arXiv:1002.2456v1 [cs.IT] 12 Feb 2010 ufa ta.b rvn oerslso h re fsome of order the on results the some of proving by al. et Huffman oe ayotmlcdswt emtto russharing groups permutation [ with properties codes many optimal many codes ylcojcs nti ae eas ieepiil h the explicitly give also we extended paper and this H objects In cyclic objects. between equivalency cyclic the find to obntra bet on objects combinatorial rps icln irps ylcdsgsadcci code cyclic and [ designs Brand cyclic N. digraphs, circu circulant include classes graphs, Such cycle. complete a contains group fojcsi h ls n smrhssbtenojcsin objects between of are and class class same the the in objects of groups. transitive doubly code, quasi-cyclic code, n h e fpruain ywihtoqaicci oe c codes quasi-cyclic two which by equivalent. permutations be of set the find otisacmlt yl,gvnb .P coly[ which McSorley P. groups J. primitive by given doubly cycle, the complete a of contains classification the use hti h eghi opsdo rm oe number, power prime a or composed a is length then the if that Reed– the codes, for Reed–Solomon only that some known the and Note are codes as Muller codes. codes such cyclic cyclic families, of of few groups groups permutation permutation the the as arise ylccdsi h iaycs.W eeaiearsl f[ of result a generalize We case. binary the in codes [ cyclic Klopsch B. and Bienert obytastv ae.Frhr ecnie h permutat the cyclic th consider of in we groups groups Further, permutation cases. the transitive give to doubly results previous our and s with SL P groups permutation transitive doubly the concerning group the set the since case the in set this explicitly hc w obntra ylcojcson objects cyclic combinatorial two which l n efidtepoete ftesto emttosby permutations of set the of fields. length et of properties finite Huffman codes the and over cyclic Brand find two codes of which we cyclic results and the of al. extend groups we permutation Furthermore, the as hs oe r neetn;te r sdi aypowerful many in used are they interesting; are codes These [ of results qiaet yuigteerslsHfmne l [ al. et Huffman results these using By equivalent. ( ti elkonta ecncntutfo h cyclic the from construct can we that known well is It ls fcci bet on objects cyclic of class A ne Terms Index Abstract P h emtto rusadteEuvlneof Equivalence the and Groups Permutation The ) er P ( ,q d, o oe flength of codes for ( ) W ietecaso nt ruswiharise which groups finite of class the give —We C er P 9 4 otennbnr ae.Frhroe eprove we Furthermore, cases. non-binary the to ) hrceie h set the characterised ] .Fnly ecnie h us-ylccodes. quasi-cyclic the consider we Finally, ]. Pruaingop qiaec fcds cyclic codes, of equivalency group, —Permutation H sipiiieo obytastv.Hne we Hence, transitive. doubly or imprimitive is ( C ( P ) MDS 15 egv h ls ffiiegop which groups finite of class the give we , ) r[ or ] .I I. eed setal ntesrcueof structure the on essentially depends BCH NTRODUCTION ylcadQaiCci Codes Quasi-Cyclic and Cyclic oe,adta ybidn nthe on building by that and codes, 8 23 n tde h emtto ru of group permutation the studied ] p r .Wt hsmtvto n also and motivation this With ]. lmns hr where elements, n esmlf h loihsof algorithms the simplify We . oe [ codes = p r p S n 2 H a eeuvln.W also We equivalent. be can n er P n osrc algorithms construct and n hr permutation where and , lmnsi ls of class a is elements ( 3 P ,[ ], ) ( 6 C fpruain by permutations of ,[ ], ) . p 7 r .Rcnl,R. Recently, ]. lmnsare elements 20 24 ez Guenda Kenza gave ] ,[ ], ocle lant 25 ion an 8 s. e ] ] oe.W ipiyadgnrlz oerslso ufa et cyclic Huffman the of results for [ some al. generalize problem thir and equivalency the simplify We In the codes. codes. consider cyclic we of groups section permutation the with deal trivial. is code the that implies group epoethat prove we n oeo t rpris u,w i o rv that prove not did we But, W equivalent. properties. its be of can some codes find quasi-cyclic two which by tations h emtto ru of group permutation The ecnetr that conjecture we ru.Ee huh yuigtesfwr A,w n on find we GAP, software that the using examples by several though, Even group. a eua n lmnayaeino ipeadpiiieand primitive and simple or abelian has elementary and regular a nqemnmlnra normal group minimal permutation doub unique the transitive a of doubly class has A the is groups. group transitive primitive of class interesting emtto group permutation ehave we nteae fgoptheory. group of area the in T osdrteeuvlnypolmfrteqaicci code quasi-cyclic the for problem equivalency the consider cu smnmlnra ugopo obytastv grou transitive [ doubly known a of are subgroup normal minimal as occur n otistepruainshift permutation the contains and tutr of structure H rpoytm [ cryptosystems esyta h codes the that say We fteeeit permutation a exists there if σ code ( emtto of permutation a hsppri raie sflo.I eodscinwe section second In follow. as organised is paper This rniiegopi ihrpiiieo mrmtv.An imprimitive. or primitive either is group transitive A Let ercl htalna code linear a that recall We Lemma well-known folklore, a is Lemma elementary following The ∈ P 20 C er P σ Proof: ) σ G rmtelength the from ] ( C I P II. Alt rpoeta ti ru.Fnlyi h atscinwe section last the in Finally group. a is it that prove or ( C ( C N ealna oeo length of code linear a be ( = ) T ) C ( 1 = ) j 1: n endby: defined − 13 ) ERMUTATION h group The H ) where , i { H er P ( Let .Ti euti u otecasfiaino finite of classification the to due is result This ]. rtesmercgroup symmetric the or ( ( i x P 26 = ) ′ ( σ ) [ P .W hrceieteset the characterize We ]. − ( 12 C C n nsm ae egv xcl h set the exactly give we cases some in and er P 1 ) H j S (1) .22.Alsml ruswihcan which groups simple All 202]. p. , sa mrmtv ru,o h alternating the or group, imprimitive an is = ) T hence ; eacci oeo length of code cyclic a be n ′ C H ( er P x , . . . , otecode the To . p P ( sacmlt yl flength of cycle complete a is C 2 ′ and { ) ( otelength the to P G ) σ C ( sagop ne hshypothesis, this Under group. a is C satastv group. transitive a is OP OF ROUPS ) ∈ C er P stesbru of subgroup the is σ σ ) sa mrmtv ru.Hence group. imprimitive an is C ′ S − prtso h set the on operates r qiaetb permutation by equivalent are 1 ∈ n over ( ( n | C n S ) σ T ) ) n ( vrafiiefield finite a over | C C For . F stransitive. is ( C p uhthat such q x S = ) r eascaealinear a associate we YCLIC 1 n ecaatrz the characterize We . scci fi verifies it if cyclic is x . . . , N h atsituation last The . ,j i, C H hc seither is which , } ′ . ( C n { ∈ P S ) C ODES ) n n ∈ { ′ hnits Then . 1 fpermu- of 1 ie by: given H = n , . . . , C n , . . . , n F ′ } . ( σ q . P and , ( C ) s. G ly } is ) d } p e . , simple groups. By using this classification J. P. McSorley [24] by their composition factors [2]. Hence we have U 1 = U 2; gave the following result. this implies U1 = U2. This gives P er(C)= P ΓL(d, t). Lemma 2: A group G of degree n which is doubly tran- We recall that the group AG(n) = {τa,b : a 6= 0, (a,n) = sitive and contains a complete cycle, has as socle N, verifies 1,b ∈ Z/nZ} is the group of the affine transformations defined N ≤ G ≤ Aut(N) and is equal to one of the cases in the as follow following Table. τa,b : Zn −→ Zn G n N (1) AGL(1,p) p Cp x 7−→ (ax + b) mod n. S4 4 C2 × C2 Sn, n ≥ 5 n Alt(n) When n = p a prime number, we have AGL(1,p)= AG(p), Alt(n), n odd and ≥ 5 n Alt(n) and is called the affine group. P GL(d,t) ≤ G ≤ P ΓL(d,t) (td − 1)/t − 1 P SL(d,t) Proposition 4: Let C be a non elementary cyclic code of (d,t) =6 (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4) ′s length p over Fq, with q = p . Hence P er(C) is a primitive P SL(2, 11) 11 P SL(2, 11) group, and one of the following holds: M11 11 M11 M23 23 M23 1) P er(C) = PSL(2, 11) of degree 11, q = 3 ( C is the Remark 1: The projective semi-linear group P ΓL(d, t) [11, 6, 5]3 ternary Golay code or its dual), is the semi-direct product of the projective linear group 2) P er(C) = M23 of degree 23, q = 2 (C is the binary P GL(d, t) with the group Z = Gal(Ft/Fp′ ) Golay code [23, 12, 7], or its dual), ′s ′ d of finite field Ft, where t = p ,p a prime, i.e. 3) P er(C) = P ΓL(d, t) of degree p = (t − 1)/(t − 1), where t is a power of the prime p′. P ΓL(d, t)= P GL(d, t) ⋊ Z. 4) Cp ≤ P er(C) ≤ AGL(1,p), with a normal Sylow The order of these groups are subgroup N of order p; and such that p ≥ 5. Proof: A transitive of prime degree is a |P GL(d, t)| = (d, t − 1)|PSL(d, t)|, |Z| = s primitive group [28, p. 195]. From a consequence of a result and P ΓL(d, t)= s|P GL(d, t)|. Hence if t is a prime we have of Burnside [12], we have that a transitive group of prime P ΓL(d, t)= P GL(d, t). degree is either a subgroup of the affine group AGL(1,p) or The zero code, the entire space, the repetition code and its a doubly transitive group. dual are called elementary codes. The permutation group of In the doubly-transitive cases, from Lemma 2, Remark 1 these codes is Sn [21, p. 1410]. Furthermore, there is no cyclic and the Lemma 3 we have that these groups are Sp, M11, codes with permutation group equals to Alt(n). PSL(2, 11) of degree 11, M23 of degree 23, or P ΓL(d, t) of d ′s The following Lemma is a generalization of a part of [8, degree p = (t − 1)/(t − 1) over Fq, with q = p and t is a ′ Theorem E] to the non binary cases. prime power of p . From Remark 1, the group Sp corresponds Lemma 3: Let C be a non elementary cyclic code of length to an elementary code. From [25, Table 1, Lemma 2 and (J)], td−1 ′ M11 rules out, PSL(2, 11) is the permutation group of a n = t−1 over a finite field of characteristic p , d ≥ 2, and s t = p be the power of a prime p, if the group P er(C) verifies: ternary code and M23 is the permutation group of a binary code. From [21] p. 1410, these codes are unique, namely P GL(d, t) ≤ P er(C) ≤ P ΓL(d, t), PSL(2, 11) corresponds to the [11, 6, 5]3 ternary Golay code then we have, or its dual. M23 is the permutation group of the [23, 12, 7] binary Golay code and its dual. ′s d ≥ 3,t = p and P er(C)= P ΓL(d, t). Since |AGL(1,p)| = (p − 1)p, then P er(C) ≤ AGL(1,p) Proof: For d = 2. As the group P GL(2,t) acts 3- admits as order pm with m|(p − 1), hence it contains a 1 Sylow subgroup of order . From Sylow’s Theorem, transitively on 1-dimensional projective space P (Ft), we can N p N deduce from [25, Table 1 and Lemma 2], that the underlying is unique, hence it is normal. For p equals to 2 or 3, we have AGL(1,p) = S , hence the codes are elementary. Then we code is elementary, hence P er(C)= Sn, which is a contradic- p tion. Hence d ≥ 3, and similarly, we deduce from [25, Table assume p ≥ 5. ′s If (q,p)=1, the number of cyclic codes of length p over 1 and Lemma 2] that t = p . Let V denotes the permutation p−1 ord (q) +1 module of Fp′ , associated to the natural action of P GL(d, t) Fq, is equal to 2 p , where ordp(q) is the multiplicative d−1 on (d − 1) dimensional projective space P (Ft). Let U1 order of q modulo p [18]. When ordp(q)= p−1, there are only be a P GL(d, t)-submodule of V . Hence U1 is P ΓL(d, t)- four codes, namely the elementary codes. This is the cases for invariant. That is because, for σ a generator of the cyclic q = 13, p =5, 11, 31, 37, 41 or q = 11 and p = 13, 17, 23, 31. ′ σ group P ΓL(d, t)/PGL(d, t) ≃ Gal(Ft/Fp ). Then U2 = U1 , In the following table we give examples of permutation regarded as P GL(d, t)-module, is simply a twist of U1. Let groups of cyclic codes of length p over Fq in the case Fp′ be the algebraic closure of Fp′ , we conclude that the com- P er(C) ≤ AGL(1,p). The m is such that position factors of the Fp′ P GL(d, t)-modules U1 = Fp′ ⊗ U1 P er(C) = Cm ⋉ Cp. The codes are given in pairs, and U2 = Fp′ ⊗ U2 are the same. The submodules of the corresponding to the code and its dual. Fp′ P GL(d, t)-module V = Fp′ ⊗ V are uniquely determined q p m Codes From [8] the permutation group of the Hamming code 11 5 2 [5, 3, 3], [5, 2, 4] [15, 12, 3]2 is P ΓL(4, 2). 5 1 [5, 2, 4], [5, 3, 3] Now we will deal with the permutation group of MDS 7 3 [7, 4, 4], [7, 3, 5] codes. 19 3 [19, 16, 3], [19, 3, 6] T. P. Berger [4] proved that the only linear MDS codes with 37 6 [37, 31, 5], [37, 6, 27] minimum distance dC equals to 2 or n are the repetitions codes 13 7 2 [7, 5, 3], [7, 2, 6]; and their duals. Hence in the following result we assume that [7, 3, 5], [7, 4, 4] n > dC > 2. 17 4 [17, 13, 4], [17, 4, 12]; Theorem 8: Let C be a non elementary [n,n−dC +1, dC] ′s [17, 12, 4], [17, 5, 11]; MDS cyclic code over Fq, q = p , n > 5, n > dC > 2, [17, 8, 8], [17, 9, 7] and gcd(n − 2, dC − 2) = 1. If the group P er(C) is doubly 17 8 [17, 9, 8], [17, 8, 9] transitive, then 23 11 [23, 12, 9], [23, 11, 10] 1) P er(C)= AGL(1,p) with n = p, or ′ 29 14 [29, 15, 11], [29, 14, 12] ′ p d−1 ′ 2) P er(C)= PSL(d, p ) with n = p′−1 , d ≥ 3, gcd(p − Theorem 5: Let C be a non elementary cyclic code over 1, d)=1. F of length n = pr, where r ≥ 2 and q = p′s. Then P er(C) q Proof: If n = p, hence from Lemma 2 P er(C) is is either: i equal to AGL(1,p), PSL(2, 11), M11, M23 or a subgroup 1) an imprimitive group, and admits a system of p blocks of P ΓL(d, p′). From Proposition 4, we eliminate PSL(2, 11), each of length ps,(si = r) formed by the orbits of i M11, M23 since the [11, 6, 5]3 and [23, 12, 7]2 Golay codes are , a such system of block is complete, or not MDS and M11 does not correspond to any cyclic code. 2) a doubly transitive group equals to Now we need the following Lemma. d t − 1 ′ Lemma 9: ([4]) If C is an MDS linear code with length P ΓL(d, t), with pr = , d ≥ 3,t a power of p . t − 1 n and minimum distance dC > 2 such that P er(C) contains r Proof: A simply transitive subgroup of Sn of degree p a doubly transitive subgroup B and gcd(n − 2, dC − 2)= 1, which contains a permutation of order pr (in our case T ) must then B = P er(C). be imprimitive [16, p. 229]. Hence it admits a system of pi If P er(C) is a doubly transitive not equal to AGL(1,p), then blocks each of length ps,(si = r) formed by the orbits of Theorem 5, Theorem 7, Lemma 9 and Remark 1 implies that i ′ ′ T p [17] p. 67, a such system of block is complete. the only solution is P er(C) = PSL(d, p ) = P GL(d, p ) = ′ ′ From the previous we have that if P er(C) is primitive it P ΓL(d, p ) for gcd(p − 1, d)=1. must be doubly transitive. From Lemma 2, Lemma 3 and Remark 2: When p a prime number any cyclic code of Remark 1 we get the results. length p over Fp is MDS and is equivalent to an extended Corollary 6: Let p ≥ 5 be a prime number, C a cyclic codes Reed–Solomon code [29]. The permutation group of the last r of length p , r ≥ 2 over Fp. Then if C is not an elementary codes is the affine group AGL(1,p) [3]. code, the group P er(C) is imprimitive. III. THE EQUIVALENCE OF CYCLIC CODES Proof: From Theorem 5 if P er(C) is primitive, hence it ′ is doubly transitive. From Lemma 2 the only cases when the Let C and C two cyclic codes of length pr, with p an socle can be abelian are N = Cp and C2 ×C2. In which cases odd prime number. The aim of this section is to find the ′ P er(C) must be equal to AGL(1,p) or S4; which is impos- permutations by which C and C can be equivalent. Even if sible. From [17, Lemma 22], if P er(C) is doubly transitive our results are also true for the cyclic combinatorial objects with non abelian socle, then Soc(P er(C)) = Alt(pm), hence of length pr, we consider only cyclic codes. from Remark 1 the code is elementary. The multiplier Ma is the affine transformation Ma = τa,0. Theorem 7: A non elementary cyclic code C of composed It is obvious that the of a cyclic code by a multiplier ′s length n over Fq, where q = p , admits a permutation group is an equivalent cyclic code. If gcd(n, φ(n)) = 1 or n = 4, P er(C) which is either or n = p.r, p > r are primes, and the Sylow p-subgroup ′ 1) imprimitive, of P er(C) has order p. Then two cyclic codes C and C of 2) or doubly transitive; equals to length n are equivalent if and only if they are equivalent by a multiplier [1],[20],[27]. P er(C)= P ΓL(d, t), When C is a cyclic code of length pr, P a Sylow p-subgroup d− ′ t 1 of P er(C), the following subset of Spr was introduced by N. with n = t−1 , d ≥ 3, t a power of p . Proof: The group P er(C) contains a full cycle and is Brand [9] with composed degree. Hence from Theorem of Burnside −1 H(P )= {σ ∈ Spr |σ T σ ∈ P }. and Shur [30, p. 65], P er(C) is either imprimitive or doubly transitive. In the doubly transitive from Lemma 2 The set H(P ) is well defined, since is a subgroup r and Lemma 3 this happens only if P er(C) is Alt(n), Sn of P er(C) of order p , hence it is a p-group of P er(C). or P ΓL(d, t). From Sylow’s Theorem, there exists a Sylow p-subgroup P of P er(C) such that ≤ P . Furthermore in some cases Now we consider σ ∈ NSpr (), then the set H(P ) is a group. −1 ′ σ σ =< T > . Lemma 10: ([9, Lemma 3.1]) Let C and C two cyclic codes of length pr. Let P be a Sylow p-subgroup of P er(C) Since we assumed ≤ P , hence σ ∈ H(P ). ′ −1 which contains T . Then C and C are equivalent if and only Let σ ∈ NS r (P ), hence σ ∈ NS r (P ) verifies σ P σ = ′ p p if C and C are equivalents by an element of H(P ). P . Since we assumed ≤ P , then σ−1T σ ∈ P , i.e. In the case of length p2, H(P ) has been given explicitly (4) by Huffman et al. [20]. They proved that if P is a Sylow p- NSpr (P ) ⊂ H(P ). subgroup of P er(C) and |P | = p2, then the cyclic codes ′ C and C are equivalent if only if they are equivalent by Lemma 13: ([20, Theorem.5.6]) Let p be an odd prime 2 p+1 ′ a multiplier. If p < |P | ≤ p the codes C and C and let q be a prime power with p ∤ q. Let C be a cyclic code are equivalent by a power of a multiplier times a power r k of length p over Fq and tk be the order of q modulo p and of a generalized multiplier. A generalized multiplier is a k suppose that z =1. For 1 ≤ k ≤ r, P er(C) contains the group (p ) k permutation µa ∈ Spr defined as follows: (p ) k k Gk = {µqi,c | 0 ≤ i 1. b

Now, we are interested on the existence of the multiplier Proof: Let P be a Sylow p-subgroup of P er(C), hence P r Mp+1 in the group P er(C). Because it has as effect to is a p-group of Sp . From Sylow’s Theorem P is contained in a Sylow p-subgroup of Spr . It is well known that a Sylow p- simplify Algorithm 3.1 for the cyclic codes and Algorithm − − pr 1+pr 2+...+1 6.1l for extended cyclic objects [20]. subgroup of Spr is of order p . It is isomorphic Lemma 11: Let z be the largest integer such that pz|(qt − with the Zp ≀...≀Zp [28, Kaluˇznin’s Theorem], − − 1), with t order of q modulo p. Hence if z =1 we have : hence r ≤ s ≤ pr 1 + pr 2 + ... +1. r− If , from Lemma 13 we have that contains r 1 z = 1 P er(C) 1) ordp q = p t. r the group Gr, of order trp . From Lemma 11 we have that 2) The multiplier Mp+1 ∈ P er(C). r−1 2r−1 2r−1 r−1 tr = t1p , then we have |Gr| = t1p . Hence p Proof: The proof of r , follows z = 1 ⇒ ordp q = p t divides |P er(C)|, which means that P er(C) contains a p- from [18, Lemma 3.5.4]. 2r−1 r−1 subgroup of order at least p . Since z =1 ⇒ ordpr q = p t, we choose ak, for r kt For n, and H(P )= AG(pr), H(P ). s−2 s−2 s−1 (b) if s > r, P = Q1 , and H(Q1 )= Q . Proposition 12: Let P be a Sylow subgroup of P er(C) − Proof: From Theorem 14 we have that r ≤ s ≤ pr 1 + which contains T . Hence the group H(P ) verifies : − pr 2 + ... 1. In the case r = s, it is obvious to have P =< r 1) AG(p )= NS r () ⊂ H(P ), p T >, and H() = NSn (). Proposition 12 gives r 2) NSpr (P ) ⊂ H(P ). H()= AG(p ). Furthermore, we remark that the part r r Proof: The fact AG(p ) = NSpr () follows (b) of [20, Theorem 2.1] can be generalized for the case p . from [22, p. 710]. Since it is based essentially on the [20, Lemma. 2.4] and the [9, Lemma. 3.2]( the last Lemma was given for the length pr). IV. THE EQUIVALENCE FOR THE QUASI-CYCLIC CODES s−1 The hypothesis s ≤ p +1 is to assure that Q1 ≤ P er(C). Hence the result follows from [9, Theorem 2.2]. A code C of length n = lm is said to be quasi-cyclic of As noticed Brillhart et al. [10], it is quite unusual to have order l over Fq, if it is invariant by the permutation z > 1. Hence the importance of the following result. l r T : Zn −→ Zn Theorem 16: Let C be a cyclic code of length n = p , (6) over Fq, such that gcd(p, q)=1,z = 1 and P be a Sylow i 7−→ i + l mod n. p-subgroup of P er(C) of order p2r−1, then we have : We consider the cycles σi = (i,i + l,i +2l...,i + (m − 1)l) 1) P is normal in Gr, for 0 ≤ i ≤ l − 1. The cycles σi have order m. Furthermore 2) NSn (P )= Gr. ij (i−1)j (i−2)j we have 3) H(P ) = {τ ∈ Sn|τ : i 7→ q a + q c + q c + r−1 l ... + c , 0 ≤ j p-subgroup in Gr. From the Sylow’s Theorem, N ≡ 1 mod p l 2r−1 the subgroup of Sn generated by the permutation T . Hence and N divide |Gr| = t1p . Assume that N =1+ kp, with l 2r−1 2r−1 the normalizer of in Sn contains the following groups. k> 0 and Nα = t1p , α ≥ 1. Hence (1+kp)α = t1p , 2r−1 ′ but ((1 + kp),p )=1. Then (1 + kp)α = t1, absurd. 1) Q =< σ0,...,σl−1, T > . ′ Because t1|(p − 1) and α ≥ 1, hence N = 1. Since N = 1 2) AG(n). and the Sylow subgroups are conjugate this gives that P is l Proof: This is obvious that T ∈ NSn (). Now we normal in Gr. consider σi ∈ Q, from the relation (7) we have σ0 ...σl−1 = Now, we will prove that NSn (P )= Gr : l (pr) T . Furthermore the cycles σi are disjoints, then commute. c − Let σ ∈ P ≤ Gr, then we can write σ = µqj ,c = T Mqj , 1 l l Hence σi T σi = T . j with T the shift and Mq is a multiplier. Let τ ∈ NSn (P ), ′ ′ ′ We consider the affine transformation τa,b ∈ AG(n) proving c ′ hence there exists σ = T Mqj ∈ P such that τσ = σ τ, l that τa,b ∈ NSn () is equivalent to prove the existence this is equivalent to ∗ of an α ∈ N such that, c c′ j ′ τT Mq = T Mqj τ. l −1 lα τa,bT τa,b = T . For 0 we have :

c c The permutation τa,b can be decomposed as follows, τa,b = τT Mqj (0) = τT (0) = τ(c), τ1,bτa,0. Which gives with (7) the following equality : hence we have: l −1 −1 −1 τa,bT τa,b = τ1,bτa,0σ0 ...σl−1.τa,0 τ1,b . (8) ′ ′ ′ c ′ j τ(c)= T Mqj τ(0) = q τ(0) + c . This is well known [19, Lemma. 5.1] if σ = σ0 ...σl−1 is a ′ ′ ′ Then, j , where j . This product of the disjoint cycles and S is a permutation of Sn. τ(c)= cq + d d = c + q (τ(0) − c) − 1 − implies NS (P ) ≤ Gr. Hence SσS = S(σ0)S(σ1) ...S(σl 1). For ra = a mod l n a we obtains that τa,0(σi)= σ . This gives : Furthermore P is normal in Gr, which gives that NGr (P )= ira G . But N (P ) ≤ N (P ) ≤ N (P ) ≤ G , then r Gr P er(C) Sn r a a a la τa,0(σ0)τa,0(σ1) ...τa,0(σl−1)= σ0 σra ...σra(l−1) = T . NSn (P )= Gr. For rb = b mod l, we obtain From the Lemma 12 we have that NSn (P ) ⊂ H(P ). Hence NS (P )= Gr ⊂ H(P ). −1 n τ1,bσiτ = τi+r , Now, let τ ∈ H(P ), hence there exist c and j such that : 1,b b −1 c c hence τT τ = T Mqj ⇐⇒ τT = T Mqj τ. l−1 l −1 l That is because P ≤ Gr. For 0 we obtains : τ1,bT τ1,b = Y σi+rb = T . τT (0) = τ(1) = qj τ(0) + c. i=0 c j τT (1) = τ(2) = T Mqj (τ(1)) = q τ(1) + c c j Finally we obtains : τT (2) = τ(3) = T Mqj (τ(2)) = q τ(2) + c . l −1 l −1 −1 la −1 la . τa,bT τa,b = τ1,bτa,0T τa,0 τ1,b = τ1,bT τ1,b = T . τ(i)= qij (τ(0)) + q(i−1)j c + q(i−2)j c + ... + c. l Then the elements of H(P ) are τ ∈ Sn such that τ(i) = This gives α = a, hence τa,b ∈ NSn (). ij (i−1)j (i−2)j l q a + q c + q c + ... + c. In [14] C. Chabot gave explicitly the group NSn (. r A. Quasi-Cyclic Codes of length p l 2) or Sn if the code is trivial. In the following, we consider the quasi-cyclic codes of If n is odd then, H′(P ) is either r length n = p l, with p a prime number which verifies 1) imprimitive, l (p,l) = (p, q) =1. In this case < T >≤ P er(C) is a 2) or H′(P )= Alt(n), subgroup of order pr. Hence it is contained in a Sylow p- 3) or Sn if the code is trivial. subgroup P . ′ Proof: From Proposition 17 H (P ) contains the group Lemma 18: Let C and C′ two quasi-cyclic codes of length r n = p l and P a Sylow p-subgroup of P er(C) such that Q =< σ0,...,σl−1, T >, T l ∈ P . Hence C and C′ are equivalent only if they are equivalent by the elements of the set by a similar proof to the Theorem 7 we obtains that the group H′(P ) is either imprimitive or doubly transitive. In the case ′ −1 l H (P )= {σ ∈ Sn|σ T σ ∈ P }. doubly transitive we need the following Lemma. Proof: Since C and C′ are equivalent, hence there exist Lemma 22: ([31]) Let G be a primitive group of degree n ′ which contains a cycle of length m> 1. Hence if m verifies a permutation σ ∈ Sn such that C = σ(C). This gives m< (n − m)!, we have G = Alt(n) or Sn. the relation between the permutation groups P er(C) and ′ P er(C′). If the group H (P ) is doubly transitive, then it is primitive. ′ − r P er(C )= σPer(C)σ 1 (9) From Proposition 19 it contains the cycles σi of length p . Furthermore we have pr < (n − pr)!. Hence from Lemma 22 ′ ′ Let P be a Sylow subgroup of P er(C), hence from the H (P ) is either Alt(n) or Sn. If n is even, since T ∈ H (P ) is − ′′ relation 9 we have σP σ 1 = P is a Sylow p-subgroup of a cycle of length n is odd. Then T/∈ Alt(n), hence H′(P )= P er(C′). From the Sylow Theorem there exists τ ∈ P er(C′) ′ ′′ Sn. If n is odd, H (P ) is the group Alt(n) or Sn. such that τP ′τ −1 = P . We can assume that < T l >≤ P ′, − since < T l > is a p-group. Let γ = τ 1σ, then γ is an V. CONCLUSION between C and C′, because γ(C)= τ −1σ(C)= ′′ −1 ′ ′ −1 l −1 l −1 −1 The aim of this work is to find solutions of the three τ C = C and γ T γ = σ τT τ σ ∈ σ P σ = P following problems: (because τT lτ −1 ∈ τP ′τ −1,) hence γ ∈ H′(P ). Problem I The classification of the permutation groups It is obvious that if P =, then we have • of cyclic codes. l ′ l NSn ()= H (). • Problem II The determination of the permutations by which two cyclic codes of length pr can be equivalent. The following proposition gives other properties of H′(P ). • Problem III The determination of the permutations by which two quasi-cyclic codes can be equivalent. Proposition 19: Let P be a Sylow p-subgroup of P er(C), hence the group H′(P ) verifies the following proprieties: Our contribution to the solution of Problem allows to solve all ′ the primitive cases and some imprimitive cases. Even though, • l NSn () ⊂ H (P ), ′ there is still work and extension to do for the imprimitive • N (P ) ⊂ H (P ). Sn cases. l Proof: We consider NSn (< T >), the normalizer of l l As solution to Problem II we found explicitly the set H(P ) in . Then the permutation r < T > Sn σ ∈ NSn (< T >) of permutations by which two cyclic codes of length can −1 l l p verifies σ σ =⊂ P . Hence, be equivalent. We also proved that is sometimes a group. l ′ We think that our contribution to solve Problem III can NSn () ⊂ H (P ). (10) be refined by proving that the set H′(P ) of permutations by We consider NSn (P ), the normalizer of P in Sn. Then the which two quasi-cylic codes are equivalent is a group. If it is −1 permutation σ ∈ NSn (P ) verifies σ P σ = P , hence for the case, since we proved that it will be an imprimitive group l −1 l T ∈ P we have σ T σ ∈ P . Hence or Alt(n) or Sn, hence it will be interesting to find some of ′ ′ other properties of H (P ) in the imprimitve cases. Also, the NS (P ) ⊂ H (P ). (11) n results can be generalised to other situations of length.

Corollary 20: The set H′(P ) verifies AG(n) ⊂ H′(P ). ACKNOWLEDGMENT

Proof: From Proposition 17 we have AG(n) ≤ NSn (< The author would like to thank Professor Thierry P. Berger l T >). Furthermore, from Proposition 19 we have NSn (< for help and encouragement in carrying out the research in T l >) ⊂ H′(P ), hence the result. this paper. By using the software GAP, we find on several examples REFERENCES that the set H′(P ) is an imprimitive group. By using this conjecture we prove the following result. [1] B . Alspach and T. D. Parson, Isomorphism of circulant graphs and Proposition 21: If n is even then, H′(P ) is either digraphs, Discrete Math. 25, 1979. Theory, 43(5), Sep. 1997. [2] M. Bardoe and Sin, The permutation modules for GL(n + 1, Fq) acting n n+1 1) imprimitive, on P (Fq ) and Fq , J. London Math. Soc. 61, 58-80, 2000. [3] T. P. Berger, A direct proof for the automorphism group of Reed–Solomon codes Proceedings of Eurocode 90 (G. Cohen and P. Charpin ed. ), Lecture notes in Computer science, Springer-Verlag 514, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 21-29, 1991. [4] T. P. Berger, Groupes de permutations des codes MDS affine-invariants Communication in . 21(1), 239-254, 1993. [5] T. P. Berger, On the automorphism groups of affine invariant codes Designs, codes and cryptography. 7, 215-221, 1996. [6] T. P. Berger and P. Charpin The permutation group of affine invariant extended cyclic codes IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 62(6), Nov. 1996. [7] T. P. Berger and P. Charpin The automorphism groups of BCH codes and off some-affine invariant codes over extension fields, Designs, Codes and Cryptography. 18, 29-53, 1999. [8] R. Bienert and B. Klopsch Automorphism group of cyclic codes J. Algebraic. Combin. 31, 33-52, 2010. [9] N. Brand, Polynomial isomorphisms of combinatorial objects, Graphs Combin. (7), 7-14, 1991. [10] J. Brillhart, J. Tonascia and P. Weinberger, On the Fermat quotient, in “ Computer in number theory” A. O. L. Atkin and B. Birch, Eds., Academic press, New york, 1991. [11] W. Burnside, On some properties of groups of odd order, J. London. Math. Soc, 33, 162-185, 1901. [12] W. Burnside, theory of groups of finite order, Dover, 1955. [13] P. J. Cameron, Finite permutation group and finite simple groups Bull. London Math. Soc. 13, 1981. [14] C. Chabot, Reconnaissance de codes, structure des codes quasi- cycliques, Ph.D. thesis, Xlim, Limoges University, Sep. 2009. [15] J. H. Conway, S. J. Lomonaco Jr and N. J. A. Sloane, A [45, 13] code with minimum distance 16 . Discrete Math. (83), 2, 213-217, 1990. [16] J. D. Dixon and B. Mortimer Permutation groups , Grad Texts Math (163), Springer-Verlag, 1996. [17] E. D. Dobson, On groups of odd prime-power degree that contain a full cycle, Discrete. Math (299), 65-78, 2005. [18] K. Guenda, Sur l’´equivalence des Codes, Ph.D. thesis submitted to the University of Science and Technology, U.S.T.H.B, Algiers, Algeria. [19] M. Hall, Jr. The theory of groups, The Macwilliams Company, New York, 1970. [20] W. C. Huffman, V. Job and V. Pless, Multiplier and generalized multipliers of cyclic objects and cyclic codes Journal of Combin. Th A (62) 183-215 1993. [21] W. C. Huffman, Codes and groups, in: V. S. Pless, W. C. Huffman (Eds.), Handbook of coding theory, Vol. II, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1345- 1439, 1998. [22] J. S. Leon, J. M. Masley and V. Pless, Duadic codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 30(5), Sep. 1984. [23] F. J. Macwilliams and N. J. A Sloane, The theory of error correcting- codes, Benjamin, Inc. Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1977. [24] J. P. McSorley, groups in doubly transitive groups, Comm. Algebra, 25, 33-35, 1997. [25] B. Mortimer, The modular permutation representation of the known doubly transitive groups, Proc. London Math. Soc. 41, 1-20, 1980 [26] A. Otmani, J. P. Tillich and L. Dallot, Cryptanalysis of a McEliece Cryp- tosystem based on quasi-cyclic codes, Proceeding of the First Conference on Symbolic computation and Cryptography (SCC 2008), Beijing, China, p. 69-81, April, 2008. [27] P. P. Palfy, Isomorphism problem for relational structures with a cyclic automorphism, Europ. J. Combin. 8, 35-43, 87. [28] D. J. S. Robinson, A course in the theory of groups, Grad Texts Math (80), Springer-Verlag, 1980. [29] R. Roth and G. Seroussi, On cyclic MDS codes of length q over GF(q), IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol (I), 32 March 1986. [30] H. Wienlandt, Finite permutation group, Academic Press, New York, 1964. Springer-Verlag, 1980. [31] A. Williamson, On primitive permutation groups containing a cycle, Math. Z. 130, 159-162 1973.