Turtlephilia in the Pacific: an Integrated Comparative
TURTLEPHILIA IN THE PACIFIC: AN INTEGRATED COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS FROM THE PERSPECTIVES OF BIOLOGICAL, CULTURAL, AND SPIRITUAL ECOLOGY IN A PARTICULAR CASE OF BIOPHILIA A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE DIVISION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAIʻI AT MĀNOA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN ANTHROPOLOGY MAY 2013 By Regina Woodrom Luna Dissertation Committee: Leslie Sponsel, Chairperson Charles Birkeland Alice Dewey Sherwood Maynard Heather Young-Leslie Keywords: Sea Turtle, Traditional Laws, Cultural Take, Consumption, Tapu, Tabu, Kapu, Taboo, Oceania, Polynesia, Myth, Legend, Ritual, Creation Story Acknowledgments First and foremost, I would like to thank my wonderful husband, Jason Rudrud, without whose support -- both physically by picking up sea turtles with all their weight, and mentally by picking me up when it seemed as if my health issues would not allow me to finish – this dissertation would never have been completed. He is my hero and this is his accomplishment as much as it is mine. Next, I would be remiss without acknowledging the tremendous and never-ending support of my mother and chief editor, Mary Anne Woodrom; my dad and step-mother, Harold and Marilyn Woodrom; and my sister and assistant editor, Rebecca Reid and my brother-in-law, Lynn. My brother Roy Woodrom, whose generosity with his frequent flier miles sent me to ECOnference 2000, which set me on my path to study sea turtles as an undergraduate at Texas A&M. The rest of my extended family, especially my aunt Dr. Sandra Luna McCune for her editing assistance, also deserve acknowledgement for always being there for me regardless of the paths I choose to take.
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