Divergence Time Estimation in Cichorieae (Asteraceae) Using a Fossil-Calibrated Relaxed Molecular Clock

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Divergence Time Estimation in Cichorieae (Asteraceae) Using a Fossil-Calibrated Relaxed Molecular Clock Org Divers Evol (2013) 13:1–13 DOI 10.1007/s13127-012-0094-2 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Divergence time estimation in Cichorieae (Asteraceae) using a fossil-calibrated relaxed molecular clock Karin Tremetsberger & Birgit Gemeinholzer & Holger Zetzsche & Stephen Blackmore & Norbert Kilian & Salvador Talavera Received: 1 April 2011 /Accepted: 7 May 2012 /Published online: 5 June 2012 # Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik 2012 Abstract Knowing the age of lineages is key to understand- sequences has been established, shedding new light on ing their biogeographic history. We aimed to provide the phylogenetic relationships within the tribe, which had not best estimate of the age of Cichorieae and its subtribes based been detected so far. Cichorieae possess echinolophate pol- on available fossil evidence and DNA sequences and to len grains, on the surface of which cavities (lacunae) are interpret their biogeography in the light of Earth history. separated by ridges. These lacunae and ridges show patterns With more than 1,550 species, the chicory tribe (Cichorieae, characteristic of certain groups within Cichorieae. Among Asteraceae) is distributed predominantly in the northern the fossil record of echinolophate pollen, the Cichorium Hemisphere, with centres of distribution in the Mediterra- intybus-type is the most frequent and also the oldest type nean region, central Asia, and SW North America. Recently, (22 to 28.4 million years old). By using an uncorrelated a new phylogenetic hypothesis of Cichorieae based on ITS relaxed molecular clock approach, the Cichorieae phyloge- netic tree was calibrated with this fossil find. According to the analysis, the tribe originated no later than Oligocene. * K. Tremetsberger ( ) The species-rich core group originated no later than Late Institute of Botany, Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research, Oligocene or Early Miocene and its subtribes diversified no University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, later than Middle/Late Miocene or Early Pliocene—an Gregor Mendel Straße 33, eventful period of changing geological setting and climate 1180 Vienna, Austria in the Mediterranean region and Eurasia. The first dispersal e-mail: [email protected] from Eurasia to North America, which resulted in the radi- : K. Tremetsberger S. Talavera ation of genera and species in North America (subtribe Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología, Microseridinae), also occurred no later than Middle or Late Facultad de Biología, Universidad de Sevilla, Miocene, suggesting the Bering land bridge as the route of Avenida Reina Mercedes, 41080 Seville, Spain dispersal. : : B. Gemeinholzer H. Zetzsche N. Kilian Keywords Bering land bridge . Lactuceae . Miocene . Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Oligocene . Pollen evolution . Uncorrelated relaxed Freie Universität Berlin, Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8, molecular clock 14191 Berlin, Germany B. Gemeinholzer Introduction Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, AG Spezielle Botanik, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 38, 35392 Gießen, Germany Knowing the age of lineages at all levels in the hierarchy can be an important tool with which to discriminate between S. Blackmore competing biogeographic hypotheses, relate cladogenesis of Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20a Inverleith Row, lineages to environmental changes, and understand the pace Edinburgh, EH3 5LR Scotland, UK of morphological change. Generations of botanists have 2 K. Tremetsberger et al. tried to correlate phases of evolutionary expansion and molecular genetic processes in ways that may mislead phy- phases of stasis of species with Earth events based on logenetic inference (Álvarez and Wendel 2003). The main general considerations about the sequence of geological problem is the existence of paralogous loci in many plant events that might have promoted expansion or stasis. An genomes, which are derived from a duplication event outstanding example is Babcock’s(1947) work on Crepis (Álvarez and Wendel 2003). For example, Fehrer et al. (Asteraceae), which integrated distributional, geological, (2007) have found incongruences in the topologies of the and paleobotanical data as well as vegetational history. ITS tree and the chloroplast matK and trnT–trnL trees of Recently, approaches implementing relaxed molecular Pilosella hawkweeds (Cichorieae), which suggest interge- clocks on phylogenetic trees using fossils or geological neric hybridization events between ancestral lineages that vicariance for calibration have become available for dating resulted in cytoplasmic transfer (chloroplast capture; Riese- nodes of interest. However, molecular clock estimates are berg and Soltis 1991). Such events might have happened in often associated with several sources of error (Graur and other groups of Cichorieae as well. Because ITS is not Martin 2004). Constraining nodes in a phylogenetic tree by affected by chloroplast capture, it should reflect true phylo- geological events risks circularity in biogeographic analy- genetic relationships better than a chloroplast sequence in ses, because it already assumes that those events caused the the case of frequent hybridization, though concerted evolu- divergence, rather than testing temporal coincidence (Renner tion is known to homogenize ITS copies, making them more 2005). Nevertheless, by using a critical approach to molecular similar to one or the other parent after hybridization dating, this approach can be relevant for discriminating be- (Álvarez and Wendel 2003; Baldwin et al. 1995). However, tween biogeographic hypotheses (Renner 2005). Recent dat- ITS provides the best hypothesis of phylogenetic relation- ing studies carried out in animals and plants span tetrapods ships in Cichorieae at the moment. In many cases, previous (Hugall et al. 2007), lissamphibians (Marjanović and Laurin taxonomic groupings have been confirmed by ITS (e.g. the 2007), caviomorph rodents and platyrrhine primates (Poux et Scorzonera alliance; Kilian et al. 2009). When different al. 2006), thoracican barnacles (Pérez-Losada et al. 2004), relationships are revealed, morphological, anatomical, or Gnetum (Won and Renner 2006), Leguminosae (Lavin et al. other evidence that corroborates the inferred relationships 2005), asterids (Bremer et al. 2004), and Pistia (Araceae; can often be found (e.g. the presence of oil ducts and latex Renner and Zhang 2004). canals in the roots of Gundelia and Warionia, which other- The chicory or dandelion tribe (Cichorieae, Asteraceae) wise has been reported only from two Cichorieae genera; comprises more than 1,550 species distributed in ~100 mor- Kilian et al. 2009). phologically defined genera (Bremer 1994). Cichorieae are The aim of this study was to obtain the best estimate of predominantly northern Hemisphere plants, with concentra- the minimum age of the tribe Cichorieae and its subtribes, tions of genera and species in the Mediterranean area, cen- which, as a member of Asteraceae, represents one of the tral Asia, and, to a lesser extent, SW North America (Bremer characteristic temperate plant groups, by employing the 1994). Most Cichorieae occur in dry or moderately humid available fossil pollen record and ITS sequences. Concom- areas and some inhabit mountains, but they are mostly itantly, we also explore the effect of topological uncertain- absent from the humid tropics (Bremer 1994). Kilian et al. ties in dating. This study intends to provide a time (2009) have extended the traditional delimitation of Cichor- framework for more detailed biogeographic analyses of the ieae on the basis of molecular data to accommodate the tribe and its subtribes and genera, such as the widely dis- genera Gundelia and Warionia, hitherto variously placed, tributed Hieracium, Lactuca, Sonchus and Taraxacum,or e.g. as sister to Cichorieae in their own tribe Gundelieae (Karis genera with disjunct distributions in North America and et al. 2001; Panero and Funk 2002;Funketal.2004, 2005). Eurasia (e.g. Askellia, Crepis, Nabalus). Cichorieae sensu Kilian et al. (2009), together with the tribes Arctoteae, Liabeae, and Vernonieae, form the clade Cichor- ioideae s. str., which is believed to have an African origin Materials and methods (Funk et al. 2004, 2005). In a parsimony optimization analysis of the Asteraceae supertree, Funk et al. (2005)alsoinferaN DNA sequences African-Mediterranean origin of Cichorieae, from where they are thought to have repeatedly spread into Eurasia. Nested in ITS sequences were generated according to the protocol Cichorieae is a monophyletic radiation in North America described by Enke and Gemeinholzer (2008), using the (Funk et al. 2005; Lee et al. 2003). primers ITS-A and ITS-C for ITS1 and ITS-D and ITS-B A phylogenetic tree constructed from internal transcribed for ITS2 (Blattner 1999).ThesequenceofHypochaeris spacer (ITS) sequences has been adopted as a guide for the patagonica was generated following the protocol described new Cichorieae classification by Kilian et al. (2009). ITS in Tremetsberger et al. (2005), i.e. using primers ITS4 and sequencesareknowntobeimpactedbyanumberof ITS5 (White et al. 1990), with modifications. Additional Divergence time estimation in Cichorieae (Asteraceae) 3 sequences were extracted from EMBL/GenBank. In total, Cichoreacidites and Cichoraearumpollenites correspond to 49 ingroup sequences representing 49 species were included Blackmore et al.’s(1986) Cichorium intybus-type and in the (see Appendix). following we merely refer to this latter type. Reports of ITS1 and ITS2, but not the intermediately located
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    (19) & (11) EP 2 289 348 A2 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION (43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.: 02.03.2011 Bulletin 2011/09 A23K 1/14 (2006.01) (21) Application number: 10179095.4 (22) Date of filing: 24.03.2004 (84) Designated Contracting States: • Jensen, Mogens T AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB GR 8830, Tjele (DK) HU IE IT LI LU MC NL PL PT RO SE SI SK TR • Byrne, Derek Designated Extension States: 2670, Greve (DK) AL LT LV MK • Roepstorff, Allan 2610, Rødovre (DK) (30) Priority: 25.03.2003 DK 200300453 • Thamsborg, Stig Milan 12.08.2003 US 494082 P 2820, Gentofte (DK) 11.08.2003 DK 200301154 • Mejer, Helena 1916, Frederiksberg C (DK) (62) Document number(s) of the earlier application(s) in accordance with Art. 76 EPC: (74) Representative: Høiberg A/S 04722870.5 / 1 610 623 St. Kongensgade 59 A DK-1264 Copenhagen K (DK) (71) Applicant: Aarhus Universitet 8000 Århus C (DK) Remarks: This application was filed on 24-09-2010 as a (72) Inventors: divisional application to the application mentioned • Hansen, Laurits Lydehøj under INID code 62. 8830, Tjele (DK) (54) Methodologies for improving the quality of meat, health status of animals and impact on environment (57) Disclosed is a method and a product of a chicory methods for improving the health status of animals e.g. root product for reducing taint in animals, said method by reducing infections by pathogens in the gastrointesti- comprising feeding to an animal a chicory root product nal tract and to methods for reducing animal caused during at least one day prior to slaughtering the animal.
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