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NEW YORK STATE ASSEMBLY STANDING COMMITTEE ON CODES STANDING COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY STANDING COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT, ANALYSIS, AND INVESTIGATION PUBLIC HEARING ON GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT OF FORENSIC SCIENCE LABORATORIES 250 Broadway, New York, New York Assembly Hearing Room 1923, 19th Floor Wednesday, February 8, 2017 10:00 A.M. -- 2:15 P.M. Page 2 STANDING COMMITTEE ON CODES ET. AL. 2-08-17 ASSEMBLY MEMBERS PRESENT: ASSEMBLY MEMBER JOSEPH LENTOL Chair, Assembly Standing Committee On Codes ASSEMBLY MEMBER HELENE WEINSTEIN Chair, Assembly Standing Committee On Judiciary ASSEMBLY MEMBER MATTHEW TITONE Chair, Assembly Standing Committee On Oversight, Analysis and Investigation ASSEMBLY MEMBER CHARLES LAVINE ASSEMBLY MEMBER JO ANNE SIMON Geneva Worldwide, Inc. 256 West 38th Street, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10018 Page 3 STANDING COMMITTEE ON CODES ET. AL. 2-08-17 INDEX WITNESS Page Panel: Erin Murphy 11 Professor, New York University School of Law Marvin E. Schechter 31 Attorney Panel: Barry Scheck 79 Co-Director, The Innocence Project Former Commission Member, NYS Commission on Forensic Science Sarah Chu 124 Senior Forensic Policy Associate, The Innocence Project Scott McNamara 128 District Attorney, Oneida County The District Attorneys Association of NY Roger Muse 158 Vice President of Business Development ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB) Panel: Richard Torres 178 Attorney, The Legal Aid Society Benjamin Ostrer 188 Attorney, Ostrer and Associates, PC Geneva Worldwide, Inc. 256 West 38th Street, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10018 Page 4 STANDING COMMITTEE ON CODES ET. AL. 2-08-17 Panel: Sumana Harihareswara 197 Founder and Principal, Changeset Consulting Rebecca Wexler 210 Resident, The Data and Society Research Institute Geneva Worldwide, Inc.
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