Committee: PLANNING

Date of Meeting: 08 April 2009

Title of Report: S/2009/0140 High School Sterrix Lane, Litherland ( Ward)

Proposal: (A). Construction of a new part two storey/part three storey secondary school after demolition of the existing, including layout of hard and soft landscaped areas, car parking and boundary treatments.

(B). Provision of temporary classroom accommodation during construction phase.

Applicant: Mr Bryn Marsh,

Executive Summary

The proposed replacement school would be of part two/part three storey school building following the demolition of the existing buildings on site. The replacement school would accommodate pupils from High School with the latter closing. It is envisaged that the new school would open in 2011.

There would be a range of hard and soft landscaped areas, and car parking with dropping off areas provided on site.

The proposal has been subject to wide consultation with both the local community and parents/students of the school.

The scheme raises a range of issues which are addressed in turn within the main body of the report.

Recommendation(s) That the application be referred to GONW with a recommendation for approval and the decision to grant permission be delegated to officers on receipt of GONW response


The scheme is consistent with the aims and objectives of Sefton UDP Policy as set out within the report to Planning Committee and, in the absence of all other material planning considerations, the granting of planning permission is therefore justified.


1. T-1 Full Planning Permission Time Limit 2. T-6: Temporary Building (Time Limit) 3. S-1 Site Waste Management Plan 4. M-6 Piling 5. L-1 Protection of trees 6. L-3 No felling 7. L-4 Landscape Implementation 8. No part of the development shall be brought into use until: a) space and facilities for cycle parking have been provided in accordance with the approved plan and these facilities shall be retained thereafter for that specific use, and b) elevations of the shelter(s) proposed for all covered cycle parking have been submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority and constructed in accordance with the approved details. 9. M-4 Window Details 10. E-2 Sealed surface car parking 11. S-2 Renewable Energy 12. P-10 Wind Turbines 13. Con-5 Reporting of Unexpected Contamination 14. X1 Compliance


1. RT-1 2. RT-6 3. RS-1 4. RM-6 5. RL-1 6. RL-3 7. RL-4 8. RH-7 9. RM-4 10. RE-2 11. RS-2 12. RP-10 13. RCON-5 14. RX1

Drawing Numbers

3813-00-001B, 002A, 003A, 011, 012, 013, 101, 901, 902, 903; 3813_20_201M, 202L, 203M, 204F, 210E, 211B, 212; 3813-SK-010-E.

PL977.M.101J, 102C, 103, 104B, 105, 106A, 107, 108B, 109B, 110B, tree planting schedule received 20.03.09.

019 09 02B; AO 07H152/001, 002; KNW-LHS SK001.

Non-technical summary, Appendices report, amended Appendix xvii received 27 February 2009, Appendix viiiA received 27 February 2009, and biomass information received 25 March 2009.

Financial Implications

2006/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2007 2008 2009 2010 £ £ £ £ Gross Increase in Capital Expenditure

Funded by:

Sefton Capital Resources

Specific Capital Resources REVENUE IMPLICATIONS

Gross Increase in Revenue Expenditure

Funded by:

Sefton funded Resources

Funded from External Resources Does the External Funding have an expiry date? Y/N When? How will the service be funded post expiry?

List of Background Papers relied upon in the preparation of this report

History referred to Policy referred to

S/2009/0140 The Site

The site is the at Sterrix Lane, bounded by Rowan Special School to the east, Litherland Sports Park to the south, the sixth form centre on the opposite side of Sterrix Lane, and a housing estate to the west. Access is derived from Sterrix Lane itself and serves both for pedestrians and vehicles; there is also a footpath running the entire north eastern boundary of the site which provides pedestrian access for pupils from the Stanley Park estate to the south west. The existing school buildings are scattered over a large proportion of the site and are of varied height and design, but are generally set back and do not particularly address the Sterrix Lane frontage. The site is of level profile.


(A). Construction of a new part two storey/part three storey secondary school after demolition of the existing, including layout of hard and soft landscaped areas, car parking and boundary treatments.

(B). Provision of temporary classroom accommodation during construction phase.


The planning history relates to previous extensions to various buildings on the existing school complex.


Highways Development Control – comments awaited.

Environmental Protection Director – no objection subject to conditions.

Environment Agency – no objection subject to conditions on drainage and protection of ground water.

Merseyside Police – comments awaited.

National Grid – comments awaited.

SP Energy – comments awaited.

United Utilities – no objections.

Sport – no objections.

4NW – no objections.

Technical Services (Renewable Energy) – comments awaited.

Technical Services (Drainage) – no objections.

Technical Services (Lighting) – no objections.

Leisure Services – comments awaited.

MEAS – comments awaited.

Neighbour Representations

Last date for replies: 18 March 2009 Site/press notice expiry 10 April 2009

No representations received.


The application site is situated in an area allocated as Urban Greenspace on the Council’s Adopted Unitary Development Plan.



The proposal is for the replacement of the existing school buildings with a new part two/part three storey building to house the current school intake at Litherland High and facilitate a merger with Bootle High School.

The replacement building effectively pulls all the individual functions into one. It would be positioned far more prominently addressing the bend in Sterrix Lane bringing the building into very sharp focus on both main approaches to the school. It comprises three distinct elements – a ‘bar’, which houses the gym, dining and performing and administrative areas for the school, a ‘ribbon’, where the majority of the teaching will take place along with break out areas, and a central atrium which effectively links the two elements.

Car parking and access is to be provided in the northern part of the site fronting Sterrix Lane and this will have the added benefit of providing a dedicated drop off area both for parents and buses to assist in alleviating known congestion problems at that part of Sterrix Lane during busier periods.

A detailed landscaping scheme has been submitted with the application, which includes dedicated green spaces and outdoor teaching areas.

The issues raised are as follows:

1. The impact of the proposals on the amenity of nearby residents and other adjoining uses.

2. The design and layout of the proposal including the building, landscaping ,external parking areas and security, and the impacts in respect of highway safety and the effect on the flow of traffic to Sterrix Lane.

3. The level of parking proposed and the extent to which other non-car related uses is encouraged by the proposal.

4. Environmental issues including contamination, air quality, flooding/drainage issues, renewable energy.

5. The effect of the proposals on Urban Greenspace and usage.

6. The build schedule and temporary accommodation whilst construction work is carried out, and

7. Other matters

The proposals have already been subject to full community consultation. A total of 3,485 people were invited to a consultation event on 19 November 2008. This included parents, staff and governors of Litherland High School and Bootle High School, and also those of their feeder schools.

A total of 215 residents were included in the exercise, in addition to Ward Councillors.

A presentation was followed by a Question and Answer exercise. The main queries related to security, pedestrian accesses and a number of queries relating to the future education of pupils.

There was a very positive response to the proposals. Generally the approach to the layout and design of the building was welcomed as an imaginative design, and there was a particular praise for the sports facilities.

At the time of writing, and following the expiry of the neighbour consultation period, there has not been a single objection to the application. This is considered to be an excellent reflection of the consultation exercise carried out and suggests a very positive outlook to the school’s redevelopment.

The effect of the proposals on the amenity of nearby residents and other adjoining uses

Policies CS3, EP6, EP7 and H10 are of relevance to the impact of the proposal on nearby residents and uses.

The nearest residential properties are at Nunsford Close to the north and east of the site. They are roughly 80 metres between the building at its nearest and these residential properties. There is no overlooking from the building and shadowing models have been prepared which fully demonstrate that there is no overshadowing of these properties and orientation dictates that there will be no overshadowing of Rowan Park adjacent.

The car parking and drop-off areas are closer to these residential properties, but there is still between 15 and 20 metres separation. Moreover, at busier periods, the main noise is from vehicles on Sterrix Lane as opposed to the parking and turning of vehicles on site. It is not considered that significant amenity issues result for residents.

The outdoor multi use games area (MUGA) would be in the southern corner of the site adjacent to the existing running track and football pitch in the sports park. The noise assessment submitted with the application identifies the school building as protecting Rowan Park School from noise from the MUGA, and the level of noise resulting at Nunford Close would be below that of existing ambient noise levels. The site is already a school and the proposal is not

expected to give rise to significant additional impacts on residents over and above those presently experienced.

The car park and footpath will be externally lit using a variety of 6 metre high columns. No issues arise with regard to glare or light spill issues for neighbouring residents.

2. Design and layout of the building and external areas

School Building Concept

The building is positioned in the eastern corner of the site in sharp focus from both approaches to the site from Sterrix Lane. The building is of two/three storey construction and will be a simple brick and glass structure. Buff brick will be used for the ribbon, smooth blue for the bar and the atrium is primarily glazed forming the link between the two.

The design concept has evolved over time and significant discussion has taken place involving a representative of the CABE design group. Their representative has commented that the building offers an imaginative use of the site and offers the landmark building envisaged by the original brief.

The design will offer a degree of distinctiveness offering a good balance between giving the school a new and vibrant identity whilst employing a palette of materials and finishes which are consistent with materials used in the locality, in particular having regard to Rowan Park, whilst providing a readily identifiable distinction between the varied functions of the school.

Site Layout

The school is constructed adjacent to the existing to be demolished buildings. All service access would be provided from a new road directly linking to Boundary Road. The service road allows easy access to the dining and energy centre areas to the eastern side of the bar. The proposed MUGA is in the southern corner of the site.

Car parking and vehicle drop off areas are accessed via Sterrix Lane and is on the northern most corner of the site. An in/out access arrangement is to be provided to ensure there is no disruption internally whilst enabling traffic to flow freely along Sterrix Lane. The car park is set back from Sterrix Lane to offer a ‘green frontage’. Access to the site for staff and pupils is from Sterrix Lane. There is no conflict sort vehicle users and pedestrians.

The layout is clear and well considered, providing external areas and circulation that will be of significant advantage to all users. This is seen as consistent with the principles of Policy DQ1 and advice contained in PPS1.


The rationalising of all school activity presents a major opportunity to reduce footprint and present a single building of substance in a prominent position. The built form as described above is distinctive and visually appealing.

There is a feeling of openness and welcoming derived from the spacing of the built form away from boundaries and the breaking down of the buildings mass through the features previously described. The scale of the building is appropriate


The application has been accompanied by a Secure by Design Statement and discussion has taken place with Police. The concept of the single building and its layout minimises the extent of secluded, enclosed areas around it

Internal shutters are to be provided where the school building in effect forms the site boundary, i.e. the non-fenced areas adjacent to Sterrix Lane. Lighting is provided where appropriate and one area is provided with CCTV (yard area to the rear).


The landscaping concept is critical to the success of the scheme. This needs to provide a welcoming environment for all users whilst contributing to wider visual amenity.

The setting of the school in proximity to the coast has given rise to a specific theme, taking a cue from the harbour, beach, dunes and water which informs on choices of colour, seating, materials, and undulation to ensure dune habitats within soft play areas. A wind turbine is also presented but this is not a specific working turbine but a reference to the coastal wind farm.

The scheme is designed to encourage biodiversity and a pond is to be provided at the northern corner of the site to form a main wildlife area including a bird table and bird feeding poles. A ‘grow your own’ allotment area is also included.

The proposal has the support of Sport England who consider that the school will not suffer from a direct loss of sports pitches, and similarly, the green spaces provided within the scheme will ensure that the proposals are not at odds with wider policy objectives.

There will be a range of boundary treatments around the site, which have been discussed with the Architectural Liaison Officer. All fencing around the site is to be of low key weld mesh, of varied heights some of which takes up the coastal theme with a wave variety provided.

The entrance plaza to the school would be entirely open save for an area of tree planting within a soft landscaped setting. The landscaping strategy is ambitious .

The specific number of trees required by the scheme is 317 based on 219 for floor area and 98 to accommodate the 49 to be removed. Not all of these can be provided within the site nor would this be advisable given the open theme of the landscape and the potential security implications. The shortfall will be accommodated on land adjacent to the new service road and on land fronting Boundary Road within the Council’s domain. The plans detailing the overall provision are at the time of writing being finalised, and will be presented at the meeting.

Subject to clarification on a number of points, the scheme is compliant with UDP Policies CS3, DQ1 and DQ3.

3. The impacts in respect of highway safety and the effect on the flow of traffic to Sterrix Lane, and the level of parking proposed and the extent to which other non-car related uses are encouraged by the proposal

As described, pedestrian and vehicular access to the site is from Sterrix Lane and an in out arrangement is proposed for the car park with a drop off area designed to prevent vehicles waiting on Sterrix Lane causing blockage at busy times.

A total of 115 car parking spaces are proposed - 100 for staff, 15 for visitors and 6 of these are disabled. The footpath to the north eastern boundary is being improved, upgraded and rerouted to secure the shortest possible pedestrian accesses to the school. Covered cycle parking will also be provided for both pupils and staff, and a total of 13 motorcycle spaces are provided.

Assessment on the above matters will be reported in full by way of late representation.

4. Environmental matters


The Environmental Protection Director had prior to the application advised the applicant that there would be no requirement for a formal contaminated land assessment on the site. However in response to a concern raised by the Environment Agency, a condition is attached to safeguard against a situation where contamination is uncovered during construction works and to ensure that appropriate remediation is secured. This will ensure there is no conflict with Policies EP2 or EP3 of the Sefton UDP.

Air quality

The main issue in respect of air quality relates to the proposed biomass boiler. The Environmental Protection Director has raised no objection and it is not considered that the changes to traffic flow will have direct air quality implications.The scheme to this extent complies with Policy EP2 of the Sefton UDP.

Flooding/drainage issues

A Flood Risk Assessment has been submitted. The Environment Agency have been consulted in full and no objection has been raised. The scheme has also been reviewed by United Utilities. The overall development is effective in reducing developed area by 25% and large areas which are currently impermeable will be reverted to permeable areas. Additionally, the scheme will provide surface water run-off areas around the school, and rainwater harvesting It is considered that the scheme will not contravene Policies EP8 or DQ5.

Renewable energy

A biomass boiler is the chosen solution in respect of renewable energy. In the position proposed, the flue will have little visual impact nor will it compromise the overall design objective whilst providing a minimum of 70% of the annual heating load. It is emphasised that the wind turbine on site is for educational purposes and not to assist in the overall provision of renewable energy.

The scheme is compliant with Policy DQ2 in this respect.

5. The effect of the proposals on the Urban Greenspace and usage

The proposal seeks to develop existing Urban Greenspace but for the same purpose as is presently the case. There is a need to ensure that all development of greenspace involves environmental improvement and enhancement. In this case, this is achieved .The area given over to undeveloped greenspace increases significantly as a result of the footprint being reconsidered. There is significant additional new tree planting to assist visually and with biodiversity. There are no nature conservation interests of acknowledged importance on site,

The repositioning of the school and widening of the footpath brings improved links within the wider Netherton greenspace system. It also reduces the proliferation of small, unusable spaces that exist at present.

The proposal is in these respects entirely consistent with the aims and objectives of Policies G1, G2, G3 and G5.

6. The build schedule and temporary accommodation whilst construction work is carried out

The scheduled opening of the school is 2011. Part of the main building will be demolished, resulting in reduced teaching accommodation. The initial demolition will be where necessary having regard to the footprint of the proposed building, to enable that existing to be used for as long as remains practicable, and to minimise the requirement for temporary accommodation.

Part of the temporary accommodation will be on the existing school car park but the remainder will be in a less prominent position behind the existing school buildings.

Temporary classrooms will be located in the central courtyard to as far as can be expected afford uninterrupted teaching for children during the construction period.

The temporary accommodation will be required on site as of 15 June 2009.

All access to the site for construction purposes will be from the new service yard access road adjacent to the Sports Park. This solution is the best available to minimise disturbance for residents. A Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) will be produced for the scheme and is added by condition.

7. Other matters

There is a telecommunications mast on the existing school which will be removed at a later stage of the demolition process described above. This will not require replacing in the vicinity as the necessary coverage is achieved by a recently permitted installation at Gorsey Lane.

There are no issues with regard to utility provision.

The proposal is a departure from the UDP given that the site is Greenspace. Since the application is by Sefton Council the application should be referred to GONW before determination.

Contact Officer: Mrs S Tyldesley Telephone 0151 934 3569

Case Officer: Mr S Faulkner Telephone 0151 934 3081