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AAnnenne andand BernardBernard SSPITZERPITZER HHALLALL OOFF HHUMANUMAN OORIGINSRIGINS EEDUCATOR’SDUCATOR’S GUIDEGUIDE eeducation.amnh.org/humanoriginsducation.amnh.org/humanorigins

IInside:nside: • SuggestionsSuggestions ttoo HHelpelp YYouou CComeome PPreparedrepared • KKeyey CConceptsoncepts and Background Information • StrategiesStrategies forfor TTeachingeaching iinn tthehe EExhibitionxhibition • AActivitiesctivities ttoo EExtendxtend LearningLearning BBackack iinn tthehe CClassroomlassroom • MMapap ooff tthehe EExhibitionxhibition • CorrelationsCorrelations ttoo SStandardstandards • CConnectionsonnections toto OtherOther MuseumMuseum HHallsalls




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Humans, like all , are a product of . The Spitzer Hall of Origins presents key and cutting- edge evidence—, genetic data, and artifacts—that use to assemble the evolutionary story of our taxonomic , the hominids. Here are the exhibition’s key educational concepts:

Ample scientifi c evidence Evolutionary trees represent the of . documents evolutionary history. Evolution does not progress toward a goal. It also does not Evidence: Scientists have long proceed as a single line of sequential species. Rather, new used fossils to reconstruct the history species diverge from common like branches on a of hominids and our larger taxonomic tree. Trees of life depict relatedness between species, living group, the order . The fossil and extinct. Evolutionary trees show how specifi c taxo- record shows that hominids have a cap nomic groups evolved over time. The evolutionary past that is long (about 7 million ) and diverse tree tells us that at many times in the past several hominid (comprising at least 20 species). New fi nds continue to species lived on simultaneously. Some survived much clarify what other hominids looked like, and how and when longer than the 150,000 years sapiens has existed. they lived. Yet all hominids went extinct—except our species.

Genetic Evidence: to study DNA Human migrated to many has emerged in the past few decades, adding environments and diversifi ed. to what fossils tell us. Because DNA is passed from generation to generation and can change Early emerged in , then spread in waves over time, it can document changes in species throughout that continent and the rest of the world. As and populations. Tracking heredity geographi- populations occupied different environments, modern cally explains how modern humans migrated humans continued to change. This is evident in the diversity around the Earth. Comparing differences of features seen across and populations. (See the between species’ DNA gives measurements sidebar “Evolution and Human Diversity.”) of relatedness. By studying how control body structure and , scientists can The human is unique. Modern human explore . DNA in a test tube Humans have large relative to body , but it Several mechanisms drive evolution. isn’t the size that sets us apart. Humans are capable Except for identical , no two individuals share the of symbolic : We exact same set of genes and physical features. Because of frame the world in abstract, , and the fact that some individuals survive creative terms. Homo sapiens’ to pass traits to future generations, populations of organ- mental complexity may be isms evolve. The evolution of new species involves several what led our species to out- Human processes: brain compete all other hominids. • : Variation can arise from random changes, or , in the DNA an has inherited. Only modern humans create complex . Mutations may or may not impact the ability to survive Our mental capacities enable us to produce increasingly and reproduce. complex and a vast range of symbolic expression, • : An individual with heritable features such as , , and . Both innate talent as that enable it to cope better with its environment tends as skills nurtured in create the cultural complexity to pass them to the next generation. Over time, a popula- of humans. Our diversity of is a hallmark of our tion of individuals will exhibit more of the better-adapted humanity. features. • : In small populations, genes and traits will increase in abundance over generations by chance, not The Sackler Educational Laboratory for Comparative because they impact an individual’s chance of survival. Genomics and Human Origins provides opportunities to further explore the Hall’s most important concepts. Words in green are defi ned in our online glossary: For more information, go to education.amnh.org/ education.amnh.org/humanorigins humanorigins. Evolution and Teaching Evolution The exhibition, this guide, and the Museum’s professional Human Diversity development programs are designed to support you and make All species consist of individuals that differ the critical of evolution accessible and engaging. The at some level. In Homo sapiens, following offer additional strategies for teaching and diversity arose as small groups occupied varied responding to concerns from students or members: environments around the world. Localized • American Association for the Advancement of Science populations changed due to genetic drift and http://www.aaas.org/news/press_room/evolution/ natural selection. For example, some popula- • Evolution and the of Science Institutes tions eventually showed more susceptibility http://www.indiana.edu/~ensiweb/ to certain , or more ability to digest certain . Superfi cial differences in stature • Howard Hughes Medical Institute http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/evolution/index.html and , eye, and color also arose among individuals and populations. • National Science Teachers Association http://www.nsta.org/evresources Although these population changes take place • National Center for Science Education at a genetic level, it does not mean that genes http://www.ncseweb.org/ defi ne “race.” Race is cultural and , not • PBS Evolution series educator resources biological. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/educators/

Small, isolated groups are less and less preva- • University of California Museum of http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evosite/evohome.html lent in the human population. Our population is now abundant, consisting of larger, varied groups that intermingle and overlap. Since Come Prepared humans reproduce both within and between groups, we constantly mix genetic informa- Review this guide prior to your visit to the exhibition. On the tion. As a result, genetic differences between inserts you’ll fi nd grade-specifi c classroom activities and work- of the same “racial” group can be greater sheets to prepare your students and guide them during your than the those between people of two differ- visit. Go to education.amnh.org/humanorigins for an in-depth ent groups. Furthermore, infl uences other than description of the exhibition, glossary, reference lists, and infor- genes—such as hormones and environmental mation about planning your visit. factors—also contribute to individual variation. Before you visit, become familiar with the education standards listed below that this exhibition can help you teach. Additional correlations to New York and standards can be found at education.amnh.org/humanorigins.

National Science Education Standards All grades: A1: Abilities necessary to do scientifi c inquiry; A2: Understanding What Is a Theory? about scientifi c inquiry; E2: Understanding about science and technology; G1: Science as a human endeavor K-4: C1: Characteristics of ; C2: Life cycles of organisms; C3: Organisms Scientifi c theories explain facts and , have and their environments; E3: Abilities to distinguish between natural objects and predictive power, and so can be tested. Most objects made by humans; F2: Characteristics and changes in populations people would rate facts and laws as more 5-8: C1: Structure and function in living systems; C2: and heredity; C4: Populations and ecosystems; C5: Diversity and of organisms; important than theories, thinking of theories F2: Populations, resources, and environments as “guesses” or “hypotheses.” But for scientists, 9-12: C1: The ; C2: Molecular basis of heredity; C3: Biological evolution; theories are the highest level of understand- C4: Interdependence of organisms; C5: Matter, energy, and in living 5 2 2 ing. They are not just stepping-stones to more systems; C : Behavior of organisms; F : ; G : Nature of scientifi c knowledge; G3: Historical perspectives knowledge, but the goal of science. Examples of theories that justify great confi dence because National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies they work so well to explain nature include Thematic Strands I: Culture; II: Time, continuity, and change; III: People, places, and environment; IV: Individual development and identity; VIII: Science, technology, gravity, plate tectonics, atomic theory, and and society; IX: Global connections evolution. National Standards in the Understanding the in relation to history and cultures


The explorations below support your teaching of the Key Concepts. Refer to the Map of the Exhibition to fi nd locations.

1 , Modern Human, and Neanderthal 5 DNA: Comparing Humans and Chimps Skeletons Students can compare the human, chimp, and mouse Ask students: Why do these skeletons introduce the . Which two chromosomes are most alike? exhibition? Have students compare the skeletal structures How are humans and chimps similar? Different? of the three species. What biological structures do you Key Concept: Ample scientifi c evidence documents recognize in the video above? Students can explore the evolutionary history. interactive “Meet Your Relatives” behind the skeletons. Key Concept: Ample scientifi c evidence documents 6 Evolution: How It Works evolutionary history. Have students read the sections on variation and selection. Ask: What mechanisms produce variation? Have students 2 Fossils: A Record of the Past describe variation between individuals in our species. Have students fi nd an example of a and a body Key Concept: Several mechanisms drive evolution. fossil here and later as they explore the exhibition. Ask: What can fossils reveal about extinct species? Examine 7 Two Figures/ the column of earth layers. What can the position of earth Have students compare themselves to the layers reveal about the age of fossils inside them? Students fi gures, then walk on the fossilized foot- can deepen their investigation with the interactive “Fossil prints behind the fi gures. Ask: How do the Detectives.” prints compare to your feet and stride? Key Concept: Ample scientifi c evidence documents What do your observations suggest about evolutionary history. the individuals who left them? Key Concept: Ample scientifi c evidence Laetoli Modern 3 Evolutionary Trees documents evolutionary history. hominid human 3a. Our Hominid “Family Tree”: Use the sidebar at right to footprint help students read this evolutionary tree, which shows how 8 The History of the hominid family changed over time. Ask: What do the orange bars indicate? Have students fi nd Homo sapiens. • Ask: What evidence was used to reconstruct how these What does its position on the tree tell you? Which hominids hominids might have looked and lived? are extinct? Which lived longer than Homo sapiens? Which • Have students compare the , bodies, and environ- lived on Earth at the same time? ments of the hominid species. Ask: How are they similar? 3b. : Find the tree of life across the room. It Different? How has the hominid family changed over shows how species are related to one another. Can students time? fi nd Homo sapiens? Have students use the interactive to • Gather in front of the Homo sapiens diorama scene. Ask: explore the tree. Do all modern humans look like these people? Why not? Key Concept: Evolutionary trees represent the . Key Concepts: Ample scientifi c evidence documents evolutionary history; Human populations migrated to many Mitochondrial 4 Cell Model environments and diversifi ed. Nuclear DNA DNA Have students identify and describe cell struc- tures they know. Ask: Which structures contain DNA? Key Concept: Ample scientifi c evidence documents Nucleus evolutionary history. Close-up of ribosomes Nuclear Neanderthal Campsite Membrane TEACHING IN THE EXHIBITION

9 Science Bulletins Video and Kiosks of the brain that they think make humans unique. Have students watch the media in this section. Ask them to Key Concept: The is unique. note the dates associated with each story. Encourage them to recognize that science is an ongoing process. 12 Language, Music, Art, Tools & Technology Key Concepts: All. In this section, students can read about different forms of cultural expression and consider their own abilities. Ask: 10 Map: Our Earliest Migrations What skills were you born with? What have you learned from others? What do you think Have students illuminate the migration pathways. In what makes us “human”? Explore continent did modern humans evolve? Where did humans the interactives to deepen disperse? Did humans really “leave” Africa? understanding. Key Concept: Human populations migrated to many Key Concept: Only modern environments and diversifi ed. humans create complex culture. 11 The Brain Have students explore this area and compare the human tools (L-R): brain to that of other species. Have them identify the parts small , , awl

How to Read an Evolutionary Tree Hominid “Family Tree”: This evolutionary tree depicts lines of possible descent for hominids. In other words, it pro- poses relationships among species over time. All trees are hypotheses, and are based on comparison of living species, fossils, and genetic data. Homo Homo sapiens Homo fl oresiensis neanderthalensis (Modern-day Humans) PRESENT Reading This Evolutionary Tree: 1. Dashed lines show how related species diverged from each other through a Homo common . cepranensis Homo mauritanicus/antecessor 2 Homo 1 MYA . Faded lines indicate very unclear origin erectus or descent. 3. Branch points are called nodes. Nodes Homo indicate a species that once lived, and ergaster robustus Paranthropus was the common ancestor of two or boisei 2 MYA more descendants. 4 Horizontal lines rudolfensis . indicate time. Australopithecus 5. Orange vertical bars indicate how long garhi Paranthropus Australopithecus aethiopicus a species is known, from fossils, to have africanus 3 MYA existed. Common Misconceptions: Kenyanthropus Australopithecus Australopithecus • All species on this evolutionary tree are platyops bahrelghazali afarensis ancestors of Homo sapiens. 4 MYA This is not true. You can follow the dashed Australopithecus lines back through time to learn which anamensis species are proposed ancestors. ramidus • Evolution progresses toward a goal. 5 MYA Evolution does not necessarily follow from simple to more complex, or non-human to human. Ardipithecus kadabba 6 MYA • Evolutionary trees are fi xed. tugenensis Evolutionary trees are not fi xed. They are based on interpretations of current data. New evidence or new ways of interpreting tchadensis existing evidence can revise them. 7 MILLION YEARS AGO (MYA) BBACKACK IINN TTHEHE CCLASSROOMLASSROOM

Try these activities and discussion points to explore and extend the themes in the exhibition.

Grades K–4: Grades 9–12: • Have students explore the Tree of Life Cladogram on the Museum’s • Based on what they saw at the exhibition, have OLogy website (ology.amnh.org/biodiversity/treeofl ife/) to learn how students give examples of the two main lines of scientists sort species based on shared characteristics. evidence for human evolution: fossil and genetic. What can each tell us about our evolutionary • Have students refl ect on how organisms’ distinct structures help them history? survive by identifying body parts that help humans acquire . Do the same with a different . What are the similarities and differences? • Ask students to further research how scientists other than paleontologists and • Students can investigate “fossilization” by cutting out shapes from contribute to the study of human origins kitchen sponges, then soaking them in a saturated solution of Epsom (e.g. geologists, anatomists, botanists, etc.). salts. Have them soak another sponge in as well. Allow to dry and compare bone shapes with the control sponge. The salts replace in • Investigate the comprehensive resources on the the sponge like minerals replace materials in a fossilizing bone or shell. genetic study of with National Geographic’s Genographic Project website: • If a zoo is accessible, take students to observe other primates. Have the www3.nationalgeographic.com/genographic class study their appearance, locomotion, and social interactions, and compare these traits to those of humans. • Have students research the evolution of a • Students can learn about different hominid species that have existed non-, such as the horse. Students should over time with this interactive on PBS’s A Science Odyssey website: note that, like humans, adaptations appeared www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/tryit/evolution/shockwave.html over time as species descended from common ancestors. Grades 5–8: • Show students drawings of of various organisms, such as humans, • Engage students in web and -on activities about with the birds, and whales. (Find some here: Museum’s OLogy website: ology.amnh.org/genetics www.amnh.org/exhibitions/permanent/ • Invite students to classify organisms: Create a set of images of 24 very ocean/03_oceanlife/d2_rayfi ns.php) Ask: How different organisms. First, have students separate them into plants and is the structure of homologous organs evidence . Then have them subdivide the groups into progressively smaller of descent from a common ancestor? Discuss ones based on similar characteristics. On what did they base their deci- vestigial organs as evidence of common ancestry. sions? You may wish to present how scientists classify the organisms. • Ask students to select one of the human abilities • Construct a strip 500 cm long. Each centimeter represents a from the exhibition: language, music, art, or tools million years of Earth’s history. Mark “origin of vertebrates” at the begin- and technology. Ask: Do you think humans are ning. Mark “origin of hominids” between 6 and 7 million years ago. Have unique in this ability? Have students justify their students research and add other evolutionary events to the . answer. • Students can visit the Science Explorations Web Quest “Dioramas: Windows to the World” at teacher.scholastic.com/activities/ For more activities to use in your classroom, explorations/webquests.htm to explore dioramas on a virtual fi eld visit: education.amnh.org/humanorigins trip to the Museum.

PHOTO CREDITS: Cover – human chromosomes, Getty; CCreditsredits chimpanzee, modern human, and Neanderthal skeletons, The Museum is deeply grateful to the Hall’s lead benefactors Anne and Bernard Spitzer, AMNH / Roderick Mickens Key Concepts – all images, whose marvelous generosity inspired and made possible the new AMNH Teaching Evolution – Chauvet lions © Jean Clottes Spitzer Hall of Human Origins. Teaching in the Exhibition – cell illustration, AMNH; Laetoli hominid footprint and modern human footprint, AMNH; The Museum also extends its gratitude to The Mortimer D. Sackler Foundation, Inc., and Arlene and Arnold Goldstein for their generous support. Neanderthal Campsite, AMNH / Roderick Mickens; Mozart: Motet Manuscript, The Granger Collection, NY; Paleolithic © 2007 American Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved. tools, AMNH; Connections to Other Museum Halls – Hall of , AMNH / Craig Chesek; all other photos, AMNH / Roderick Mickens Pre-Visit Activities Grades K–4 – human and woolly hand comparison, AMNH Spitzer Hall of Human Origins MAP OF THE EXHIBITION

The numbered locations correspond to the Teaching in the Exhibition explorations.

Chimpanzee, Modern Human, 1 and Neanderthal Skeletons

2 Fossils: A Record of the Past

Evolutionary Trees (3a. Our Hominid 3 “Family Tree” and 3b. Tree of Life)

4 Cell Model

5 DNA: Comparing Humans and Chimps

6 Evolution: How It Works

Two Australopithecus Figures/ 7 Laetoli Footprints

8 The History of Human Evolution

9 Science Bulletins Video and Kiosks

10 Map: Our Earliest Migrations

11 The Brain

12 Language, Music, Art, Tools & Technology

© 2007 American Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved. Spitzer Hall of Human Origins CCONNECTIONSONNECTIONS TOTO OOTHERTHER MMUSEUMUSEUM HHALLSALLS

Visit other halls in the Museum to broaden your exploration of the evolution and characteristics of humans and other organisms.

Hall of African (2nd fl oor) Explore the culturally rich and diverse continent from which all anatomically modern Homo sapiens fi rst arose. Examine complex artifacts, costumes, and tools developed by many cultural groups adapted to a variety of geographical areas. Consider how African cultures today refl ect the history of the longest-human-inhabited continent in the world.

Hall of Eastern Woodlands and Plains Indians (3rd fl oor) Hall of Biodiversity (1st fl oor) View a of Paleo-Indian points and tools to Explore the astonishing variety of life in the Spectrum of Life. see a of toolmaking (before entrance). Its 28 groups include more than 1,500 organisms, organized by shared characteristics. Deepen your exploration with the interactives in this section. Hall of Primates (3rd fl oor) David S. and Ruth L. Gottesman See humans in context with Hall of Earth (1st fl oor) other primates in this hall. Geologic study is essential to paleontological study. Explore Stop at: the “How the Earth Evolved” section to learn how fossils have • The display case, been used to understand Earth’s past. Then fi nd the section which shows the strength “How Do We Read the Rocks” (left of large video screen) to and fl exibility of the primate understand how rocks are analyzed to determine the age of shoulder (right of entrance) the fossils found inside them. • Illustrations of how the primate skull, , and Hall of Asian Peoples (2nd fl oor) reproduction have changed Enter from the Hall of Asian and turn left. over time (left of siamang) Fossils and artifacts found across Asia and chronicle • Skeletons of a young and a history of early humans, from Peking () human and chimpanzee to the development of early human settlements. Note the (Homo sapiens section) striking grave of a Neanderthal . Lila Acheson Wallace Wing of Mammals and Their Extinct Relatives (4th fl oor) This wing shows the diverse lineage that gave rise to humans. The specimens are displayed according to evolutionary relationships, not chronology. Look for: • A skull of , an extinct primate similar to the common ancestor of humans and (Insectivorans, Archontans, and Glires section) • The nonlinear (center of hall) • Skeletons of mastodons, bears, saber-toothed cats, and other mammals that lived concurrently with humans

© 2007 American Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved. Spitzer Hall of Human Origins CCOMPAREOMPARE PPRIMATESRIMATES

Humans belong to a group called primates. Below are photographs of a human and two other primates. In what ways do these primates look alike? In what ways are they different?

Using these pictures, select a particular body part from two primates and draw them for comparison. Then label the differences and similarities of the body part.


Modern Human Chimpanzee

© 2007 American Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved. Spitzer Hall of Human Origins CCOMPAREOMPARE SSKELETONSKELETONS

Below are photographs of three pairs of skeletons—of a chim- panzee, a modern human, and a Neanderthal. What differences do you see between the skeletons? What similarities? How are the skeletons adapted for on either two or four legs?

Chimpanzee Modern Human Neanderthal

© 2007 American Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved.