Türkiye-Çin İlişkileri: Çin'in Gözünde Türkiye *

Erkin Ekrem**

Çinliler, Türkiye'yi Göktürkler, Çin'in 173 bin tirajıyla bilinen de dâhil olduğu altı ülkenin gelecek 10 Kore Savaşı, güçlü ordu, Asya ile Av­ Qingnian Cankao gazetesinin baş ya­ yılda yakından izlenmesi gerekmekte­ rupa köprüsü gibi sözcüklerle tanı­ zarı Sun Lizhou, kaleme aldığı “CI- dir. Michael Geoghegan'ın araştırma­ maktaydı. Ayrıca Türkiye, Doğu VETS Altısı'nın Başı Türkiye Yön sına göre, CIVETS grubunda yer alan Türkistan bağımsızlık hareketine des­ Değiştiriyor Mu?" yazısında, Tür­ ülkelerin her birinin çok parlak birer tek veren bir ülke olarak da belirtil­ kiye'nin İslamî geleneğine geri dönüş geleceği vardır. Hepsi de büyük, genç mektedir, özellikle 5 Temmuz Urumçi yaptığını ileri sürmüştür. Çinli yazar, ve artan nüfusa sahiptir. Her biri çe­ olayları sonrası bu kanıt daha da güç­ HSBC CEO'su Michael Geoghegan'ın şitlilik arz eden dinamik ekonomilere lenmiştir. Son yıllarda Türkler oyna­ Nisan 2010'da ortaya attığı CIVETS sahiptir. Ayrıca her biri nispeten siyasi dıkları futbolla da tanınmıştı, 2002 kavramına değinmiş ve Türkiye dâhil olarak istikrarlıdır. En önemlisi söz ko­ FIFA Dünya Kupası elemelerinde Kolombiya, Endonezya, , nusu yükselen yeni güçlerin başarısı dünya üçüncüsü olan Türkiye, gru­ Mısır ve Güney Afrika'dan oluşan CI- nedeniyle Avrupa ve ABD gibi gele­ bun son maçında Çin'i 3-0 yenmişti. VETS grubunun gelecek 10 yılda BRIC neksel ekonomi merkezlerinin mevcut Benzer durum 8 yıl sonra da yaşanmış ülkelerinin (Brezilya, Rusya, Hindis­ etki ve konumları değişebilir. Bazı uz­ ve 2 Eylül 2010'da FİBA 2010 Dünya tan ve Çin) ekonomik büyümede gös­ manlar, CIVETS grubunun yükselme kupası karşılaşmalarında Türkiye-Çin terdiği başarıyı yakalayacağını ihtimalinin mevcut olduğunu ve Tür­ basketbol maçı 87-40 olarak sonuçlan­ belirtmiştir. Türkiye'nin ise her türlü kiye'nin ekonomik anlamda büyüme­ mıştı. ekonomik ve sosyal verileriyle CI- sinin yollarını da göstermektedir. VETS grubunun başına geçtiğini ve Çin basınında bu maç, Çin'in yakın dönemde meydana gelen dış Michael Geoghegan'ın ortaya koy­ utancı olarak tanımlanmıştı. Bunun politika ayarlamasının sermayesi ol­ duğu CIVETS kavramı ilgi çekmeye yanında Türkiye'nin ekonomisinin duğunu ileri sürmektedir. Sun Liz- devam etmektedir ve söz konusu kav­ yükselişi ve izlediği bölgesel politika, hou'nun, Türkiye'yi yakından takip ramı anlamak için yapılan yorumlar Çinlilerin nezdinde Türkiye'nin böl­ eden bir yazar olarak Türkiye Ermeni ve araştırmalar da mevcuttur. Batı gesel bir güç olduğunu ortaya koy­ Tasarısına Kızdı, ABD Hükümeti Yan­ kaynaklı analizlerde CIVETS grubu­ muştu. Bazıları bunu Türklerin gını Söndürdü (9 Mart 2010), Darbe Te­ nun, dünyanın geleceğini etkileyeceği ihtirasa olan hevesi olarak nitelemek­ şebbüs Balyozu Türkiye Siyasetini Altüst ileri sürülürken, bazı Çinli uzmanlara tedir. Bazı Çinli gazeteciler, Çinlilerin Etti (27 Şubat 2010) ve Türkiye Başba­ göre, CIVETS kavramı tamamen 'un restoranlarında kandırıl­ kanı Erdoğan Her Zaman Aşırıdır (21 ABD'nin ve BRIC ülkelerinin etkisini dığını ve taksiciler tarafından enayi Temmuz 2009) gibi yorum yazıları kırmak için ortaya atılmıştır; bu da gibi dolandırdığını Çin basınına yan­ vardır. ABD'nin ekonomik yayılmacılığının sıtmaktadır. Fakat Çinliler Türkiye'yi hedef alınacağını göstermektedir. Misk kedisi anlamına gelen CI- tanıdıkça, Türkiye hakkındaki yorum­ Çinli uzmanlar CIVETS kavramını, VETS, Türkiye dâhil Kolombiya, En­ ları ve araştırmaları da çoğalmaya baş­ spekülasyon güdüsünün ürünü olarak donezya, Vietnam, Mısır ve Güney lamıştır. tanımlamaktadır. Afrika ülkelerinin adlarının ilk harfle­ Baş yazar Sun Lizhou, Türkiye'nin Türkiye: Yükselmekte Olan rinden oluşan ve yükselmekte olan yeni güçlere verilmiş bir kavramdır. CIVETS grubundaki liderlik konu­ Güç Söz konusu kavram ilk defa 26 Kasım munu da değerlendirmiştir. Türkiye, Çinlilerin gözünde Türkiye de 2009'da yayımlanan The Economist 76, 8 milyon nüfusuyla dünya on ye- yükselmekte olan güçlerin arasında­ dergisinde yer almıştır. Nisan 2010'da dincisidir, CIVETS grubunda Endo­ dır. Türkiye'nin nüfus yapısı ve küre­ HSBC CEO'su ve ekonomist Michael nezya'dan hemen sonra ikinci sel ekonomik krize direnebilen Geoghegan, 'da Amerikan sıradadır; diğer ekonomik ve sosyal ekonomik gücü, Çinlilerin ilgisini çek­ Ticaret Odası'nda yaptığı konuşmada göstergeleri de Türkiye'nin CIVETS mektedir. CIVETS grubunda yer alan CIVETS kavramını resmen tanımla­ grubundaki liderlik durumunu gös­ Türkiye, ekonomik büyümesi ve is­ mıştır ve Michael Geoghegan'a göre, termektedir. Dünya Bankası ve tikrarı sağlamış borsası nedeniyle ya­ BRIC ülkelerinin son on yılda göster­ IMF'nin döviz kuruyla yaptığı hesap­ tırıma uygun bir ülke olarak dikleri dinamik büyümenin ardından, lamalarda, Türkiye'nin gayri safi yur­ değerlendirilmektedir. CIVETS olarak anılan ve Türkiye'nin tiçi hâsılası (GSYİH) uluslararası

fikir SAYI: 7/2011 31 Erkin Ekrem - Türkiye-Çin İlişkileri: Çin'in Gözünde Türkiye

sıralamada on yedincidir (Çin ikinci yüksek teknoloji alanında kayda değer devam etmiştir. Ancak son iki yıldan sıradadır), CIVETS grubunda ise bi­ bir şey yoktur. 2008 yılının rakamına beri Türkiye, Ortadoğu meselelerinde rinci sıradadır. Satın alma gücü pari- göre, Türkiye'de nüfusun %17.11'i giderek bağımsızlık politika izlemeye tesi hesaplamasına göre Türkiye'nin hâlâ yoksulluk sınırının altında yaşa­ başlamıştır. Yani Türkiye, kendi ko­ GSYİH, IMF'nin sıralamasında on al­ maktadır. Son yirmi yıldan beri Türki­ numunu yeniden düşünmektedir. Sun tıncı, Dünya Bankası'nın sıralama­ ye'nin ekonomik büyümesi %6'nın Lizhou, The Economist dergisindeki 10 sında on beşincidir (Çin birincidir), üzerindedir, ancak 1994, 1999, 2001 Haziran 2010 tarihli bir yazıya daya­ yani Türkiye, CIVETS grubunda da ve 2009 yıllarında negatif büyümeler narak, Türkiye'nin İsrail ve İran üze­ birincidir. Ayrıca Türkiye'nin kişi ba­ yaşanmıştır. 2009 yılı ekonomik bü­ rindeki tutumundan dolayı dış şına GSYİH da CIVETS grubunda bi­ yüme oranı -5.6%, sanayi büyüme politikasının Batı ile ayrışma yoluna rincidir ve askerî harcamaları hızı % -11.8 ve ticaret açığı 25 milyar gittiğini belirtmektedir. Yani Türkiye dünyanın on altıncısı olup yine CI- dolardır. aslında uluslararası sistemdeki yerini VETS grubunda birinci olarak yerini tekrar düşünmektedir. Sun Lizhou, Sun Lizhou'ya göre, Türkiye'nin almıştır. Türkiye'nin dış politika ayarlamasını, bölgesel büyük güç olmasının önün­ Türkiye'nin milli konumunu yeniden 15 Ağustos'ta yayımlanan News- deki eksikler sadece bunlardan ibaret düşünmesinin yansıması olarak de­ week dergisinde yer alan Dünyanın En değildir, aynı zamanda sınır anlaş­ ğerlendirmiştir. Uzun yıldan beri kim­ İyi 100 Ülkesi listesinde Türkiye 52, mazlıkları ve etnik sorunlar da söz ko­ lik sorunu Türk milletini sıkıntıya Güney Afrika 82, Kolombiya 62, En­ nusudur. Ege Bölgesinde, Türkiye ile sokmaktadır. Bir yanda, Türkler ken­ donezya 73, Vietnam 81 ve Mısır 74. Yunanistan arasında toprak, karasu­ dilerinin Avrupa ile Asya'yı bağlayan sırada yer almıştır. Newsweek dergi­ ları ve hava sahası alanında anlaşmaz­ coğrafi konumundan gurur duymak­ sinin ekonomi, siyaset, sağlık ve lıklar vardır. Türkiye'nin desteklediği tadır, diğer yandan, milli tarih teme­ hayat kalitesi gibi kriterleri dikkate Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti hiçbir lindeki sorunları, yani eski bir alarak yaptığı sıralamada Çin, 59. sı­ devlet tarafından tanınmamıştır. Tür­ göçmen halkından kurulmuş ülkesi radadır. Sun Lizhou'ya göre, Türki­ kiye ile Ermenistan arasındaki sınır olarak Türk halkı, Ege medeniyeti ile ye'nin hizmet sektörü GSYİH'nın hâlâ kapalıdır. Suriye ve Irak, Türki­ Orta Asya bozkır medeniyeti arasında %61'i, sanayi sektörü %25, 6'sı ve ye'nin, Fırat Nehri'nin yukarısında gidip gelmektedir; toplumsal düşünce tarım sektörü ancak % 9, 3'ünü oluş­ baraj inşa etmesinden memnun değil­ bakımından ise İslâmî gelenekleri ile turmaktadır. Bu rakamlara göre Tür­ lerdir. CIA'nin 2008 yılındaki tahmin­ laiklik ve modernleşme arasında du­ kiye, gelişmiş ülkelerin oranına lerine göre Türkiye'deki Kürt nüfusu raksama yaşanmaktadır. Son yıllarda yakındır. Türkiye'nin nüfusunun %99, % 18'dir, Türk ordusu ile PKK mili­ İslâmî kökeni olan Adalet ve Kal­ 8'i Müslüman'dır ve NATO'nun tek tanları arasındaki savaşlar yıllardır kınma Partisi (AK Parti) nin iktidara Müslüman üyesidir. Batı ile Müslü­ devam etmekte, bu da Türk ordusu­ gelmesiyle, bu tür duraksamalar ye­ man dünyası arasında köprü rolünü nun ABD'den sonra NATO'da ikinci sı­ rini dinî geleneklerine bırakmaktadır. üstlenmiş olan Türkiye'nin uluslar­ rada olmasını sağlamaktadır. CIA'nin Yani Türkiye'nin dış politikasındaki arası konumu, CIVETS grubunun 2005 yılındaki tahminine göre, Türki­ değişiklikler, iktidara gelen AK Parti diğer beş ülkesiyle kıyaslanamayacak ye'nin askerî harcamaları GSYİH'nın ile ilgilidir. avantaja sahiptir. % 5, 3 payını oluşturmaktadır, bu Ancak başyazar Sun Lizhou, Tür­ oran NATO üye ülkeleri arasında en Türkiye, hızlı ekonomik büyü­ kiye'nin önemli bir güç olmasında yükseklerden biri olarak gösterilmek­ mesi, Rusya ile Ortadoğu pazarlarına bazı engeller olduğuna dikkat çek­ tedir. girmesi ve büyük yatırım çekmesi ile birlikte siyasî ve dış politikada yaşa­ mektedir. Türkiye yüz ölçümü olarak Çinlilerin gözünde Türkiye de dığı değişiklikleri en çok Batılılar his­ ancak dünyanın 37. sırasındadır, bu yükselmekte olan güçlerin arasında­ setmiştir. Bazıları, Türkiye'deki bu da Türkiye'nin bölgesel büyük güç dır. Türkiye'nin nüfus yapısı ve küre­ olma hırsı ile uyuşmamaktadır. Türki­ değişiklikleri radikal dönüşüm olarak sel ekonomik krize direnebilen ye'nin ekonomisi geleneksel tarım ka­ nitelemeye çalışmaktadır. Çinli uz­ ekonomik gücü, Çinlilerin ilgisini çek­ rışımı ile modern sanayi ve ticaretin manlar da bu değişiklikleri gözlemle­ mektedir. CIVETS grubunda yer alan karışımıdır; işgücünün %30'u tarım iş­ mektedir. Bazı gazeteciler, Türkiye, ekonomik büyümesi ve is­ leri ile meşguldür. Türkiye'nin en Türkiye-İsrail ilişkilerinin gerginleş­ tikrarı sağlamış borsası nedeniyle ya­ büyük sanayi sektörü tekstil ve kon­ mesini inceleyerek, Türkiye dış politi­ tırıma uygun bir ülke olarak feksiyondur ve uluslararası pazar­ kasının yön değiştirdiğini ileri değerlendirilmektedir. larda ciddi rekabet ile karşı karşıyadır. sürmektedir. Çinli uzmanlara göre, Türkiye'nin yüksek sesle Ortadoğu iş­ Diğer sektörleri, özellikle otomotiv ve Türkiye'nin Dış Politika elektronik sanayisi hızlı bir gelişme lerine karışması zaten bölgenin kar­ sergilemektedir ve ihracat payı tekstili Stratejisi Değişiyor maşık durumunu daha da belirsiz geçmiş durumdadır. Ancak endüstri Baş yazar Sun Lizhou'ya göre, hale getirmektedir. İran, Suriye ve işgücünün 1/3'i hala tekstil sektörün- Türkiye, 1950'li yıllarında NATO'ya Hamas gibi oyuncularla yakın ilişki­ dedir. Genel olarak, endüstriyel yapısı üye olmuş, sonra önemli dış politika leri ve İsrail'e karşı sergilenen düş­ itibarıyla Türkiye geridedir, özellikle konuları da ABD ile uyumlu olarak manca tutum, Türkiye-ABD

32 fİkİr SAYI: 7/2011 Türkiye-Çin İlişkileri: Çin'in Gözünde Türkiye - Erkin Ekrem ilişkilerini etkilemektedir. Türkiye es­ Urumçi olayları sonrası Pekin Hü­ rıca Çin'i Tanıma: Türkiye (Experience kiden ABD ile dosttu, şimdi ise bu iliş­ kümeti Uygurlara yönelik ekonomik China) faaliyetleri Ekim 2010'da An­ kiler düşmanlığa dönüşmektedir. Çin açılım projesini hazırlamış ve Mayıs kara, İstanbul ve Kayseri olmak üzere tarafı, Türkiye ile Avrupa ülkeleri ara­ 2010'da proje uygulama aşamasına üç şehirde başlatılacaktır. Bu faaliyet sındaki ticaret miktarının nispeten girmiştir. Çin Hükümeti bu ekonomi siyaset forumu, ekonomi forumu, Çin azaldığını ve Doğu ülkeleriyle ticaret açılımını Xingjiang'ın (Doğu Türkis­ azınlıklarının dans ve şarkıları, Çin ilişkilerinin arttığını gözlemlenmiştir. tan) 2020 yılına kadar kalkınma ham­ film haftası, Çin TV haftası, Türk ga­ Türkiye'nin son yıllarda Doğu'ya yö­ lesi ve uzun vadeli istikrarını sağlama zetecilerin Çin ziyaretleri, Çin gazete­ nelik siyasî ve ekonomik ilişkilerini olarak nitelemiştir. Çin Hükümeti'nin cilerin Türkiye ziyaretleri, yazarların arttırması, Batı ülkelerinin endişelen­ hedefi, iki aşamalı olarak 2015 yılına diyalogları, kitap bağışları ve Çin mesine sebep olmaktadır. kadar Doğu Türkistan'ın kişi başına yemek festivalleri gibi on alanda ger­ Aslında Çin de Türkiye'nin dış po­ düşen GSYİH'sını ulusal ortalamasına çekleşecektir. Çin'in Türkiye'ye yöne­ litikasının Batı'dan Doğu'ya dönüşün­ ulaştırmaktır, kentsel ve kırsal sakin­ lik çıkartmalarının; Çin'in den endişelidir, ancak sebebi Batılılar lerin geliri ve kişi başına kamu hiz­ Türkiye'deki imajını düzeltmek, ikili gibi değildir. Çin, öteden beri Türki­ metlerinin kapasitesini Çin'in batı ilişkileri güçlendirmek ve Türkiye'deki ye'nin Asya-Pasifik bölgesine ve Orta bölgelerinin ortalama seviyesine çı­ Doğu Türkistan etkisini azaltmak gibi Asya'ya girmesini istememektedir, bu karmaktır. 2020 yılına kadar Çin, ge­ nedenle Türkiye'nin Şanghay İşbirliği amaçları olduğu açıktır. liri ile paralel olarak orta refahlı Orgütü'ne üye olmasına da sıcak bak­ Yükselmekte olan Çin'in Tür­ toplumu inşa etmektedir. Şu anda mamaktadır. Bunun nedeni de, Türki­ kiye'deki geleceğe yönelik yatırımları­ ye'nin Orta Asya ve Asya-Pasifik'e Doğu Türkistan'ın kalkınması için nın bunlarla kalmayacağı aşikârdır. dönmesiyle birlikte Çin'in bölgesel Çin'in gelişmiş 19 eyaleti, sermaye ve Çin'in Avrasya politikası olan Yeni jeopolitik çıkarlarını ve güvenliğini et­ teknik bakımından destek vermeye İpek Yolu Köprüsü Projesi'nin gerçek­ kileme olasılığıdır; özellikle Doğu Tür­ başlamıştır. Ancak bu hedefi tutura- leşmesi, yani Avrasya bölgesinde si­ kistan meselesinin arkasında bilmesi için Doğu Türkistan'ın ekono­ Türkiye'nin bulunduğu görüşünün mik büyümesi yüksek oranda yasî, ekonomi ve güvenlik hâkim olduğu Çin'de, Türkiye'nin As­ olmalıdır. Doğu Türkistan ya da alanlarındaki çıkarlarını sağlayabil­ ya'ya dönüşü endişe verici olarak al­ Uygur sorunu sadece iktisadi kalkın­ mesi için Doğu-Batı enerji boruhatları, gılanmaktadır. Buna yönelik Çin, maya bağlı değildir, beraberinde top­ demir yolları, kara yolları ve hatta daima Türkiye'nin AB üyeliğini des­ lumsal ve siyasal reform da hava yollarını bağlaması gerçekmek- teklemişti. gerekmektedir. tedir. Bu amaca ulaşabilmede, Türki­ Türkiye'nin, kendine özel jeostra- ye'nin işbirliği olmadan olmazdır; Pekin Hükümeti'nin Urumçi olay­ tejik konumundan dolayı, çevre böl­ Çin-Türkiye arasındaki bölgelerde iş­ ları ile beraberinde geliştirdiği Doğu gelerindeki siyasal, ekonomi ve birliğini kurabilecek en iyi aday Tür­ Türkistan'a yönelik ekonomik açılımı­ güvenlik dengelerinin değişmesi ile kiye'dir, yani Çin, Orta Asya ve nın amacı, bölge halkının merkezi hü­ ulusal çıkarları etkileneceği gibi, söz Ortadoğu'daki çıkarlarının sağlanması kümete olan tepkisini azaltmak ve konusu alanlardaki değişiklikler de konusunda Türkiye'ye ihtiyaç duy­ yurtdışındaki Doğu Türkistan teşkilat­ çevre ülkelerin ulusal çıkarlarına tesir maktadır. Diğer bir önemli çıkar ise larının uluslararasındaki etkisini kır­ edecektir. Doğu Türkistan'ın istikrarıdır, yani maktır. Böylece Çin, mevcut ulusal bölgenin kalkınması ve istikrarı için kalkınmayı korumak ve kalkınmanın Çin'in Türkiye Çıkartması Türkiye'nin yapıcı desteğine ihtiyaç zemini olan güvenlik ve istikrarını sağ­ Türkiye-Çin diplomasi ilişkileri 40. vardır. Çin'in en hassas ve yumuşak lamaya çalışmaktadır. Dışa yönelik ise yılına yaklaşmaktadır, ancak siyasî, karnı olan ve yeraltı ile yerüstü zen­ Türkiye gibi Uygur meselesi ile ilgile­ ekonomi ve uluslararası ile bölgesel iş­ ginlikleri ile bilinen Doğu Türkistan nen ülkelerin tepkisini azaltmaktır. birliği ilişkileri beklendiği düzeye ula­ bölgesinin istikrarı, Çin'in kalkınma şamamıştır. Özellikle 5 Temmuz Bu bağlamda Çin'in Türkiye poli­ ve güvenlik gibi ulusal çıkarlarını ilgi­ Urumçi olayları, ikili ilişkileri dö­ tikası da yavaş yavaş ortaya çıkmaya lendirmektedir. Bu bağlamda Türki­ nemsel olarak olumsuz etkilenmiştir. başlamıştır. Urumçi olayları sonrası ye'nin Doğu Türkistan üzerinde etkisi Türkiye'nin Uygurlar üzerindeki tu­ Çin'in diplomatik çabaları belli dü­ olduğunu algılayan Çin Hükümeti, tumu Çin'de şok etkisi yaratmıştı. zeyde sonuç vermiştir, Türkiye'nin de daha cesur kararlar alarak Doğu Tür­ Ancak 5 Temmuz Urumçi olayları ikili ilişkileri düzeltme gayretleri bu kistan'ın Türkiye ile olan ilişkilerini sonrası her iki ülkenin diplomatik yet­ sonuca varılmasına katkıda bulun­ geliştirmek için ekonomi politikası uy­ kililer, gerginleşen ikili ilişkilerini dü­ muştur. Bunun yanı sıra Çin'i daha iyi gulamaya başlamıştır. zeltmek için büyük gayret sarf anlayabilmesi için China Today dergisi­ * www.gokbayrak.com etmişler ve ilişkiler normalleşmeye nin Türkçe versiyonu Eylül 2010'da başlamıştır. Türkiye piyasasına sürülmüştür. Ay­ ** Doç. Dr., SDE Uzmanı

fikir SAYI: 7/2011 33 Articles and Abstracts in English

yenifikir s a y i: 7/2011 j 73 Articles and Abtracts in English

The Tears of Somalia*

By Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Prime minister of the Republic of

Turkey is redoubling its efforts to help end this suffering. We consider camps. We tried to give hope and en- end the suffering of the Somali people. this solidarity a humanitarian obliga- courage people who live in very diffe- The world should followSomalia is tion toward the people of Somalia, rent conditions from ours. We took suffering from the most severe dro- with whom we have deep historical note of the lack of such a high-level ught and famine in the last 60 years, relations. Many of our institutions, visit from outside of Africa to Somalia which has already resulted in the de- NGOs, and people of all ages have for the last 20 years, and informed the aths of tens of thousands of people made an extraordinary effort to all- international community of this fact. and endangers the lives of 750, 000 eviate the suffering of women and Turkey has decided to launch a more Somalis. This crisis tests the no- children in Somalia. We are proud of major humanitarian effort to help res­ tion of civilization and our modern va- the sensitivity and cooperation displa- tore normalcy to Mogadishu. To this lues. It reveals, once again, that it is a yed by the Turkish people during the end, we are preparing to provide as- basic human obligation to pursue in- holy month of Ramadan. In the last sistance in the fields of health, educa- ternational cooperation and solidarity month alone, approximately $280 mil- tion, and transportation. We will to provide solace for those suffering lion worth of donations for Somalia inaugurate a 400-bed hospital, pro- from natural and man-made disasters. were collected in Turkey. The Turkish vide garbage trucks for the streets of people's generosity has served as an It is not realistic to consider Soma- example to other donor countries as Mogadishu, build a waste-disposal fa- cility to burn the accumulated garbage lia's plight as caused solely by a severe well as the international community, natural disaster. We cannot ignore the offering hope for the resolution of the in the streets, pave the road between fact that, in addition to the drought, crisis in Somalia. Mogadishu's airport and the city cen- the international community's deci- ter, renovate the parliament and other sion to leave Somalia to its own fate is The Turkish government has also government buildings, dig water also an underlying factor causing this moved decisively to help alleviate this wells, and develop organized agricul- drama. Twenty years of political and humanitarian crisis. Turkey took the tural and livestock areas. Our em- social instability, lawlessness, and initiative to hold an emergency mee- bassy, which will be opened in chaos have added enormously to the ting of the executive committee of the Mogadishu shortly and headed by an problems in Somalia. The horrifying Organization of Islamic Cooperation ambassador who is experienced in the truck bombing of the Transitional Fe­ (OIC) at the ministerial level on Aug. field of humanitarian aid and familiar deral Government's ministerial com- 17. At this meeting, which was atten- to the region, will coordinate these ac- plex on Oct. 4 is just the latest evidence ded by the president of Somalia and tivities. of this. The international community high-level representatives from 40 By supporting the restoration of must not respond to this act of terro- member countries of the OIC, $350 million was committed to help relieve peace and stability efforts, we will rism by retreating from Somalia, but the famine in Somalia, and the parti- work with the Transitional Federal by redoubling its efforts to bring aid to cipants agreed to increase this amount Government and other institutions in its people. to half a billion dollars. The Turkish Somalia in order to launch the deve- Nobody with common sense and Red Crescent is also standing shoulder lopment process of this shattered co- conscience can remain indifferent to to shoulder with international aid or- untry. To this end, we expect all such a drama, wherever on Earth it ganizations and is working to meet the Somali authorities to demonstrate an may be and whichever people have to needs of those in all the camps in the extraordinary effort in unity, integrity, bear it. Our urgent intervention as res- Mogadishu region. and harmony. ponsible members of the international Following the emergency meeting The success of aid operations is di- community can contribute to the all- of the OIC executive committee, I -- rectly linked to the establishment of eviation of the Somali people's dis- along with a number of Turkish mi- security. The withdrawal from Moga- tress. However, the establishment of nisters, some members of parliament, dishu of armed elements in the al-Sha- lasting peace and stability will only be bureaucrats, business people, artists, bab organization is clearly a positive possible through long-term, far-reac- and families -- visited the country on development for security in the re- hing, and coordinated efforts. Aug. 19 to tell the people of Somalia gion. But this is not sufficient. Moving Turkey mobilized last month to that they are not alone. We visited the the Somali-related U.N. offices cur-

Foreign Policy, OCTOBER 10, 2011

yenifıkir sa y i: 7/2011 75 rently located in Nairobi to Moga- order, and prosperity in return for nal humanitarian efforts and global at- dishu will be a positive step to support peace. tention on the plight of the region. Ho- this process and one that should be wever, this situation will only be The military contribution provided taken without delay. sustainable if we continue to be sensi- by Uganda and Burundi within the tive to the needs of the Somali people. Neighboring countries such as Et- Mission in Somalia hiopia and Kenya bear a special res- (AMISOM) to prevent chaos and ter- The tears that are now running ponsibility regarding the restoration ror deserves appreciation. With this from Somalia's golden sands into the of peace and stability in Somalia. The opportunity, I would like to issue a Indian Ocean must stop. They should Intergovernmental Authority on De- call to all neighboring countries, in- be replaced by hopeful voices of a co- velopment and the African Union will cluding Eritrea, to increase their exis- untry where people do not lose their also share this responsibility, and Tur- ting efforts for the establishment of lives because of starvation and where key supports them in their tasks. In peace and security in Somalia and to they express their eagerness to deve- line with the Djibouti peace process, enhance long-term regional stability. lop and restore peace and stability. Re- Somalia's Transitional Federal Go- In Turkish culture, it is believed gardless of which culture we come vernment should intensify efforts at that something good will come out of from or where we live, I am confident reconciliation by maintaining dialo- all bad experiences. In Somalia, too, that our common heritage as human gue with all fighting groups and this disaster can mark the beginning of beings will motivate us to ease the suf- pledge prosperity, brotherhood, a new process by focusing internatio- fering of Somalia

The Destabilization Of Syria And The Broader Middle East War*

by Michel Chossudovsky

What is unfolding in Syria is an The destabilization of Syria and Le- a chat. Yes, we were still on track for armed insurrection supported covertly banon as sovereign countries has been going against Iraq, he said. But there by foreign powers including the US, on the drawing board of the US- was more. This was being discussed as Turkey and Israel. NATO-Israel military alliance for at part of a five-year campaign plan, he least ten years. Armed insurgents belonging to Is- said, and there were a total of seven lamist organizations have crossed the Action against Syria is part of a countries, beginning with Iraq, then border from Turkey, Lebanon and Jor- "military roadmap", a sequencing of Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Soma- dan. The US State Department has con- military operations. According to for- lia and Sudan. firmed that it is supporting the mer NATO Commander General Wes- ...He said it with reproach--with insurgency. ley Clark--the Pentagon had clearly disbelief, almost--at the breadth of the identified Iraq, Libya, Syria and Le- The United States is to expand con- vision. I moved the conversation away, banon as target countries of a US- tacts with Syrians who are counting on for this was not something I wanted to NATO intervention: a regime change in the country. hear. And it was not something I wan- "[The] Five-year campaign plan [in- ted to see moving forward, either. ... I This was stated by U.S. State De- cluded]... a total of seven countries, left the Pentagon that afternoon deeply partment official Victoria Nuland. "We beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Le- concerned." started to expand contacts with the banon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Syrians, those who are calling for The objective is to destabilize the Sudan" (Pentagon official quoted by change, both inside and outside the Syrian State and implement "regime General Wesley Clark) country, " she said. change" through the covert support of In "Winning Modern Wars’’ (page Nuland also repeated that Barack an armed insurgency, integrated by Is- 130) General Wesley Clark states the Obama had previously called on lamist militia. The reports on civilian following: Syrian President Bashar Assad to ini- deaths are used to provide a pretext tiate reforms or to step down from "As I went back through the Penta­ and a justification for humanitarian in- power." (Voice of Russia, June 17, gon in November 2001, one of the se- tervention under the principle "Res- 2011) nior military staff officers had time for ponsiblity to Protect".

* Global Research Articles

76 fikir SAYI: 7/2011 Articles and Abtracts in English

Media Disinformation The Role of Turkey casually dismissed as irrelevant. Tacitly acknowledged , the signifi- The center of the insurrection has AP. Thousands of supporters of Syrian cance of an armed insurrection is casu- now shifted to the small border town President Bashar Assad carry a 2, 300- ally dismissed by the Western media. of Jisr al-Shughour, 10 km from the metre-long Syrian flag in a demonstration If it were to be recognized and analy- Turkish border. in Damascus on Wednesday. sed, our understanding of unfolding Jisr al-Shughour has a population While the Syrian regime is by no events would be entirely different. of 44, 000 inhabitants. Armed insur- means democratic, the objective of the What is mentioned profusely is gents have crossed the border from US-NATO Israel military alliance is not that the armed forces and the police Turkey. to promote democracy. Quite the op- are involved in the indiscriminate kil- posite. Washington's intent is to even- Members of the Muslim Brother- ling of civilian protesters. Press reports tually install a puppet regime. hood are reported to have taken up confirm, however, from the outset of arms in northwest Syria. The objective through media disin- the protest movement an exchange of formation is to demonize president Al gunfire between armed insurgents and There are indications that Turkish Assad and more broadly to destabilize the police, with casualties reported on military and intelligence are suppor- Syria as a secular state. The latter ob- both sides. ting these incursions. jective is implemented through covert The insurrection started in mid There was no mass civilian protest support of various Islamist organiza- March in the border city of Daraa, movement in Jisr al-Shughour. The tions: which is 10 km from the Jordanian bor­ local population was caught in the Syria is run by an authoritarian oli- der. crossfire. The fighting between armed garchy which has used brute force in rebels and government forces has con- The Daraa "protest movement” on dealing with its citizens. The riots in tributed to triggering a refugee crisis, March 18 had all the appearances of a Syria, however, are complex. They which is the center of media attention. staged event involving, in all likeli- cannot be viewed as a straightforward hood, covert support to Islamic terro- Muslim Brotherhood Rebels at Jisr quest for liberty and democracy. There rists by Mossad and/or Western al Shughour Photos AFP June 16, 2011 has been an attempt by the U.S. and intelligence. Government sources the E.U. to use the riots in Syria to pres- In contrast, in the nation's capital point to the role of radical Salafist gro­ sure and intimidate the Syrian leaders- Damascus, where the mainstay of so- ups (supported by Israel) hip. Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, and cial movements is located, there have the March 14 Alliance have all played a Other reports have pointed to the been mass rallies in support rather role in supporting an armed insurrec- role of Saudi Arabia in financing the than in opposition to the government. tion. protest movement. President Bashir al Assad is casu- The violence in Syria has been sup- What has unfolded in Daraa in the ally compared to presidents Ben Ali of ported from the outside with a view of weeks following the initial violent clas- Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak of . taking advantage of the internal tensi- hes on 17-18 March, is the confronta- What the mainstream media has failed ons... Aside from the violent reaction tion between the police and the armed to mention is that despite the authori- of the Syrian Army, media lies have forces on the one hand and armed tarian nature of the regime, president been used and bogus footage has been units of terrorists and snipers on the Al Assad is a popular figure who has aired. Money and weapons have also other which have infiltrated the protest widespread support of the Syrian po- been funnelled to elements of the movement. pulation. Syrian opposition by the U.S., the The large rally in Damascus on E.U....Funding has also been provided What is clear from these initial re- March 29, "with tens of thousands of to ominous and unpopular foreign- ports is that many of the demonstra- supporters" (Reuters) of President Al based Syrian opposition figures, while tors were not demonstrators but Assad was barely mentioned. Yet in an weapons caches were smuggled from terrorists involved in premeditated unusual twist, the images and video Jordan and Lebanon into Syria. (Mahdi acts of killing and arson. The title of the footage of several pro-government Darius Nazemroaya, America's Next Israeli news report summarizes what events were used by the Western War Theater: Syria and Lebanon? happened: Syria: Seven Police Killed, media to convince international public http://globalresearch.ca Buildings Torched in Protests. opinion that the President was being /index.php?context=va&aid=25000, confronted by mass anti-government Global Research, June 10, 2011) (See Michel Chossudovsky, rallies. SYRIA: Who is Behind The Protest Mo­ The joint Israel-Turkey vement? Fabricating a Pretext for a US- On June 15, thousands of people military and intelligence NATO "Humanitarian Intervention", rallied over several kilometers on Da- http://www.globalresearch.ca mascus' main highway in a march hol­ agreement /index.php?context=va&aid=24591 ding up a 2.3 km Syrian flag. The rally The of this process of Global Research, May 3, 2011) was acknowledged by the media and destabilization are far-reaching. Tur-

fikİr SAYI: 7/2011 77 key is involved in supporting the re- borders." no doubt be coordinated under the bels. joint Israel-Turkey military and intelli- gence agreement. The Turkish government has sanc- Already during the Clinton Admi- tioned Syrian opposition groups in nistration, a triangular military alli- exile which support an armed insur- Dangerous Crossroads: The ance between the US, Israel and gency. Turkey is also pressuring Da- Broader Middle East War Turkey had unfolded. This "triple alli- mascus to conform to Washington's ance", which is dominated by the US Israel and NATO signed a far-reac- demands for regime change. Joint Chiefs of Staff, integrates and co- hing military cooperation agreement Turkey is a member of NATO with ordinates military command decisions in 2005. Under this agreement, Israel a powerful military force. Moreover, between the three countries pertaining is considered a de facto member of Israel and Turkey have a longstanding to the broader Middle East. It is based NATO. joint military-intelligence agreement, on the close military ties respectively If a military operation were to be which is explicitly directed against of Israel and Turkey with the US, co- launched against Syria, Israel would Syria. upled with a strong bilateral military in all likelihood be involved in military relationship between Tel Aviv and An­ ...A 1993 Memorandum of Unders- undertakings alongside NATO forces kara..... tanding led to the creation of (Israeli- (under the NATO-Israel bilateral ag- Turkish) "joint committees" to handle The triple alliance is also coupled reement). Turkey would also play an so-called regional threats. Under the with a 2005 NATO-Israeli military coo- active military role. terms of the Memorandum, Turkey peration agreement which includes A military intervention in Syria on and Israel agreed "to cooperate in gat- "many areas of common interest, such hering intelligence on Syria, Iran, as the fight against terrorism and joint fake humanitarian grounds would and Iraq and to meet regularly to share military exercises. These military coo- lead to an escalation of the US-NATO assessments pertaining to terrorism peration ties with NATO are viewed led war over a large area extending and these countries' military capabili- by the Israeli military as a means to from North Africa and the Middle East ties." "enhance Israel's deterrence capability to Central , from the Eastern Me- regarding potential enemies threate- diterranean to China's Western frontier Turkey agreed to allow IDF and ning it, mainly Iran and Syria." (See with Afghanistan and Pakistan. Israeli security forces to gather elect- Michel Chossudovsky, "Triple Alli- ronic intelligence on Syria and Iran It would also contribute to a pro- ance": The US, Turkey, Israel and the from Turkey. In exchange, Israel as- cess of political destabilization in Le- War on Lebanon, August 6, 2006) sisted in the equipping and training of banon, Jordan and Palestine. It would Turkish forces in anti-terror warfare Covert support to armed insur- also set the stage for a conflict with along the Syrian, Iraqi, and Iranian gents out of Turkey or Jordan would Iran.

The Futility of Green Capitalism*

by Daniel Tanuro

Daniel Tanuro's new book, L'impos- mate crisis that fail to challenge the ditional material elaborating his cen- sible capitalisme vert, or "The Futility of profit drive and accumulation dyna- tral thesis that climate degradation Green Capitalism", is a major contribu- mic of capital. Much of the book ap- cannot be dissociated from the “natu- tion to our analytical understanding of pears to be a substantially expanded ral" functioning of capitalism as a ecosocialism. update of a report by Tanuro adopted system and that a valid “emancipatory Tanuro, a Belgian Marxist and cer- in 2009 by the leadership of the Fourth project" to confront and overcome the tified agriculturist, is a prolific author International as a basis for internatio- impending crisis must recognize na- on environmental history and policies. nal discussion. That report was tran- tural constraints and aim for a funda- slated by Ian Angus and included in mental redefinition of what we mean Addressed primarily to the Green his anthology The Global Fight for Cli- by social wealth. milieu, as the title indicates, this book mate Justice. is a powerful refutation of the major Among the topics of particular in- proposals advanced to resolve the cli- Tanuro's book includes much ad- terest to readers are extended critiques

* Climaandcapitalism.com/January 17, 2011

7 8 1 yenifîkir sayi: 7/2011 Articles and Abtracts in English of popular writers on climate crisis her the global action of the numerous with the obligation to abandon the use ranging from Jared Diamond to Hans and competing capitals that constitute of fossil fuels almost completely in ba- Jonas and Herve Kempf, as well as his Capital can respect ecological cycles, rely two generations. If we exclude critical assessment of the contributions their rhythms, and the speed by nuclear power — and it must be exc- of Marxist writers such as John Bel- which natural resources are reconsti- luded — this means, in Europe for lamy Foster and Paul Burkett. Tanuro tuted. example, dividing by about one half makes a compelling case against many the final consumption of energy, That is the sense in which my book ill-conceived nostrums such as the Si­ which is possible only by reducing to poses the question and it answers in erra Club's campaign for immigration a substantial degree the processing the negative. My main argument is controls, or such cost-efficiency based and transportation of material. that competition impels each owner of market mechanisms as carbon trading capital to replace workers by more The transition to renewables and and ecotaxes. productive machines in order to ac- reduction in energy consumption are A major feature of the book is its hieve a superprofit greater than the linked and necessitate major invest- cogent explanation of how Marxist average profit. ments which are inconceivable if the value theory explains the ecological decisions remain subordinate to the Productivism is thus at the heart of crisis and points to its solution. He dogma of cost efficiency. The alterna- capitalism. As Schumpeter said, “a ca- also addresses what he considers a tive to cost efficiency can only be de- pitalism without growth is a contra- major deficiency in Marx's ecology, an mocratic planning focused on social diction in terms." Capitalist inadequate appreciation of the crucial and ecological needs. And such plan- accumulation is potentially unlimited, implications of capitalism's reliance on ning in turn is possible only by brea- so there is an antagonism between ca- non-renewable fossile-fuel resources. king the resistance of the oil, coal, pital and nature, as the latter's reso­ This aspect is explored in detail in Ta- gas, automobile, petrochemicals, urces are finite. It may be objected that nuro's article “Marxism, Energy, and naval and aeronautic construction mo- the productivity race leads capital to Ecology: The Moment of Truth, " pub­ nopolies, for they want to burn fossil be increasingly resource efficient, as lished in the December 2010 issue of fuels for as long as possible. expressed for example by the obser- Capitalism Nature Socialism. ved decrease in the quantity of energy Climate change is at the center of We hope that this outstanding necessary for the production of a per- your book. You interpret this change book will soon be published in English centage point of GDP. But this ten- as a "climate tipping" [basculement and other languages. dency to increased efficiency climatique]. What do you mean by obviously cannot be prolonged indefi- tipping, and why do you consider it In the following interview, Daniel nitely in a linear way, and empirically to be otherwise more disturbing than Tanuro outlines some of the major the- we find it is more than offset by the a mere change? mes in the book. My translation from growing mass of commodities that are the French, A propos du capitalisme D.T.: The expression “climate produced. Green capitalism is there- vert./Richard Fidler changes" (and I do mean changes, in fore an oxymoron, like social capita- * * * the plural) suggests the repetition of lism. climate variations analogous to those This observation opens a debate in the past. But between now and the Concerning Green between two opposing strategic con- end of the century, in a few decades, Capitalism ceptions. For some, the spontaneously the Earth's climate risks changing as Daniel Tanuro, you are the aut- ecocidal functioning of capitalism can much as it has during the 20, 000 years hor of L'impossible capitalisme vert, be corrected through political action that have elapsed since the last Ice published by Les empecheurs de within the system by resorting to mar­ Age. There is now no doubt that we penser en rond/La Decouverte. You ket mechanisms (taxes, fiscal incenti- are not very far from a “tipping point" are also the founder of the NGO "Cli- ves, tradable emission rights, etc.). beyond which it will no longer be pos- mat et justice sociale." What is "green For others, including me, our policy sible to prevent the eventual melting capitalism"? must be to break with capitalism be- of the icecaps formed 65 million years cause if the environment is to be saved ago. The word “tipping" is indispu- D.T.: The expression “green capi- it is absolutely indispensable to chal- tably more adapted to describing this talism" may be understood in two dif- lenge the fundamental laws of capita- reality than the word “changes"! The ferent ways. A producer of wind lism. This means daring to challenge speed of the phenomenon is unprece- turbines may boast that he is engaged private property of the means of pro- dented and poses a major threat, for in green capitalism. In this sense — in duction, the foundation of the system. many ecosystems will be unable to the sense that some money is invested adapt. This applies not only to the na- in a “clean" sector of the economy — a In my opinion, the debate between tural ecosystems but also, I fear, to form of green capitalism is obviously these two lines is decided in practice some ecosystems engineered by possible and quite profitable. But the by the example of the struggle against human beings. real question is whether capitalism as climate change. In the developed capi- a whole can turn green, that is, whet- talist countries, we are confronted Look at what is happening in Pa­

yenifîkir sa y i: 7/2011 j 79 kistan: designed by the British coloni- emerging from the tragedy in Pakis­ mented by the public sector and under zer to serve their imperialist interests, tan. the control of the local population. the water management mechanisms of You think the countries of the You advocate a social ecology the Indus using dams and dikes which South should "skip" the fossil which you call ecosocialism. What is supply an extensive irrigation system energy stage in managing their deve- an ecosocialist? And how does he or are proving inadequate in the face of lopment and go directly to that of re- she differ from a "plain and simple" exceptional floodwaters. And this risk newable energies. What is your ecologist or socialist? is increasing because the warmer cli- answer to those who object that re- mate disrupts the monsoon regime D.T.: An ecosocialist differs from newable energies are not (technically and increases the violence of the an ecologist in that he analyzes the and quantitatively) able to do this? downpours. “ecological crisis" not as a crisis of the D.T.: I tell them they are wrong. relationship between humanity in ge­ It seems to me illusory to hope that The solar energy flow that reaches the neral and nature but as a crisis of the this race will be won by reinforcing surface of the earth is equivalent to 8 relationship between an historically the existing infrastructures, as the to 10 thousand times the planet's determined mode of production and and the big capitalist gro- energy consumption. The technical its environment, and therefore in the ups specializing in public works pro- potential of renewable energies — that last analysis as a manifestation of the pose. Instead of building dikes it is, the share of that theoretical poten- crisis of the mode of production itself. would be more reasonable to restore tial that is usable through known tech- In other words, for an ecosocialist, the the flexible management of water le- nologies, independently of cost — ecological crisis is in fact a manifesta- vels that was practiced prior to coloni- tion of the crisis of capitalism (not to zation. That is what is proposed by the represents 6 to 18 times the world's International Rivers Network: allo- needs, according to estimates. It is cer- overlook the specific crisis of the so- wing floods to clear the sediment and tain that this technical potential could called “socialist" societies, which prevent the silting up of the basin, fee- increase very rapidly if the develop- aped capitalist productivism). A result ding the Delta, stopping deforesta- ment of renewables were finally to be- is that, in his fight for the environ- tion, accommodating zones liable to come an absolute priority in energy ment, an ecosocialist will always pro- flooding, etc. research policies, which it is still not pose demands that make the at present. The transition to renewab- connection with the social question, But that requires a complete over- les certainly poses a host of complex with the struggle of the exploited and haul of the mechanisms over more technical problems, but there is no oppressed for a redistribution of we- than 3000 km, with major implicati- reason to think they are insurmoun- alth, for employment, etc. ons for territorial management, agri- table. cultural policy, urban policy, energy However, an ecosocialist differs production, etc. Socially, such an The major obstacles are political. from the “pure and simple" socialist, overhaul, to be achieved in two or One: without exception, renewable as you say, in that, for him, the only three decades (that is, very quickly for energies remain more expensive than anticapitalism that is valid today is work of such scope!), means challen- fossil energies. Two: the transition to one that takes into account the natural ging the power of the landed oli- renewables is not the same thing as limits and the operational constraints garchy and the development changing fuel at the pump: it is neces- of the ecosystems. This has many im- programs that the IMF and World sary to change the energy system. That plications: a break with productivism Bank impose through the debt. And requires enormous investments and, and consumerism, of course, within this debt must be canceled or else the at the beginning of the transition, the perspective of a society in which, reconstruction will be heavily mortga- these will necessarily be consumers of the basic needs having been satisfied, ged and the country strangled, in fossil energy and therefore additional free time and social relations consti- danger of entering history as the first generators of greenhouse gas; these tute the real wealth. But also contesta- example of a regressive spiral in which additional emissions must be offset tion of technologies and of harmful global warming mutually links all the and that is why, in the short run, the productions, coupled with the requi- mechanisms of underdevelopment reduction of final consumption of rement of reconversion of the workers. and multiplies their negative effects. energy is the sine qua non condition for Maximum decentralization of produc- a passage to renewables which, once tion and distribution in the framework We see clearly in this how the so- carried out, will open new horizons. of a democratically planned economy cial and environmental questions are is something else that the ecosocialists interpenetrated. In fact, the fight aga- I repeat: there is no possible satis- stress. inst climate tipping requires a policy factory solution without confronting shift toward another model of deve- the dual combined obstacle of capita- One point that it seems to me im- lopment centered on the satisfaction of list profit and growth. This means, in portant to stress is the need to ques- peoples' needs. Without that, further particular, that the clean technologies tion the traditional socialist vision that catastrophes, even more terrible, may controlled by the North must be trans- sees any rise in productivity of agri- well result, and the poor will be the ferred free of charge to the South, on cultural labour as a step toward socia- major victims. That is the warning the sole condition that they are imple- lism. In my opinion this conception

80 yenifikir sa y i: 7/2011 Articles and Abtracts in English does not allow us to meet the require- one hand the struggle of all against all Conclusion: the greater the retreat ments of increased respect for the en- permanently undermines attempts by in worker solidarity in the face of the vironment. In fact, an agriculture and producers to associate; on the other neoliberal offensive, the harder it will a forestry that are ecologically more hand, a significant fraction of produ- be to develop environmental aware- sustainable necessitate more labour, cers — the waged workers — are cut ness among workers. It's a big prob­ not less. To re-create hedges, groves, off from their means of production. lem, because the working class, by its wetlands, to diversify crops and fight The latter, including natural resour- central role in production, is called on for organic produce, for example, im- ces, are appropriated by the bosses. to play a leading role in the fight for plies an increase in the share of social Deprived of any power of decision, the anticapitalist alternative needed to labour invested in tasks of ecological the workers are unable to rationally rescue the environment. Indigenous maintenance. This labour may be regulate anything at all concerning peoples, peasant organizations and highly scientific and highly technical production, let alone rationally regu- youth have an interest in trying to in- — it is not a return to the hoe — but it late interchange with the environ- volve more and more unions in cli- is not easily mechanizable. ment! mate campaigns — increasing collabouration, rank-and-file contacts, That is why I think that a culture of To constitute social beings, produ- etc. Within the labour movement it- “taking care" (I borrow this concept cers must begin to join together in the self, the task is to promote demands from Isabelle Stengers) must permeate fight against their exploiters. This that address the concerns about jobs, economic activities, in particular struggle in an embryonic way points income and working conditions while those that closely affect ecosystems. to the need for collective appropria- helping to reduce greenhouse gas We are responsible for nature. In a tion of the means of production and emissions. way, this means extending the logic collective usufruct of natural resour- that the left applies in the area of per- ces. These in turn are necessary but An important issue in this regard sonal care, education, etc. No socia- not sufficient for a more harmonious is the need for a generalized radical re- lists would argue that nurses should relationship with nature. duction in hours of work without loss be replaced by robots; we are all cons- of pay, with a drastic reduction in the That said, we can answer your cious of the fact that we need more pace of work and additional hiring to question about concrete action by exa- nurses who are better paid so that pa- compensate. Another aspect is the ex- mining how different groups of pro- tients are better cared for. Well! The tension of a public sector under the ducers understand — or don't — the same applies, mutatis mutandis, to the control of workers and users: free, need to rationally regulate the interc- environment: if it is to be better cared first-rate public transportation, pub- hange between humanity and nature. for, there needs to be more labour, in- licly owned energy services, public in- At present, it is striking that the most telligence and human sensibility. Con- sulation and building renovation advanced positions of an ecosocialist trary to the “pure and simple firms, etc. Ecosocialists have a role to type emanate from indigenous peop- socialist", and even though it is diffi- play in promoting the emergence of les and small farmers mobilized aga- cult, the ecosocialist, because he is such demands. inst agribusiness. This is not conscious of the urgency, tries to in- accidental: both groups of producers With L'impossible capitalisme troduce all of these questions into the are not, or not completely, cut off vert, you do not seem to fear being struggles of the exploited and oppres- from their means of production. The- accused of undue alarmism by those sed instead of postponing them until refore they are able to offer concrete who have yet to understand that we after the revolution. strategies for rational regulation of have entered the Anthropocene Era, Many, including myself, are con- their interaction with the environ- and that it is man that is primarily vinced that an effective struggle aga- ment. Indigenous people see the de- responsible for runaway warming, inst climate change necessarily fence of the climate as an additional especially since the industrial era. entails a break from productivist ca- argument in favor of preserving their Doesn't green capitalism, like "sus- pitalism. To this effect, you appeal to precapitalist lifestyle in symbiosis tainable development" and "green- "socialized man, the associated pro- with the forest. washing", reflect a desire to deny ducers." Who are they, and what spe- this responsibility and to "continue As for the Via Campesina peasant cifically can they do? as before"? If we are to abandon pro- movement, it has developed a whole ductivist capitalism, shouldn't we D.T.: You are alluding to the quo- program of concrete demands on the first alter our behavior as consumers tation from Marx that serves as an theme that “the peasants know how to and producers? epigraph to my book: “Freedom ... cool the climate." In contrast, the la­ can only consist in socialized man, the bour movement is lagging behind. D.T.: I am not an alarmist. In my associated producers, rationally regu- This is of course due to the fact that book, I relied almost exclusively on lating their interchange with Na- each individual worker is inclined to the reports of the IPCC which, in tu r e .." We must realize that in Marx's wish for the smooth operation of the terms of the diagnosis on global war- thinking the rational regulation of exc- company that exploits him, in order ming and its possible impacts, appear hanges is conditional on the disappea- to maintain his livelihood. to me, whatever is said about them, rance of capitalism. Indeed, on the to be an excellent summary of “good

yenifikir sayi: 7/2011 j 81 science", subjected to peer review. It ployees can only try to have a say in Of course, a different policy can- is true that the IPCC lags a bit when it management in order to challenge it not pretend that the cost of various comes to recent discoveries, but this and recognize their ability to do better, measures is of no importance: bet- does not change much in its findings. according to criteria other than profit. ween two equivalent strategies to re- This is the dynamic of workers' con- duce emissions, it is reasonable to In fact, I dread the discourse of trol, and ecosocialists should think choose the one that will be of least cost panic and exaggeration. Too often, it about how this old demand may be re- to the community, all other conditions tends to obscure the real threats and visited in order to encompass envi- being equal. But at bottom there must real responsibilities. Climate tipping ronmental concerns. first be a different policy, guided by easily lends itself to eschatology, and criteria other than cost, and especially there is no shortage of gurus to claim In terms of consumption, I think it qualitative criteria. In technical terms, that “the planet is in danger", that is necessary to distinguish between in- an essential criterion is that of energy “life is in danger", that “humanity is dividual changes and collective chan- efficiency at the systemic level. in danger, " that the “photosynthetic ges. All in all, it is certainly better if ceiling" will fall on our heads, or someone who travels by plane offsets The great American ecologist whatnot. All of this is excessive. The his CO2 emissions in one way or anot- Barry Commoner advanced this argu- planet fears nothing, and life on Earth her, but this offset will mainly allow ment more than twenty years ago. It is is a phenomenon so tough that huma- him to buy a good conscience on the thermodynamically absurd, he said, nity, even if it wished, could probably cheap while diverting him from the to transport coal over thousands of ki- not come to an end, even with atomic political struggle for indispensable lometres to produce electricity which, bombs. structural changes. To promote this then conveyed over hundreds of kilo- kind of behavior is to engage in “gre- meters, will be used to heat house- As to our species, climate change, enwashing" and it actually means to hold water, something that can easily by itself, does not jeopardize it. The “continue as before." be done with a solar water heater. In danger it poses is more circumscribed: social terms, a major criterion must be around three billion people risk subs- Collective changes are a different the protection of people and their tantial degradation in their living con- matter. They help to validate another well-being, particularly the protection ditions, and hundreds of millions of possible logic, favour the invention of of the poorest. This criterion today is them — the poorest — are threatened alternative practices, and contribute widely ignored, hence the tragedy in in their very existence. Policy makers to the realization that structural chan- Pakistan, among others. know this and do nothing — or almost ges are necessary, and will come nothing — because it would cost too about through social mobilization. Finally, do you think your ecoso- much, and thus impede the smooth Those changes, such as group purc- cialist project is feasible in the near operation of business. That is the hases of organic produce from far- future? naked reality. mers, or urban community D.T.: The feasibility of this project gardening, are to be encouraged. Too often, catastrophic discourse depends entirely on the balance of for- serves to obscure the potential barba- Can we fight against climate tip- ces between capitalism on the one rism and dilute the issues in a vague ping regardless of the financial and hand, and the exploited and oppres- overall sense of guilt: “Don't waste social costs that it represents? Is it ur- sed on the other. This balance of forces time quibbling about the responsibili- gent to build another model and risk currently favours capital, we should ties, " “we are all guilty, " “we must all jeopardizing the entire society? Bet- not kid ourselves. But there is no third agree to make efforts", etc. Meanw- ween nature and civilization, what way possible: the attempts to save the hile, the energy lobbies quietly conti- choice is there? climate through market mechanisms nue burning coal and oil non-stop. consistently reveal their ecological D.T.: To say that another climate inefficiency and their social injustice. This leads me to the second part of policy would jeopardize the entire so- There is no way other than resistance. your question about changing our be- ciety in the name of some priority of It alone can change the balance of for- havior as producers and consumers. nature over civilization is to stand rea- ces and impose partial reforms poin- Following on what I said earlier, it is lity on its head! What happens in rea- ting in the right direction. worth noting that employees are inca- lity is that the present policy Copenhagen was a first step, a second pable of changing their behavior as jeopardizes civilization while causing was the summit in Cochabamba. Let producers. Who produces, how, why, enormous and irreversible damage to us keep going, let us unite, let us mo- for whom, in what quantities, with nature, which is our common heri- bilize and build a global movement to what social and environmental im- tage. This policy is completely subor- save the climate in social justice. This pacts? In everyday life, only the bos- dinated to the dogma of cost will be more effective than all the lobb- ses have the power to respond to these efficiency, and we see what that pro- ying efforts of those who nourish illu- questions and, ultimately, they res- duces: peanuts. We are heading stra- sions about a green capitalism. pond according to their profits. Em- ight toward the wall.

82 fikir SAYI: 7/2011 Articles and Abtracts in English

The Basic Contradictions in Efforts to Christianise

by Mesut Mezkit [email protected]

It is notable that missionary activi- Missionaries tell people not the by muslim people of our age stem ties in Turkey are gaining speed day real Christianity but the false one from Islam and they reflect discredit by day. These missionary activities are while approaching people. They never on all muslims, that is, they are in a carrying on full speed nearly in all tell about the written Bible; in contrast, struggle to show Islam as a religion of areas in Turkey. Missionaries do their they follow the paths which fit theirs terror. They use any kind of commu- activities so secretly that many people to reach their secret aims. Further- nication to do this. Besides, they des- who do not know what Christianity is, more, they define Christianity as the cribe our lovely prophet with bad especially our teenagers, believe in religion of peace, tolerance, dialogue, words.They do these activities not ab- them. They are in an effort to reach self-sacrifice that serves for people and road, but in Turkey. their goal well by taking advantage of persecuted and deceive people by In this study, we will examine how the good atmosphere which exists in using these words. They claim that the the bibles were falsified and why they Turkey. terorist attacks which were performed were presented in a twisted way.

Everyone Has a Door and This Door Will Be Knocked One Day

by Süleyman Faruk Göncüoğlu İstanbul Center for Studies of History of Culture [email protected]

While going past the mosques moment that the adventure of life and end of life, and the others are of which are in city centres, there is an which starts in a delivery room ends no importance. expression on some of the garden at a funeral.That is why I feel so then. We made the life ordinary at the gates of the mosques: No parking.It is It is interesting that we waited bet- gates of owners of power who are ex- funeral gate.There is a strange feeling ween these two gates and many other inside me when I see it.Suddenly, I sills.We forgot that the real thing lies pected with hope, at the gates of go- feel as if lonely.This is to realise for a in these gates which are the beginning vernment and darling.

Michael Porter's Competitive Forces Research at Course Sector in Denizli

by Celaleddin Serinkan Associate Professor, Pamukkale University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

The aim of this study is to examine approach of strategic management of Michael Porter which is an analysis the current situation of course sector was analysed first, competitive and method.In the parts of result and eva- in Denizli in the aspect of strategic ma- competitive forces were, after- luation some strategic proposal were nagement perspective and to recom- wards.For this reason, for competitive recommended for the sector in the mend strategic proposals in order that force, an evaluation was done related light of evaluation and analyses which the sector develops.To this end, the the sector with the five forces analysis were made in the previous part.

fİkİr SAYI: 7/2011 83 Turkey and Syria: The End of a Strategic Deepness

by Muhammed Nureddin The paper Es-Sefir published in Lebanon

Turkey-Syria relations were expo- in 1998 in security and political fields of a new period that not having possi- sed to a strong shock not only before between Şam and Ankara. The last bility to enframe but having another AKP came to power but also long be- shock, away from being a temporary rules. fore the improvement process starting station, announces us the beginning

The Strategy of Foreign Policy of Malaysia and Turkey

by Abdul Rahman Adam National University of Malaysia, Bangi.

This article searches the potential Malaysia.As an introduction to this the main problems which arise at the at the relations between Malaysia and debate, we have a look at the strate- implementations of these strategies. Turkey in accordance with the pur- gies underlying the orientations of Fo- pose of the 9th Development Plan of reign Policy of Malaysia and discuss

The Relations between Turkey and the Turkic Republics: The Past, Present and the Future

by Rovshan İbrahimov Qafqaz Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi

This article focuses on the relations ginning because of the political ro- In addition to the examinations of between Turkey and the Turkic Re- manticism of both sides. Later the re- these topics, the article also proposes publics. Relations between Turkey and lations, particularly the economic perspectives related to the future rela- the Central Asian Republics, which relations, has gained wider and more tions. had been a disappointment at the be- realistic perspectives. Abstracts Deutsch

yenifikir sa y i: 7/2011 i 85 Deutsch Abstracts

Ein Grundlegender Widerspruch Der Bemühungen Um Die Christianisierung Mesut Mezkit [email protected]

Die Beschleunigung des missiona- Die Missionare, nahert sich unser durch die Aneignung Islam machen, rischen Aktivitaten ist Tag für Tag be- Volk, nicht das Original des Christen- macht alle Muslime schlecht; damit merkenswert in der Türkei. tums; sondern bezieht sich auf das ge- Versucht man zu beweisen, dass die Oberflachenbehandlung bei der falschte. Es wurde Beitrege erwahnt islamische Religion von "Terror" eine Bühne, der alle missionarischen Akti- zur den geschriebene Evangelien; der Religion ist. Um dies zu tun, benach- vitaten in der Türkei sind weiterhin in Weg zur Geheimnisse Ereichung ihre richtet man mit allen Mitteln der Kom- vollem Gang. Die Missionare, Chris­ Ziele ist aber öfter entscheident. Chris­ munikation. Selbst die geliebten tianisierung Aktivitaten, die so heim- tentum wird, "Frieden, Toleranz, Propheten wird mit schlechten Taten tückisch macht hat auf unserm Volk, Dialog, Menschen, die Dienen, vorgestellt. Dies schlecht sprechen vor allem junge Menschen, die nicht Opfer, religiöser Unterdrückten" als wird nicht ausserhalb; sondern in der wissen Christentum zu glauben. Mit Etiketten zu tauschen unseres Volkes Türkei gemacht. In dieser Studie wer- dem Best-Effort, um die Ziele von verwendet. Bis jetzt, den Terror, dass den wir, wie die Evangelien manipu- empfindlichen Umwelt der Türkei zu die Menschen in einigen muslimisc- liert wurden, und untersuchen die erreichen. hen Identitat in ihrer Terrorarbeit Ursache.

Jeder hat ein Tür, jedoch dieses Tür wird in der Glocke geklingelt

Süleyman Faruk Göncüoğlu Cultural History Research Center der Stadt İstanbul [email protected]

Die Moschee im Zentrum der Stadt bis zu Beerdigungstür war mir des Sinn auf der Grundlage der anderen befindet, an den Eingangstüren von Leben für einen Moment bewusst. Der Türen zu vergessen... einigen der Hof ist mit der Tabelle "Be- Moment ist aktuelle Grund für dieses In der Hoffnung erwarteten die je- erdigungs Tor Parken verboten'' be- Gefühl. Es ist interessant, dass viele in nigen in der Regierungs Türen, Tore, kennzeichnet. Es war seltsam in mir, der Tür zwischen den beiden Türen keine Notwendigkeiten, Staatenstü- wenn ich dieses Artikel gesehen habe. gewartet hat. Was ist die Wahrheit, ist ren, zustand bei den Toren der Geli- Ich hatte immer das Gefühl, ganz al- die zwei Türen in den Anfang und das ebten machten wir das Leben selber lein zusein. Ab der Tür von Kreifisaal Ende des Lebens zuverstehen, ohne gewöhnlich.

Denizli Unterrichtsforschung Sektor Der Wettbewerbsfâhigkeit Untersuchung

Celaleddin Serinkan Prof.Dr. Pamukkale Universitet, Wirtschafts-und Verwaltungswissenschaften (İİBF) [email protected]

Das Ziel dieser Studie, Analyse gische Management-Ansatz, dann un- Sektor gemacht. Und Auswertung am der aktuellen Situation aus der Pers- tersucht der Wettbewerb und Wettbe- Ende des vorhergehenden Abschnitt, pektive des strategischen Manage- werbsfahiger werten. Aus diesem in das Licht der Bewertung und ments Sektor in Denizli und Grund, eine der Methoden zur Analyse von strategischen Empfeh- strategische Empfehlungen für die Analyse, war Michael Porter von fünf lungen wurde für den Sektor. Entwicklung des Sektors ist. Auf diese Krafte wettbewerbsorientierten Weise untersuchte zunachst die strate- Analyse und Auswertung auf dem

fİkİr SAYI: 7/2011 87 Trânen Von Somalia Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Premierminister der Republik Türkei

Premierminister Recep Tayyip Er­ keit auf den Mangel. dem Display für die Annahme sicher doğan, einer der führenden Publika- ein Grundbedürfnis des Menschen Somalia; die Gesichter von diesem tionen in den Vereinigten Staaten über Blatt, Zivilisation, moderne Werte, Pflicht noch einmal auf der Vorder- das Drama von Somalia, schrieb in menschliche Werte und all das testen seite zu hingewiesen. Foreign Policy Artikel. Veröffentlicht die Verdienste zu überdenken veran- In Somalia, die resultierende Ta- in der Unterschrift des Ministerprasi- lasst der Ministerprasident Erdogan belle, nur eine Katastrophe, die durch dent Erdogans mit dem Titel ''TR­ darauf hin, dass in diesem Drama, ist NEN VON SOMALİA'' des Artikels der Kampf gegen Katastrophen durch schwere Form der üblichen Interpre- meint Erdogan, dass Somalia in letz- den Menschen auf der globalen Ebene tation einer Situation verursacht nicht ten 60 Jahren das gröfite Dürre und konfrontiert, die Zusammenarbeit, einen realistischen Ansatz, war be- Hungersnot, lenkte die Aufmerksam- Verantwortung und Solidaritat auf merkenswert.

Was sucht Türkei in Syrien? Michel Chossudovsky

Wahrend der Clinton-Administra- und mit den Entscheidungen der Gro- einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Diskus- tion, USA, Israel und die Türkei hatte fien Nahen Osten zu koordinieren. sion darüber, wie es funktioniert. Das einen Militarbündnisses erschienen. Originalmanuskript "Syrien zu desta- Vorbemerkung: Michel Chossu- Richtung des Generalstabs aus den bilisieren, und im ganzen Nahen dovsky Globale Research'te am 17. USA, diese dreifache Allianz zwisc- Osten Krieg" ist ... Juni in Syrien, in der Türkei veröffen- hen den drei Landern untereinander tlicht wurde, bietet dieser Artikel

Türkei und Syrien: Ende der strategischen Tiefe

Muhammed Nureddin Die libanesische Zeitung Al-Botschafter

Türkei-Syrien, nicht nur vor dem Beginn des Heilungsprozesses begon- Rahmen der Abgrenzung nicht mög- Ablauf der AK-Partei an die Macht nen haben, können zu einer viel zu lich ist, gelten andere Regeln für das kam, sondern durch die Sicherheit starken Stöfien ausgesetzt führen. nachste Genaration. und politischen Bereich im Jahr 1998 Letzte Vibrationen, ist aber nur ein zwischen Damaskus und Ankara, der vorlaufiges Ende des Seins über den

Malezyas Ausenpolitik Strategy und der Türkei

Abdul Rahman Adam Internationale Universitat in Malesiya, Bangi

In diesem Artikel, 9. Malaysia De- Türkei. Als Einstieg in diese Debatte, führung dieser Strategien, die wich- velopment Plan Für die (MP 9) um in Malaysia Foreign Policy (NDP) tigsten Fragen zudiskutiert. Zwecke, erforschte mögliche Bezie- zu durchsuchen, und Strategien zug- hungen zwischen Malaysia und der runde liegenden Trends in der Aus-

8 8 fİkİr SAYI: 7/2011 Türkei-China Relations: China in den Augen der Türkei

Erkin Ekrem Prof. Dr., SDE Specialist

Die Chinesen kennen die Türkei der Türkei, die dritte in der Welt sen vor, dass in der Türkei eine regio- mit der Namen Göktürken, Koreak- wurde, besiegte Türkei Chinas mit nale Macht gezeigt. Manche Leute be- rieg, die machtige Armee und wie z. 3:0. Ahnliche Situation wurde auch zeichnen es als ihre Begeisterung für B. Brücke zwischen Asien und Eu- eingetreten nach 8 Jahren und im die Türken. Einige chinesische Journa- ropa. Darüber hinaus ist die Türkei ein 2.September 2010, FIBA WM 2010 listen, die chinesischen Restaurants Land, das die Ost-Turkestan Unab- Spiele, in der Türkei und China Bas- von İstanbul und von Taksifahrer aus- hangigkeitsbewegung zu unterstützen ketballspiel 87-40 geführt hat. getrickst worden sind, haben die in würde, ist ebenfalls angezeigt, vor chinesischen presse veröffentlicht. Chinesische Presse hat diesen allem nach den Ereignissen dieser Be- Aber die Chinesen erhalten in der Tür- Spiel, als Schande von China besch- weise wurde in Urumqi am 5. Juli ges- kei wissen und vermehrten sich mit rieben. Darüber hinaus die Wirtschaft tarkt. In den letzten Jahren die Türken, Bewertung und Forschungen. der Türkei, gefolgt von den Anstieg die auch im Fufiball bekannt sind, der der Regionalpolitik, hatten die Chine- 2002 FIFA WM-Qualifikationsspiel in

Ungültigkeit der grüne Kapitalismus

Daniel Tanuro http://www.internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?auteur54

Tanuro Daniel's neues Buch, L'Im- Umweltpolitik durch ein fruchtbarer Vierten Internationale, im Jahr 2009 possible Capitalisme Wert, oder "Die Schriftsteller. angenommen, um zu dienen als Sinnlosigkeit des grünen Kapitalis- Grundlage für eine Diskussion, Tanu- Das Buch, wie der Titel besagt, ist mus" (Green Capitalism Invaliditat), ros über internationale Bericht scheint besonders grüne Kreise und die Krise bietet Ökosozialismus einen wichtigen eine Fortsetzung der erweitert und ak- des Klimawandels, das Gewinnstre- Beitrag, um die analytische Perspek- tualisiert werden soll. Der Bericht von ben und die Dynamik der Kapital ak- Lan Angus und wurde durch Angus tive. kumulation, um ohne die wichtigsten ''The Global Fight for Climate Justice'' Tanuro ist ein Marxist und ein zer- Vorschlage in eine starke lösug zu ba- übersetzt. (Climatic globale Kampf für tifizierter Spezialist in der belgischen sieren. Die meisten der Inhalt des Buc- Gerechtigkeit) hat die Namen der Ant- Landwirtschaft, Umweltgeschichte, hes ist in der Tat, von der Spitze der hologie aufgenommen.

Der Untergang des U. S. Drug-Client Staaten

Max Fisher The Atlantic

Client-abhangigen Staaten Ameri- Sowjetunion bei den Vereinten Natio- mengebrochen. In der Zwischenzeit kas Liebesaffare, Grofibritannien und nen in diesem Jahr sind veraltet die hatten die Vereinigten Staaten und der Frankreich im Jahr 1956, besetzte den europaischen Kolonialismus, destabi- Sowjetunion in eine andere geopoli- Suezkanal von Agypten bis das Druc- lisiert, und argumentierte, die Kün- tische Spiel begonnen: Staat sucht ken macht den Text nach einer weile digung. Briten und Französische Kunden. Amerika spielt den Spiel fing an zu verlassen (Die Sowjetunion Truppen zogen aus Agypten, und in- heute noch. war ein Meister der Erstellung des nerhalb 10 Jahre war der britischen Kunden-Staaten). Amerika und die und Französisch Imperien zusam-

fİkİr SAYI: 7/2011 89