xf;m1ing and Control in Yunnan Province, College of Forestry, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming, Yunnan 650224, China) 'Correspondence author, Zhcng-Hui Xu, E-mail: [email protected] 734 Sociobiology Vol. 58, No. 3. 20 II carinated gaster, and the densely decumbent pubescence on scapes and tibi ae are all common characters existing in most species. In the revision of Stenamma, DuBois (1998) pays more attention to the body sculptures, basal gastral carinae, and measurement characters in his keys. As a result, we find it is difficult to read h is comprehensive key to species. Meanwhile, he possibly ignores other important characters such as the shape ofhead, length ofsca pes, comparative lengths ofp etiolar node and peduncle. Therefore, it seems necessary to produce a revised key to the known species of Palaearctic and Oriental regions based on the worker caste. The revised key is mainly based on the line-drawing figures ofDuBois ( 1998). After the revised key produced, we find that 4 species, i.e., S. msifanum, S. petiofatum, S. fippu­ fum, and S. sardoum, are repeated for two times in the key, the morphological difference between different figures of each species has obviously reached to species level. It seems necessary to re-observe specimens ofth e 4 species from diffe rent localities, and check up the illustrations of each species. Recently, Branstetter (2009) redefined Stenamma as a monophyletic genus based on molecular evidence. One species formerly described in Stenamma, S. orientale, lately being replaced as S. pingorum by DuBois (2000), was transferred to the newly erected genus Propodifobus by Branstetter. Two spe­ cies originally described in Stenamma, i.e., S. bhutanense and S. sinensis, are transferred to the genus Lordomyrma. After the transferring by Branstetter, only 2 1 Palaearctic and Oriental species are left in the genus Stenamma. In the ant species diversity investigations ofth e past 17 years, 3 new species ofthe genus Stenammawere collected by our team from the vast Mrs. Himalaya and Hengduan regions. The 3 new species are described in this paper. MATERIALS AND METHODS The worker castes ofth e new species were collected by the search-collecting method, sample-plot method, and the Sifter-Winkler method. Descriptions and measurements were made under a XTB-1 stereo microscope with a micrometer. Illustrations were made under a Motic-700Z stereo microscope with illustrative equipment. Standard measurements and indices are as defined in Bolton ( 1981) and DuBois (1998): T L-Total length: 1l1e total outstretched length of the ant from the man­ dibular apex to the gastral apex. Liu, X. &Z.-H. Xu- 'lhrec New Spcdcs ofStcJlillllll!it From !-\ind;t)'.t 3, 2011 HL-Head length: 'I11e length ofthe head capsule excluding the mandibles, ubesccncc on scapcs and tibiae measured in full face view in a straight line from the mid~point of the anterior ccies. clypeal margin to the mid-point of the occipital margin. 1n species where one t8) pays more attention to the or both of these margins is concave the measurement is taken fron1 the mid~ ;urcmcnt characters in his kcvs. point of a transverse line that spans the apices of the projecting portions. ::omprehensive key to .spcci~s­ HW-Head width: 'Il1e maximum width of the head in full face view, nt characters such as the shape :1fpetiolar node and peduncle. excluding the eyes. ;ed key to the known species of Cl -Cephalic index= HW x 100 I HL. SL-Scapelength: 'I11e maximum straight-line length of the scape, excluding vorkcr caste. 'The revised key is the basal constriction or neck that occurs just distal of the condylar bulb. 1Bois (1998). After the revised Lmum, S. petiolatum, S. lippu­ Sl -Scapc index= SLx 100 I HW. PW-Pronotal width: The maximum width of the pronotum in dorsal ' in the key, the morphological ccies has obviously reached to view. Jecimens of the 4 species from AL-Alitrunk length: 'Il1e diagonal length of the ali trunk in lateral view Jns ofeaeh species. from the point at which the pronotum meets the cervical shield to the pos­ muntz as a monophyletic genus terior basal angle of the metapleuron. nerly described in Stmmmna, ED-Eye diameter: TI1e maximum diameter of the eye. rum by DuBois (2000), was PL-Petiolclcngth: Maximum length ofpetiole, measured from the juncture lobus by Branstetter. Two spe­ with propodeum to the juncture with postpetiole. Jhutanense and S. :~inensh~ arc PH-Petiole height: 'Il1e perpendicularly maximum height of the petiole, le transferring by Branstetter, measured from apex of the node to venter of petiole. :t in the genus S'tenamJntl. PI-Petiole index= PHx 100/PL. he past 17 years, 3 new species DPW-Dorsal petiole width: Maximum width of petiole, measured across 111 from the vast lvlts. Himalaya node in dorsal view. described in this paper. PPL-Postpetiole length: Maximum length of postpetiolc, measured from THODS the juncture with petiole to the juncture with gaster. PPH-Postpctiolc height: 'I11c perpendicularly maximum height of the cered by the scarch-collcctin" postpetiolc, measured fi-om the apex of the postpetiolar node to the venter 'inkler method. Description~ of postpetiolc. -1 stereo microscope with a PPI-Postpctiole index= PPHx100IPPL. otic-700Z stereo microscope PP\1(1-Postpetiolc width: Maximum width of postpetiolc, measured across the postpeiolar node in dorsal view. lcfined in Bolton ( 1981) and All measurements are expressed in millimeters. The type specimens arc deposited in the Collection, Sourhwcs< .gth of the ant from the man- Forestry University (S\1(1FU), Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. 736 Sociobiology Vol. 58, No. 3, 201 1 A REVISED KEY TO THE KNOWN PALAEARCTIC AND ORIENTAL SPECIES OF STENAMMA BASED ON THE WORKER CASTE

1. In full face view, antenna! scapes distinctly surpassed occipital corners ... 2 - In full face view, antenna! scapes reached to or not reached to occipital corners ...... 9 2. In profile view, petiolar node distinctly shorter than anterior peduncle .. 3 - In profile view, petiolar node as long as or longer than anterior peduncle ...... ! ...... 4 3. In full face view, occipital corners rounded. In profile view, metanotal groove deeply depressed. Propodeal plates narrow, nearly triangular (DuBois, 1998: figs. 200-202). (Distribution: Japan) ...... 5. nipponense Yasumatsu & Murakami - In full face view, occipital corners roundly prominent. In profile view, metanotal groove shallowly depressed. Propodeal plates broad, nearly trapezoid (Figs. 1-3). (Distribution: China (Yunnan Province)) ...... S. ailaoense sp. nov. 4. In full face view, occipital margin roundly convex ...... 5 - In full face view, occipital margin nearly straight ...... 6 5. In profile view, dorsum ofprom esonotum evenly convex. Propodeal dorsum straight. Propodeal plates nearly trapezoid, truncated at apices (DuBois, 1998: figs. 187-190). (Distribution: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) ...... S. msilanum Fore! - In profile view, dorsum ofprome sonotum nearly straight. Propodeal dorsum weakly convex. Propodeal plates nearly semicircular, rounded at apices (DuBois, 1998: figs . 240-242). (Distribution: Southern Europe, mostly France and Italy) ...... S. petiolatum Emery 6. In full face view, head broadest at back, narrowed forward, lateral sides relatively straight ...... 7 - In full face view, head broadest in the middle, lateral sides evenly convex ...... 8 7. Mandibles with 7 teeth. In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole extruding and forming a rightly angled tooth (DuBois, 1998: figs. 328- :Oil Liu, X. &Z.-H. Xu~ Three New Species ofStmfllliilltl From Himalaya

ALAEARCTIC AND 330). (Distribution: England, Belgium) ...... S. westwoodii \Y./estwood -Mandibles with 9 teeth. In profile view, anteroventralcornerofpetiolcweakly (A BASED ON THE convex, not forming a tooth (DuBois, 1998: figs. 184-186). (Distribution: Russia) ...... S. lippulum Nylander 8. In profile view, dorsum of promesonotum evenly convex. Dorsum of peti­ passed occipital corners ... 2 olar node roundly prominent (DuBois, 1998: figs. 280-282). (Distribution: Jr not reached to occipital Spain) ...... S. sardoum Emery ...... 9 In profile view, dorsum ofpeomesonotnm nearly straight. Dorsum ofpetiolar r than anterior peduncle .. 3 node rounded (DuBois, 1998: figs. 277-279). (Distribution: Sardinia) ... er than anterior peduncle...... S. sardoum Emery ...... 4 9. In full face view, antenna! scapes distinctly not reached to occipital cor- Jfileview, n1ctanoral groove ners ...... 10 1early triangular (DuBois, - In full face view, antenna! scapes reached to occipital corners ...... 14 ...... 10. In profile view, petiolar node distinctly longer than anterior peduncle .1e Yasunutsu & Murakami (Dubois, 1998: figs. 310-314). (Distribution: Eastern Russia) ...... rominent. In profile view, ...... 5'. ussuriense Ar11ordi odeal plates broad, nearly In profile view, petiolar node approximately as long as anterior peduncle unnan Province)) ...... 11 ...... S. tzilaoense sp. nov. 11. In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole extended and

1 1 CX ...... 5 finger-like (DuBois, 1998: figs. 269-271). (Distribution: MorclC- It ...... 6 co) ...... S. punctiventre Emery convex. Propodeal dorsum In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole prominent, tooth-like or mcated at apices (DuBois, bluntly angled ...... 12 ·fa rocco, Tunisia) ...... 12. In profile view, anterovemral corner of petiole acutely toothed (Lyu et ...... S. msiltmum Fore! al., 2002: figs. 1-4). (Distribution: Korea) ...... ;traight. Propodcal dorsum ...... S. koreanense Lyu, DuBois & Cho ircular, rounded at apices In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole bluntly angled ...... 13 Southern Europe, mostly 13. In full face view, lateral sides of head strongly convex. In profile view, ...... S. petiolatum Emery propodeal spines shorter than propodeal plates (DuBois, 1998: figs. 148- wed forward, lateral sides 152). (Distribution: Pakistan) ...... S. jeriorum DuBois ...... 7 - In full face view, lateral sides of head weakly convex. In profile view, propo­ teral sides evenly convex .. deal spines as long as or longer than propodeal plates (DuBois, 1998: figs ...... 8 170-177). (Distribution: Azerbaijan, Georgia, southern Russia) ...... oventral corner of petiole ...... S. lippulum Nylander (DuBois, 1998: figs. 328- 738 Sociobiology Vol. 58, No. 3, 20 11

14. In profile view, petiolar node distinctly shorter than anterior peduncle ...... 15 - In profile view, petiolar node as long as or longer than anterior peduncle ...... 16 15. Eyes with 8-9 ommatidia in the maximum diameter. Mesopleura retiru­ gose (DuBois, 1998: figs. 226-228). (Distribution:Japan, China (Sichuan Province)) ...... S. owstoni Wheeler - Eyes with 4 ommatidia in the maximum diameter. Mesopleura longitudi- nally rugose (Figs. 4-6). (Distribution: C hina (Yunnan Province)) ...... 5. wumengense sp. nov. 16. In profile view, petiolar node distinctly longer than anterior peduncle ...... 17 - In profile view, petiolar node about as long as anterior peduncle ...... 19 17. In profile view, propodeal spines longer than propodeal plates. Propodeal plates triangular, bluntly angled at apices (DuBois, 1998: figs. 191-193). (Distribution: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) ...... S. msilanum Ford - In profile view, propodeal spines shorter than propodeal plates. Propodeal plates nearly trapezoid, truncated at apices ...... 18 18. In profile view, dorsum of promesonotum roundly convex. Propodeal spines posteriorly curved. Dorsum of petiolar node narrowly prominent (DuBois, 1998: figs. 131-135). (Distribution: Tajikstan) ...... S. hissarianum Arnol'di - In profile view, dorsum of promesonotum relatively straight. Propodeal spines not posteriorly curved. Dorsum of petiolar node broadly rounded (DuBois, 1998: figs. 251-255). (Distribution: Kazakl1stan, Kirghizia) ...... S. picetojuglancleti Arnol'di 19. In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole acutely toothed. Petiolar node lower, with dorsum rounded (DuBois, 1998: figs. 126-129). (Dis- tribution: Nepal) ...... S. gurkhale DuBois - In profile view, anteroventral corner of petiole bluntly angled or roundly prominent. Petiolar node higher, with dorsum roundly or narrowly promi- nent ...... 20 20. In full face view, head distinctly narrowed forward ...... 21 - In full face view, head not distinctly narrowed forward ...... 23 21. In full face view, occipital margin weakly convex. In profile view, dorsum '2011 Liu, X. &Z.-1-l. Xu- ·nm::c New Species ofStnltllllilltl Froml·-Iindaya

rter than anterior peduncle. ofpctiolar node broadly rounded, both anterior and posterior faces convex (DuBois, 1998: figs. 290-295). (Distribution: From Spain to Turkey) ..... """"""""""""""""""""""" 15 ngcr than anterior peduncle ...... S. striatulum Emery In full face view, occipital margin straight. In profile view, dorsum of peri­ '''"''''"''''"''''''"'''''"'''"'''"'''' 16 diameter. Meso pleura retiru­ alar node narrowly prominent, both anterior and posterior faces relatively ution:Japan, China (Sichuan straight ...... 22 ...... S. owstoni \Xfhecler 22. In full face view, occipital corners roundly prominent. In profile view, netcr. Meso pleura longitudi- dorsum ofpromesonotum weakly convex (DuBois, 1998: figs. 237-239). "' (Yunnan Province)) ...... (Distribution: Southern Europe, mostly France and Italy) ...... S. wtanengense sp. nov...... S. petiolrltum Emery gcr than anterior peduncle ... In full face view, occipital corners rounded. In profile view, dorsum of promcsonotum strongly convex (DuBois, 1998: figs. 111-119). (Distribu- """"""""""""""'""""""""' 17 s anterior peduncle ...... 19 tion: Georgia, Southern Russia) ...... S. gerngii Arnol'di 23. In full face view, occipital margin evenly roundly convex (DuBois, 1998: 1 propodeal plates. Propodcal >ullois, 1998: figs. 191-193). figs. 100-102). (Distribnrion: Throughout Europe) .... S. debile (Foerster) ...... S. msilm1um Fore! - In full f~lCC vic\V, occipital margin straight or \veakly concave in the mid- propodeal plates. Propodeal dle,,,,...... 24 ...... 18 24. In profile view, propodeal dorsum nearly horizontal...... 25 . roundly convex. Propodcal - In profile view, propodeal dorsum slope down backward ...... 26 ar node narrowly prominent 25. In profile view, dorsum of promesononnn roundly convex. Propodeal dorsum weakly convex (DuBois, 1998: figs. 214-217). (Distribution: 1: Tajikstan) ...... S. hissarianum Arnol'di France (Corsica), Italy (Sardinia), Spain) ...... datively straight. Propodcal ...... 5'. m·ousseti Cascvitz-Weulcrssc riolar node broadly rounded In profile view) dorsum of promesonotum nearly straight. Propodcal dorsum straight (DuBois, 1998: figs. 163-168). (Distribution: Russia (Kuril)) .... 1: Kazakhstan, Kirghizia) .. , .. S. picetojuglandeti Arnol'di ...... S. kurilense Arnol'di ole acutely toothed. Petiohr 26. In profile view, propodcal declivity roundly concave. Anterior face of , 1998: figs. 126-129). (Dis­ pctiolar node f(mned a strong depression with peduncle (DuBois, 1998: ...... S. gurkhale DuBois figs. 284-288). (Distribution: Uzebekistan) ...... S. sogdianum Arnol'di ·le bluntly angled or roundly In profile view, propodeal declivity straight. Anterior f:Ke of petiolar node f(Hmed a weak depression with peduncle ...... 27 tl roundly or narrowly promi- ...... 20 27. In profile view, pro pod cal spines shorter than propodcal plates. Propodeal orward ...... 21 plates truncated at apices (DuBois, 1998: figs. 154-161 ). (Distribution: :d forward ...... 23 India (Kashimir), Pakistan) ...... S. kr~shmirense Baroni Urbani nvcx. In profile view, dorsum In profile view, propodeal spines as long as propodeal plates. Propodeal 740 Sociobiology Vol. 58, No. 3, 20 I I

plates rounded at apices (Figs. 7 -9). (Distribution: C hina (Tibet, Sichuan Province) ...... 5. yaluzangbum sp. nov. DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES Stenamma ailaoense sp. nov. (Figs. 1-3)

Holotype worker: HL 1.03, HW 0.83, C I 80, SL 0.90, SI 109, PW 0.60, AL 1.38, ED 0.11, PL 0.60, PH 0.28, PI 46, DPW 0.2 1. In full face view, head roughly rectangular, longer than broad. O ccipital margin straight, occipital corners roundly prominent, lateral sides weakly convex. Anterior margin of clypeus convex, and concave in the middle. Mandibles with 3 distinct apical teeth and followed by 8 indistinct denticles. Antennae long, 12-segmented, scapes surpassing occipital corners by 1/6 of its length, antenna! clubs 5-segmented. Eyes located before the midpoints of lateral sides of head, with 5 ommatidia in the maximum diameter. In profile view, promesonotum high and convex, nearly arched, the middle portion relatively straight, with trace of promesonotal suture. Metanotal groove wide, but shallowly depressed. Propodeum distinctly lower than promesonotum, dorsum straight and formed a gentle slope. Propodeal spines slender, about 1/ 2 length of declivity. D eclivity straight, about 1/2 length of dorsum. Propodeal plates broad, nearly trapezoidal, slightly shorter than propodeal spines, posterodorsal corner bluntly angled, posteroventral corner rounded. Petiole long, length: height: width = 3: 1.4: 1. Petiolar node low, shorter than anterior peduncle, and roundly prominent at top. Anteroventral corner ofp etiole weakly convex, anterior 2/5 of ventral face straight, posterior 3/5 depressed. Postpetiole and gaster lost. Mandibles finely longitudinally striate. Head retirugose, but longi rudinally rugose before eyes and between frontal carinae. Median portion of clypeus smooth and shining. Alitrunk retirugoe. Posterior 2/ 3 of pronotum with posteriorly divergent longitudinal rugae. Lateral sides of mesothorax and propodeum fi nely retirugose. Metapleuron with 3 coarse longitudinal rugae, interspaces smooth. Petiole with interweaved fi ne longitudinal rugae, and densely fi nely punctuate behind petiolar node. Fore coxae transversely rugose, middle and hind coxae fi nely reticulate. ;, 2011 Liu, X. &Z .-H. Xu - Three New Species of Stennmma From H imalaya

ution: China (Tibet, Sichuan ...... S. yaluzangbum sp. nov. VV SPECIES .p.nov.

80, SL 0.90, SI 109, PW 0.60, >PW 0.21. longer than broad. Occipital ominent, lateral sides weakly and concave in the middle. )wed by 8 indistinct denticles. ng occipital corners by 1/ 6 of cared before the midpoints of naximum diameter. vex, nearly arched, the middle mesonotal suture. Metanotal )deum distinctly lower than gentle slope. Propodeal spines .ty straight, about 1/2 length )ezoidal, slightly shorter than angled, posteroventral corner = 3: 1.4: 1. Petiolar node low, )minent at top. Anteroventral ·ventral face straight, posterior 4

I retirugose, but longitudinally .e. Median portion of clypeus terior 2/3 of pronotum with ::ral sides of mesothorax and 6 :h 3 coarse longitudinal rugae, . fine longitudinal rugae, and Figs. 1-6 \o/orkers of Stennmma; 1-3. S. nifnoense sp. nov.; 4-6. S. tvumengense sp. nov.; I, 4. H ead and body in profile view; 2, 5. Head in fu ll face view; 3, 6. Fore coxae transversely rugose, Mandible in dorsal view. 742 Sociobiology Vol. 58, No. 3, 20 I I

Dorsa of head and body with sparse erect tO suberect hairs and abundant decumbent pubescence. Dorsum of petiolar peduncle without erect hairs. Antenna! scapes and hind tibiae with dense decumbent pubescence, but without erect hairs. H ead and body reddish brown, appendages yellowish brown, eyes and masticatOry margins of mandibles black. H olotyp e: worker, C H INA: Yunnan Province, Jingdong County, Tai­ zhong Town, Xujiaba, 2500m, collected from a soil sample in the primitive sub-alpine moist evergreen broadleafforest ofMt. Ailao, 2002. IV. 7, Zheng­ ~1 C HAI leg., No. A00831. Etymology: The new species is named after the type locality Mt. Ailao in central Yunnan Province. Comparison : This new species is close tO S. nipponense Yasumatsu & Murakami, 1960, but head and scapes comparatively longer, with C I 80 and SI 1 09; metano tal groove shallowly depressed; propodeal plates broader and roughly trapezoid; propodeal dorsum retirugose; head and body reddish brown. Stenamma wumengense sp. nov. (Figs. 4-6)

Holotype worker: TL 3.9, HL 0.95, HW 0.75, C l 79, SL 0.78, SI 103, PWO.SS,AL 1.20, ED 0.08, PL O.SO, PH 0.25, PI 50, DPW 0.1 9, PPL0.33, PPH 0.24, PPI 73, PPW 0.25. In fu ll face view, head roughly rectangular, longer than broad. Occipital margin nea rly straight, occipital corners roundly prominent, latei·al sides weakly convex. Anterior margin ofclypeus convex, and concave in the m idd lc. Mandibles with 2 distinct apical teeth and followed by 6 indistinct denricles. Antennae 12-segmented, scapes surpassed occipital corners by 1/15 of its length, antenna! clubs 4-segmented. Eyes located before midpoints oflateral sides of head, with 4 ommatidia in the maximum diameter. In profile view, promesonotum high, anterior portion roundly convex, middle portion relatively straight, posterior portion steeply sloped. Promc­ sonotal suture absent. Metanotal groove narrow, shallowly depressed. Propo­ deum distinctly lower than promesonorum, do rsum straight and formed a gentle slope. Propodeal spines very short, acutely toothed, about l/6length ofdecli vity. D eclivity straight, about 3/S lcngth ofdor sum. Propodeal plates 2011 l.iu, X. &Z.-l--1. Xu- Three New Species ofStm,nmlitl h·on1 lli!n,do~y,l 'I\

uberect hairs and abundant short and broad, nearly trapezoid, slightly longer than propodcal spillcs. l'ct i<>lc dundc \Vithout erect hairs. long, length: height: width = 4: 2: I. 5, gradually thickened backwards. Pet i ccumbcnt pubescence, but olar node bluntly prominent at top, shorter than anterior pedullclc, slightly own, appendages yellowish depressed between them, but without distinct boundary line. Ventral J:tn· oi' ,]es black. petiole nearly straight, anteroventral corner bluntly angled. Postpctiolar dm nee, Jingdong County, TJ.i~ sum roundly convex, length: height: width= 2: 1.5: 1.1, ventral f<1ce weakly soil sample in the primitive concave, antcroventral corner extruding and roorh~like. t. Ailao, 2002. IV. 7, Zheng- Mandibles finely longitudinally striate. Head retirugose, but longitudinally rugose before eyes and between frontal carinae. Median portion of clypeus 1e type locality Mt. Ailao in smooth and shining. Dorsum of ali trunk retirugose. Pronotum with a Ion·· gitudinal central carina. Lateral sides of ali trunk longitudinally rugose, but \'. nipponense Yasumatsu & lateral sides ofprononrm finely retirugose. Propodeal declivity smooth, upper ivcly longer, with Cl 80 and portion sparsely transversely rugose. Fore coxae transversely rugose. Petiole ropodeal plates broader and se; head and body reddish

;p. nov.

75, CI 79, SL 0.78, SI 103, 'I 50, D PW 0.19, PPL 0.33, 7 mger than broad. Occipital lly prominent, lateral sides '·and concave in the middle. red by 6 indistinct denticles. pita! corners by I I IS of its I before midpoints oflateral n diameter. )f portion roundly convex, tion steeply sloped. !'rome­ shallowly depressed. Propo­ l'Sum straight and formed a ,. toothed, about 1/6lcngth Figs. 7-9 \Xlorker of Sti'lliUJ!INtl ytduz.,mgl)l(m sp. nov.; 7. Head ~md body in view; 8. Head in :>f dorsum. Propodeal plates full face view; 9. l\fandibk in dors;l] vkw. 744 Sociobiology Vol. 58, No. 3, 20 I I and postpetiole with interweaved fi ne longitudinal rugae and fine punctures. Dorsum of petiolar peduncle with a fine longitudinal central carina. Gaster smooth and shining, basal carinae about 1/3 length of postpetiole. Head with sparse erect to su berect hairs and dense decumbent pubescence. Ali trunk and petiole with sparse erect to suberect hairs and sparse decumbent pubescence. Postpetiole and gaster with abundant erect to suberect hairs and abundant decumbent pubescence. Dorsa of propodeum and petiolar peduncle without erect hairs. Antenna! scapes and hind tibiae with dense decumbent pubescence, but without erect hairs. H ead and body reddish brown, appendages and gaster yellowish brown, eyes and masticatory margins of mandibles black. Holotype: worker, CHINA: Yunnan Province, Yongshan County, Xisha Town, Xiaoyanfang, 2070m, forage on the ground in broad leaf forest, 2006. VII. 19, Z heng-Hui XU leg., No. A06-643. Etymology: The new species is named after the type locality Mt. Wumeng in northeastern Yunnan Province. Comparison: This new species is close to S. owstoni W heeler, 1906, but head and scapes comparatively longer, with C I 79 and SI 103; eyes with only 4 ommatidia in the maximum diameter; mesopleura longitudinally rugose, propodeal dorsum retirugose; head and body reddish brown.

Stenamma yaluzangbum sp. nov. (Figs. 7-9)

Holotype worker: T L 3.8, HL 0.88, HW 0.78, C I 89, SL 0.65, SI 84, PWO.S S,AL l .l3,ED 0.10, PL0.48, PH 0.25, PI 53, DPW0.18, PPL0.28, PPH 0.24, PPI 86, PPW 0.24. In full face view, head roughly rectangular, longer than broad. Occipital margin straight, occipital corners rounded, lateral sides weakly convex. Anterior margin of clypeus convex, and concave in the middle. Mandibles with 2 distinct apical teeth and followed by 7 indistinct denticles. Antennae short, 12-segmented ; apices of scapes reached to 9 I 10 of the distance from antenna! sockets to occipital corners; antenna! clubs 4-segmcnted. Eyes lo­ cated before the midpoints oflateral sides of head, with 4 ommatidia in the maximum diameter. Ill Liu, X. &Z.-1-1. Xu -'Three New Species oL)'Immm1111 From Himalaya 745

"I rugae and fine punctures. In profile vic\:v, promcsonotum high, roundly convex and arched. Pronlc­ Jinal central carina. Gaster sonotal suture absent. Metanotal groove wide, deeply depressed, and with a ;th of postpetiolc. convex tubercle in the groove. Propodeum distinctly lower than promcsono­ 1se decumbent pubescence. tum, dorsum straight and steeply sloped. Propodeal spines slender and acute, hairs and sparse decumbent about l/3length ofdeclivity. Declivity straight, about 3/4length ofdorsum. 1nt erect ro subercct hairs Propodeal plates broad, rounded at apices, about as long as propodeal spines. f propodeum and petiolar Petiole relatively long, length: height: width= 2: I: 0.7. Petiolar node cone­ md hind tibiae with dense shaped, about as long as anterior peduncle, and distinctly depressed between s. Head and body reddish the node and peduncle. Ventral face of petiole nearly straight, but weakly 1es and n1asricarory margins concave at posterior I /3, anteroventral corner weakly prominent. Postpetiolar dorsum roundly convex, ventral face \Veakly concave, antcroventral corner e, Yongshan County, Xisha extruding and toothed. din broadleaf forest, 2006. Mandibles finely longitudinally striate. Head retirugose, but longitudinally rugose on central dorsum and before eyes, median portion ofclypeus smooth 'type locality Mt. Wumeng and shining. Anterior 1/3 of pronotum with intcrwcaved transverse rugae. Posterior 2/3 of pronotum and lateral sides with posteriorly divergent longi· >wstoni Wheeler, 1906, but tudinal rugae. Mesonotum, meta pleura, and lateral sides of propodeum with ) and 51 I 03; eyes with only interweaved longitudinal rugae. Meso pleura densely and coarsely punctuate. cura longitudinally rugose, Meranotal groove with short longitudinal rugae. Propodeal dorsum finely ldish brown. retirugose. Petiole and postpetiolc densely finely punctuate, dorsal faces with sparse fine longitudinal rugae, dorsum ofpostpctiolar node relatively smooth. >p.nov. Gaster smooth and shining, basal carinae about l/2lcngth ofpostpctiole. Dorsa of head and body with abundant erect to suberect hairs and dense decumbent pubescence, but ali trunk dorsum \:Vith sparse pubescence. Dorsa .78, CI 89, SL 0.65, SI 84, of propodeum and petiolar peduncle without erect hairs. Antenna! scapcs I 53, DPW 0.18, PPL0.28, and hind tibiae with dense decumbent pubescence, but without erect hairs. Head and body blackish brown, appendages and gaster yellowish brown, eyes nger than broad. Occipital and masticatory margins of mandibles black. teral sides weakly convex. Pa.-atype workers: TL 2.9-3.8, HL 0.73-0.88, HW 0.60-0.73, CI 82-84, : in the middle. Mandibles SL 0.53-0.65, SI 88-93, PW 0.41-0.53, AL 0.88-1.08, ED 0.06-0.09, PL listinct denticles. Antennae 0.35-0.48, PH 0.20-0.23, PI 47-57, DPW 0.15-0.16, PPL 0.23-0.28, PPH ' 9 II 0 of the distance from 0.20-0.21, PPI 73-89, PPW 0.19-0.21 (n=4). As holotypc, but specimen :lubs 4-segmented. Eyes lo­ from Gengzhang 'Town, Linzhi County, Tibet, with anteroventral corner .d, with 4 ommatidia in the bluntly angled; specimens from Lulang Town, Linzhi County, Tibet, with smaller body size and reddish brown in body color; specimen from Pengta 746 Sociobiology Vol. 58, No. 3, 20 II

Town, KangdingCounty, Sichuan Province, with pronotum retirugose, upper portions of mesopleura sparsely longitudinally rugose. Holotype: worker, C HINA: Tibet, M il in County, Lilong Town, Lilongou, 3085 m, collected under stone in the forest of Pinus densata, 2008. VIII. 10, Zheng-H ui XU leg., No. AOS-3122. Paratypes: 1 worker, C HINA: Tibet, Linzhi County, GengzhangTown, Gengzhang, 3170 m, collected under stone in the forest of Pinus densata, 2008. VII. 19, Zheng-H ui XU leg., No. AOS-1491; 2 workers, C HINA: Ti­ bet, Linzhi County, Lulang Town, Dongjiu, 2770 m, collected under stone in the fo rest of Pinus densata, 2007. IX. 2 1, Long-Guan CHEN leg., No. A07-202; 1 worker, C H INA: Sichuan Province, Kangding County, Pengta Town, Tangling, 2450 m, collected from litter sample by Winkler in the broad leaf forest, 2005. VIII. 31, Zheng-Hui XU leg., No. A05-973. Etymology: The new species is named afi:er the big river Yarlungzangbo which Aows over the main type localities in southeastern Tibet. Comparison: This new species is close to S. kashmirense Baroni Urbani, 1977, but with propodeal spines as long as propodeal plates; petiolar node relatively higher, densely finely punctuate; mesopleura densely coarsely punctuate. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

We thank Miss Zheng-~n C H AI (S tudent of Forest Protection, South­ west Forestry University) and Mr. Long-Guan CHEN (Postgraduate of Forest Protection, Southwest Forestry University) for collecting the type specimens. This study is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30870333) and Rapid Assessment Programs of organized by Peking University, Forestry Institution of Sichuan Province, and Conservation International. REFERENCES Baroni Urbani, C. 1977. Ergebnisse der Bhutan-Expedition 1972 des Naturhiswrischen Museums in Basel. H ymenoptera: Fam. Formicidae. Genus Stenamma, con una nuova species del Kashmir. Enwmologica Basiliensia 2: 415-422. Bolton, B. 198 1. A revision ofsix minor genera ofMyrmicinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Ethiopian zoogeographical region. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural Hiswry) (Entomology) 43: 245-307. Liu, X. &Z.-1-:L Xu- '"Jlll"cc New Species oCS!m,amlltl From Himalaya :lll Bolton, B. 1994. IdcntiGcation Guidt.: to th!..' Ant Genera of rhc \\forld: 222 pp. Harvard .1ronotum rctirugosc, upper University Press, Cambridge, Jvbss . .tgose. Bolron, B. 1995. A New General Catalogue of the of the \Xlorld: 50 1 pp. Harvard nty, Lilong Tcnvn, Lilongou, University Press, Cambridge, lvbss. ms den sata, 2008. VIII. I 0, Branstencr, J\1. G. 2009. The ant genus ,)'Lcnmmnrl \XIestwood (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) redefined, with a description of a new genus Propodilofms. Zoo taxa, 2221: 41-57. DuBois, ivl. B. 1998. A revision of the ant genus Stenmnmr1 in the Palacarctic and Oriental County, GengzhangTown, regions. Sociobiology 29: 193-4·03. he forest of Pinus den.,Ata, DuBois, i\L B. 2000. SimrimnM pinp,{;rurn: replacement name for Sirmanmltl orimtrde •!; 2 workers, CHINA: Ti- (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36: 40. 0 m, collected under stone Lyu, D. P., M.B. DuBois & S. Cho 2002. SttJhVJJnlrl l~orcrmcnsi.,·, sp. n. from the Korean ng-Guan CHEN leg., No. Peninsula (Hymenoptera: Formicidae ). Sociobiology 40: 511-523. \XIcstwood, J. 0. 1839. An Introduction to the Modern Classillcation oflnsects; founded Kangding County, Pengta on the natural habits and corresponding organisation of the different families 2 (part sample by \\!inkier in the 11 ), 193-224. London. leg., No. AOS-973. \XIhccler, \XI. Jvi. 1906. '1l1c ants of Japan. Bulletin of the American 1\i{useum of Natural he big river Yarlungzangbo History 22, 301-328. Yasumatsu, K. & Y. fvlurakami 1960. A revision ofthegenus S1enrnmnr1o(lapan (Hytncnol)tera: heastern Tibet. Formicidac, Myrmicinac). Esakia 1:27-31. ·ashrnirense Baroni Urbani, odeal plates; petiolar node :sopleura densely coarsely


~fForcst Protection, South- CHEN (Postgraduate of ty) for collecting the type Jatural Science Foundation it Programs of Biodiversity 1tion of Sichuan Province,

ion 1972 d~~ Naturhistorischen ;cnus StentmmJtt, con una mwva -422. 11ac (Hymenoptera: Formicid:tc) 1f rhc British Museum (Natural