Information 81
ISSN 0960-7870 BRITISH BRICK SOCIETY INFORMATION 81 OCTOBER 2000 OFFICERS OF THE BRITISH BRICK SOCIETY Chairman Terence Paul Smith, Flat 6, BA, MA, MLitt 6 Harthill Drive, LUTON, Bedfordshire LU2 OAX Honorary Secretary Michael Hammett, ARIBA 9 Bailey Close, Telephone: 01494 520299 HIGH WYCOMBE, e-mail: Buckinghamshire HP13 6QA Membership Secretary Keith Sanders Hook Farm, (Receives all direct subscriptions: £7 p.a.*) Ashford Road, Telephone: 01233 638329 ASHFORD, e-mail: Kent TN23 3EA Editor of Information David H. Kennett, BA, MSc 7 Watery Lane, (Receives articles and items for Information) SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR, Telephone: 01608 664039 Warwickshire, CV36 4BE Honorary Treasurer Mrs W. Ann Los "Peran", (Only for matters concerning annual a/cs, expenses, etc.) 30 Plaxton Bridge, and Woodmansey, Bibliographer BEVERLEY, East Yorkshire HU17 ORT Publications Officer Mr John Tibbles Barff House, 5 Ash Grove, Sigglesthorne, HULL, East Yorkshire HU1 1 5QE Enquiries Secretary Dr Ronald J. Firman 12 Elm Avenue, Beeston, Nottinghamshire NG9 1BU OFFICERS OF THE BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION BRICK SECTION* Chairman Terence Paul Smith, BA, MA, MLitt Address as above Honorary Secretary Michael Hammett, ARIBA Address as above Members of the British Archaeological Association may join its Brick Section and will thus be eligible for affiliation to the British Brick Society at the reduced rate of £5 p.a. For BAA Life Members the subscription is waived: they should inform the BAA:BS Secretary of their address and interests so that they can be included in the BBS Membership List. Telephone numbers of all members are helpful for contact purposes but will not be included in the Membership List.
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