Students Strike in Dorms Residents Protest the TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE Poor Quality Food
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Students Strike in Dorms Residents Protest THE TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE Poor Quality Food ‘IP IC COLLO 1UP IC by BE;‘. Mr( SRTY In protest of what they termed "poor quality food," Vol. 34 Lubbock, Texas, Saturday, November I, 1958 No. 19 students in five men's dormitories at Tech went on non- eating strikes Thursday and Friday. The first food strike started Thursday morning in Sneed Hall when an extra large number of residents went to breakfast, attempting to exhaust the food supply for Festival Boosts Arts; that meal. When noon came, almost none of the students in Sneed showed up for the meal. Then at the beginning of the evening meal, students started coming in, taking trays Talk Starts Activities of food and dumping them with out eating. Texas Tech's First Fine Arts elude the grand prize winner of second performance of "Antigone" Friday noon in Men's 5 and 6 students went in a semi- Festival begins Sunday at 3 p.m. the Cannes Film Festival, "Mr. will round out the day's activi- in the Tech Union Ballroom with Hulot's Holiday," a film which will ties. food strike as about one-third of the chow hall was the keynote address by Richard be shown in the Ballroom at 4 Curtain on the third and final filled throughout the eating per- Tracy, assistant professor of arch- p.m. The music department will presentation of the play "Anti- iod. itecture, entitled "What are Fine present a concert in the Lubbock gone" will go up at 8:15 Saturday In a few minutes there was not Arts?". Municipal Auditorium of orches- night to complete the Fine Arts a line leading into the dining hall Clubs Ask 'THE FESTIVAL'S main pur- tral and choral music. Festival. from either direction. Occasion- purpose, stated Dr. Truman Camp, THURSDAY, the Tech Stage ally a few would wander in and English department head, "is to Band will give a concert of pro- eat, but the majority of them help students realize the value of gressive jazz at 4 p.m. in the would come to the entrance, look For 18,000 fine arts in a well rounded educa- Union lounge. Frosh To Elect around a moment and walk off. tion." The speech department will pre- From Men's 5 at noon Friday Fifteen Texas Tech organiza- Highlighting Monday's events sent Jean Anouilh's "Antigone" Cheerleaders there were approximately 100 stu- tions have filed allocation appli- will be a film, "The Barber of in the Livestock Pavilion at 8:15 dents who ate, and from Men's cations asking for approximately Seville" at 4 p.m. and a Modern p.m. Tech freshmen will go to the 6 there were about 220. $18,000, as compared to the Dance Concert, 8 p.m. Concert will The film, "Julius Caesar." will polls at 2 p.m. Sunday to elect A SIMILAR strike at Bledsoe $9,700 they received last year, an- be the first appearance of the be shown in the Ballroom Friday the six frosh cheerleaders for and Gordon Halls was carried to nounced Dan Howard, student season for the group. afternoon at 4. "Snbida at Cielo this year. a greater degree, and only 75 ate council business manager. THE FILM is a new and com- (Mexican Bus Ride), will be pre- "There will be no runoffs." said the noon meal in Gordon, and 150 Dennis McCarty, freshman pub- The Student Council committee plete version of Rossini's immort- sented at 2, 4, 6, and S p.m. in in Bledsoe. is meeting with representatives to al comic opera and is sung in Room 11 of the library. The film, licity chairman. "The six candi- Lewis N. Jones, dean of men, dates with the most votes will be work out the budget, Howard con- French with English sub-titles. a Mexican comedy, is sponsored said that he didn't know whether tinued. The 15 organizations do elected." the protest of "poor quality of Other events rounding out the by Capa y Espada and Sigma Del- not include the Tech Band, Tech Final results will be posted on food" was justified or not, but festival are a lecture at 4 p.m. ta Pi, national Spanish honorary. Choir, or the Toreador. Tuesday by Dr. J. T. McCullen, Dialogue is in Spanish With Eng- the Student Council Office door he did know that the proper meth- after the ballots are tallied. More od to correct such a matter was AFTER THE Student Council English professor, and a second lish subtitles. committee finishes its study, pos- A FINE ARTS Potpourri will than seventy candidates are in not used. performance by the Modem Dance sibly within the next week, a re- be staged at 7:30 Friday night by the running. This has come up before, and group. commendation will be made to Wednesday's activities will in- the Tech Opera Theater. The "Candidates will be disting- a committee has been set up to uished by a number rather than handle any problems that come the council. name . on the ballot," McCarty up about dormitory food, he point- The final decision rests with the said. "This will be done to keep ed out. College Allocations Committee, voters from voting for a name "STUUDENTS living in dart:1i- composed of President E. N. Jones, 13 Army ROTC Cadets rather than for ability." tories should make their repre- Dean James G. Allen and faculty Each candidate will be given sentative responsible for bring- representatives of the band, choir, a number Sunday afternoon when ing their views before the food- athletic department and The Tore- they perform before the fresh- service committee, and then to adore Receive Military Honor men voters. The voters will be report to them the outcome of the Last year the Toreador re- given a ballot with the numbers • Thirteen Tech senior Army lege class and have demonstrated meeting," he stated. ceived $18,300, the band, $7,800 ROTC cadets have been desig- leadership ability in campus acti- on it, and will circle the numbers The present set-up did not fungi- and the choir, $5,00. This added nated as distinguished military vities. of the six giving the best per- Lion properly this time and steps to the $9,700, brings the total to students, according to Col. James Cadets honored are: Dale E. formance. should be taken to correct it so $40,800. B. Carvey, military science and Boyett and John H. Bates of Women candidates will perform the students can work through tactics professor. Breckenridge; Vernon W. Bretton in groups of four, while the men their representatives, and in turn Distinguished military cadets Jr., Del Rio; Douglas E. Fishkin, candidates will work in groups the representatives can work LA VENTANA are selected by the Army ROTC El Paso; Reiner E. Voute, Hager- of three. through the committee, he added. commanding officer and are eligi- man, N.M.; Norris B. Green Jr. "EACH TIME an exhibition of ble to apply for Regular Army Houston; Gerald V. McWilliams, this type takes place, .it tends to PAGE FEES DUE commissions. Odessa; and John F. Lott Jr., BSO FEES DUE degrade our college. Students All organizations most pay CADETS receiving the honor Post. should realize that this kind of for their La Ventana pages by must possess outstanding qualities James R. Barnett, Tahoka; TODAY AT 5 B.M. action is not a mature way of 5 p.m. Tuesday. of leadership, high moral charac- James L. Mays, Van; and Robert Attention Board of Student handling affairs, and that once out Cost per page is $50. ter and a definite aptitude for E. Cardwell, Jerrell W. Snodgrass Organizations representatives. of college the proper approach to Contact Phil Orman In J.101 military service. They must also and Alfred D. Holder, all of Lub- Dues of $2.50 must be turned matters is always desired," he con- to reserve order. be in the upper half of their col- bock. Into the Board office today by cluded. Also, students may make ap- 5 p.m. or the price will be raised To point out the reason why pointments for their annual to $3. the matter wasn't handled the pictures until 5 p.m. on Tues- Remember to check by the right way, a dormitory food rep- day by paying the $1 penalty Board post office for mail. Page 6, STRIKES . at .1. 211. NEW LOOK Building Is Modern by MARY ALICE ATCHISON Faculty offices are loca ed at well lighted at night, and shrub- of e buildingonfacthineg bery will be planted. Planned for Tech by Techsans! tpoeuthfronwtith classrooms MO-Sai, a manufactured rock- This can be applied to the mil- north side to obtain natural light. like slab containg red quartz lion dollar, modernistic office- WITHIN its 65,000 square feet, crystals and marble chips, will be classroom building soon to be the building has three stories in used on outside walls between the erected on the north side of the the main part and four in the windows. Red slabs are to be used Journalism Building. towers, which are offset ends of on the front to harmonize with Part of a long-range program the structure. Towers will house the Journalism Building's roof. financed by a Building Amend- the business dean's suite on sec- Blue slabs will be used on the ment Fund, it contains 75 business ond floor and faculty offices on north side. administration faculty offices and third and fourth. ORIGINALLY it was planned to 24 general classrooms (8 class- The structure's south side will use blue completely, but the archi- rooms per floor) for a maximum be louvred to keep entrance of tects felt a red color on the front capacity of approximately 1,100 dust to a minimum.