Sition Until She Got Too Good," Chided the Newspaper. While
with Clinton for Margaret to play second base for the oppo- Margaret. Although her brother was unable to go, from sition until she got too good," chided the newspaper. 1930 through 1934 Margaret toured with the All Star While officials pondered, tournament play continued, Ranger Girls through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and on 24 June the Cubs defeated the Baptists a second New York, and parts of New England. During the off- time, thus winning the first round of tournament play. At season, she went to school, graduating from Clinton High this point Robert Bushee, Indiana state athletic officer, School and Indiana State University. stepped in to suspend Margaret Gisolo for six days. During When her barnstorming days were over, Margaret Gisolo the suspension, Bushee met with national director of the went on to a wide and varied career. Among other things, tournament Dan Sowers, who met with Baseball Com- she was supervisor of physical education for the public missioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis. Ultimately ruling that school system of Paris, Indiana; attended the University of Margaret was eligible to play, Bushee then forfeited the California and New York University; served in the WAVES; first Blanford victory to Clinton because one of the other and helped create the Department of Dance at Arizona Blanford players was over the age limit. In the deciding State University. In 1982 she was honored by Indiana State game, the Cubs turned back the Baptists a third time, 5-2. University as one of its distinguished graduates. t was an unusually good team," says Margaret Gisolo of In the 1930s, as the Bloomer Girl era was ending, softball the Cubs and her teammates such as first baseman John was beginning its climb to popularity.
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