Archaeology South-East ASE Land North of Horsham, West Sussex: Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment (Heritage Statement) NGR 519000 134000 (centred) Horsham District Prepared for Liberty Property Trust UK Ltd. v.09 Richard James BA, MCIfA With contributions by Dr Matt Pope Project No. 6434 Report No. 2014213 WSHER Ref. 60578-078 May 2016 Land North of Horsham, West Sussex: Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment (Heritage Statement) NGR 519000 134000 (centred) Horsham District Prepared for Liberty Property Trust UK Ltd. v.09 Richard James BA, MCIfA With contributions by Dr Matt Pope Project No. 6434 Report No. 2014213 WSHER Ref. 60578-078 May 2016 Archaeology South-East, Units 1 & 2 2 Chapel Place Portslade East Sussex BN41 1DR Tel: 01273 426830 Fax: 01273 420866
[email protected] Archaeology South-East Land North of Horsham _____________________________________________________________________ Summary A Desk-Based Assessment has been prepared for a proposed development on land north of Horsham, West Sussex. The Site is currently mixed agricultural land comprising modern amalgamated arable fields. Historically, the landscape was a much more intimate mosaic of small irregular fields bounded by hedgerows and intermixed with grazing and woodland. The assessment has concluded that: The Site has a high potential for archaeological deposits of early prehistoric (Mesolithic) date, a moderate-high potential for later prehistoric and Romano-British deposits (both Site wide), and localised moderate-high potential for medieval and post-medieval deposits around existing historic settlement sites; The Site contains historic hedgerows; The Site contains, or lies adjacent to, a number of designated heritage assets comprising scheduled monuments and listed buildings; Setting issues have been identified in relation to some listed buildings, due to the contribution their setting makes to their overall significance; Recommended mitigation includes fieldwalking, geophysical survey, geoarchaeological test-pitting and trial-trenching across the Site.