The New Nazarene Hymnal
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BEtslNER LIBRARY Olivet Nazarene Univer KANKAK EE ILLINOIS i.i \X l- iW.Y'jVi THE HEALING OF A HI LENTEN REFLECTIONS THE LOVE COMMAND SPIKES beneath the wood, and falls. The thorns that crush against omniscience almost tear away. But again He stumbles along and now leans on a soldier, who swears under the weight, this inconvenient Friday of a weekend drunk. Another carries the iron that will tie His hands and bid Him war against the gazing legions whose laughter once sizzled the galaxies. as the Roman chooses three spikes We have the from a sack, crusted and rusted with stains. No hurry now, only the weary duty; he lays one cross on our steeples down, a second at the feet, and poises a third between the bones and altars, but of Christ's wrist. As he lefts the hammer, the crowd not in our watches, quiet, distilled. A man coughs. A child sucks hearts and hands. at his mother's breast. The iron rings. — Peter Eldersveld The wrist fixes silently in place, seems to settle and bend against the wood like a broken stick. The Roman takes the second spike, grumbles again about the boredom, lies across His chest, reaches, curses, thrusts for position, then places the tip on the second wrist. The crowd shuffles about. Children pull at parental robes. A cheek is slapped. The iron rings again. Another wrist settles, this one twisted, the fingers slightly bent and twitching. The third spike is driven hurriedly at a command into the feet and into the wood, bending them at odd angles. The Roman rises, wipes his hand, “Father; forgive them; then nods to the others. The din from the crowd rises for they know not as the Cross is raised, the hanging what they do.” weight of Christ like a drum. It is then Christ speaks Luke 23:34 that first crucified cry. — Mark R. Littleton Fine li e x : viewpoint Sing to the Lord BY JERALD D. JOHNSON, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT he printing of a new hymnal is number and together singing the Bible in a garment bag or briefcase. reason for celebration. How printed words in praise to God. It is, Why wouldn’t a young person find T significant that the arrival of of course, part of our tradition. But it inspiration from a hymnal on the Sing to the Lord coincides with the is more. All of us have grown in nightstand? Worship at home with the 1993 General Assembly. A highlight theological understanding and emo children, singing out of the church of our great family gathering in Indi tional maturity by singing the songs songbook, is surely worthy of consid anapolis will be the introduction of of the Kingdom. eration. this latest contribution of the Our new hymnal will contain a Nazarene Publishing House to the number of new songs. It will also spiritual vitality of our churches. have old ones and some that are nei Those of us who have watched the ther old nor new. There will be cho development of the new hymnal from ruses and meaningful Scripture read the sidelines share deep gratitude for ings. It will be contemporary, yet the dedication and skill of everyone For many years faithful to tradition. It promises to who has brought this dream to reality. meet the expectations of all. There has been genuine sensitivity, the Bible and The release of the hymnal. Sing to not only to the needs of the church the Lord, is cause for celebration. It but also to the desires of our people. the hymnal promises to keep us singing well on Questionnaires were sent asking what have been into century 21. To you, Dr. Robert our people wanted in a new hymnal. Foster, and all of your staff at Lil- There has been commitment to the inseparable lenas Publishing Company and theological acceptability of what will Nazarene Publishing House who are be sung in our churches. Finally, our traveling making this event possible, we say publishing house has determined that thanks. We admit to joyful anticipa this book will represent the finest companions for tion for the first copy to come off the craftsmanship in printing and bind press. May God bless your efforts ing. many Christians. abundantly, and ours as well, as we Since its earliest days, our church use this new “means of grace” to as has been identified as a singing sist us in worship and praise to Him. church. This characterizes us today as well. Drop into just about any Church of the Nazarene anywhere and you will see that a significant portion of For many years the Bible and the the worship service is given to con hymnal have been inseparable travel gregational singing. We have consid ing companions for many Christians. erable variety in our song services. This may be an idea for modern be The singing of choruses has become lievers that could greatly enhance very acceptable to many, if not most, personal and family devotions. Who of our people. These are sung with said that hymnals are designed just emotion and enthusiasm. But we are for racks in the back of church pews? convinced that no worship service is The traveling businessperson could complete without all of the people enhance his personal devotional life turning in a hymnal to an announced by tucking a hymnal as well as a March 1993 1 The Association of Nazarenes in Social Work & Nazarene Come on Compassionate Ministries with which to saturate the soul, presents s n ’t it tim e for you to com e hom e? and just how to put me first at the Hope & Healing: Continuing I Haven’t you had enough expense of other people whom the Heritage of Compassion of the world’s shallow gratifica nobody puts first. Some who take tions? the name of Christ seem owned by their ambitions, chained to a H a v e n ’t you had enough c o u n July 23 and 24,1993 success formula, enslaved by the terfeit answers to your heart’s Indianapolis, Indiana hunger for prestige— diseases deep needs? they have caught from our sinful Key Note Speakers: Haven’t you leaned your lad culture. They fill up the ranks of der on the wrong wall too long the Christian jet set. Visit any im Janet Simonson Lanham, Ph.D. already? portant Christian conference and Responding to Survivors of Abuse Aren’t you tired of trying to be you will see them— “dressed a classy sophisticate who knows alike, talking alike, smiling alike, Carmen Renee Berry, M.SAV. about all things timely— progres looking over the shoulders of the Responding to Addictions sive education, career enhance people to whom they are speak- ment, political correct ness, next season’s Michael Mata, M.Div. fashions, and the done Responding to Urban America thing? J ^ r e n ’t you sick of Christian W ho is invited: Are you not tired of having just enough re self-help propaganda that has Social Workers, ligion to make you un taught believers to pursue self Urban Ministers, comfortable at a cock Pastors, Lay Ministers, tail reception and yet fulfillment, exploit sexuality, Survivors, ill at ease in the pres and lose weight? Those in Recovery ence of the Holy? There is a time to come back to simple holy living. ing in order to see who else has Registration information A time to come back to self-con come into the room.”2 Contact: trol, Christian simplicity, and The world has taught us to spiritual discipline energized by reach for the things that matter Elizabeth Bowers, M.S.W. God’s grace. least while neglecting the things Eastern Nazarene College “Now is the time. We have that matter most. Prayer, Bible 23 East Elm Ave been through it all— the grasp study, devotion, and obedience Quincy, MA 02170 617-773-6350, ext. 292 ing, the looking, the searching. have been elbowed to the mar We have lived as people who try gins as Christian self-help propa The ANSW (Association of to serve God and mammon, and ganda taught believers to dress Nazarenes in Social Work) we know now.that it cannot be for success, win through intimi is an auxiliary of Church Extension d o n e."' dation, fulfill themselves, enjoy Ministries/Church Growth Division. Too many Christians have sex, and lose weight. Richard Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, drifted into letting the world tell Baxter’s 17th-century descrip United States/Canada - Church them how to dress, what to drive, tion fits today’s cosmopolite Growth Division/Church of the what songs and entertainment evangelicals like a glove: Nazarene. 2 Herald of Holiness W ESLEY D. TRACY PROFILE Home 1 \ m .1 When we should study God, learned a few lessons, haven't we study ourselves; when we we? “Now we can see . where should mind God, we mind uncontrolled living goes. We ourselves; when we should know the misery. We have felt love God, we love our carnal it.”5 Woodie and Cheryl Stevens selves; when we should trust It is time to come home. Time with children Michelle age God, we trust ourselves; when to stop trying to be citizens of 15, and Geoffrey age 12. we should honour God, we two countries. It is time to stop honour ourselves; and when trying to blend God’s way with NAME: we should ascribe to God, and our own wants and lusts. Come Rev. Woodie J. Stevens, D.Min. admire him, we ascribe to and home to Christian simplicity, dis admire ourselves: and instead cipline, and holiness of heart and of God we would have all life.