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Period Five Fuel Oil Coupons Vaud Now for Balance Of f.o:ivo’Jtiicoutiirv historical' asscj. v netnoLO., s . x . e - . ' . x Immunize Pupils Borough To Honor At Local School Home Front Workers Health Nurse Report* Mayor Currie Sttfiw U 07 Vaccinated, 132 - Member National Editorial Aiioclatlon — New Joriey Pren A»iocinUon — Monmouth County Freii Aiio'ciation New Typo Of Roll F o r Received Toxoid Civilians Actlvo In Injection* 74th YEAR ““ '30th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1043 Single Copy Six Centi Wartime Dutlot A routine inimUMr,atlun program An tionor toil for workors on h&B been conducted in tlie MntnWan the homn front wad prorpoaed by School Mrs. ittithlmi eiiafto, public Rationing Dates Listed Planned Blackout 179,079 New Ration Heads Red Cross Drive Mayor Kdwnrtl W. Ctirrla f l l ilu?. hpullh feupciviftuf, reporto. Nihety- Hireling of thn Malawatt Boioiildi wVeii ('lilldic)i wrl»> ynochniled for ImiwrUiii rutliiiiiiiR rtalM l«> Ooiiiii i r held Tuesday ever.lng nnd Miiallpb*, ntiti tt'A werc< ImmtinlBMl m ini Iiy (tie M ate Ol'A are M Becomes “Surprise” Books In Monmouth mil with the npproval of the ioimcil bgniitit diphtheria, Ait of Ihe VoC- mi’inbi’rfl, . ()JhAtionft, unites the children had J^Ufr O ll^P rrlo d Pitt tbuptnit Tlie innroc gild hli fell UM” been recently Vaccinated, were sue* How valid, mn m ill (uud lo t ten Test Conies More Than State OPA Head Gives mouiiiilm, should lie given lo cess/iil. 'rwchty^peVen children WWd (aUtrl't, Hour After Schedule) Registration Results; tlil/t<ii» iKiforming arduous duties. Schick tasted to Per If the loXolil Oulfe*— Slantp Nn, U I n W a r Delay Laid To Armyi Praises Volunteers t,.'iitlinlnrly women Mild Assist with they refcplvpd last ye&r had been lla llu ii Hook O ut in nuw valid (ur lied Orosn work, Hlttl olhers In tlm effective, nhd two of Otm were Ilif (lurdiafttt nf nn« tiounlt »F Results "Good" Who Assisted civilian Helpline progrsni. Mnyor fuuiid to be* Still fiuscepllbie tu runtM toftw, II Hill n p lrt uii (Im rid snld aiioll a roll would lw< u New • itrrftny's second lest lii llio diphtheria They letfelVfed a (sec­ M a r . i l , Wlili lepoiis lu from nil War nimns of Jnatirlhg active eo-o|>erii- Army's fiew tSnftUdlt durtlxinlll I',lie nnd llatlonlug llonida ond trrfltmmit of toxoid in order H uiar^Alanip Nu, II l,i Wnr i.lni( on Ilia hotne fnmt nhd might blackout alsimls waa turned Into a llirnliuhoiit llie’stale, it Wns nh- Umt they could be made immune. llatlm t llouk One »»p lffi al m ill* Inspirn those shirking Ihelr duly. iilllit M ar, IA. II in now valid Inr "aurprlao" tedt Tuesday night, wlien iHiiiiHul that a luliil of 4 t)n j3 l\ Twenty^tliiee children have ie«~ OoiiiMllmai, Waller V, Swanson Ih* purt'liaite o l llirett pounds of the nnr.e of Atmv red tnpfl elititnilled copies tit War ftatlon Hook Two Intered fit thn Health Center to be Mbl Dioliglil It an nrilera nnd, aecoidliiB to 810(0 CJiHI* weie IwkimI during (ho recent con­ lin wkd mlrnlmUn immunised by fat\ hHBotv on thin M i a r . Idl'd but felt compllcntlons might Inn Defetinn lJlreelor Leonard Utcy* sul,ier rcMlsUntlnii for I'olnt l(n- Thursday, nl 3 p him and by Vty ! Bhwu-^latnp Nu, IK ui War rliStle, The msyor wss of (lie fii/w, when the tlinn comn lo Atnrt ll'ihlng. .fanies ,1. Kerney, stale deaSWeln oh ThWfrday, Mnr, 2l) hi lla tlu fi tliittk One ei|,ire.< at m ill/ opinion lim l such would not Iw lli» 10 Hmii ■ At preBuiu RpprexiniRteiy llllill June ID, ll la nuw valid tlm lest the Army Btfttf odlcer dlieelor of Od’A anticipated that tosfi_it3..i'htJwaU_DeieuJt.Jfi!ii!tiLl.L fur tlie purdtate uf m ir pair nf wlione duty It Biippostdly Wns to net llil»“Vifnrwim((t“TIPt»"lJf-«t_lra»lr GUM- of the local school children could eslslillsli Ihn lines,mry tire lininuuir.ed figahifit diphtheria, a l i o m . p. oil tlie slBtinl woe "IDOOmiles uwny Iri'MKw an Inlu reglstranls apply nt iiliioiint of service for (hn Individual tliid nbout 40% uMiilhst AiiiftllpuM, from tils iioft.” iMMoiiInu iHisrds lor Ihelr liMika ffoir^fd (fimd—A, li and U: to niinllfy and other rcipilreoienls, "Wo hope lo lmvc» nit effective blue aUHtpa In W ar lU iln ii llnult Mor>t of Nfonlnoiifh Ooimty'd nil' dm Inu the next leu days. 'llie mntler will be referred to tlm Two lolalln# I I point*, good fur raid defense ofllolals and WorKera, In, Ihe Trenton District, which imttiUhitintloii program for our pto- Defense douiicll for consideration. fcchobl children dllrlny tile months purrhane of catHied, IJollled aiid tired of WaillnK wlieii ihJ Wninlntf Includes Monmouth and Middlesex. IVeih On Well Yff Hlarl of Mmdi. April and May nnd to proeetant fnodt durinn March, had conlo thluliyll from tin) atflUi (loiiiillen, 1D4.04I iKKiks were dls- have t id il y Alt of (tie children I n M ileage (talliinltig •“ (.'oiipun defense IJendQliartera nearly two trlbuted. The figure for Monmouth r jdiiN i. iii\mft (jmiMlhtiHii Unltf Trailer, chair­ Motnwnu prolwl^d," Mra. filmflu fo u r III A liuuk etplrea m ld illg lii iiourn nfter tlio nnnoiinccd ‘ tlmo, (lounly was lIB.Irtll and for Middle- J man rd the water eodurilttce, re. Ftdd, "Mnny pnientu have taken M a r . > 1 . le ll their posts and went Itomo. TlilMy four il«ys *mm tjirht un llie e|icn *r* In • rnlilier |»I#I Iiv llurn Sen, M.lili, J IKilted that llm IJiyne ffew York tl, , N»vv mrn, Itareld V, llUnrt, ( I n r AlilrliIi, mill Aiiltioiiy I’silnln, their ehllriien lo their private ddo> However the innJorlty returned to 8 (Jiirripany, Which wss awarded Ihc /fler rliiliirllitf Idittiriiii, tlNjri liriilrr llie ir 1 • rl 11K Kill’, sin, IreclilM "The ease and eindency wllh 1 lor for thla liefllinent because of duty when tlm alarm bounded tiloie conltact for Ihe new well at the nlptlili. ilie«e Anierlrsit lierees tvrrn flnslly ti-M iieil. Ill tlfn I, I lll / which Ihln liuue iiunnllly of rnllun Red Cross Rally To borough water plant, were ninving the publicity given to llie program Him,' rtt, hour later llia ii scheduled. wrid aept nflfiH, I.f • WAII llllNH, books was illsl.rlliiiled," he declared, 1 ht fiUhOdl, nnd l i i Did newspapers/' Seek New Principal In referring Ui the nssetlJon that Wo need lulu bt llir*n ruM.rr In,sin, liiiv 1s* tnsuy War IlninN *• you "In prlinn>lly due lo the splendid J i l l tlielr e'|iilprnent and that tli' Be Held On Monday drilling of the Well would slsri thn staff ortlcer whom, duty I t wm tail, You've ilcmn x«url>ll| linw do ynlir In: ai I I work of tha thousands ol tenches J All (hose parents Who hftVo not to fcouml Uio tilarin Wns "1000 iiiIIcb : and other volunteers who wi-opera-; within llio held week t t ten days, yet itrrnngcd to linve thclr uhlldren For Matawan High from liere ,'1 UreyfiiAs artld lie ((not­ I led, of the Millie and county school J Local War Fund Drive (;<mriMlman fi*an*on, chair,on. linruuniw-d by their private doctor, ed fJt, Ool. 11, W, Mcers Of the opera­ iolflelala wlio set up llln efficient j To Bo Inaugurated In til thn light tommlllee, re(«rrted mi or At one of Uie clinics Which will Board Votes Action On tion sccllor, lic«df|imrt«rs, flecuwl J reglstrnllofi iiintililMty, arid til Ilui a cMifererMr* which be had hart will, bo held ln the coming montltt, ore Borough, 'I ownshlp Filling Vacancy In Service Ooliimahd, Dreyfusi said 1 newfpnpers of Ihe (Hate which! stale highway official* Ir, V n n u m urged by the Board of Health, Iho Ll. Col. llerrs wa* llie only ranklnif PERIOD FIVE FUEL OIL gave s/i miKili valuable since to In -1 ifgaidlog Ihe lilgliway lighting M> Tha American lied flrosa War Utmrd of tidueatlun, and the Mol* Bennett Post ofneer l,o oould read, on tlovernor'a lomilng Ihn Jmblln mi tlie feglslrn- Itmile 34 In which Ihe state shares |Cund Drive in M alawsn H<rr,e|gh ftWail I ’ubllo 1 fra ltli Association to Island wlieii ho telephoned lo ln- lion and Point HalUJning pro­ (lie Mxt, Ife laid ha had been and 'ftM Hlahlp w ill tie f/fficially In* <lo no nt once, llie Mfltawan Townfiiilp l>onrd of rilllre Ihe lewon for llio delay III cedures." -...........: ; ...... , advised that one light waa to t r Education at itfl regular meethm kugiirgl«tl nt a rally lo lie held in Volunteer G roup Aid® sounding the alonal, ’ll i e »Ult ofneor COUPONS VAUD NOW FOR May M i l i l n t m Bm)i 11 eliminated and that tlw bulb* would Inst Unusdny night took steps to A lM rKtf, Legion Hall Monday at be reduced from IWt) eandlepoWer to Tlie volunteer group, who have was not Identified. J I ’ers/ms residing In Dm 'l'renton f ill the vacancy created by the diA« S p. ffr_ Kverydfie la Invlled lei at- W l, Tb« new contract would 1^< ttrrtdiged with the Malnwith 1 ’ubllc Its snld Ool, Heera told him that idisttiet. of OPA who hava not ap­ U M n i u n x i tlclteie are neceswry.
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