Feb-Mar. 1969, Vol. 13 No. 05-06
Published bi-monthly by the Daughters of Biiitis, Inc., a non-profit corporation, 1005 Market Street, Room 208, San Francisco, California 94103. THE purpose off the VOLUME XIII, NUMBER V & VI LADDER FEBRUARY— MARCH 1969 “Dtui^^tenA 0^ B i L IT IS NATIONAL OFFl lERS, DAUGHTERS OF BILITIS, INC. President, Rita Laporte A WOMtS’S ORC.\SIZMI0\ FOR THE FlIRPOSE OF PROMOTING Vice President, East, Joan Kent THE INTEGRATION OF THE HOMOSEXUAL INTO SOCIETY BY: Vice President, West, Rinalda Reagan Secretary, Lynd James Treasurer, Lois Williams Chapter Presidents are also included on The Board THE LADDER STAFF Editor, Gene Damon Production Assistant, Lyn Collins Education of the Lesbian, enabling her to understand herself Production Manager, Helen Sanders and to make her adjustment to society in all its social, civic, Secretary to the Editor, Maura McCullough and economic implications - by establishing and maintaining Circulation Manager, Priscilla Cochran a library of both fiction and non-fiction literature on the sex Staff Assistants, Karen Wilson, Sten Russell, Ben Cat deviant theme; by sponsoring public meetings on pertinent THE LADDER is regarded as a sounding board for various points o f view subjects to be conducted by leading members of the legal, on the homophile and related subjects, and does not necessarily reflect the psychiatric, religious and other professions; by providing the Lesbian a forum for the interchange of ideas within her own opinion o f the organization except such opinions as are specifically ac group. knowledged by the
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