Arxiv:1602.03144V2 [Math.RT]

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Arxiv:1602.03144V2 [Math.RT] REGULAR SUPERCUSPIDAL REPRESENTATIONS Tasho Kaletha Abstract We show that, in good residual characteristic, most supercuspidal rep- resentations of a tamely ramified reductive p-adic group G arise from pairs (S,θ), where S is a tame elliptic maximal torus of G, and θ is a character of S satisfying a simple root-theoretic property. We then give a new expres- sion for the roots of unity that appear in the Adler-DeBacker-Spice charac- ter formula for these supercuspidal representations and use it to show that this formula bears a striking resemblance to the character formula for dis- crete series representations of real reductive groups. Led by this, we explic- itly construct the local Langlands correspondence for these supercuspidal representations and prove stability and endoscopic transfer in the case of toral representations. In large residual characteristic this gives a construc- tion of the local Langlands correspondence for almost all supercuspidal representations of reductive p-adic groups. CONTENTS 1 Introduction 3 2 Notation and assumptions 10 2.1 Assumptions on the ground field . 10 2.2 Furthernotation............................ 11 3 Regularsupercuspidalrepresentations 12 3.1 Basics on p-adictori.......................... 12 3.2 Reviewofstableconjugacyoftori. 16 3.3 Shortremarksaboutparahoricsubgroups . 18 arXiv:1602.03144v2 [math.RT] 21 Mar 2017 3.4 Regular supercuspidal representations of depth zero . ..... 18 3.4.1 Maximally unramified elliptic maximal tori . 18 3.4.2 Depthzerocharacters . 22 3.4.3 Definition and construction . 24 3.4.4 Anextensionanditscharacter . 25 3.4.5 Classification ......................... 30 3.5 ReviewoftheworkofHakimandMurnaghan . 31 AMS 2010 Mathematics subject classification: 22E50; 11S37; 11F70. This research is supported in part by NSF grant DMS-1161489 and a Sloan Fellowship. 1 3.6 Tameregularellipticpairs . 35 3.7 Howefactorization .......................... 39 3.8 Classification of regular supercuspidal representations ..... 43 3.9 When p divides |π1(Gder)| ...................... 45 4 The character formula 46 4.1 Hypotheses .............................. 46 4.2 Reviewoforbitalintegrals . 47 4.3 Review of the work of Adler-Spiceand DeBacker-Spice . .. 47 4.4 Charactervaluesatshallowelements. 49 4.5 Computation of ordx(α) ....................... 50 abs 4.6 Definition of ∆II ........................... 54 4.7 A formula for ǫs,r · e˜ ......................... 56 4.8 The characters of toral supercuspidal representations ...... 60 4.9 Character values of regular supercuspidal representations at shal- lowelements:depthzero. 60 4.10 Character values of regular supercuspidal representations at shal- lowelements:generaldepth. 63 4.11 Comparison with the characters of real discrete series represen- tations ................................. 65 5 Regular supercuspidal L-packets 67 5.1 Admissibleembeddings . 68 5.2 Construction of L-packets ...................... 68 5.3 Parameterization of L-packets.................... 79 5.4 Comparison with the case of real groups . 80 6 Toral L-packets 81 6.1 Constructionandexhaustion . 81 6.2 Charactersandgenericity . 83 6.3 Stabilityandtransfer . 85 References 90 2 1 INTRODUCTION This paper pursues multiple interconnected goals, all of which are related to Yu’s construction of supercuspidal representations of reductive p-adic groups [Yu01], which generalizes Adler’s earlier construction [Adl98]. Recall briefly that if G is a connected reductive group over a p-adic field F that splits over a tamely ramified extension of F , a supercuspidal representation of G(F ) can be constructed by giving the following data: a tower G0 ⊂ ··· ⊂ Gd = G of connected reductive subgroups that become Levi subgroups of G over some i × tame Galois extension of F , a sequence of characters φi : G (F ) → C for all i ≥ 0 satisfying a certain genericity condition, and a depth-zero supercuspi- 0 dal representation π−1 of G (F ), which we may call the socle of the Yu-datum. Representations obtained from this construction are customarily called tame, even though they can have arbitrary depth (in the case of G = GLN , these rep- resentations are called essentially tame in the work of Bushnell and Henniart; when p ∤ N all supercuspidal representations are essentially tame). Hakim and Murnaghan [HM08] have shown that different Yu-data can lead to the same representation and have made a precise study of when this happens. This leads to the natural question of whether one can use simpler data to parameter- ize the supercuspidal representations resulting from Yu’s construction. Ideally, such data would consist simply of a maximal torus S ⊂ G and a character θ : S(F ) → C×, in analogy with the classification of discrete series representa- tions of real reductive groups, as well as that of supercuspidal representations of GLN when p ∤ N. There is an immediate obstruction to this: Most reductive groups over finite fields (but not GLN ) have cuspidal representations that are not immediately parameterizable by such pairs (for example cuspidal unipo- tent representations), and this obstruction propagates to depth-zero supercus- pidal representations of reductive groups over F . We therefore restrict our attention to Yu-data that satisfy a slight regularity condition, which is automat- ically satisfied for G = GLN , and whose main part is that the socle π−1 (when it is non-trivial) corresponds to a Deligne-Lusztig representation (of the reduc- tive quotient of a parahoric subgroup of G) that is associated to a character in general position. Let us call supercuspidal representations arising from such Yu-data regular. The first main goal of this paper is to give an explicit parame- terization of regular supercuspidal representations in terms of G(F )-conjugacy classes of pairs (S,θ). Partial results towards this were obtained earlier by Mur- naghan in [Mur11], where a further technical restriction is imposed on π−1 and an injective map is constructed from the set of equivalence classes of regular supercuspidal representations satisfying this additional technical restriction to the set of G(F )-conjugacy classes of pairs (S,θ) consisting of an elliptic max- imal torus and a character of it. No effective description of the image of this map was known. For many purposes it is important to have a map in the op- posite direction – from pairs (S,θ) to representations. In the current paper we introduce the notion of a tame regular elliptic pair (S,θ). This notion is defined in simple and explicit root-theoretic terms. We show that in the case of GLN it specializes to the classical notion of an admissible character. We give an explicit algorithm that, starting from a tame regular elliptic pair, produces a Yu-datum for a regular supercuspidal representation. This algorithm can be seen as a generalization to arbitrary reductive groups of the Howe factorization lemma ([How77, Lemma 11 and Corollary]) that plays an important role in the con- struction of supercuspidal representations of GLN . Just as in the case of GLN , the factorization we obtain is not unique, but we show that two possible fac- torizations are related to each other by a process already introduced by Hakim and Murnaghan, called refactorization. Their work implies that the resulting 3 supercuspidal representation is unaffected by this ambiguity, and may thus be called π(S,θ). We then show that two such representations are isomorphic if and only if the pairs giving rise to them are G(F )-conjugate. It is then straight- forward to check that the map (S,θ) 7→ π(S,θ) is the inverse to Murnaghan’s injection (after removing the additional technical restriction on π−1 imposed in [Mur11]). This implies that the image of Murnaghan’s map is precisely the set of G(F )-conjugcy classes of tame regular elliptic pairs. In this way, we obtain explicit mutually inverse bijections between the set of G(F )-conjugacy classes of tame regular elliptic pairs and the set of isomorphism classes of regular su- percuspidal representations. This classification result includes as a special ba- sic case the regular supercuspidal representations of depth zero. In fact, this special case is needed as the basis of our argument. When G splits over an unramified extension, regular depth-zero supercuspidal representations were studied by DeBacker and Reeder [DR09]. As a preparation for the study of regular supercuspidal representations of general depth, we extend their classi- fication results to the case of tamely ramified groups G. When the residual characteristic of F is not too small for G the work of Kim [Kim07] shows that all supercuspidal representations of G(F ) arise from Yu’s construction. Most of these are regular and thus of the form π(S,θ). For G = GLN with p ∤ N all supercuspidal representations are regular, but for other groups non-regular supercuspidal representations do exist, as the example of the four exceptional supercuspidal representations of SL2 shows. We believe that our work can be used to reduce the description of general supercuspidal representations in terms of elliptic (but not necessarily regular) pairs (S,θ) to the description of cuspidal representations of finite groups of Lie type in terms of Deligne-Lusztig virtual characters. It would be interesting to pursue this question. In the second part of the paper we study the Harish-Chandra character of su- percuspidal representations, and in particular of the representations π(S,θ). A formula for the character of a supercuspidal representation π arising from Yu’s construction has been given by Adler and Spice [AS09] and subsequently re- fined by DeBacker and Spice [DS]. At the moment this formula is only valid under the assumption that Gd−1(F )/Z(G)(F ) is compact, but in private com- munication the authors have assured me that this assumption will soon be re- moved. In the mean time we have proved in this paper a technical result which removes this condition in a certain special case that still allows us to draw con- clusions from it. The character formula [DS, Theorem 4.6.2] has the following form. Recall first that Yu’s construction produces not just a supercuspidal rep- i resentation π of G(F ), but in fact a supercuspidal representation πi of G (F ) for each i.
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