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Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1939). The George-Anne. 185.

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TlfiTY-SIX m QUALITY POINT RATIOS FIFTY-TWO MAKE STUDENTS HERE WINTER QUARTER, 1938-39 THE DEAN'S LET Names and Addresses Are Re- Classes•" Men Women Total Nine Students Make All A's leased by Dean Z. S. Seniors 3.0;; 3.61 3.32 During Winter Henderson. Juniors 2.72 2.97 2.84 Sophomores 2.26 2.07 2.16 Quarter. Thirty-six new students have .en- Freshmen . . . 2.17 1.81 1.96 College . : 2.45 2.30 2.36 Fifty-two students made the Dean's tered college for the Spring term, list this quarter as compared to for- according to information released by Departmental Groups College Groups ty-six last quarter, according ;.-to Dean Z. S. Henderson, Bulloch claim- Dean Z. S'. Henderson. ed first place for the most students Chorus 4.26 Rosenwald Club 3.81' I. R. C 3.97 Y. W. C. A. Cabinet 3.54 Nine of these students, seven wom- with "six. Pierce was second with W. A. A. Council 3.44 Student Council 3.21 en and two men, had a grade point five. Industrial Arts Club 3.14 George-Anne Staff 3.15 ratio of 6 or all A's. They are: Mrs. Band . . . 2.92 Following are'the names', addresses Y. M.-C.-A. Cabinet ..... ,2.0'S Bernice Floyd, Mildred Fraziei','Thef-- and counties of the new students: Music - Club 2.63 Reflector Staff .2.56 Home Economics Club 2.44 Working Students 2.40 ma Harrison, Carolyn Oliver, Juan- Edward' Aquirre, ' Ceinfue'gos, Cuba; ita Thomas, Graydon Pierce, Miriam Frank Aguirre, Ceinfuegos, Cuba; Social Clubs Residence Halls Girardeau, Virginia King, J: A. Bertie Altman, Baxley, Appling; Ger- "X" 3.42 Gardner. ald Bacon, Pembroke, Bryan; Doro- New Residence Hall 3.12 Delta Lambda Delta 3.39 Gymnasium 2.99 The juniors were first in class rat- thy Bandy, Ringgold, Catoosa; Mar- Lamba Theta Chi 3.14 ' Pecan Villa .-.-■ 2.80 ings with sixteen, ten women and six jorie Brewer, Blackshear, Pierce; Bachelors 3.12 Health Cottage 2.63 men, on the list. The seniors were Aline Buz-gsteiner, Blackshear, Dux Domina 3.09 Sanford Hall 2.39 Buggar Dagger 3.08 second with ten women and five men. Pierce; James Calvin, Hoboken, East Hall 2.38 Epicurean 2.73 Brown Cottage 2^29 The freshmen followed . with three Brantley; Audrey Clifton, Stilson, Delta Sigma 2.27 West Hall 1.90 women and nine men making the 4.5, Bulloch; Marie Crosby, Bristol, Iota Pi Nu 2.25 Scout Hut L36 or above, ratio. Nine sophomores Pierce; Floyd Davis, Patterson, Anderson Hall 1.01 made the list, four women and five Pierce; Charlie Denmark, ■ Claxton, men. Twenty-seven women and twen- Evans; Mrs. Ruth Donaldson, States- ty-five men made the list. boro, Bulloch; Grace Dotson, Savan- BAGGETT TO GO MAY DAY PLANS . Following are the names by classes: nah, . Chatham; Loyce Durrenee, Seniors—Elizabeth Burns, Mrs. GlennvUle, Tattnall; Dorothy Free- TO CONVENTION BEING COMPLETED Bernice Floyd, Mildred Frazier, Fan- man,- Sylvania, Screven; Edward nie L. Barrel), Thelma Harrison, Evelyn Baggett is to present a Gibbs, Abbeville, Wilcox; Deane Plans for May Day, May 5th, are Carolyn Oliver, Catherine Parrish, paper and. lead a panel discussion, on Grantham, Nahunta, Brantley; Dell being completed, according to Miss Mrs. Ethel Sigman, Ceciline Swinson, "Japan's Monroe Doctrine in the Susie Hammack. Hagin, Statesboro, Bulloch; Wyllis Juanita Thomas, W. P. Herring. Thad East" at the International Relations Hallman, Valdosta, Lpwndes; Billy The theme of the festivities will Hollingsworth, Copeland Ozier, Gray- Club conference which is to be held Harris,' Dallas, Paulding; 'Jo Hart, be an English" May Day in the Robin don Pierce, Jesse Rutland. at William and Mary College, April Uvalda, Montgomery; Ruby Hoke, Hood period. The folk dances and Juniors—Margaret Boddiford, Ann 6-9. Plans are being discussed to Collegeboro, Bulloch; Ben Irvin, other activities will be entirely En- Breen, Lorraine Broekett, Ira Lois send other representatives of the col- Washington, Wilkes; Bessie Jacobs, glish. The queen will represent Maid Brown, Dorothy Cromley, Cleo Eden- ' lege International ■ Relations Club to Nahunta, Brantley; Mary Lewis, Pat- MarioSi and the attendants will form field, Miriam Girardeau, Virginia the -conference. It will' be known terson^ Pierce; Emory' Martin, Al- her court. The committees have been King, Jane Pool, Doris Wallace, definitely this week if other dele- bany, Dougherty; Mrs. Frances'Mc- appointed with various members of Carlton Carruth, Jouett Davenport, gates will attend. See STUDENTS, page 2 the W. A. A. Council in'charge. See DEAN'S LIST, page 2 George-Anne "Begins "Patronize- Social Calendar Tor Spring Our-Advertisers " Campaign Term Announced by Proctor The George-Anne in this issue is 525 Students Have H. W. Rower Will The social calendar for the Spring- beginning, a campaign to "patronize Registered At End term at South Georgia Teachers Col- our advertisers." It is the purpose Visit Local YMCA lege has been completed, according to of the campaign to show the business Of First Week In Near Future David Proctor, president of the Stu- men uptown that ads in a student dent Council. publication does bring in trade. At the end of the fiirst week of H. W. Rower, Atlanta, state secre- The activities of the present social Loyal supporters of your student the Spring term 525 students had tary of the Y. M. C. A. is planning calendar began Saturday night with publication in Statesboro are the fol- registered as compared to 463 reg- to meet with the college'' organiza- j tion in the near future, according to ■the Student Council giving a dance lowing business organizations. ularly enrolled m the 1938 Spring' Georgia Theatre. ■ D. R. Barber, president, Barber has in the Gym. The Y. M. and Y. W. quarter. State Theatre. I forwarded a list of meeting dates to will give a joint party in the Gym The Winter term this year had 551 College Pharmacy. Mr. Rower and it is expected that the Saturday night. students registered. The Spring term exact date of the visit will be known Noweli Shoe Shop. Following are the clubs and dates: in the next few days. Thackston's Dry Cleaning. is usually 75 to 80 less than the Win- April.8—Y. M. and Y. W. Sanders Studio. ter term. This Spring there are The first regular meeting of the April 15—L. T. C. H. Minkovitz & Sons. only 26 less than enrolled during Y. M. C. A. for this quarter was April 22—Dux Domina. The Fashion Shop. the Winter term. With 62 more stu- held in Sanford lounge- Wednesday April 29—Pan-Hellenic. Favorite Shoe Store. dents already enrolled, over - last night. Mr. Paul E. Thompson, fac- • May 5—Student Council. Statesboro Dry Cleaners. Spring and the Six Weeks' Short ulty advisor, presided while the fol- . May 6—Epicureans. Statesboro Skating Rink. term coming up the total enrollment lowing officers were installed: D. R. May 13—D. L. D. Collegiate Barber -Shop. for the Spring quarter should reach Barber, president; John Roberts, sec- May 13—Bachelors. Kenan's Print Shop. • 615 to 625. Ninety students enroll- retary-treasurer; Tom Dews, mem- • May 27—D. S. Snow Cleaners, Savannah. ed in the 1938 Spring Short term. See ROWER, page 2 June 3—Pi Nu and S. C. TWO THE GEORGE-ANNE MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1938 The Qeorge*Anne PITTMAN HAPPY ON RETURN TO Established. 1927 SGTC CAMPUS Member Georgia Collegiate Press Association Dr. Marvin S. Pittman returned to Published biweekly by the Students of South Georgia the campus Friday after attending Teachers College, Collegeboro, Ga. Address Com- the G. E. A. state meeting in At- munications to Box 183, Collegeboro, Ga. At last something has happened that may lanta and representing the college at Published Bi-Weekly from September;Till June Except the Southern Association of Colleges During Holidays. be considered worthwhile to put in this col- umn. It is the biggest romance of the year, and Secondary Schools held in Mem- Subscription Rate: 10c per Copy, $1.00 per Year phis last week. folks. The George-Anne wishes to take this Dr. Pittman stated that he was Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at opportunity to congratulate Annah and Simp- delighted to be back, and that ho Collegeboro, Ga., under temporary permit. son. The Norfolk flash has at last succumbed would never attend any future con- C. D. SHELEY '• '•' £4>f*» to the love bug. Some fellows claim that Sapi- ventions if he could help it. He men- NICHOLAS DUNBAR ■ -Assistant Editor ent just wants a bodyguard, but our faith in tioned that in spite of the distress- WYATT BONNER - Business ing financial situation he was never T. A. BACON Circulation Manager human nature can't accept this ulterior mo- ESSIE LANGFORD Assistant Business Manager so glad to see Georgia and especial- tive as being true. They may try to keep it ly South Georgia Teachers College Editorial Staff again. Priscilla Pratber, Eloise Mincey, Kitty Gardner, Frances secret like we used to do in kindergarten (re- Deal, Miriam Girardeau, Mirian Townsend, James member), but don't let them fool you. It's Aldred, Floyd Watkins, Jouett Davenport, Stewart To Receive Gesmon Neville, Frank Fra'zier, Floyd really love. Wardlow, Bill Chambliss, Red-Burgess, It seems that J. Brantley and "The Baby" Degree in June Homer Bliteh, Asa Barnard. ^ are not doing so well. It is rumored that J. Jeff Stewart, popular author of "As a master-builder I laid a foundation; and an- Brantley likes "Little Horn!" Could this be "How Is It Fellows," will be back other buildeth thereon."—I Cor. 3:10. true? We can't see you two break up so in June to receive his B. S. degree, according to Kitty Gardner. Stewart, easily. Can_'t you compromise in some way? Patronize our advertisers. They help us, formerly an outstanding athletic and "Pat" and L. C. have taken charge of the sports editor of the George-Anne last let's help them. new student. Isn't that right, Dean? year, is now working in the sporting goods department of Sears, Roebuck Now is the time for all good men and wom- The Altman-Hamilton romance seems to be & Co., at Little Rock, Ark. en to enter intra-mural athletics. the real thing. This proves a person can have a change of heart, doesn't it, Angle? Poor STUDENTS, from page I We certainly have a fine bunch of new stu- Tom! This lucky Orman! Afee, Dalton, Whitfield; Fleming Mc- Frances' last remark before the physical sci- Daniel; Waycross, Ware; Mrs. Cari- dents. Let's help make them feel at home! bel McGlammery, Americus, Sumter; ence exam: "Ed, do you think the test is Astor Minchew, Waycross. Ware; Indications are that we will have a big Short easy enough for Sonny to pass?" Sara Mooney, Statesboro, Bulloch; Spring term enrollment. The more the mer- Heard from the bushes: "Get to your dormi- Lois Moore, Douglas, Coffee; Lucille tories, girls, there will be no dating ort this Moore, Lyons, Toombs; Frusannah rier. Sneed, Statesboro, Bulloch; Joseph campus till I say so." Tootle, Ludowici, Long. Have you Joined the Y. M. or Y. W. yet? Ask Marjorie Forehand how she got so You may have membership cards for the ask- many scratches on her legs—or maybe you DEAN'S LIST, from page 1 ing- should see Jimmie DeLoach. Pierre Harper, Bill McLeod, William We can feel for you, Meg and Cope, 'cause Talbert, Ernest Trowell. A tennis champ is to be crowned this week. we can imagine how it is. Only the week ends Sophomores—Mary Ellen Battle, Edith Davis, Sara Morris, Olive Rep- Tennis enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the to look forward to from now on. completion of the new tennis courts. pard, Thomas Cox, J. A. Gardner, Fran tells us Frank is leaving for Detroit D. B. Gould, Elbert Sanders, Floyd again. These traveling people pick up lots Watkins, The first in the series of a group of superla- i Freshmen—Betty Smith, Genevieve tive contests will begin with the George-Anne of moss sometimes. We are only trying to Strozzo, Nancy Strickland, Theron itself. Don't forget to fill in the blank on page help by warning you, Fran. Anglin, Jimmie Bunce, William F. four and turn it in before Sunday. Bill Ware, who is practicing teaching this Chambless, Sheldon Chapman, John quarter, says he gives out of anything to say Henry Cone, John Dunn, David Guf- fey, Joseph Ingram, William Watson. THE NEW DANGER about thirty-five, minutes before the bell rings. You shy young man! ROWER, from page 1 The first step, towards Fascism is extreme Mary and Tom seem to be getting along fine nationalism. This makes it easy for a coun- these days. bership; David Bowman, social serv- ice; Ted Booker, vespers; Neal try to slip into this idea of government with- Red Davis is still crazy about his blue-eyed Hodge-s, pianist; Wilmer Wallace. out any conscious effort. Apparently our arch- darling, so tey tell us. Red keeps Jitter Bug publicity; Thomas Jenkins, chorister; shut up all the time now. She just ain't got Bobby Carroll, social. patiiots are unaware of this fact. We all tend a chance. to be intensely patriotic and it is only right Rev. N. H. Williams, pastor of the that we should be. However, when we be- . This column wouldn't be complete without Statesboro Methodist, church, gave these two names, Olive and Homer. an inspiring talk on "The Law of come obsessed with the idea that our country Transformation." By bringing in is the greatest in the world, that our culture It is rumored that Oliver and Clara would like to have more time to associate with each various illustrations and experiences, stands head and shoulders above all others, other. Mr. Williams clearly and forcefully then danger lurks just around the corner. The explained the ability of a boy to rise Gesmon Neville steps out this week with greatest danger is that we will slip into a to the top regardless of what his that beautiful little Ruth again. They tell me present and past circumstances Fascist type government without realizing it. he isn't her only admirer. Better watch your might be. Barber announced the It is possible for the enemies of Democracy step, Gesmon. formation of a Y. M. C. A. Softball to masquerade under the term Americanism It is impossible to keep up with all the new team. The probability of sending in order to strip it of the very liberties it is romances, so. you just lill in for yourself: delegates to the Blue Ridge confer- supposed to stand for. It is up to college stu- Love finds ence in June was discussed. dents to maintain Americanism which is adapt- Calling all co-eds: Beware of Gee Dee—is Perpetual Motion: A cow drinkinp ed to Democracy. suspected of stealing lipstick. a pail of milk. MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1938 THE GEORGE-ANNE THREE


IN THE BULL PEN ALADDIN THRILLS TENNIS TEAM TO AUDIENCE WITH BASEBALL TEAM BE SELECTED With BULL BROWNE THIS WEEK .Since this year is the 100th an- MAGIC FEATS BEIMrFORMED niversary of baseball, this column is Mr. Hanner's class in chemistry Fast Team Is Now Assured The tennis tournament which be- going to be dedicated to the "na- presented an interesting program in With Most of Players gan last Monday to select the cham- tional pastime" and ye olde corre- chapel last Friday. Various feats Returning. pion tennis player on the campus spondent will try to tell you of the of magic and mystery were perform- and a team to represent the college unusual and interesting that has ed by the Aladdin and his assistants The independent baseball team of in inter-collegiate matches wilt be happened in the grand old game, and in the royal court of Confusion the South Georgia Teachjers College op- completed this week, according to incidentally things that you have seventh come eleventh. ened its season .Saturday at Lyons Coach. W. $. Hanner. never heard of before. (The infor- Water was turned into wine, back against the Georgia State Prison Punky Perryman is defenclirs mation to write this column was lift- to water, and thence to lemonade. team. The teanvhas Jjeen organized champion in the tournament, and is ed from A. H. Tarvers' "A Century A nail was driven into a board with as last year, functioning independ- a strong contender to repeat hie per- of Baseball.") a spoonful of mercury. Eggs were ently of the college as. far as fi- formance of last year. Twenty-eight Abner Doubleday invented the cooked without fire. Shampoo, one nances, etc., are concerned, with Bull men entered the tournament. They game in 1839 at Cooperstown, of Aladdin's assistants, produced Browne as its manager. are: Punky Perryman, Joe Joyner, N. Y. He tv-as later a famous smoke by rubbing his hands together. Another fast team is assured for Neal Hodges, Pierre Harper, Bobby Union general in. the War Be- Another, Wun Lung, calmly produced this year with most of the old boys Carroll, Skeets Ketiuon, Sheldon tween the States. At that time a handful of fire, while his brother back. The line-up to date is: John Chapman, Wallace, Haygood, Mor- bases were called "bounds," out- in magic, Wun Wey, devoured huge King and Jody Robinson, catchers; rison, Tom Jenkins. B. H. Ramsey, fielders called "scouts." and two balls of fire. The program opened Herschel Hamil, first base; Clifford J. A. Gardner, Orman Hamilton, Wells, short stop; Pat, Patterson, catchers were used. with an overture, the "Fifth Move- Frank Zetterower, Brighton, Dean third base; Tom Dews, Jack Breeser ment" from Paddleboatski's "Cere- Anderson, Albert Braswell, Bunn. The longest any single inning last- and Bull Browne in the outfield; sec- brum in Asia Minor" and kept the Floyd Wakins, Eli Hill, Leroy Cow- - ed was 55 minutes. It took that long ond base as yet has not been filled audience guessing from beginning- to art, Rowell, Willie Wilkinson, Bill for Utica and Binghamton in the satisfactorily. end. McLeod, Homer Bliteh, John Allen, New York state league to play the Games have been scheduled with Drewry, Harris,. first inning of their game on June State Prison, Ludowici, Brunswick CONSCIENCE is what makes a 1, 1917. In comparison, the short- Pilots, and Union Baggers. Other girl tell her mother something she est game ever played was between strong teams will be scheduled and WAA Making Plans knows darn well she's going to find McAlester and Ardmore of the West- the team expects to go to Parris Is- out. For Tournaments ern Association on August 20, 1917. land, S. C, late next month. It required McAlester only 36 min- was 97 bases on bails, 29 wild pitches The pitching department will be The Spring sports season will be- utes to defeat Ardmore 2 to 0. This and Mirales Piedras, short stop, es- unusually strong this year with Hack gin with a series of tournaments game is the shortest game ever play- tablished a new record by making 26 Wilson and Lefty Gillespie carrying sponsored by the W. A. A. Plans ed in baseball. errors in one inning. the load with John King in relief are being made for a baseball tourna- The highest paid player in the Bill Wambsganss pulled the role! Wilson* last year was the out- ment, and some competitive individ- big leagues in 1881 was Jim only unassisted that standing in the Bulloch Coun- ual sports. We would like to en- O'Rouke, who drew down the has ever been made in a world's ty League, winning ten games and courage all of you to form a base- huge salary of 2,000 bucks. In series. It was made on October losing none. is unusually ball team. Get out your tennis racket, 1889, however, Buck Ewing drew 10, 1920, during the fifth game fortunate in having the only battery practice up on your,.ping.. ponging, down the huge sum of $5,000 per of the Brooklyn-Cleveland world that switches positions as both King and get into as many games as you annum. Compare this with Ruth series. and Wilson are and catch- can. who drew $75,000 per annum ers, and when the going gets rough The player to get the most home plus bonuses. they swap places. Sunday morning at 10 o'clock in the runs in one game is J. J. "Nig" Health Cottage. Lenten services Hugh McDonald is the only man Clarke, who eight home runs in CORRECTION will be held this week and next on on record that has ever played any one game in 8 times at bat. It was 'Thursday afternoons at 5:30 o'clock. baseball without the use of both leg?. a Texas league game between Cor- The Episcopal church was omitted Students are cordially invited to at- He played for Kerney, N. J.. in 1915. from a list, appearing recently in sicana and Texarkana, on July 14, tend these services. and pitched for his team from 1902. This was the twenty-seventh the George-Anne, of the churches crutches and won all the games he straight win for the Corsicana team of which students here are members. A Doughnut: Nothing surround- pitched that year and his team won and that is the record, for successive Episcopal services are held every ed by something worse. the league. He was given a - games won in organized baseball. ner when at bat. Corsicana won the game mentioned Brooklyn and Pittsburgh play- 53 to 9. ed the only "real" tie game in STATESBORO BE FIRST Teachers College has two boys the history of baseball on Au- playing Pro ball this year. They gust 13, 1910. Not only was the DRY CLEANERS OPEN TOES are Jake Hincs, at Norfolk, and score tied 8 and 8, but each team OPEN HEELS Danny Vickers, at Jacksonville. AGENTS: WOODEN SOLES had 28 men at bat. Each team WEDGE HEELS made 13 hits. Each team had Anyone who doubts the honesty D. R. BARBER OXFORDS 27 put-outs. Each team had 12 of any incident that has been recall- WILLARD CLANTON DRESS SHOES assists. Each team made two er- ed in this column may satisfy his VIRGINIA KING rors. Each team used ten play- curiosity by coming to Room 308, AZILE HARTLEY BLACK ers. Each team used 2 pitchers. Sanford Hall, and reading for him- JAPONICA self. BLUE Each team had 5 strike-outs to COMBINATIONS their credit, and lastly, each team was given three bases on ALL SIZES AND WIDTHS balls. Treat Yourself STATESBORO The longest ball game in the world SKATING RINK NO-RUN MESH HOSE was also the worst. San Lusita and to the ARMORY HALL Piedras Legras teams of El Paso, Best. Open every afternoon, except HOSIERY Texas, in July 1926, started playing Saturday, from 2 to 6 o'clock. By baseball at 10 o'clock one morning COLLEGIATE Open every night, except Humming Bird and the game was called at the end BARBER SHOP Monday, Friday and Sunday, of the sixth inning on account of from 6 to 9:30 o'clock. darkness. It was then 7 o'clock. The Courteous Service Dance Saturdays from 9:30 FAVORITE score was: San Lusita 129, and Pied- Modern Equipment to 11:30 p. m. SHOE STORE ras 119. The highlight of the game PAUL E. ALDERMAN, Prop. FdtJK" THE GEORGE-ANNE MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1938 SCIENCE -DEPARTMENT

ORGANIZES" SEMINAR' • »■ "Seven Last Words eLLJB T^EVVS Of Christ" Are Sung IOTA PI NU a seminar last Thursday at the chap- ROSENWALD CLUB Mr. and Mis. Lee entertained the By College Chorus el period. The group will meet on REPORTS MANY members of the Iota Pi Nu frater- The college chorus, directed by the first and third''Thursday of each ACTIVITIES nity and their dates, who attended Ronald J. Neil, gave its last presen- month at the off-period. the Spring house party, with a chick- tation of the "Seven Last Words oi' The next meeting- will he 'on.'rs- The' regular*, monthly meeting -of en supper at their home in Stilson. Christ" in the college auditorium dayf-April 6, at which time the topic, the Roseriwalcl Club was held in the Those attending were: Bartow Mil- Sunday evening. club room Tuesday night,' March 28, ler, Meg Mathews; Willard Clanton, "Methods of Research" will dis- After this presentation the 'chorus' with Thad ilollingsworth, president, June Carpenter; I. W. Bragg, Mary will begin practice on numbers to be ■ cussed by'a group led by'Mr.'Thomp- presiding. Powell; Prank Hook, Ann Fuleher; son, Other groups will drseusV:''As- used on the Spring tour. The chorus The club voted "to have' a social 'on Charlie Joe Mathews, Mary Sue has given full concerts in a number tronomy," led by Alyirr McLendon; Friday,'March';U.. Miss Blanche An- Akins; James Aldred, Miriam Gi- "Math and Its Contribution to -.Sci- of the larger towns in' the state. On derson, chairman of the social com- fardeau; Roy Rabun, Sara Godbee. Sunday, March 26, the chorus gave a ence," led by.. Mr. Mo'ye;.. "Conser- •* * a» mittee, made the plans for the affair. vation,", led by Miss Trtlssell^-and full evening's program at the First Members of the club who attended DUX DOMINA Presbyterian church in Macon, spon- "Breeding'of Animals," .led by.-.Mr; the G. E. A. in Atlanta gave reports. Pulliam. Anyone who is interested . The Dux Dominas. held their first sored by the Bibb County Teachers" Byrd Ivester discussed the two ad- in science may join a group by see- regular meeting of the Spring quar- Association.^ Concerts were also giv- dresses given by Dr. W. R. McCon- en in Glennville and Augusta. ing- the ' leader of the groups ter Thursday night, March 30. The nelf, professor of geography, Miami hostesses were Virginia Sands, Ma- Conceited Cuss: "What would you University, Oxford, Ohio. Ruby Sew- rion Lamer and Rose Lockhart. give for a nice little kiss ? What Part of the - el! reported on "An Hour With the » -« » Poets,"'.by Dr. Joseph S. Kornfeld, Gal: "My hand, you dope!" George-Anne .Do INDUSTRIAL ARTS CLUB of New York, and on social high- She: "Want me to toll you why you You Read First? lights of the meeting. Mr. Lamar The following officers have been elected by the Industrial Arts Club ean't get in the movies as a great ■gave several points of interest from lover?" This is the first of a series of for the Spring quarter. They are: the address by Dr.- D. Obertsuffev, He: "Darling, I'm all ears." questionnaires to be sponsored by George Mclntrye, president; Frank professor of physical education, Ohio She: "That's it exactly." the '• George-Anne. Other ques- State University, Columbus, Ohio. Hook, vice-president; Tom Swift, sec- tionnaires to follow will take the t.Mirian Townsend discussed the rural retary and treasurer, and J. L. Fair- form of superlatiy,e. contests. The education meeting and the address by cloth, news reporter. student -publication offers itself Allen C. Smith, of Quitman, on the * * » MAKE YOUR this time to test the value of the "Modern'Rural School." Mary Webb DANCE CLUB questionnaire. The votes must be HEADQUARTERS gave a review of the meeting on The Dance Club held its regular turned in to some member of the teacher education. ' ' meeting last Tuesday afternoon and AT THE George-Anne ' staff by next ' Sun- the following officers were elected: day. BIRD CLUB Marion Lanier, president, and Fran- Which part of the George-Anne COLLEGE Las! Sunday afternoon the Bird ces Hughes, publicity chairman. do you read first? Club had a most interesting pro- The club decided to meet twice a PHARMACY gram. There were thirty members week and to begin working on dances "Where the Crowds Go" who went from the college to Beech- to be presented May Day. What improvements do you think wood. The interests of the group could be'made on the paper?' were not confined to birds, but the surroundings stimulated 'much inter- est in the plant life of Beeehwood. THACKSTON'S A picnic supper wtii served at the DRY CLEANING GEORGIA THEATRE cabin. An early morning' field trip Agents r MONDAY-TUESDAY was planned for Sunday, April 2. HAROLD RIG SBY Errol Flynn and Bette Davis in Submit a topis for a question- ■ ■» * » • COPE OZIER "THE SISTERS" naire : EPICUREAN MARY ELLEN BATTLE JUANITA THOMAS The • Epicurean sorority ■ held its I JOE JOINER WEDNESDAY regular meeting in the parlor of East DELMAR McGOWAN Constance Bennett and Vincent Name Hall". Delightful refreshments were Quality Cleaners Price in served by the hostesses, Frances Cias« "SERVICE DE LUXE" Dial, Torirmie Gray and Emily Akins. HOBSON DuBOSE, Prop. ; THURSDAY-FRIDAY Cary Grant, Victor McLaglen Special Painted Quality Service and Douglas Fairbanks Jr. in PHOTOGRAPHS NOWELL SHOE "GUNADIN" 8x10 Reasonable Prices SHOP SATURDAY $5,00 Value for fl&O Friendly Services (Double Feature) (WITH COUPON);: "Where Every Job Is A Glady Swarthout, Lloyd Nolan in SANDER'S... STUDIO ' At ' . Betier Job" "AMBUSH" Agents: , and A. C. FARRAR H. MINKOVITZ Represt ntatives: The 3 Mesquiteers BILL HERRING BILL ADAMS "RED RIVER RANGE" BULL BROWNE & .SONS STATE THEATRE MONDAY-TUESDAY SNOW CLEANERS (Theatre Will Be Closed) Laundry and You'll 'Be Ahead in the Dry Cleaning WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Mickey Rooney, Ralph Bellamy in _ Deliveries on Mondays, "LITTLE PAL" Wednesdays and Fridays. ILaster Parade Admission, 10c and 15c Collage Agents: With a Smart New Outfit from CALVIN HARRISON FRIDAY-SATURDAY BEN AYE-RS ' Ken Maynard in Our Work Is Superior The Tashion Shop "STRAWBERRY ROAN" L -"The College Girls' Headquarters" Admission, 10c and 15c