Global Matters Volume 8 November-December, 2009 the Newsletter for the Center for International and Multicultural Affairs
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TTUHSC Global Matters Volume 8 November-December, 2009 The Newsletter for the Center for International and Multicultural Affairs One is able to see the differences that exist, but those CIMA Welcomes differences may not be as they originally appeared when CIMA perceived from a distance. One also gains exposure to the Keino McWhinney similarities that exist which may not have been considered LECTURES ON beforehand. It is an opportunity to acknowledge the com- WORLD HEALTH to TTUHSC mon threads that tie people together—those fundamental qualities and characteristics that are part of being human FALL 2009 and being a member of society. SCHEDULE* Keino McWhinney joined the staff of TTUHSC in Jul as In the course of answering numerous questions about presidential advisor. It may be more accurate to say he is Jamaica, Keino has noticed that there are some percep- a jack of all trades. In essence he does a little bit of every- tions of Jamaica that aren’t accurate. For instance, a high thing as needed—research, letter writing, speech writing, level of poverty exists in the country and many people are special projects (some that surface at a moment’s notice.) not aware of this. The tourist areas which feature exquisite His various duties fall into a very wide net. He attends white beaches are very different from other areas of the meetings and functions on behalf of the President, serves country. The easy going island life that many people envi- as a liaison for state and federal representatives, and picks sion when they think of Jamaica is not a true reflection of up any overflow of duties and responsibilities undertaken the daily experience of most Jamaicans. In order to get a by the President’s office. Being the advisor to the Presi- better picture one must step away from the tourist setting. dent requires him to be flexible and constantly on the alert. The position is challenging, but it is also very rewarding. It Another misperception is that most Jamaicans wear has given him valuable exposure to many policy and lead- dreads and practice Rastafarianism. In truth, before Bob ership issues that impact TTUHSC, and it has given him a Marley popularized the Rastafarian religion, those who sense of the complexity of HSC as an institution of higher practiced it were viewed as social outcasts. Even today education. some stigma lingers around the Rastafarian lifestyle. Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month Born in St. Thomas, Jamaica, Keino moved to the US in Keino has also found that many people are surprised by Noon CST 2001 after completing High School in Kingston, Jamaica. the ethnic diversity of Jamaica. Although 90% of the popu- ACB 120 He attended Lipscomb University in Nashville where he lation is of African descent there are also other ethnicities received an undergraduate degree in Political Science with inhabiting the island, including people of Chinese and In- September 2 a minor in International Relations. The transition from dian descent. Joaquin Lado MD Jamaica to Music City, USA was very interesting. Al- Endocrinology though he had traveled to New York and Texas prior to Another aspect many people don’t consider when they Lubbock moving to the US he found Tennessee had its own unique- think of Jamaica is the strong British influence that exists. September 16 ness. It took time to settle into the pace of life. Nashville The island was a British colony until its independence in Jamal Islam MD also had a very different racial makeup than he was used 1962. Because of this it has been shaped by the customs Family Medicine to. In addition, he found fellow students made a bigger and values of Great Britain. Everything from people’s Odessa deal than he expected out of the fact that he was the only names to the language spoken (Jamaica is the third largest October 7 Jamaican on campus. Their curiosity about life in Jamaica English speaking country in the Western Hemisphere) has James Dembowski PhD led to endless questions. a touch of British influence. Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences Lubbock After completing his undergraduate degree, Keino moved Since its independence Jamaica’s economy has shifted. to California. He attended Pepperdine University and When the island was under British rule it was an agricul- October 21 earned a Master’s Degree in Public Policy. While attend- tural territory. Sugar cane, bananas, and coffee were German Núñez PhD Vice President ing graduate school Keino had the opportunity to complete grown and exported. While the agriculture industry still International and an internship in the Republic of Georgia with the National plays a role in Jamaican commerce, the open market Multicultural Affairs Democratic Institute. The National Democratic Institute, agreements with Latin America has lessened the world’s Lubbock based in Washington DC, serves as a resource for young dependence on Jamaica’s agricultural exports. Tourism November 4 countries that lack a strong democratic mode of govern- and remittances from Jamaicans living abroad have be- David Fish, CEO ment. Its focus is to provide support and encouragement come the largest source of US dollars and are vital to the Breedlove Foods, Inc. and to offer training in the basics of democracy (i.e. how to country’s economy. Other sources of income include the Lubbock hold an election.) He resided in Georgia for a little over export of bauxite (a mineral used to make aluminum) and November 18 two months. During this experience he gained a sense of the service sector. Part of the income derived from the Patti Patterson MD how history can be both a benefit and a hindrance. History sector comes from the University of the West Indies. The MPH can give people a sense of commonality, connection, Caribbean has a tri-country university system whose three Pediatrics pride, and belonging; but it can also limit a country’s ability major campuses (located in Jamaica, Trinidad and To- Lubbock to move forward. An incident that occurred hundreds of bago, and Barbados) serve the inhabitants of the islands. December 2 years earlier can still create a rift that is not easily healed Keino became a US citizen several years ago and now Tyler Levick, SOM 2012 or overcome. He witnessed the power history can have calls the states his home. & Sixtus Atabong PA and learned it can be beneficial or it can be a heavy weight Purpose Medical around the neck. He does try to travel back to Jamaica at least once a year Mission, Cameroon to visit family members still residing on the island. It’s also *Topics to be Announced Reflecting on his move to the US and the two months he a chance for him to stay connected to his country and lived in the Republic of Georgia, Keino recalls how travel- culture of origin. ing to another country can be an eye opening experience. TTUHSC Global Matters | 2 were able to serve and direct more than 1,000 patients Available Keeping in Touch with conditions ranging from minor cuts to congestive heart Mohit Joshipura, School of Medicine, failure. For those who needed further treatment or investi- from the gation, we were able to provide a medical directive so that CIMA Library Class of 2012, Chairman and they could avail of facilities in the city hospital at no charge. Co-Founder, The Dil Se Foundation Many of the people we met had never seen a doctor in We have recently their lives, and even though there are governmental provi- The Dil Se Foundation added several new sions for basic healthcare at no cost for the underprivileged (Hindi for “from the heart”) and underserved, most of these people are unaware of this items to the CIMA was born in 2006 out of a or live a long way from the city without any means of trans- Library. The follow- watershed fortnight in India port. by a group of college stu- ing books and mov- dents from around the ies are now avail- We continue to make United States. It was a strides every year and able for check-out: socio-cultural trip that al- are rapidly expanding. lowed us to form a vision to We are extremely pas- improve the quality of Books sionate about what we healthcare access and awareness in rural India. do and hope to one day Mountains Beyond have a significant im- The Dil Se Foundation's current primary focus area is the Mountains pact on under served villages surrounding Dehradun, the capital city of the In- by Tracy Kidder communities across dian state of Uttarakhand. Located in north India, the state The true story of Paul India. Being part of this was carved out of Himalayan districts of Uttar Pradesh in Farmer, a physician de- ever-growing organiza- late 2000, and became the twenty-seventh state of the termined to cure infec- tion has significantly impacted my life and sense of per- Republic of India. tious diseases and bring spective. The disparity in medical access, awareness, and the lifesaving tools of resources between rural India and even a sub-par health- Our 4-5 week summer volunteer pro- modern medicine to those care facility in the United States is something that must be gram is currently comprised of two who need them most. seen to be believed. My biggest happiness comes in projects – the Youth Awareness Pro- This account follows Dr. watching us grow and forming a bond with the locals over gram and the Medical Awareness and Farmer from medical a span of three years. On a personal level, it allows me to Outreach Program.