BUSINESS BULLETIN No. 51/2016 Monday 21 March 2016

1 Contents

The sections which appear in today‘s Business Bulletin are in bold

Section A: Today‘s Business - Meetings of Committees - Meeting of the Parliament Section B: Future Meetings of the Parliament Section C: Future Meetings of Committees Section D: Oral Questions - Questions selected for First Minister‘s Questions - Questions selected for response by Ministers and junior Scottish Ministers at Question Time Section E: Written Questions – new questions for written answer Section F: Motions and Amendments Section G: Bills - New Bills introduced - New amendments to Bills - Members‘ Bills proposals Section H: New Documents – new documents laid before the Parliament and committee reports published Section I: Petitions – new public petitions Section J: Progress of Legislation – progress of Bills and subordinate legislation Section K: Corrections to the Official Report


Business Bulletin: Monday 21 March 2016 Section B – Future Meetings of the Parliament

Business Programme agreed by the Parliament on 15 March 2016 Tuesday 22 March 2016

10.00 am Time for Reflection – Reverend Fraser Donaldson, Greenock Elim Church followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: Burial and Cremation () Bill followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: Bankruptcy (Scotland) Bill

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Topical Questions (if selected) followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Bill followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time followed by Members‘ Business – S4M-15322 : Bringing About More Local Control (for text of motion see Section F)

Wednesday 23 March 2016

10.15 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

10.15 am Members‘ Business – S4M-15772 : Water Safety in Scotland (for text of motion see Section F) followed by Portfolio Questions Fair Work, Skills and Training; Social Justice, Communities and Pensioners‘ Rights (for text of questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 17 March 2016)

11.40 am General Questions (for text of questions see Section D of the Business Bulletin for Thursday 17 March 2016)

3 12.00 pm First Minister‘s Questions followed by Business Motions followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions followed by Motion of Thanks

12.45 pm Decision Time


Business Bulletin: Monday 21 March 2016 Section C – Future Committee Meetings

This section includes the agendas of the forthcoming committee meetings and outlines proposed future business, which may be subject to change. Committees have the right to take items in private and this will be notified as far in advance as possible.

Many committees include details of their future business on their webpages, which can be accessed at:

Finance Committee 23 March 2016 11th Meeting, 2016

The Committee will meet at 9.00 am in the David Livingstone Room (CR6) 1. Legacy paper (in private): The Committee will consider a draft legacy paper. 2. Annual report (in private): The Committee will consider a draft annual report for the parliamentary year from 11 May 2015 to 23 March 2016.

Proposed future business This is the final meeting of the Committee prior to dissolution. For further information, contact the Clerk to the Committee, whose details are provided at the end of the Bulletin.


Business Bulletin: Monday 21 March 2016 Section F – Motions and Amendments

Motions and amendments are usually printed the day after lodging. When an amendment is lodged, then the original motion will be republished alongside it.

Each Monday, this section also contains motions and amendments that have been lodged the previous week and are still live and those that have been lodged for debate in the coming week. A motion or amendment is live if it has not been debated, withdrawn or otherwise deleted.

Support for motions or amendments that have already been published is shown at the end of this section.

Motions and amendments can be published with various symbols:

* before the number indicates publication for the first time *…* around a section of text indicate changes to previously published material # a motion lodged for members’ business that has received the required level of cross-party support ♦ a motion lodged for members’ business that has not yet received the required level of cross-party support R a member has declared a registered interest

The Parliamentary Bureau periodically deletes motions or amendments that are over six weeks old and not scheduled for debate.

Questions regarding this section should be directed to the Chamber Desk.


New and altered motions and amendments

*S4M-15984 : Institute of Directors Award for Edel Harris— That the Parliament congratulates Edel Harris on being named Aberdeen and Grampian regional director of the year at the Institute of Directors Scotland Director of the Year Awards in on 17 March 2016; recognises that Mrs Harris is chief executive at the Aberdeen-based charity, Cornerstone, which provides services throughout Scotland for children, young people and adults who are disabled or have other support needs; understands that Edel Harris has been chief executive at Cornerstone since May 2008, and welcomes the recognition of her achievements by the Institute of Directors Scotland.

Supported by: *, David Stewart*

*S4M-15983 : David Hodson is Just Champion—That the Parliament congratulates David Hodson from Tweeddale Youth Action on being awarded the title, Keep Scotland Beautiful Climate Change Champion of the Year; understands that his award comes in recognition of his work in enthusing young people about the environment through the Food Punks project, which promotes food- growing and reducing food waste, and also through Bike Punks, a bike recycling and cycle training project, and considers David‘s achievement yet another example of the strength of community volunteering in Tweeddale.

Supported by: *, Rob Gibson*, Graeme Dey*, Gordon MacDonald*, Joan McAlpine*, Kenneth Gibson*, Bill Kidd*, Jamie McGrigor*

*S4M-15982 James Kelly: Cairns Primary School Champions for Change—That the Parliament congratulates the pupils, staff and parents of Cairns Primary School in Cambuslang on achieving accreditation through the Champions for Change scheme run by what it considers to be the leading charity, Nil by Mouth; considers that achieving this accreditation is the result of several years of hard work and involved displaying a consistent whole-school approach to equality and rights issues; welcomes what it considers the creative and constructive way that the school has worked to raise awareness of sectarianism and challenge sectarian attitudes through sport, classroom activities, events, displays, partnership with St Cadoc‘s Primary School and by positivity in engaging with groups such as Nil by Mouth; understands that South Lanarkshire has the highest number of Champions for Change accredited schools of any local authority area in Scotland, and recognises the importance of giving young people a voice on this issue.

Supported by: Anne McTaggart*, Richard Lyle*, David Stewart*, *, *, Hanzala Malik*

*S4M-15981 Bob Doris: Step Up Shoeshine—That the Parliament welcomes the recent launch of Step Up Shoeshine, a community interest company created in Glasgow to help people who have found themselves out of work and struggling to find a way back into employment; understands that it employs people as shoe valeters to come into workplaces and provide a shoeshine service for the employees; understands that this service allows previously unemployed workers to receive a steady wage while having an opportunity to show their work ethic and


professionalism in the service that they provide; believes that, as the service expands, more people will be employed to ensure that opportunities are given to as many as possible to show their worth in the workplace; congratulates everyone involved at Step Up Shoeshine, and wishes the company well as it continues to establish its place among the ethical employers of Glasgow.

S4M-15979 : Woodlands Community Development Trust Receives Lottery Funding—That the Parliament congratulates Woodlands Community Development Trust (WCDT) in the Glasgow Kelvin constituency on its award of £148,923 from the Big Lottery Fund‘s Medium Grants Scotland fund for its community-led activity scheme; understands that WCDT‘s three-year scheme will allow the organisation to run a number of new activities and workshops based around its community garden and weekly pop-up café; notes that the group is looking to develop its garden into a therapeutic space to promote good physical health and wellbeing for people living in and around the Woodlands area of Glasgow; notes that WCDT also aims to offer cookery classes in the café to encourage healthy eating and give volunteers the opportunity to get involved with running both the garden and the café; understands that 10,200 people will be involved in the activity, with 115 people volunteering, over the three-year period; wishes WCDT every continued success, and appreciates its efforts to improve the lives of people in Glasgow.

Supported by: *, Kevin Stewart*, Anne McTaggart*, Stuart McMillan*, Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*, Rob Gibson*, Graeme Dey*, Patricia Ferguson*, Bill Kidd*, *, Kenneth Gibson*, Colin Beattie*

S4M-15978 Sandra White: Congratulations to Glasgow Women’s Aid—That the Parliament congratulates Glasgow Women‘s Aid on being awarded £564,164 by the Big Lottery Fund programme, Investing in Communities: 21st Century Life; understands that this will be put toward the continuation of its five-year project, Children Experiencing Domestic Abuse Recovery (CEDAR), to allow it to expand its delivery of specialist support to women and children in the city centre and the east end; understands that CEDAR supports children and young people by addressing the behavioural, emotional and social difficulties that they can experience because of domestic abuse and aims to help build better mother-child relationships; notes that the multiagency initiative also aims to provide therapeutic 12-week group work programmes for the children and young people alongside programmes for their mothers; believes that the grant will also help CEDAR provide and facilitate multiagency training to workers from a range of partner organisations, including social work, health and education bodies, the police and the voluntary sector, in order to improve their responses to domestic abuse and bring a better understanding of the complexity of its impact on children and young people; appreciates that CEDAR is aiming to reach a minimum of 825 women and children, 50 pre-school children and 250 partner agency staff over the five years; wishes Glasgow Women‘s Aid and its staff every continued success, and thanks them all on what it sees as their tireless efforts.

Supported by: Drew Smith*, Anne McTaggart*, Mike MacKenzie*, Richard Lyle*, Rob Gibson*, Adam Ingram*, Kenneth Gibson*, Christina McKelvie*, *, Bill Kidd*, Colin Beattie*, *, Joan McAlpine, Patricia Ferguson, Roderick Campbell, James Dornan


S4M-15977 Sandra White: Major Investment in the Scottish Drugs Forum—That the Parliament congratulates the Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF) on being awarded a £600,000 grant from the Investing in Communities: Life Transitions arm of the Big Lottery Fund; understands that this funding will support the SDF‘s four-year Addiction Worker Training Project (AWTP), which will provide employment opportunities, supported work experience, specialist training, employability support and industry standard qualifications for people with a history of alcohol or drug use; notes that many of the people assisted by the project experience multiple barriers, including mental health issues, homelessness and experience of the criminal justice system, while many are lone parents or have primary care responsibility for children from disadvantaged backgrounds; understands that the project aims to assist 129 trainees to gain employment within three months of completing work placements and training, targeting people in their 30s and 40s; believes that the project, which has been running since 2004, will be delivered in both west and east Scotland and was part- funded by the Big Lottery Fund from 2012 to 2015 and that one group of trainees will be recruited in each area annually, making a total of 184 over four years; understands that the funding will support the expansion of the project into Aberdeenshire, with approximately 24% of support being delivered in Aberdeenshire and the remainder being evenly split between west and east Scotland, and wishes the SDF every continued success in its work and with the AWTP.

Supported by: Colin Beattie*, Kenneth Gibson, Kevin Stewart, Stuart McMillan, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, Bill Kidd, Adam Ingram, Rob Gibson, John Mason, Graeme Dey

S4M-15976 Sandra White: Funding Success for Positive Action in Housing Ltd—That the Parliament congratulates Positive Action in Housing Ltd on its recent award of £48,269 from the Big Lottery Fund‘s Young Start programme; understands that this will be used to establish a programme in the Glasgow Kelvin constituency that will be dedicated each year to increasing the soft and hard employment skills of 20 deprived and marginalised 18 to 24-year-olds from the city‘s Roma community, and notes that this will include one-to-one job coaching, employment workshops, training in job seeking skills and familiarisation with the jobs‘ market.

Supported by: Colin Beattie*, Bill Kidd, Adam Ingram, Alison McInnes, Mike MacKenzie, Anne McTaggart, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Roderick Campbell, Dennis Robertson, , Jackie Baillie, James Dornan

S4M-15975 Willie Coffey: Well Done to Sinforiani’s—That the Parliament congratulates Marco Sinforiani of Sinforiani‘s newsagents in Kilmarnock on being awarded a Vibrant Communities Community Champion award; understands that Marco received this award for his diligence in keeping the pavements outside his shop clean and tidy; notes that the award marks the start of National Spring Clean Week, which encourages communities to be active in keeping their local areas clean and tidy; believes that Marco has set a fine example for other shop owners in Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley, and wishes him and his business every success in the future.

Supported by: Christian Allard


S4M-15974 Kevin Stewart: Congratulations to the Sunnybank Community Centre—That the Parliament congratulates the Sunnybank Community Centre Association in Aberdeen on being awarded £50,000 by The People‘s Projects competition for its initiative, the Sunnybank Family Workshop; understands that this will be used to offer a range of activities aimed at bringing people together in a positive way to build friendships, learn new skills and improve the community; believes that the project‘s plans include holding a book challenge, outdoor adventure trips for children, farm visits for pre-schoolers and purchasing new IT resources to improve learning; commends the centre on the quality of the service that its staff and volunteers provide, and wishes them all of the very best with their endeavours.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Richard Lyle, Roderick Campbell, Christian Allard, Anne McTaggart, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, Adam Ingram, Nanette Milne, Colin Beattie

S4M-15973 Graeme Dey: Kirriemuir Community Allotment Association Secures Funding from The People’s Project—That the Parliament congratulates Kirriemuir Community Allotment Association on receiving £11,924 from The People‘s Projects competition; understands that the association‘s Up the Right Dreel project will lead to the development of a previously derelict allotment site, which is in the centre of the town, into a sustainable community growing space; believes that members range from nursery children to people in their 80s and that there is interest from a variety of community groups, including veterans groups and dementia groups, who wish to use the facilities for therapeutic purposes; notes that The People‘s Projects is a partnership between the Big Lottery Fund, ITV and the National Lottery, which gives the public the chance to decide on how £3 million of funding could make a difference in their local area, and wishes all of those involved in the Up the Right Dreel project all the best.

Supported by: Kevin Stewart*, Dennis Robertson, Richard Lyle, Christian Allard, Rob Gibson, Nanette Milne, Roderick Campbell, Mike MacKenzie, Adam Ingram, Colin Beattie, Bill Kidd

S4M-15972 Anne McTaggart: Congratulations to Amina, the Muslim Women’s Resource Centre in Glasgow—That the Parliament congratulates Amina, the Muslim Women‘s Resource Centre in Glasgow, on being one of three winners of The People‘s Projects competition in STV West; understands that Amina will receive £50,000 to extend the performance of "The Women Next Door" project to other parts of Scotland; believes that it will entail 10 full-length performances and deliver a minimum of 10 self-care and storytelling workshops, as well as partner with women‘s aid organisations to create a module for a train a trainer programme to upskill community workers across Scotland; notes that The People‘s Projects is a partnership between the Big Lottery Fund, ITV and the National Lottery, which gives the public the chance to decide on how £3 million of funding could make a difference in their local area; considers that the project makes a fantastic contribution to communities, and hopes that it will continue to improve the lives of people across the UK.


Supported by: Elaine Murray*, *, Patricia Ferguson*, Kevin Stewart, Dennis Robertson, Richard Lyle, , Christina McKelvie, Bill Kidd, Jackie Baillie, David Stewart, , Colin Beattie, Hanzala Malik

S4M-15971 Clare Adamson: Congratulations to Roberta Hutton—That the Parliament commends the recently retired Morningside Primary School classroom assistant, Roberta Hutton, on her commitment to fair trade; understands that Mrs Hutton, who worked at the Morningside school for 20 years, was instrumental in introducing the idea of fair trade in the school and inspired the teachers and pupils to become involved; considers that the school achieving Fairtrade School status in 2012 was in no small part due to the dedication and commitment of Mrs Hutton; further understands that she also works closely with the Wishaw Fairtrade Forum helping the town gain Fairtrade Town status in 2014; wishes the school and the town continued success in promoting fair trade, and wishes Mrs Hutton a very long and happy retirement.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Richard Lyle, Christian Allard, Kevin Stewart, Christina McKelvie, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Colin Beattie, Adam Ingram, Bill Kidd

S4M-15970 Lewis Macdonald: STV North People’s Project Winners—That the Parliament congratulates the three winners of the STV North National Lottery People‘s Projects, which were announced on 16 March 2016; understands that The People‘s Projects is a joint initiative by the Big Lottery Fund, the National Lottery and STV to allow the public to decide how £3 million of lottery funding should be spent and that STV viewers in the north of Scotland have been voting for the last few weeks for their favourite good cause; recognises that Sunnybank Community Centre Association in Aberdeen is to receive £50,000, which it understands will be used to support the work of the Sunnybank Family Workshops, which offer a range of activities aimed at bringing people in the community together including by way of English classes, days out for younger children and performing art sessions for all ages; notes that Kirriemuir Allotment Association will receive £11,924, which it understands will be used to develop a previously derelict allotment site, and that Disability Snowsports Scotland is being awarded £46,906 to create a new volunteer training programme based at Glenshee; welcomes the The People‘s Projects initiative as an excellent way of promoting the work of local organisations, and congratulates all the winners across Scotland.

Supported by: Elaine Murray*, Kevin Stewart*, Dennis Robertson, Richard Simpson, Anne McTaggart, Jayne Baxter, Hanzala Malik, Colin Beattie, David Stewart, Jackie Baillie

S4M-15969 David Torrance: Congratulations to the Methilhill Community Children’s Initiative—That the Parliament congratulates the Methilhill Community Children‘s Initiative (MCCI) project by Charlie‘s Shed on being chosen as one of the three winners of The People‘s Projects competition; understands that the £50,000 it will receive will provide 12-week skills building courses for young people who are disengaged from school, using Charlie‘s Shed as a functioning café to allow young people to work toward a number of recognised qualifications and awards; understands that, to achieve this, a large shed will be built with a modest kitchen and


a multi-purpose area that will allow further development of garden groups for children and young people, enabling participants to complete the growing cycle by learning about composting and cooking vegetables and fruits that they have grown; acknowledges and praises what it sees as the hard work that has been put into this community-led project by staff and volunteers of MCCI; believes that this project will be of benefit to many young people in the community, and wishes them every success in their future endeavours.

Supported by: Kevin Stewart*, Dennis Robertson, Richard Lyle, Christian Allard, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Kenneth Gibson, Roderick Campbell, Anne McTaggart, Colin Beattie, Adam Ingram, Bill Kidd

S4M-15967 Jackie Baillie: St Margaret’s Hospice Clydebank—That the Parliament believes that St Margaret‘s Hospice in Clydebank provides excellent, first class nursing care and palliative care services; understands that it is the largest adult care hospice in Scotland, with a 100% occupation rate; recognises the respect and esteem in which it considers the staff are held by residents and their families; values the services provided but considers that funding received by the hospice is less than other similar provision; believes that this continuing anomaly must be resolved, and calls on the to intervene with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to ensure that St Margaret‘s Hospice receives the funding that it deserves.

Supported by: Patricia Ferguson*, Elaine Murray*, Richard Simpson, Colin Beattie, , Hanzala Malik, Michael McMahon, Anne McTaggart, David Stewart

*S4M-15967.1 : St Margaret’s Hospice Clydebank—As an amendment to motion S4M-15967 in the name of Jackie Baillie (St Margaret‘s Hospice Clydebank), insert at end "; recognises that the funding model was set over a decade ago and was devised and operated during the time of the last Labour/Liberal Democrat administration, which, it believes, adversely impacted on the hospice and led to an inbuilt disparity compared with others in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health area; understands that, as a consequence, on 23 November 2007 petition PE01105 was lodged, which was discussed over 25 times by the Public Petitions Committee and closed, against the wishes of both the petitioner and the member for Clydebank and Milngavie, on 9 February 2015, and believes that this has led to only one option being left available to resolve this matter, which is a long-awaited promised investigation by a firm of chartered accountants to establish the facts once and for all to be convened and completed with all haste".

S4M-15966 : Equality Network LGBTI Hate Crime Awareness Training for Police Officers—That the Parliament notes the programme of LGBTI hate crime awareness training delivered by the Equality Network to police officers across Scotland on behalf of the Equality and Human Rights Commission; welcomes the creation of over 60 Police Scotland LGBTI liaison officers as a result of this training; commends the commitment of Police Scotland to supporting LGBTI people; believes that this sends a message to society that LGBTI hate crime is completely unacceptable and is taken seriously by the Parliament, the police and the Crown Office, and further welcomes the ongoing work by the Equality Network to encourage LGBTI people to recognise hate crime when it occurs, report it to the police and get support if they need it.


Supported by: Alison McInnes*, Elaine Murray*, , , David Torrance, John Pentland, John Wilson, Jackie Baillie, Mark McDonald, Kevin Stewart, Stuart McMillan, Patrick Harvie

S4M-15965 John Finnie: Visit of the President of Ghana to the —That the Parliament notes the visit of the President of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama, on 17 March 2016; understands that LGBTI+ people in Ghana face discriminatory laws and relentless persecution, which it considers a violation of fundamental human rights; believes that President Mahama has given his full support to these harmful laws, and urges the Presiding Officer to use this opportunity to push for equality and for the rights and freedoms of Ghana‘s LGBTI+ citizens.

Supported by: Neil Findlay, John Wilson, Rob Gibson, Jean Urquhart, Patrick Harvie, Anne McTaggart

S4M-15964 Christina McKelvie: National Final of Go4SET Schools’ Engineering Competition in Lanarkshire—That the Parliament congratulates Lanarkshire schools, including St John Ogilvie High School, Larkhall Academy and Calderside Academy, on their participation in the Go4SET Challenge, which took place in the South Lanarkshire Council building in Hamilton; understands that this rewarding competition is monitored by the Engineering Development Trust, which celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Engineering Education Scheme; considers this to be a positive challenge that brings a lot to the pupils who take part, who needed to get support from both mentors and sponsors while using teamwork and science skills; wishes everyone involved well, and encourages further projects to enhance science and engineering in education.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Christian Allard, , Colin Beattie, David Torrance, Bill Kidd, Roderick Campbell, Margaret Mitchell, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Anne McTaggart, Mark McDonald, Richard Lyle

S4M-15963 John Pentland: ‘Well Café—That the Parliament congratulates the ‗Well Café, which is in Motherwell, on what it sees as its continued success in reaching out to vulnerable members of the community; understands that the café, which is run in conjunction with the Motherwell Baptist Church Food Bank, provides a free meal to visitors on Wednesdays and Fridays; believes that it provides a safe place for vulnerable members of the community, who might be facing homelessness, addiction or poverty, where they can chat to volunteers or other visitors; appreciates the valuable role that the café provides, and wishes all of its volunteers well.

Supported by: Clare Adamson

S4M-15962 John Pentland: St Patrick’s RC Church, Shieldmuir, 125th Anniversary—That the Parliament congratulates St Patrick‘s RC Church, Shieldmuir, on its 125th anniversary on the feast of St Patrick; understands that the parish was established in 1891 by its first parish priest, Canon George Ritchie, under the authority of the Archbishop of Glasgow, Charles Peter Eyre; notes that the parish is to mark what it considers this very important milestone by a mass with the children of St Thomas‘ Primary School and a 7pm mass with Bishop Toal, and wishes the


church, its parishioners and the parish priest, Rev Krzysztof Garwolinski, the very best in their celebrations.

Supported by: Elaine Murray*, Clare Adamson, Colin Beattie, David Torrance, Margaret Mitchell, David Stewart, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Stuart McMillan, Richard Lyle, Siobhan McMahon, Hanzala Malik, Jackie Baillie, Patricia Ferguson, Michael McMahon

S4M-15961 John Pentland: Scottish Rowing, Motherwell—That the Parliament congratulates Scottish Rowing in Motherwell on being awarded funding of £9,975 from the Big Lottery Awards for All programme; applauds the organisation for the successful launch of its Ready to Rio 2016 project, which has set a challenge for teams to row the distance of 9,491km from Scotland to Rio on rowing machines; understands that the challenge began on 1 January 2016 and will end on 5 August when the Rio 2016 Olympic Games opening ceremony begins; understands that the award will be used to fund the project, which will include a broad programme of participation events and opportunities to get more people involved in rowing during 2016, and wishes the organisation well in this and future challenges.

Supported by: Elaine Murray*, Colin Beattie, David Torrance, Roderick Campbell, David Stewart, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Stuart McMillan, Richard Lyle, Jackie Baillie, Patricia Ferguson

S4M-15960 John Pentland: Motherwell Phoenix FC—That the Parliament congratulates Motherwell Phoenix FC on being given a £532 Awards for All grant; understands that the club, which was founded in 2012 for children who were born in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2009, will use the award to purchase equipment for a new team catering for six to seven-year-olds, and wishes it well.

Supported by: Elaine Murray*, Dennis Robertson, Richard Lyle, Colin Beattie, Hanzala Malik, David Torrance, Roderick Campbell, Anne McTaggart, David Stewart, Margaret McCulloch

S4M-15959 John Pentland: Nurture Scotland—That the Parliament congratulates Nurture Scotland, Motherwell, on being given a £9,940 Awards for All grant; applauds the charity on supporting kinship carers with looking after children and young adults; notes that it provides advice on rights and benefits, raises awareness about the challenges that carers face; further notes that it provides training for carers and their families and the looked-after children and young people; understands that the money will be used to fund a series of art therapy workshops and a programme of away days for children and their families, and wishes the charity well in meeting its objectives.

Supported by: Elaine Murray*, Dennis Robertson, Colin Beattie, David Torrance, Roderick Campbell, Kevin Stewart, David Stewart, Jackie Baillie, Anne McTaggart, Richard Lyle, Cara Hilton, Hanzala Malik

S4M-15958 John Pentland: Sunart Street—That the Parliament congratulates Sunart Street Sheltered Housing Tenants and Residents Social (Wishaw) on being awarded an Awards for All Grant of £9,371; understands that the group will use this


to pay for organised day trips, excursions and laptops, and wishes it well with its activities.

Supported by: Elaine Murray*, Colin Beattie, David Torrance, Roderick Campbell, Mark McDonald, Kevin Stewart, David Stewart, Jackie Baillie, Anne McTaggart, Richard Lyle

S4M-15957 Rhoda Grant: Glass Sculptor Wins 2016 An Sùileachan Residency—That the Parliament notes the announcement from An Lanntair and the Bhaltos Community Trust that Shaun Fraser has been appointed as the An Sùileachan artist in residence for 2016; notes that the residency, which is based on the Bhaltos peninsula on Lewis, has been set up to ―provide time and space to research, explore and create memorable art in a landscape of outstanding natural beauty that has a strong linguistic and cultural heritage‖; understands that the Scottish artists, Marian Leven and Will Maclean, who designed a memorial cairn based on their understanding of the local culture and history of the land raids in the Western Isles, have helped to create and support the An Sùileachan residency in partnership with the Bhaltos Community Trust and An Lanntair; notes that the three week residency is supported by Bealach, the Lewis and Harris Creative Place Award- winning project; congratulates Shaun on securing the residency from a list of over 80 applicants; notes that, as an emerging artist, Shaun‘s glass castings have been featured in exhibits across the UK; commends him on his work, which has been described as being innovative and introducing a new language using glass combined with local materials; acknowledges that this residency will leave a legacy for the An Sùileachan archive, and congratulates Shaun on his achievement.

Supported by: Elaine Murray*, Colin Beattie, Bill Kidd, John Finnie, David Stewart, Mary Scanlon, Anne McTaggart, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Jackie Baillie

S4M-15956 Kenneth Gibson: Dowry Burnings in the Indian Subcontinent—That the Parliament condemns what it believes is the murderous, misogynistic and barbaric practice of dowry burnings in the Indian subcontinent; understands that these incidents, which are also known as bride burnings, have multiplied tenfold over the last two decades; recognises that they happen when a wife is murdered by her husband or his family because of her family‘s refusal to pay an additional dowry; understands that she is usually doused with kerosene, petrol or another flammable liquid and set alight; believes that, although this horrific practice and the dowry system itself are illegal in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, the laws are never seriously enforced, with only around one in 800 cases leading to conviction; is shocked at reports that these burnings account for the deaths of more than 8,000 each year, equivalent to one woman every hour, with thousands of others maimed; believes that, due to families‘ fear of scandal destroying their other daughters‘ chances of marriage, the scope of the problem is likely to be wider than the figures suggest, and urges India, Pakistan and Bangladesh to deal seriously and urgently with these appalling and sickening crimes.

Supported by: David Torrance, Bill Kidd, Joan McAlpine, John Finnie, Mark McDonald, Anne McTaggart, John Mason, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Stuart McMillan, Christina McKelvie, Rob Gibson, Adam Ingram, Jean Urquhart


S4M-15955 Kenneth Gibson: Murder of Honduran Environmentalist, Berta Cáceres—That the Parliament condemns the murder of Berta Cáceres, the Honduran environmental activist and recipient of the 2015 Goldman Prize; understands that she was killed for standing up for and campaigning to protect her indigenous community‘s rights to their own land; calls on the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to hold an independent, international and impartial investigation into her murder; holds the Honduran Government to the precautionary measures granted providing protection for members of the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Honduras, members of Berta Cáceres‘ family and Gustavo Castro Soto, a Mexican activist who witnessed the assassination, and considers that this is part of a larger ongoing problem in Honduras and that Berta Cáceres was the latest of at least 109 environmental and social justice campaigners to be killed in Honduras since 2010, highlighting the growing trend of murder, violence and intimidation of people defending their indigenous land rights in Honduras and making it the world‘s most dangerous country per capita to be an environmental or land defender.

Supported by: Colin Beattie, David Torrance, Bill Kidd, Joan McAlpine, John Wilson, Roderick Campbell, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, John Finnie, Mark McDonald, Anne McTaggart, Stuart McMillan, John Mason, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Graeme Dey, Adam Ingram

S4M-15954 Christina McKelvie: Hamilton Acrobatic Gymnastics—That the Parliament congratulates Hamilton Gymnastics Club‘s Acro section on what it considers its phenomenal performance during the Acrobay International Event in Dalgety Bay in Fife; understands that Amy Livingston and Katy Stewart won gold medals for their grade five balance routine and took home silver for their grade five dynamic routine; considers that many of the 25 gymnasts sent to the tournament by Hamilton Gymnastics Club placed very well, with several partnerships just missing medals by coming fourth, and wishes the Hamilton Gymnastics Club the best of luck in its upcoming competitions, including the Scottish Championships at Ravenscraig on 18 and 19 March 2016.

Supported by: Christian Allard, Colin Beattie, David Torrance, Bill Kidd, Kevin Stewart, Margaret Mitchell, Rob Gibson, Dennis Robertson, Mark McDonald, Richard Lyle, Adam Ingram, Anne McTaggart

S4M-15953 Richard Simpson: Delays with 16B Funding Applications—That the Parliament understands that the Scottish Government has delayed new applications being made for support under the Section 16B Grant Funding Scheme for 2016-17; further understands that enquiries about this have been made by Art In Healthcare, Bowel Cancer UK, the Cervical Cancer Trust, Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland, Fertility Care Scotland, Hearts and Minds, Meningitis Now, Music in Hospitals and the Scottish Recovery Consortium; believes that third sector organisations are vital to achieving the effective integration of health and social care, and regrets the reported delay with new applications.

Supported by: Elaine Murray*, Lewis Macdonald, Neil Findlay, Patricia Ferguson, John Pentland, Margaret McCulloch, David Stewart, Jackie Baillie, Cara Hilton, Michael McMahon, , , Hanzala Malik, Anne McTaggart


S4M-15952 Christina McKelvie: The Artisans’ Song to Commemorate the Battle of the Somme—That the Parliament congratulates The Artisans, a Lanarkshire group, on its song to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme; notes that the battle took place between 1 July and 18 November 1916 on the banks of the River Somme in France and was considered one of the bloodiest battles in human history, with a million men wounded or killed; understands that the track, Trilogy of the Somme, was created by Robert Woodside from Ferniegair and Brian Lawlor from Stonehouse, known as The Artisans, and that all proceeds will be split between Help For Heroes, Erskine Home and The Royal British Legion; wishes the musicians well in their project, and encourages everyone to download the track from iTunes, Google Play or Spotify in honour of everyone wounded or killed in conflicts.

Supported by: Nigel Don, David Torrance, Bill Kidd, Mark McDonald, Richard Lyle, Jackie Baillie, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Stuart McMillan, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Kenneth Gibson, Christian Allard, Colin Beattie, Adam Ingram, Gordon MacDonald

S4M-15951 Christina McKelvie: Drop in Jobseekers Allowance Claimants in South Lanarkshire—That the Parliament welcomes news that the number of people claiming jobseeker‘s allowance (JSA) across Hamilton has dropped by 22%; understands that 1,125 people in Hamilton were claiming JSA in January 2015 and that this had fallen to 950 claimants 12 months later; understands that, in the meantime, the jobs market in South Lanarkshire got a boost, including in Larkhall, where the amount of JSA claimants fell from 370 to 300, and in Avondale and Stonehouse, where the number dropped from 175 to 160, and encourages the Scottish Government to carry on policies to foster employment while continuing to fight to protect workers‘ rights.

Supported by: Nigel Don, Bill Kidd, Mark McDonald, Richard Lyle, David Torrance, Anne McTaggart, Stuart McMillan, Mike MacKenzie, Colin Beattie, Christian Allard, Adam Ingram

S4M-15950 Christina McKelvie: Jenna Wrisberg’s Success at the Under 20 Athletics Championships—That the Parliament congratulates Jenna Wrisberg, who is from Hamilton, on what it considers an astonishing performance at the Scottish Under 20 Athletics Championships in the Emirates Arena, Glasgow in the 60m indoors; notes that she set a new Scottish record of 7.50 seconds, beating the previous record that had been in place for 20 years; wishes Jenna well with her athletics career, and recognises what it sees as the fundamental value of sport in society across Scotland.

Supported by: Nigel Don, David Torrance, Bill Kidd, Margaret Mitchell, Mark McDonald, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Mike MacKenzie, Kenneth Gibson, Christian Allard, Colin Beattie, Roderick Campbell, Adam Ingram

S4M-15949 Hanzala Malik: Bomb on a Bus in Peshawar—That the Parliament notes with sadness reports that a bomb on a bus in the north-western city of Peshawar in Pakistan has killed 15 and injured 30, with many of them in critical


condition; understands that it was an improvised explosive device and that the bus was carrying government employees from nearby cities; further understands that there has been no claim of responsibility but that Peshawar has been frequently attacked by the Taliban; understands that this attack occurred in an area where the Pakistani Government has intensified its campaign against militant groups, especially the Taliban; notes that the Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, released a statement saying that such cowardly acts would not deter his nor the government‘s resolve to rid the country of terrorism; also notes with sadness that this attack follows the horrible attack on a Peshawar school in December 2014, which killed over 150 people, mostly children; notes that the thoughts and prayers of the people of Scotland are with the families and individuals who have suffered, and hopes that the Pakistani Government will keep up its resolve in ending terrorism.

Supported by: Elaine Murray*, Richard Lyle, David Torrance, John Finnie, Jackie Baillie, Kevin Stewart, Anne McTaggart, Cara Hilton, Colin Beattie, Patricia Ferguson, David Stewart, Kenneth Gibson, Michael McMahon

S4M-15948 James Dornan: Terrorist Attack in Ankara—That the Parliament condemns the horrific terrorist attack that took place in Ankara on 13 March 2016; believes that there is no justification for such action, political or otherwise; remembers all of the people who have been victims of terrorist attacks in Turkey over recent months; believes that this latest attack represents a humanitarian outrage that should be strongly condemned by all in the strongest terms, and further believes that the people of Scotland stand in solidarity with the victims of terrorism throughout Turkey and beyond.

Supported by: Alison McInnes*, Colin Beattie*, Bill Kidd, Mark McDonald, Kevin Stewart, Stuart McMillan, Neil Findlay, , Kenneth Gibson, Hanzala Malik, Roderick Campbell, Christina McKelvie, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, Drew Smith, Rob Gibson, David Torrance, Adam Ingram, Gordon MacDonald

S4M-15947 John Scott: Support for Rural Ayrshire Ministry—That the Parliament welcomes the first dedicated farming minister post created by the Church of Scotland in Ayr to support people in the agricultural industry; considers that the farming sector is undergoing serious challenges at this time, specifically regarding low produce prices and issues with common agricultural policy (CAP) payments, and that this has led to high levels of stress and mental health issues among farmers; considers that this new position will provide the church with a better understanding of modern-day farming concerns as it seeks to build relationships with people working in the industry, provide spiritual and family support and encourage consumers to buy locally, and congratulates the Church of Scotland Ayr Presbytery on responding to a local need in what it considers such a pertinent and imaginative way.

Supported by: Liz Smith, Nanette Milne, Dennis Robertson, Colin Beattie, David Torrance, Murdo Fraser, Margaret McDougall, Kenneth Gibson, Mary Scanlon, Margaret Mitchell, Jackie Baillie, John Lamont, Cameron Buchanan, Anne McTaggart

S4M-15946 Neil Findlay: Solidarity with the Grangemouth Dockers—That the Parliament notes that the Grangemouth port operators, who are employed by Forth Ports, have started a fortnight of strike action that will run until 29 March 2016;


understands that this will be followed by an overtime ban; notes that a reported 100% of the Unite Scotland members in the port operatives‘ division voted for industrial action following a ballot in which 97% of members participated; considers that they have responded in this unequivocal manner because of an all-out attack by the employer against their terms and conditions: understands that the company has sought to imposes change that will see a 25% increase in weekend shift work, the removal of separate overtime pay rates, reduced night shift cover, a wage freeze for 2016-17 and the withdrawal of the bonus payment scheme; believes that the overtime rate changes and the reduced night shift cover will cost the workers up to £1,600 and £200 annually and that this is an attack on both wages and quality of life; understands that, in 2014, Forth Ports, which is jointly owned by the Canadian Public Sector Pension Investment Board and the private equity firm, Arcus Infrastructure Partners, made an £89.4 million gross profit and paid shareholders a total of £48 million in dividends; further understands that the company recently said that there has been increased profitability in its core port and marines operations; acknowledges its recent investment at Grangemouth to increase capacity, but reminds it that investment in the workforce is, it believes, as least as important as that in physical assets; believes that a port that handles goods that are worth the equivalent of half of Scotland‘s GDP should not negotiate by diktat toward an excellent workforce that has contributed to profitability that is enjoyed by directors and shareholders; considers that it should use constructive and respectful negotiation instead; implores the business to invest in good industrial relations and to treat the workforce with the respect that they deserve, and calls for the chairman, Lord Smith of Kelvin, and the directors, to think again about what it sees as the unfair proposals that have provoked this industrial action.

Supported by: Elaine Murray*, David Stewart, John Finnie, Richard Simpson, Anne McTaggart, Cara Hilton, Jayne Baxter, Patricia Ferguson, Iain Gray, Michael McMahon, Hanzala Malik

S4M-15945 Kevin Stewart: The Use of 3D Imagery in Planning—That the Parliament understands that controversy can surround the granting of planning permission for large projects, such as the Marischal Square development in Aberdeen; believes that many members of the public who were against the project only became aware of the impact of the proposed buildings after the Aberdeen-based company, Pinnacle Visualisation, created 3D imagery of the proposed scheme; considers that the use of 3D imagery during the pre-application phases of planning may well help the public better understand proposals and further democratise the planning system, and calls on the Scottish Government and local authorities to look at making the use of 3D imagery compulsory in the planning system for large projects.

Supported by: Bill Kidd, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, David Torrance, Anne McTaggart, Mike MacKenzie, Christian Allard, Colin Beattie, Roderick Campbell, Gordon MacDonald, Adam Ingram

S4M-15943 Lewis Macdonald: First Anniversary for Aberdeen Hydrogen Bus Project—That the Parliament congratulates the Aberdeen Hydrogen Bus Project, Europe‘s largest fuel cell bus fleet, on celebrating its first anniversary on 11 March 2016; understands that, during its first year in circulation, the hydrogen bus fleet,


which operates on the FirstBus X40 and Stagecoach X17 routes, has travelled 250,000 miles and carried 440,000 passengers; understands that the buses produce no harmful emissions and have proven to be four times more fuel efficient than diesel buses; commends on its leading role in the Aberdeen Hydrogen Bus Project, along with its partners, BOC, FirstBus and Stagecoach, and looks forward to seeing more hydrogen vehicles on Aberdeen‘s streets in the future.

Supported by: Alison McInnes*, Elaine Murray*, Colin Beattie*, Nigel Don, Jackie Baillie, Hanzala Malik, Roderick Campbell, Liam McArthur, Richard Lyle, Anne McTaggart, Jayne Baxter, Graeme Dey, David Stewart

S4M-15942 : Renfrewshire Mental Health Charity Awarded £10,000 from Big Lottery Fund—That the Parliament congratulates the Renfrewshire Mental Health Charity (RAMH), which has teamed up with Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park for its branching-out woodland activity programme, on being awarded £10,000 from the Big Lottery Fund to continue its good work; understands that this funding will help people to recover from mental ill-health by working outdoors; considers that the long-term effect of eco-therapy improves their wellbeing, learning and skills development; congratulates RAMH for the hard work that it considers it provides for people in East Renfrewshire who have received a mental health diagnosis, including depression and bipolar disorder, and wishes the charity all the best in helping those with a mental health illness to lead a healthier and happier life.

Supported by: Mark McDonald, Mary Scanlon, Annabel Goldie, Christian Allard, Clare Adamson, Christina McKelvie, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, Anne McTaggart, Kevin Stewart, Rob Gibson, David Torrance, Adam Ingram, , Jackie Baillie, Dennis Robertson, , Colin Beattie, Roderick Campbell

S4M-15940 Willie Coffey: Natasha Kerr, Youth Worker of the Year—That the Parliament congratulates the Ayrshire College student, Natasha Kerr, on receiving Youth Worker of the Year and Volunteer of the Year awards at the recent National Youth Worker of the Year Awards 2016; notes that these awards are in recognition of the volunteering that Natasha undertakes as part of her sport and fitness course; understands that Natasha has helped over 200 young people through 800 hours of volunteering with Kilmarnock Harriers, Catrine Youth Club and East Ayrshire Vibrant Communities; considers Natasha to be an inspiration to all young people across Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley and beyond and a fantastic ambassador for Ayrshire College and Ayrshire as a whole, and wishes her every success in the completion of her course and for the future.

Supported by: Joan McAlpine, Kevin Stewart, Alison McInnes, Stuart McMillan, Richard Lyle, Roderick Campbell, Anne McTaggart, Bill Kidd, , Adam Ingram, Rob Gibson, Graeme Dey, Colin Beattie, Hanzala Malik, Kenneth Gibson, Christian Allard, Clare Adamson

S4M-15938 Mark McDonald: 100th Anniversary of the Imprisonment of Conscientious Objectors at the Dyce Work Camp—That the Parliament welcomes the seventh open project by the Quids in Theatre Company and the Festival of Politics, a performance of White Feathers in the Breeze, which will take place at


Dyce Church on 22 March 2016 followed by performances in a number of community settings in Aberdeen before arriving at the Arts Centre; understands that this will mark 100 years since the imprisonment of many men between the ages of 18 and 41 who had been conscripted into the army to fight in the trenches but were conscientious objectors; further understands that they were held for up to two months at the Dyce work camp; praises everyone involved for highlighting a story of local and national historical significance, and wishes the performance every success.

Supported by: John Finnie, Christian Allard, Clare Adamson, David Torrance, Nanette Milne, Kevin Stewart, Christina McKelvie, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Richard Lyle, Nigel Don, Dennis Robertson, Adam Ingram

S4M-15937 Mark McDonald: Congratulations to Middleton Park School—That the Parliament congratulates Middleton Park School in Bridge of Don on being praised by Education Scotland for its use of digital technology to develop and share learning; understands that the school received an ―excellent‖ rating in 11 out of 12 quality indicators, which determine a school‘s success in meeting the curriculum for excellence; further notes that the report highlighted the "outstanding leadership" of the headteacher, Jenny Watson; praises the campaign by parents and the community to keep the school open in 2013, and hopes that the school and the community will build on this success into the future.

Supported by: Alison McInnes*, Christian Allard, Clare Adamson, David Torrance, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Richard Lyle, Nigel Don, Colin Beattie, Dennis Robertson, Adam Ingram

S4M-15936 Liam McArthur: Tribute to Sir Peter Maxwell Davies—That the Parliament pays tribute to the composer, Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, who has passed away at the age of 81; understands that Sir Peter, who was known affectionately as Max, was born in Salford, Lancashire, on 8 September 1934; notes that he moved to Orkney in 1971, where he set up home in Rackwick, Hoy, before relocating to Sanday in the late 1990s; recognises that he held positions with both the BBC and Royal Philharmonic orchestras, was a co-founder of the St Magnus Festival and, from 2004 to 2014, he held the post of Master of the Queen‘s Music; understands that he was knighted in 1987, appointed a Companion of Honour in 2014 and was awarded the Royal Philharmonic Society Gold Medal in February 2016, the highest accolade that the society bestows, in recognition of his outstanding musicianship; believes that he pushed the boundaries of music over the course of his career; notes that he composed some 300 works, 10 symphonies, 10 of the Strathclyde concertos and the operas, Taverner and The Lighthouse, and that one of his most famous pieces, Farewell To Stromness, portrays the residents of that town having to leave their homes as a result of uranium contamination that had been brought about by opencast mining in the area of the type that it believes was being proposed at the time; pays tribute to the immense contribution that he made to the arts and music, particularly in his adopted home of Orkney, and sends its condolences to Max‘s family and friends.

Supported by: Mary Scanlon


S4M-15935 John Wilson: Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week 2016—That the Parliament welcomes Down‘s Syndrome Awareness Week, which runs from 21 to 27 March 2016; notes that the awareness week seeks to improve public knowledge and understanding of Down‘s syndrome across the country, including Central Scotland; considers that there are still many barriers to employment and to schemes like modern apprenticeships for people with the condition; understands that negative stereotypes in society prevent many adults with Down‘s syndrome from gaining new experience as employees; acknowledges that job opportunities give people with Down‘s syndrome chances to develop new skills and contribute to society; considers it important to offer the right support at transition stages for young people to access employment, and continues to support the work of Down‘s Syndrome Scotland in championing the rights of people with the condition.

Supported by: Alison McInnes*, Nigel Don, John Finnie, Dennis Robertson, Dave Thompson, Clare Adamson, Liam McArthur, David Torrance, Jackie Baillie, Margaret McCulloch, Nanette Milne, Kevin Stewart, Richard Simpson, John Mason, Cara Hilton, Christine Grahame, Mary Scanlon, Margaret Mitchell, Roderick Campbell, Colin Beattie, Hanzala Malik, Adam Ingram, Iain Gray, Joan McAlpine, Alex Rowley

S4M-15934 John Mason: Earth Hour 2016—That the Parliament notes that 19 March 2016 once again sees the World Wide Fund for Nature‘s (WWF) Earth Hour and everyone is encouraged to switch off lights for one hour from 8.30pm; understands that, since it started in 2007, the WWF Earth Hour has been a unique display of darkness bringing together hundreds of millions of people each year, with 2015 involving a record-breaking 172 countries; congratulates the people of Glasgow on its being named Scotland‘s Earth Hour Champion for its advocacy in 2015; notes that more information about Earth Hour can be found on the WWF website, and encourages households, businesses and other organisations to take part in WWF‘s Earth Hour to show their support for tackling climate change.

Supported by: Alison McInnes*, John Finnie, Dave Thompson, Christian Allard, Clare Adamson, Jackie Baillie, Richard Simpson, Rob Gibson, Nigel Don, Richard Lyle, Kevin Stewart, David Torrance, Anne McTaggart, Graeme Dey, Cara Hilton, Dennis Robertson, Joan McAlpine, Christine Grahame, Adam Ingram, Margaret Mitchell, Colin Beattie

S4M-15929 Anne McTaggart: Scottish Youth Parliament’s New Manifesto—That the Parliament congratulates the Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) on the publication of their new manifesto, Lead the Way; notes that the manifesto sets the policy agenda for the organisation‘s next five years and contains 54 statements covering a wider range of policy issues, setting out the views of young people across Scotland; considers that MSYPs, support workers, voluntary organisations and the Scottish Youth Parliament staff team worked tirelessly to ensure that the final consultation received 72,744 responses from young people in Scotland, making it the largest manifesto consultation in the organisation‘s history, and urges MSPs of all political parties to take heed of the views of the young people as expressed in the document and make sure that they remain top of the political agenda in the forthcoming parliamentary term.


Supported by: Alison McInnes*, Lewis Macdonald, Cara Hilton, Bill Kidd, Christian Allard, Liam McArthur, David Torrance, Jackie Baillie, David Stewart, Ken Macintosh, Kevin Stewart, Richard Lyle, Hanzala Malik, Elaine Murray, Malcolm Chisholm, Jayne Baxter, Alex Rowley

S4M-15927 Rob Gibson: League Cup Winners, 2016—That the Parliament congratulates the players, management, chairman, staff, fans and everyone else associated with Ross County on the team‘s 2-1 win over Hibernian in the League Cup final at Hampden on 13 March 2016; considers this a historic achievement as it is the club‘s first major honour since it was founded in 1929; pays tribute to the estimated 9,000 fans who made it to Glasgow to back the team, the management and players on delivering the victory and the chairman, Roy MacGregor, whose backing and unstinting support, it believes, has helped guide the "Staggies" from the Highland League to the Premier League, one Scottish Cup final and to the League Cup triumph; notes that both the League Cup and the Scottish Cup are, for the moment, both currently residing in the Highlands; believes that this shows that Highland football is in rude health, and hopes that both Ross County and Caledonian Thistle can put in strong displays for many seasons to come to help strengthen the game in the north.

Supported by: John Finnie, Adam Ingram, Bill Kidd, Christian Allard, Clare Adamson, Graeme Dey, David Stewart, Dennis Robertson, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Richard Lyle, Kenneth Gibson, Dave Thompson, David Torrance, Angus MacDonald, Colin Beattie, Mary Scanlon

S4M-15926 Rob Gibson: Celebrating Food for Thought—That the Parliament congratulates the development and implementation of the Food For Thought programme in Scotland‘s schools; notes that the programme is a joint partnership between the Scottish Government, Education Scotland and Business in the Community Scotland and is aimed at delivering food education and awareness in schools from nursery to secondary; understands that the pupils are taught to appreciate food sustainability by growing their own food and learning about how to prepare and cook it and when it is ready to eat; further understands that they also learn from people in the food sector, such as chefs, and hopes that the project goes from strength to strength so that more young people can gain a better understanding and appreciation of the great produce that abounds in Scotland.

Supported by: Alison McInnes*, John Finnie, Christian Allard, Clare Adamson, Mary Scanlon, John Mason, Mike MacKenzie, Colin Beattie, Dennis Robertson

S4M-15924 : Olivia Stobart, 5Rights Youth Commissioner—That the Parliament congratulates Olivia Stobart, who lives in the Southern constituency, on being selected as a member of Scotland‘s 5Rights Youth Commission; understands that Olivia will be part of a diverse group of 19 young people aged from 14 to 21 who will embark on a 12-month investigation to develop recommendations to key legislators, leaders and decision makers on how the country can realise the rights of children and young people in the digital world; welcomes what it sees as the cooperation of 5Rights, Young Scot and the Scottish Government to help make the internet and digital sphere a safe and empowering place for young


people; considers Olivia‘s appointment a significant achievement, and believes that she will make valuable contributions to the project.

Supported by: Christian Allard, Clare Adamson, Nigel Don, Elaine Murray, Dennis Robertson, Colin Beattie, Adam Ingram, Richard Lyle, David Torrance, Bill Kidd, Mike MacKenzie, Jackie Baillie, Kevin Stewart, Rob Gibson

S4M-15923 Kenneth Gibson: Saltcoats Town Hall Officially Reopened by the First Minister—That the Parliament congratulates North Ayrshire Council on the official reopening of Saltcoats Town Hall by the First Minister on 14 March 2016; believes that the hall had been shamefully neglected and allowed to crumble into disrepair for years by the previous Labour-controlled council administration, which led to its eventual closure; further believes that, following the subsequent election of an SNP-led administration and under the ambitious leadership of Councillor Willie Gibson, the local authority was determined to turn things around and delivered a total investment of £3.77 million, working with the Irvine Bay Regeneration Company and backed by £160,000 from Historic Scotland and £1.1 million from the Scottish Government; understands that the town hall, which was built in 1826, has retained its historic character in a stunning building that is fit for the 21st century and is suitable for weddings, events, conferences and educational activities; believes that it will provide integrated services at one location, with 65 housing, health and social care staff being based there; appreciates what it sees as the support of the town‘s businesses and people; considers that, along with the community spirit and the dedication of council staff, this will ensure that the town hall will be a focal point for bringing vibrancy to the area and a catalyst for further regeneration, investment and job creation; understands that tenders have gone out for the regeneration of Countess Street, which is to be completed over the next year, and believes that Saltcoats Town Hall will be the beating heart of Saltcoats for decades to come.

Supported by: Christian Allard, Clare Adamson, Nigel Don, Dennis Robertson, Kevin Stewart, Richard Lyle, Rob Gibson, Roderick Campbell, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Bill Kidd, Adam Ingram

S4M-15923.1 Margaret McDougall: Saltcoats Town Hall Officially Reopened by the First Minister—As an amendment to motion S4M-15923 in the name of Kenneth Gibson (Saltcoats Town Hall Officially Reopened by the First Minister), leave out from "congratulates" to end and insert ―acknowledges the successful campaign run by the Saltcoats and Stevenston Labour councillor, Jim Montgomerie, to bring Saltcoats Town Hall back into public use; understands that indicative funding for the project was included in the 2012-13 budget set by the previous Labour administration of North Ayrshire Council; further understands that the town hall, which was built in 1826, has retained its historic character in a stunning building that is fit for the 21st century and is suitable for weddings, events, conferences and educational activities; believes that it will provide integrated services at one location, with 65 housing, health and social care staff being based there; appreciates what it sees as the support of the town‘s businesses and people; considers that, along with the community spirit and the dedication of council staff, this will ensure that the town hall will be a focal point for bringing vibrancy to the area and a catalyst for further regeneration, investment and job creation, and looks forward to Saltcoats Town Hall becoming a focal point for the town once more.‖


Supported by: Elaine Murray, Jackie Baillie, David Stewart, , Hanzala Malik

S4M-15923.1.1 Stuart McMillan: Saltcoats Town Hall Officially Reopened by the First Minister—As an amendment to amendment S4M-15923.1 in the name of Margaret McDougall (Saltcoats Town Hall Officially Reopened by the First Minister), leave out from first "Saltcoats" to "North Ayrshire Council" and insert ―SNP councillor, Willie Gibson, and independent councillor, Ronnie McNicol, who led opposition to Labour‘s plans to demolish Saltcoats Town Hall and sell the site after that same Labour council had, it considers, allowed the much-loved town hall to fall into rack and ruin during its decades in power and notes the importance of funding support from the Scottish Government to ensure the project‘s success‖.

Supported by: Christian Allard

S4M-15922 Elaine Smith: Lanarkshire Leads the Way with Breastfeeding Support—That the Parliament congratulates members of NHS Lanarkshire staff in reaching the finals of what it considers the prestigious National Awards for Midwifery; notes that Leigh-Ann Johnstone won the top prize, Maternity Support Worker of the Year, for promoting breastfeeding and supporting families with sick and vulnerable babies at the busy neonatal unit, which cares for premature and unwell babies; acknowledges the ongoing work by NHS Lanarkshire in promoting breastfeeding as the best possible start in life for all babies, and notes that NHS Lanarkshire was the only NHS board in Scotland with finalists at the awards.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Nigel Don, Fiona McLeod, Elaine Murray, Colin Beattie, Dennis Robertson, Richard Lyle, Malcolm Chisholm, Jackie Baillie, Rob Gibson, , Mike MacKenzie, Neil Findlay, David Stewart, David Torrance, Margaret McDougall

S4M-15921 Liam McArthur: Jack Norquoy, MSYP of the Year—That the Parliament congratulates Jack Norquoy on being named MSYP of the Year 2016 by the Scottish Youth Parliament at its national sitting in Galashiels on 12 March; notes that Jack was elected as one of Orkney‘s two MSYPs, alongside Thorfinn Moffat, in 2015 and is also a member of the UK Youth Parliament for the Highlands and Islands; believes that the hard work and commitment of Jack and Thorfinn to engage with young people in Orkney has resulted in the islands having the second most improved turnout in the 2015 Make Your Mark ballot; understands that Jack has successfully led campaigns and engaged local organisations, charities and key decision makers on issues of importance to the young people that he represents, such as child poverty, mental health, votes at 16 and the establishment of an Orkney youth forum; believes that, earlier in 2016, Jack and Thorfinn played an instrumental role in persuading Loganair to introduce an improved fare option for island students; acknowledges what it sees as the contribution that MSYPs across the country make to ensure that the voice of young people in Scotland is heard over a range of key issues, and looks forward to Jack continuing to use his talent, energy and drive to make a real contribution to political life in Scotland.


Supported by: John Finnie, Jackie Baillie, Dennis Robertson, Clare Adamson, Mary Scanlon, David Stewart, Richard Lyle, David Torrance, Anne McTaggart, Mike MacKenzie, Liz Smith, Nanette Milne, Jamie McGrigor, Colin Beattie, Lesley Brennan

S4M-15920 Hanzala Malik: Celebrating Commonwealth Day and Remembering the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow—That the Parliament recognises that Commonwealth Day is marked every year on the second Monday in March; believes that the theme for 2016, mentioned in the Queen‘s message, is An Inclusive Commonwealth; considers that the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow celebrated diversity by making sure that it provided an experience that was accessible to all by delivering a truly inclusive sports programme, and understands that the opening ceremony of the 2014 Games was the first in Commonwealth history to feature a fundraiser for children in partnership with UNICEF.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Dennis Robertson, Elaine Murray, Lesley Brennan, Colin Beattie, Adam Ingram, Kenneth Gibson, Jackie Baillie, Anne McTaggart, Kevin Stewart, Iain Gray, John Mason, David Stewart

S4M-15919 Hanzala Malik: Glasgow Teacher Helps People Overcome Stammers—That the Parliament congratulates Adam Black, who is from Glasgow, on reports that, after overcoming a stammer, he has fulfilled his dream of becoming a teacher and on being nominated for a national diversity award; understands that Adam, who teaches at Shawlands Primary School, had given up all hope of entering the profession until he enrolled in the McGuire Programme, which gave him the confidence to train as a primary teacher; notes that he now teaches the McGuire Programme technique to others, and believes that, with around 1% of people having a stammer, such a service is welcome.

Supported by: Lesley Brennan

S4M-15918 George Adam: Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day—That the Parliament understands that 18 March is recognised as UK Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day; notes that child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a form of abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people into sexual activity and that the awareness day aims to highlight issues surrounding this; understands that, in its inquiry into the problem in Scotland, the Public Petitions Committee found CSE to be an extremely important, but previously underemphasised, part of an abuse continuum that deserves urgent attention; acknowledges the work being carried out by the Scottish Government and stakeholders, including Barnardo‘s Scotland, Police Scotland and Roshni, through both the ministerial working group and national action plan on CSE and the recent investment in frontline services to tackle it, and encourages people across Scotland to unite behind the social media campaign by using the hashtag, #helpinghands, and to think, spot and speak out against exploitation and abuse.

Supported by: Alison McInnes*, Christian Allard, Clare Adamson, Nigel Don, Kevin Stewart, Joan McAlpine, Bill Kidd, Adam Ingram, Michael Russell, Christina McKelvie, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Kenneth Gibson, James Dornan, David Torrance, Jean Urquhart, Fiona McLeod, John Mason


S4M-15917 Margaret McDougall: Concerns Raised over North Ayrshire Citizens Advice Closures—That the Parliament is concerned at reported plans to close four of the five citizens advice bureaux in North Ayrshire by the end of March 2016, which would leave only a central hub in Saltcoats open; understands that this follows the ending of three years of additional funding to provide this service; is concerned that, with North Ayrshire Council‘s Money Matters service also having been scaled back in previous years, vulnerable people who need support and advice might now find it difficult to access; calls on all of North Ayrshire‘s MSPs, MPs and councillors, as well as the local authority and North Ayrshire Citizens Advice, to get together and work toward a solution that puts service users first and ensures that people in the area are able to access independent advice.

Supported by: Lesley Brennan, Jackie Baillie, Anne McTaggart, Jayne Baxter, David Stewart, Hanzala Malik

S4M-15916 Margaret McDougall: Congratulations to Ayrshire Communities Education and Sport—That the Parliament congratulates Ayrshire Communities Education and Sport (ACES) on receiving funding from the Big Lottery Fund‘s Medium Grants Scotland scheme; understands that ACES received £150,000 to deliver a variety of activities in Woodwynd, Kilwinning, as holiday and education programmes for children, lunch clubs, community garden work and welfare advice; further understands that the ACES will assist 300 people; congratulates ACES on receiving this funding, and wishes it all the best in its future endeavours.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Elaine Murray, Colin Beattie, Jackie Baillie, Anne McTaggart, David Stewart

S4M-15915 Margaret McDougall: Congratulations to the Beith Community Development Trust—That the Parliament congratulates the Beith Community Development Trust on receiving funding from the Big Lottery Fund‘s Medium Grants Scotland scheme; understands that the trust received £150,000 to deliver a programme of community-led activity, providing activities such as workshops, events, courses, festivals, learning and accredited opportunities to support the people of Beith over the next five years; further understands that the programme is expected to assist 500 people; congratulates the trust on receiving this funding, and wishes it all the best in its future endeavours.

Supported by: Dennis Robertson, Elaine Murray, Colin Beattie, David Torrance, Kenneth Gibson, Jackie Baillie, Anne McTaggart, David Stewart, Hanzala Malik

S4M-15914 Tavish Scott: Scotland’s Six Nations Victory over France—That the Parliament congratulates the Scotland rugby team on what it considers a fantastic performance against France at Murrayfield on 13 March 2016; further congratulates Stuart Fox from Shetland, who, it understands, landed a 20-metre penalty during the half-time interval to the delight of the significant numbers of Shetlanders present to support not only the national team but also their fellow islander, and further wishes the team great success for the final 2016 Six Nations‘ game against Ireland in Dublin.

Supported by: Lewis Macdonald, John Finnie, Christian Allard, Clare Adamson, Elaine Murray, Colin Beattie, David Torrance, Bill Kidd, Liz Smith, Nanette Milne,


Stewart Maxwell, Richard Simpson, Jackie Baillie, Jamie McGrigor, Anne McTaggart, Mary Scanlon, Nigel Don, Patricia Ferguson, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Neil Findlay, Adam Ingram, Roderick Campbell, Jim Hume

S4M-15913 Graeme Dey: Ryan Burnett Named Angus Sports Personality of the Year—That the Parliament congratulates Ryan Burnett on being named Sports Personality of the Year at the 2016 Angus Sports Awards; notes that Ryan, who is a member of Arbroath and District Indoor Bowling Club and Carnoustie West End Bowling Club, saw success in 2015, including winning the Under 25 World Junior Championship in Australia; understands that partnering his brother, Darren, he also won the Scottish Indoor Bowling Association‘s pairs title, and was one of the skips in the unbeaten international team that won the British Isles U-25 series; believes that Ryan was also promoted to the Scotland international team in June, winning his first cap; congratulates the other Angus Sports Awards winners, Grace Duncan, winner of the Sports Personality of the Year award for People with a Disability, Young Sports Personality of the Year award winner, Niamh Scott Harper, Team of the Year, Tayside Special Olympics, Bob Cassidy, Coach of the Year, Laura Smith, winner of the Service to Sport award, Grant Hutchison, Club Volunteer of the Year and Jonathon Simmons-Riach, School Sports Volunteer of the Year, and welcomes what it sees as the fantastic sporting achievements that have been recognised through these awards.

Supported by: Christian Allard, Bill Kidd, Roderick Campbell, David Torrance, Nigel Don, Mark McDonald, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Rob Gibson, Adam Ingram, Dennis Robertson

S4M-15912 Rhoda Grant: Congratulations to Ross County—That the Parliament congratulates Ross County on winning the Scottish League Cup final against Hibernian at Hampden on 13 March 2016; believes that the players from both clubs should be congratulated on what was an outstanding, but good-tempered, match; acknowledges what it sees as the drive, determination and endeavour of everyone who is involved with the community club, which, since joining the Scottish Football League in the 1994–95 season, has risen to top flight; congratulates the thousands of fans who made the journey south to attend and acknowledges their good behaviour, and wishes the chairman, Roy MacGregor, the management, coaches, players and everyone connected with the club continued success.

Supported by: John Finnie, Elaine Murray, Colin Beattie, David Torrance, Bill Kidd, Jackie Baillie, Anne McTaggart, Mary Scanlon, Iain Gray, Kevin Stewart, Mike MacKenzie, Dave Thompson, David Stewart, Tavish Scott, Jamie McGrigor

S4M-15910 Kevin Stewart: Allegations of Racial Profiling by the Border Force— That the Parliament condemns the UK Border Force for, it understands, refusing to answer queries from MSPs on the instruction of the Home Secretary; believes that its stance is disrespectful and undemocratic; expresses concern that it is unwilling to answer questions about allegations of racial profiling taking place in Scotland by the UK Border Force, particularly at Aberdeen Airport, and calls on the Home Secretary to instruct the UK Border Force to answer queries from MSPs and to mount an immediate investigation into allegations of racial profiling at Aberdeen Airport.


Supported by: John Finnie, Christian Allard, Clare Adamson, Dennis Robertson, Bill Kidd, Jean Urquhart, Anne McTaggart, Rob Gibson, David Torrance, Christine Grahame, John Mason, Mark McDonald, Christina McKelvie, Mike MacKenzie, Angus MacDonald, Adam Ingram

S4M-15909 Lewis Macdonald: Denis Law Appointed as a CBE—That the Parliament congratulates Denis Law on being appointed as a CBE at Buckingham Palace on 11 March 2016 in recognition of services to football and charity; recognises that he played professionally at the highest level from 1956 to 1974, won 55 caps and scored 30 goals for Scotland and is the only Scottish player to date to be named European Player of the Year; understands that Denis, who recovered from prostate cancer in 2003, is a fundraiser for Cancer Research UK and a patron for Meningitis Now, supports the Streetsport initiative in his home city of Aberdeen through the Denis Law Legacy Trust, and congratulates him on his well deserved honour.

Supported by: Elaine Murray, Colin Beattie, Roderick Campbell, Jackie Baillie, Anne McTaggart, Mary Scanlon, Patricia Ferguson, Nigel Don, Kevin Stewart, Dennis Robertson, Sarah Boyack, David Stewart, Nanette Milne, Johann Lamont, Hanzala Malik, Malcolm Chisholm

S4M-15908 Mary Scanlon: Congratulations to Ross County, Scottish League Cup Winners 2016—That the Parliament congratulates Ross County on what it sees as the team‘s fantastic 2-1 victory against Hibernian in the 70th Scottish League Cup final on 13 March 2016; praises the management, players and everyone connected with side on this outstanding win for a club that only joined the Scottish League in 1994, having previously played in the Highland League; commends the chairman, Roy MacGregor; believes that his passion and dedication for the club has led to it being recognised as being very community-orientated; understands that the team remains unbeaten in all of the games that it has played on 13 March since joining the senior league; welcomes the news that the win for the Dingwall side means that the two highest domestic cup honours in Scottish football are both held by Highland teams, and wishes everyone involved at Ross County and its fans continued success.

Supported by: John Finnie, Nanette Milne, Jackson Carlaw, Dennis Robertson, Colin Beattie, Alex Fergusson, Mike MacKenzie, Margaret Mitchell, Kevin Stewart, John Lamont, Graeme Dey, Murdo Fraser, Cameron Buchanan, Jamie McGrigor, David Stewart, Liam McArthur, Jean Urquhart

S4M-15799 John Wilson: St Patrick’s Day Festival Coatbridge—That the Parliament welcomes the St Patrick‘s Day Festival Coatbridge 2016 which is due to run from 4 to 19 March; recognises that this is an annual event; congratulates the Coatbridge Irish Heritage Committee on organising a wide-ranging programme of cultural events that will allow the whole community to participate; notes the long list of events includes musical performances, sporting events, quiz nights, lectures, personal tribute evenings, such as that to Margaret Skinnider, and many other engaging events and activities; acknowledges the close links that it considers many communities across Central Scotland, particularly those in Coatbridge, enjoy with Ireland, and wishes the festival every success.


Supported by: Mark McDonald, Roderick Campbell, Siobhan McMahon, Elaine Murray, David Torrance, Hanzala Malik, John Finnie, Stuart McMillan, Colin Beattie, Jean Urquhart, Richard Lyle, Margaret Mitchell, Dennis Robertson, Anne McTaggart, Neil Findlay, Michael McMahon

S4M-15799.1 Michael McMahon: St Patrick’s Day Festival Coatbridge—As an amendment to motion S4M-15799 in the name of John Wilson (St Patrick‘s Day Festival Coatbridge), after "annual event" insert ―and that Elaine Smith MSP is the Honorary President this year‖.

Supported by: Elaine Murray*, John Pentland, Anne McTaggart, David Stewart, Hanzala Malik, Jackie Baillie

S4M-15322# Rob Gibson: Bringing About More Local Control—That the Parliament welcomes what it sees as the growing means to promote local control in communities through the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 and various land reform measures to effect land purchase and access to natural resources; believes that this has been benchmarked in the recent Scottish Government report, Impact Evaluation of the Community Right to Buy; considers that the Scottish Government target of one million acres being in community control by 2020 is both achievable and necessary; notes the view that, the closer to communities the decision-taking processes over matters such as affordable housing, environmental designations, cultural life and health provision are, the more there is a requirement for a fundamental review of local government and the powers to raise local taxes and to answer widespread and increasing calls for localism, including in Caithness, Sutherland and Ross, which has a land area that is equivalent to that of Northern Ireland, and further notes the view that subsidiarity, sustainability and social justice should be applied to all community life, the length and breadth of Scotland.

S4M-15772# Alex Rowley: Water Safety in Scotland—That the Parliament congratulates what it considers the excellent, ongoing work of the Fife Water Safety initiative, which has brought together the fire and rescue and police services, the RNLI and the Royal Life Saving Society UK to educate young people about the importance of water safety in Fife; understands that, since the death of her son, Cameron Lancaster, at the abandoned Prestonhill Quarry and the second tragic death of John McKay at the same quarry less than a year after Cameron‘s accident, Cameron‘s mother has been working with partners to raise awareness of the dangers that water may pose to young people; acknowledges that the Fife Water Safety initiative, which was launched in Inverkeithing High School in the Cowdenbeath parliamentary constituency, has been touring west Fife secondary schools providing an interactive 50-minute presentation to each year group, hoping to encourage all Fife schools to adopt the education package including an age-appropriate programme for primary school children; understands that death by drowning is the third highest accidental cause of death in the UK and that, per head of population, there are twice as many accidental drownings in Scotland as in ; further understands that there are more limited rescue options for response and rescue services for inshore water accidents than at sea through the RNLI, which rescued 7,973 people and saved 348 lives in 2015, and notes that Cameron‘s mother is working with agencies across Scotland to explore the potential for creating an


education programme aimed at teaching teenagers about the dangers of open waters, which may be used across Scotland.

Motions and amendments which have attracted additional support

S4M-15907 Aberdeen Stronger Together (lodged on 11 March 2016) Bill Kidd, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, Anne McTaggart, Adam Ingram, Mark McDonald, Nigel Don, Dennis Robertson, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard, Alison McInnes*

S4M-15906 75th Anniversary of the Clydebank Blitz (lodged on 11 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Bill Kidd, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, Margaret McCulloch, Christina McKelvie, Anne McTaggart, Kevin Stewart, Adam Ingram, Mark McDonald, Nigel Don, Stewart Maxwell, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Elaine Murray, Dennis Robertson, Jackson Carlaw, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard, John Finnie

S4M-15905 Stewart Wilson Fundraises for Great Ormond Street Hospital (lodged on 11 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Richard Lyle, Mike MacKenzie, Adam Ingram, Mark McDonald, Nigel Don, David Torrance, Colin Beattie, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15903 St Cadoc’s Primary School Awarded Champions for Change (lodged on 11 March 2016) Richard Lyle, Margaret McCulloch, Anne McTaggart, David Stewart, Elaine Murray

S4M-15901 What Makes For Decent Work? A Study with Low Paid Workers in Scotland (lodged on 10 March 2016) Jackie Baillie, David Torrance, Elaine Murray, Dennis Robertson, Drew Smith, John Finnie

S4M-15900 Aberdeen Welcomes Hydrogen Powered Cars (lodged on 10 March 2016) David Torrance, Elaine Murray, Lesley Brennan

S4M-15899 Evie’s 5th Birthday 5k (lodged on 10 March 2016) David Torrance, Elaine Murray, Lesley Brennan

S4M-15897 Tidal Turbine Boost for Green Energy Growth (lodged on 10 March 2016) Mark McDonald, Clare Adamson, John Finnie

S4M-15896 Congratulations to Fersands and Fountain Community Project (lodged on 10 March 2016) Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15894 Icelandair’s First Flight to Reykjavik from Aberdeen International Airport (lodged on 10 March 2016) Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15893 Arrest and Imprisonment of Mr Kauser Uddin (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Mark McDonald, David Torrance, Clare Adamson


S4M-15892 Paul Soutar Climbs Kilimanjaro (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Mark McDonald, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15891 The Sunshine Appeal in the Czech Republic (lodged on 09 March 2016) Iain Gray, Angus MacDonald, Joan McAlpine, Anne McTaggart, Mark McDonald, Nigel Don, David Torrance, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard, John Finnie, James Dornan, Murdo Fraser, Hanzala Malik, Chic Brodie, Roderick Campbell, Adam Ingram, Dave Thompson

S4M-15890 Scottish Health Survey Results, Physical Activity (lodged on 09 March 2016) Lewis Macdonald

S4M-15889 Family Safety Week (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Margaret Mitchell, Jean Urquhart, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15888 International Women’s Day (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15887 Carers Link East Dunbartonshire (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15886 Congratulations to Isaro Social Integration Network (lodged on 10 March 2016) Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15885 Congratulations to Scotland Excel (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15884 Larkhall’s Youthworx (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Margaret Mitchell, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15882 Launch of New Route between Aberdeen and Reykjavík (lodged on 09 March 2016) Jean Urquhart

S4M-15881 Voter Registration (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, David Torrance, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard, John Finnie,

S4M-15879 Congratulations to Primary 7 Pupils at Dunrobin Primary School (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Clare Adamson

S4M-15878 £10 Million Expansion of the Wick District Heating Scheme (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Clare Adamson

S4M-15877 Innovative Pharmacy Service in Lanarkshire (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15876 West Linton Wasps Winners (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Christian Allard


S4M-15872 Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, David Torrance, Lewis Macdonald, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard, Dennis Robertson

S4M-15871 Well Done, East Kilbride Rugby Academy (lodged on 09 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Margaret Mitchell, Clare Adamson, Christian Allard R

S4M-15866 France Bestows Honour on University of Glasgow’s Dougal Campbell (lodged on 08 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15865 Recognition of International Conscientious Objectors’ Day (lodged on 08 March 2016) Malcolm Chisholm, Sarah Boyack, John Mason

S4M-15864 Supporting Scotland’s 5Rights Youth Commission (lodged on 08 March 2016) John Finnie

S4M-15862 Giving Women Access to Education (lodged on 08 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, John Mason, Clare Adamson

S4M-15861 Dalkeith’s Transgression Foundation CIC Awarded £9,066 (lodged on 08 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Christian Allard

S4M-15860 Dalkeith’s Newbattle Beekeeper’s Association Awarded £10,000 (lodged on 08 March 2016) Angus MacDonald, Christian Allard

S4M-15850 Congratulations to Stephen Bennett and Casa Di Gelato (lodged on 08 March 2016) Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15849 Train Guards on ScotRail Services (lodged on 08 March 2016) Lewis Macdonald

S4M-15848 Seaton Park Lighting Proposal (lodged on 08 March 2016) Christian Allard

S4M-15847 New Chair Announced for VisitScotland (lodged on 08 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15836 Ratification of the Council of Europe’s Istanbul Convention (lodged on 07 March 2016) Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15835 Congratulating Willie Miller of UCAPA (lodged on 07 March 2016) Clare Adamson, Christian Allard

S4M-15834 Provision of Ambulance Services on Mull (lodged on 07 March 2016) Christian Allard

S4M-15829 Sinclairs of Inverurie (lodged on 04 March 2016) Christian Allard

S4M-15828 Award Success for Coatbridge Apprentice (lodged on 04 March 2016) Clare Adamson


S4M-15827 St Patrick’s Day Festival 2016 (lodged on 04 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15824 Janet Clark, Clean Up Scotland’s Hero of the Month (lodged on 04 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15823 Changing Lives, Growing Value (lodged on 04 March 2016) Clare Adamson, Dennis Robertson

S4M-15822 Hazlehead Academy Awarded Cycle Friendly Status (lodged on 04 March 2016) Dennis Robertson

S4M-15814 Big Lottery Funding for Greener Kirkcaldy (lodged on 03 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15813 Congratulations to Fife Carers Centre (lodged on 03 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15812 Three Wee Crows Theatre Company (lodged on 03 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15811 Riverside Inverclyde Funding Success (lodged on 02 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15810 Orkney’s Stewart Bain Named Librarian of the Year (lodged on 02 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15804 No Smoking Day 2016 (lodged on 02 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15803 The EU Refugee Crisis Needs Humanitarian Action (lodged on 02 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15798 The Single European Act (lodged on 01 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15791 West Lothian Credit Union Cashtray Savings Scheme (lodged on 01 March 2016) Lewis Macdonald

S4M-15788 The Cost of Smoking (lodged on 01 March 2016) Lewis Macdonald

S4M-15787 CECA Scotland’s Emerging Talent (lodged on 01 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15786 Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day, 1 March 2016 (lodged on 01 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15785 St Andrew’s Hospice Success (lodged on 01 March 2016) Clare Adamson


S4M-15784 24th Anniversary of Khojaly Massacre (lodged on 01 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15783 Wick Students’ One Click Politics App Up and Running (lodged on 01 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15781 Congratulating the Forth Road Bridge Team (lodged on 01 March 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15757 Aberdeen’s Orchid Cocktail Bar (lodged on 29 February 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15755 A Step Forward in Diagnosing Barrett’s Oesophagus (lodged on 29 February 2016) Roderick Campbell

S4M-15754 World Book Day 2016 (lodged on 29 February 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15748 Metal Theft in Scotland (lodged on 25 February 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15744 Breast Cancer Now’s 2050 Challenge (lodged on 25 February 2016) Clare Adamson

S4M-15532 St Eunan’s Primary School’s Right to Food Project (lodged on 01 February 2016) Hanzala Malik*


Business Bulletin: Monday 21 March 2016 Section H – New Documents

Other Documents

The following documents were laid before the Parliament on the 18 March 2016 and are not subject to any parliamentary procedure—

West College Scotland Report and Financial Statements for the period ended 31 July 2015 (SG/2016/51)- The North Highland College Report & Financial Statements for the year ended 31July 2015 (SG/2016/50)- New College Lanarkshire Financial Statements Period ending 31st July 2015 (SG/2016/49)- University of the Highlands and Islands: Moray College Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2015 (SG/2016/48)- Glasgow Kelvin College Annual Report & Financial Statements April 2014 – July 2015 (SG/2016/47)- Lews Castle College Annual Accounts Year to 31 July 2015 (SG/2016/46)- laid under section 22(5) of the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman: Strategic Plan 2016-2020 (SPSO/2016/SP) laid under Section 17A of the Scottish Parliamentary Commissions and Commissioners etc. Act 2010

Committee Reports

The following reports were published on 21 March 2016—

Scottish Commission for Public Audit, 2nd Report, 2016 (Session 4): Annual Report 2015-16 (SP Paper 976)

Scottish Commission for Public Audit, 3rd Report, 2016 (Session 4): Session 4 Legacy Paper (SP Paper 977)

Public Audit Committee, 2nd Report, 2016 (Session 4): Annual Report 2015-16 (SP Paper 959)

Public Audit Committee, 3rd Report, 2016 (Session 4): Session 4 Legacy Paper (SP Paper 960)

For further information on accessing committee reports, please contact the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for contact details or access general committee webpage)


Business Bulletin: Monday 21 March 2016 Section J – Progress of Legislation

For further information on the progress of Bills and subordinate legislation, contact either the relevant clerk or webpage (see end of Bulletin for details).

Bills in Progress A list of all Bills in progress can be accessed via the Scottish Parliament website at:

For each Bill, the date of the next (or most recent) event in the Bill‘s passage is given. Other relevant information, e.g. about lodging amendments, is given in italics. As soon as a Public Bill (i.e. a Government, Committee or Member‘s Bill) has completed Stage 1, amendments for consideration at Stage 2 may be lodged; and as soon as Stage 2 is completed, amendments for Stage 3 consideration may be lodged. The last lodging day for amendments at Stage 2 is three sitting days before the meeting at which those amendments will be considered (e.g. Thursday for a meeting on Tuesday); at Stage 3 it is four days before. Amendments may be lodged until 4.30 pm on any sitting day, except on the last lodging day for Stage 2, when the deadline is 12 noon.

A Hybrid Bill is subject to the same rules except in the case of Stage 2 where amendments for consideration may be lodged no earlier than the completion of any consideration of evidence at Stage 2. Amendments to Private Bills are subject to different deadlines. These are set out in Rule 9A.12 of Standing Orders.

Members are advised to lodge amendments in good time before the beginning of a Stage and as early as possible during the day.

(G) = Government Bill; (M) = Member‘s Bill; (C) = Committee Bill; (P) = Private Bill; (H) = Hybrid Bill.

Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 3 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 22 March 2016

Bankruptcy (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 3 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 22 March 2016

Budget (Scotland) (No.5) Bill (G) Passed 24 February 2016


Burial and Cremation (Scotland) Bill (G) Stage 3 (debate, meeting of the Parliament) 22 March 2016

Community Justice (Scotland) Bill (G) Passed 11 February 2016

Footway Parking and Double Parking (Scotland) Bill (M) Stage 1 completed 1 March 2016 Stage 2 amendments may now be lodged with the clerks in the Legislation Team ([email protected])

Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Bill (G) Passed 3 March 2016

Higher Education Governance (Scotland) Bill (G) Passed 8 March 2016

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill (G) Passed 8 March 2016

Land Reform (Scotland) Bill (G) Passed 16 March 2016

Lobbying (Scotland) Bill (G) Passed 10 March 2016

Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Bill (G) Passed 17 March 2016

Scottish Elections (Dates) Bill (G) Passed 25 February 2016

Scottish Fiscal Commission Bill (G) Passed 10 March 2016

Subordinate legislation in progress (date of laying) (Lead Committee)

Negative instruments

Members should note that the deadline for the lead committee to report by is an administrative deadline. Lead committees normally report on negative instruments only after considering a motion recommending annulment of the instrument. Where Members have queries in relation to this deadline, they should contact the clerks to the Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee.

Subject to annulment by 23 March 2016 Lead Committee to report by 21 March 2016


Gender Recognition (Marriage and Civil Partnership Registration) (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/66) (4 February 2016) (Equal Opportunities)

Gender Recognition (Marriage and Civil Partnership Registration) (Modification) (Scotland) Order 2016 (SSI 2016/67) (4 February 2016) (Equal Opportunities)

Seed (Licensing and Enforcement etc.) (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/68) (4 February 2016) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Seed (Fees) (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/69) (4 February 2016) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Building (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/70) (4 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Building (Energy Performance of Buildings) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/71) (4 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/72) (4 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Metal Dealers and Itinerant Metal Dealers) (Verification of Name and Address) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/73) (4 February 2016) (Justice)

Local Government Pension Scheme (Management and Investment of Funds) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/74) (4 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Police Pensions (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/75) (4 February 2016) (Justice)

Charities Accounts (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/76) (4 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Firefighters‘ Compensation and Pension Schemes (Scotland) Amendment Order 2016 (SSI 2016/77) (4 February 2016) (Justice)

Firefighters‘ Pension Scheme (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/78) (4 February 2016) (Justice)

Firemen‘s Pension Scheme (Amendment) (Scotland) Order 2016 (SSI 2016/79) (4 February 2016) (Justice)

National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) Amendment (Scotland) (No. 2) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/80) (4 February 2016) (Health and Sport)


Council Tax Reduction (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/81) (4 February 2016) (Welfare Reform)

Education (Fees, Awards and Student Support) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/82) (4 February 2016) (Education and Culture)

Plant Health (Scotland) Amendment Order 2016 (SSI 2016/83) (4 February 2016) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Country of Origin of Certain Meats (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/84) (4 February 2016) (Health and Sport)

Healthcare Improvement Scotland (Delegation of Functions) Order 2016 (SSI 2016/86) (4 February 2016) (Health and Sport)

National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) (Scotland) (No. 2) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/87) (4 February 2016) (Health and Sport)

Wester Ross Marine Conservation Order 2016 (SSI 2016/88) (4 February 2016) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Restriction of Liberty Order etc. (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/89) (4 February 2016) (Justice)

Loch Sunart to the Sound of Jura Marine Conservation Order 2016 (SSI 2016/90) (4 February 2016) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 19 May 2016 Lead Committee to report by the end of Session 4

National Health Service Pension Scheme (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/97) (12 February 2016) (Health and Sport)

National Health Service Superannuation Scheme (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/98) (12 February 2016) (Health and Sport)

Subject to annulment by 20 May 2016 Lead Committee to report by the end of Session 4

Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) 2016 (SSI 2016/100) (16 February 2016) (Justice)

Act of Sederunt (Fees of Messengers-at-Arms) 2016 (SSI 2016/101) (16 February 2016) (Justice)


Common Agricultural Policy (Direct Payments etc.) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/104) (17 February 2016) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 21 May 2016 Lead Committee to report by the end of Session 4

Conservation of Salmon (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/115) (23 February 2016) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Salmon Carcass Tagging (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/116) (23 February 2016) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Tweed Regulation (Salmon Carcass Tagging) Order 2016 (SSI 2016/117) (23 February 2016) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Tweed Regulation (Salmon Conservation) Order 2016 (SSI 2016/118) (23 February 2016) (Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment)

Subject to annulment by 22 May 2016 Lead Committee to report by the end of Session 4

Non-Domestic Rate (Scotland) Order 2016 (SSI 2016/113) (24 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Non-Domestic Rates (Levying) (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/114) (24 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Non-Domestic Rates (Enterprise Areas) (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/119) (24 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Non-Domestic Rates (Steel Sites) (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/120) (24 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Non-Domestic Rates (Renewable Energy Generation Relief) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/121) (24 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Non-Domestic Rates (Telecommunication Installations) (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/122) (24 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Non-Domestic Rating (Unoccupied Property) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/124) (24 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Concession Contracts (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/125) (24 February 2016) (Infrastructure and Capital Investment)


Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2016 (SSI 2016/126) (24 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

National Health Service (Optical Charges and Payments) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2016 (SSI 2016/127) (24 February 2016) (Health and Sport)

Non-Domestic Rates (Telecommunications and Canals) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2016 (SSI 2016/129) (24 February 2016) (Local Government and Regeneration)

Prisons and Young Offenders Institutions (Scotland) Amendment Rules 2016 (SSI 2016/131) (24 February 2016) (Justice)


Business Bulletin: Monday 21 March 2016 Section K – Corrections to the Official Report

Members’ Correction

Official Report, meeting of the Parliament, 9 March 2016

Keith Brown has identified an error in his contribution and provided the following correction.

The Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Investment and Cities (Keith Brown): At column 13, paragraph 3— Original text—

On 28 January, I announced the city deal, plus additional investment from the Scottish Government, which comes to a combined total of £554 million, which will improve infrastructure and housing, and support jobs in the north-east.

Corrected text—

On 28 January, I announced the city deal, plus additional investment from the Scottish Government, which comes to a combined total of £504 million, which will improve infrastructure and housing, and support jobs in the north-east.

Members‘ corrections are published alongside, but do not replace, the original contribution and can be accessed via the Scottish Parliament website at:

Corrections will be listed on the members‘ corrections page of the Scottish Parliament website until the end of the session in which the correction was made. After that the correction will still be available in the Official Report of the relevant meeting.


Contacts for Further Information All telephone numbers 0131 348 XXXX Web site: General Enquiries 5000 Chamber Desk (Motions and Questions) 5199 Parliamentary Business Team (Chamber, Parliamentary Bureau) 5187 Legislation Team 5277 Non-Government Bills Unit (NGBU) 6124 Committee web sites at: Delegated Powers and Law Reform 5175 Contact Devolution (Further Powers) 5931 Contact Economy, Energy and Tourism 5214 Contact Education and Culture 5222 Contact Equal Opportunities 5408 Contact European and External Relations 5226 Contact Finance 5451 Contact Health and Sport 5410 Contact Infrastructure and Capital Investment 5229 Contact Interests of Members of the Scottish Parliament 5951 Contact (Amendment) Bill Justice 5047 Contact Justice Sub-Committee on Policing 5220 Contact Local Government and Regeneration 5223 Contact National Galleries of Scotland Bill 6234 Contact Pentland Hills Regional Park Boundary Bill 6040 Contact Public Audit 5236 Contact Public Petitions 5254 Contact Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment 5242 Contact Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments 5179 Contact Welfare Reform 5320 Contact

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